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Fandom PJO AU: The Serpent in the Shadows - The Roster



Avery Asaki

Avery Asaki
Age & Birthday:
17 || March 29 2006
Godly Parent:
Avery was born in New York City to a woman named Rory MacCallum and the god Hephaestus. Minutes after Avery was born, their twin brother, Skye was also born. Hephaestus was never in the picture, having left Rory as soon as she became pregnant, something she blames the kids for. As a young child, strange things seemed to happen around Avery. If they threw a fit, the heat in the apartment rose to extremes and candles tended to burn brighter and hotter. At times, Avery would touch hot pans or steaming water by accident and be fine. When Avery was three, Rory, scared by the weird things that seemed to happen around them, abandoned Avery at a fire station.

Avery was adopted by Naomi and Yoichi Asaki from Bolton Landing, New York. The couple was very wealthy and enjoyed sharing their heritage with Avery, teaching them new languages and customs. They took multiple trips every year, to places such as Universal Studios, Disney World, Disney Land and Japan, both to visit family and to go to theme parks there. Avery was their precious child and they were spoiled in love and affection, though their parents were slightly over-protective.

The overprotectiveness didn’t stem from nowhere, and Avery could trace the reason back to when they were 6. They were at a playground with their mother and a large man attempted to kidnap Avery. Their mother was there in a second, pepper-spraying the man who had grabbed her child. The police didn’t take Avery seriously when they said the man was growing before their eyes, or that every time he tried to grab Avery, his hands would burst into flames.
When Avery had trouble learning to read and write and was diagnosed with Dyslexia, their parents didn’t mind much. Nor were they particularly troubled when Avery was diagnosed with ADHD and couldn’t seem to sit still in class. Still, they expected Avery’s best and Avery was determined not to let them down. Their focus on their schoolwork caused something of a rift between Avery and their peers and they didn’t have very many friends.

While it was a struggle to maintain their grades in most subjects, they still maintained an A-average with the help of tutors. Their favorite class was art class, where they either painted with watercolors or used their free-time to design roller coasters and amusement park rides.

Everything in Avery’s life changed when they were 14, however. While at home alone one night, a snake got into the house. At first glance it looked like a normal snake, but as Avery stared at it two things became apparent, first that the snake was swiftly growing in size and second that it was coming right for them. As the snake reared into the air and lunged at Avery, they panicked and suddenly the snake was writhing on the ground in flames. The flames started to spread, and Avery could clearly see how they would burn their house down and even though they knew it was hopeless, they willed the fire to stop spreading. Against all odds, the flames stopped in their tracks and then slowly vanished at Avery’s will.

Except for the smoke in their lungs, Avery was unharmed and spent only a few days in the hospital recovering. The control of the flames unleashed something in Avery and they’ve been fascinated with and afraid of fire ever since. Fascinated because they seem to be able to control it, but terrified of the harm that can be done with it.

A few months after that they were attacked by another monster and, while almost killed, they did survive, accidentally burning down a mall in the process. A satyr found them and told Avery and their parents about Camp Half-blood and demigods. Avery agreed to go to Camp Half-Blood and fell in love with the place. They spent a week and a half in the Hermes cabin before they forged a dagger and Hephaestus claimed them.

After that Avery moved in with the other Hephaestus kids and for a week things went well. They were bonding with their half-siblings and learning new things from them. Then one day, while at the forge, a group of other campers started making fun of and bullying the Hephaestus kids. Avery lost their temper and the fires in the forge exploded with their anger, lashing out at the other campers. In total three campers, one Hephaestus child and two other children, were badly burned and after that the other Hephaestus kids started avoiding Avery, afraid of them and their power, calling it a curse.

The reveal of their pyrokinetic abilities convinced Chiron to talk to Avery and their parents about making Avery a year-round camper. At first Avery’s parents were too thrilled with the idea but Avery, terrified of hurting them by accident at home, talked them around. They call and write often, and Avery even leaves camp to visit them or go on vacation, sometimes taking friends along.

Being at camp was something of an awakening for Avery. Before they were focused only on making their parents proud. They had forced themselves into a prim and proper box, and while they sometimes stepped outside of it, they never really tried to see what they wanted. Soon, away from the desire to constantly make their parents happy, Avery found a disregard for authority and rules and became wild and free. They embraced a more chaotic side of themselves.

When they were 15, Hephaestus chose them for a quest. They were to find his missing hammer and bring it to Dionysus to give to him. It was a simple quest and though they ran into a few monsters, nothing bad happened. They found the hammer in an abandoned water park in New Mexico and quickly returned back to camp. Avery was annoyed that it was something the god could easily do himself and was just pawning it off on his kid as some errand. They weren’t even returning the hammer to him, they were just giving it to Dionysus, who in turn gave Avery a magical tool belt as a reward from Hephaestus.

It’s been three and a half years since Avery first came to Camp Half-Blood and they’ve yet to get a handle on their powers. Their temper has improved, though they still have outbursts. They take baking lessons to try to improve their patience as a way of helping to control their abilities.

The Whisper:
Avery has been having nightmares regularly for the past week. They can't make much out, sinister voices saying things they can't remember, feelings of dread and doom, flashes of blood. They're sure these nightmares will either become more clear or go away in time.
Skills (Non-Magic): Your Non-Magical Skills
  • Between average and excellent swordplay
  • Good mythological knowledge
  • Charismatic
  • High levels of strength
  • Exceptional forging ability
  • Able to build and construct things they imagine, such as wind-up toys, machines and tools
  • Can speak English, Ancient Greek, Japanese and Korean
Magical Powers: Your magical/Demigod Abilities
  • Technokinesis - As a child of Hephaestus, they can control and manipulate machines. Can sense machines, mechanics, or metal. Can identify machinery type and use by touch. Can instinctively know how to use and operate machines such as helicopters, planes, tanks, etc.
  • Can find and sense traps in the ground.
  • Can sense faults in metal ore.
  • Pyrokinesis - Pyrokinetics have been seen being able to create flames, increase the temperature in their proximity, and endure extreme heat without being harmed. Pyrokinesis seems to be a very rare ability among children of Hephaestus, with only a select few ever possessing it. Users can telekinetically control and manipulate any fire or flame, and are able to utilize them in any way imaginable. More experienced users possess complete control over the size, shape, density, temperature, and even color of the flames that they produce, and are capable of burning almost anything. Avery’s pyrokinesis is tied to their emotions for the most part, meaning things tend to get hot when they lose control, though they are working on using their powers without their emotions as a catalyst. Their pyrokinesis additionally grants them: immunity to fire, immunity to heat and the ability to radiate heat from their body but it also makes them weak to Hydrokinesis
  • Enhanced Physicality - The ability of possessing enhanced speed, strength, and durability. Gives one the equivalent of twice somebody their size/build.
Non-Magic Items: Your Non-Magical Items
  • Wallet
  • iPhone
  • Debit card
  • Father's credit card
Magic Items: Your Magical Items
  • Magical Toolbelt - A gift from Hephaestus after their quest; anything that can be found in the average workshop can be pulled out of the toolbelt. The belt is seemingly endless and they don't know where it all comes from. However, larger items, especially things that don't have to do with mechanics require the belt to recharge. It is also known that big items, such as chain-saws, or magical weapons cannot be pulled out of the tool belt because they aren't normally found in a forge or workshop. Avery can also retrieve food from their tool belt as well. They can put items in the belt that did not come from it and retrieve them at a later time. Also any item they put in it will become weightless until they take it out.
Weapon: Your Celestial Bronze weapon and its 'hidden' form
  • Aithôn (Burn) - A celestial bronze longsword that disguises itself as a hair pin when not in use. They have to say “metanoia” to make it change between forms.
None currently




Zena Areius

Age & Birthday:
17 || 01/10/2006

Godly Parent:


Originally born as Zenobios Areius, Zena was born the sole child and heir to the Areius Corporation’s CEO. The father, were the rumors spread by Zena’s mother to be believed, was none other than Zeus himself. The King of the Greek Gods of ancient years, still very much alive in the modern day. A fact that drove the CEO to near insanity, as she grew obsessed with regaining God's affections. Driving her child harder and harder to be the “perfect” child to the God, in the hopes that his heir would draw him back into her arms. This drive reflected in nearly every aspect of Zena’s life, even their name was chosen in honor of Zeus himself. A rough upbringing for the child, and one that caused a significant tension between mother and child.

From a young age, Zena soon realized that she didn’t really fit the mold of the perfect son her mother had set out. Rather, Zena found herself feeling more comfortable expressing more feminine traits… which only drove her mother further into a rage and disappointment. Yet, stubborn as she could be, Zena refused to back down from expressing herself as she felt most comfortable. So while, on the outside, Zena lived a cushioned life of luxury… few would get a glimpse inside to see the struggles she bore with every step. Due to her ‘outbursts’ and ‘rebellious behavior’ Zena was often sent off to various boarding schools in attempts to ‘fix’ the child’s behavior. Schools that Zena only lasted a matter of months before being kicked out, with the inciting incidents being caused by ‘monsters’ that administration refused to believe existed. Of course, her propensity to fry electronics merely by touching them certainly didn’t help matters.

As she entered her younger teens, Zena took to sketching and photography. At first as a way to try to capture the strange beasts she constantly saw, then finding both a passion and skill in both hobbies. Along with this, Zena started to openly express herself as female to the rest of the world. Choosing the name of Zena, a feminine turn on her given name, she found herself suddenly feeling much more sure. More comfortable with who she was, and so she went further into her transition. Using her mother’s impressive assets (in the form of the credit card she was given to try to buy her compliance), Zena was able to buy the care and medicine she needed to transition to who she should be, truly.

As she transitioned and felt more sure of herself, Zena’s impact on those around her noticeably improved. For the first time, Zena didn’t close in upon herself. She proved herself outgoing and rather intelligent, finding a tight group of friends at her boarding school in the heart of New York City. Her grades shot up, she got involved in the photography club at school. Even a few brief romantic flings, and by all accounts life was starting to look good for the young teen. Which, naturally, meant that it was about time for everything to flip upside down. On her 16th birthday, Zena found herself under attack from strange… cheerleaders. Their hair aflame and eyes glowing red with pure malice. Screeching about the ‘Child of Zeus’ as they tried to attack Zena. In the chaos, fires were started and… oddly enough a bolt of lightning slammed into the school's courtyard just right to vaporize the two monstrous cheerleaders just before they claimed Zena’s life. The day, unfortunately, left the boarding school in smoldering ruins…

And Zena’s mother with the bill.

With Zena’s expulsion, the last straw in her relationship with her mother shattered. Over the next week, vicious fighting happened between the two on a daily basis. Screaming matches that would go on for hours, until Zena had finally had enough. Packing a bag with her clothes, sketchbook, and a camera she’d built in her science lab… Zena ran from her home. Using the credit card her mother had left her to get by as she floated between hotel rooms and various part-time jobs to get by over the next year.

One which also left her constantly looking over her shoulder for more of those monsters that seemed to constantly be attacking.

The Whisper:
In recent days, Zena has found herself being assailed constantly by whispers in her dreams. Sounds that almost came across like the hissing of a serpent, accompanied by an existential dread constantly hanging over her head. As much as she’d love to talk about these nightmares… nobody would believe her worries anyways.

Skills (Non-Magic):
  • Excellent Swordplay
  • Average Mythological Knowledge
  • Fast Reaction Time
  • Tactical Prowess
  • Edidetic Memory
  • Charismatic

Magical Powers:
  • Aerokinesis - The elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind. (((UNKNOWN/UNCONTROLLED)))
  • Atmokinesis - The elemental ability to control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. (((UNKNOWN/UNCONTROLLED)))
  • Electrokinesis - The elemental ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity. (((UNKNOWN/UNCONTROLLED)))
  • Enhanced Physicality - The ability of possessing enhanced speed, strength, and durability. Gives one the equivalent of twice somebody their size/build. (((UNKNOWN/UNCONTROLLED)))
  • Limited Mist Manipulation - The ability to manipulate the magical barrier preventing mortals from seeing the magical world, changing what they see. Has small effects on demigods. (((UNKNOWN/UNCONTROLLED)))

Non-Magic Items:
  • Wallet, containing ample cash and her credit card (which mother has yet to shut off!)
  • Sketchbook and Pen
  • Photo album of her friends from boarding school and herself

Magic Items:

  • Eagle Eye Pendant - A pendant blessed by Apollo at the request of Zeus, it vibrates to warn its wearer of imminent danger as a limited form of precognition. It does require the user to have line of sight on the danger to function. (((NOT YET ACQUIRED)))

  • Vrontí & Astrapí (Thunder & Lightning) - A celestial bronze Aspis shield and Xiphos sword that manifest from a watch worn on the wrist. When the crown is pulled out, the watch turns into the Aspis]/i] shield emblazoned with a furious thundercloud, and the Xiphos deploys from the side of the side as if it were the watch's crown. Reinserting the sword like a crown returns the weapon to a watch. (((NOT YET ACQUIRED)))


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Lucian Black || Lucy/ie.
Age & Birthday:
18 || (10/19/2005)
Godly Parent:
Black Manor is nestled on a hill, overlooking a town known for its superstition. The Black Family is built upon old money, and a unrelenting drive to topple anyone they deem a threat. On a cold and rainy autumn night, a baby boy was born. Entilted to the Black Family wealth, and the power of the Underworld. The boy's name would be Lucian Black, son of Hades. That day marked a great change for the Black Family but a dark future for the world beyond the veil of mortals.

Lucian's life was scheduled out every single day, and any deviations from the schedule would see Lucian getting punished. His mother was vicious, and his extended family even more so. His mother was well aware of the man she had been with, and wished to see Lucian thrive for her own selfish desires. A child who could control the dead could potentially help the Black Family skip over the fleeting thread of death. So, after he was finished with his morning and noon activities and education, Lucian would be thrust into a crypt and forced to commune with spirits of the dead for hours on end. By the time the sun would rise, Lucian would often be passed out on the cold dirt floor and abrutply awoken for the same thing to happen all over again.

Lucian felt caged, lonely, and without hope. He never understood the obsession his mother found about his father- a man he had never known, nor built any sort of bond with.. Not that he could build a bond in a place like this. Black Manor held Lucian captive, a child without the liberties of exploration or fun. Lucian begged any source of power he could ask for, to change his life and to be free of the looming shadows of his Family. By the age of 15, Lucian's abusive lifestyle came to an end. One night, during his training in conjuration the attacks began. He had finally been found. The monsters had come to reap the soul of one of the children of the big three. Lucian had escaped the crypt in the ensuing chaos, and watched his family being struck down by vicious flame. There he was, at the end of the line. Afraid and alone, there he begged one last time to a being he had known only from his mother's lips.
The boy called for the help of Hades, his own father-- and he answered. Hades saved Lucian's life that day, somehow. All Lucian could remember was passing out after a dark figure warded away the beasts that fell upon Black Manor.

Upon waking up in the cold, wet grass. Lucian heard the whispers of a voice. One that filled him with a sense of security. "The Camp will protect you, make you strong. There...I can claim you. A gift awaits you there." At the time, Lucian did not understand exactly what that meant. The sheer weight of what had happened that night finally came down on Lucian. Never did he want the deaths of his family to be the only way out of his suffering, but it was the path given to him. On his 16th birthday- Lucian buried the remains of his family among the Black Manor Crypt. Sealed it tight, and would never look back on it again. Being the sole survivor and inheritor of the Black Family wealth, Lucian had his work cut out for him. He needed to find this camp that the voice spoke of, and lay low.

Finding Lucian Black was not as difficult as believed. The news of an entire family being wiped out save for a young man tipped Lucian's Keeper to where they needed to go. Lucian had grown strong over the years with his "powers", and The mist would no longer protect him. At Black Manor, Lucian was found and eventually brought to Camp Halfblood. Lucian's Keeper noted that Lucian had shut himself away in Black Manor with all sorts of books; self-help, therapy, and other mental health related books. Whatever Lucian went through, it was clear that Lucian wanted to fix the trauma..

Lucian Black was claimed by Hades a month after his birthday, and when he arrived to the lonely cabin of Hades- there a gift was placed upon his arrival, as promised. A way to enter the Underworld, and claim a birthrite of his that was a long time coming.. His first quest sent him to the Underworld in order to claim his stygian iron weapons. Lucian returned to Camp Halfblood at the age of 17 with his magical weapon placed particularly close to him at all times now and forevermore. The young man Lucian Black has found himself undertaking a new Quest now he was 18, one that could lead him to far more outlandish events than before..

The Whisper:
Lucian's Spirit Eye has begun to cause unusual disturbances, where instead of the life force of a person, it will begin to show dark clouds that whisper incoming doom. Lucian has no way of understanding it, and with it a film of dread overcomes Lucian's senses...

Skills (Non-Magic):

  • Excellent Dual-Wielding Swordplay
  • Excellent Mythological Knowledge
  • Fast Reaction Time
  • Teamplayer - Excellent at teamwork oriented objectives/leadership positions.
  • Empath
  • Charming, kind, very approachable
  • Extremely sneaky

Magical Powers:

  • Necromancy - Ability to summon and control the dead. (Advanced Control) - Lucian has spent years of his life since he was a child being forced to conjure the spirits of the dead. He is able to completely control the spirits of the dead, touch them, commune with them, ressurect them, and sense death itself. This extends to Lucian's Spirit Eye. A passive skill that was unlocked due to Lucian's brutal training at the hands of his mother; Causing one of his eyes to see through the mortal essence. With this eye he can see the life force of people around him, and generally tell if they are going to die through this eye.
  • Umbrakinesis - Ability to manipulate darkness and the shadows. (Intermediate Control) - Ever since Lucian has arrived at Camp Halfblood, he has been training in his Demigod abilities, with Umbrakinesis he is able to extend the length of his attacks and manipulate orbs of darkness to throw at enemies, Lucian gains a considerable power-boost in darkly lit areas or the night, and is able to construct barriers of darkness. Lucian can "Shadow travel" only once before fatigue overpowers him.
  • Geokinesis - The ability to manipulate and control Earth (Novice Control) - For now, Lucian can only cause gentle tremors to shake the terrain, or cause tiny cracks to appear against the ground to snag enemies feet.
  • Enhanced Physicality - The ability of possessing enhanced speed, strength, and durability. Gives one the equivalent of twice somebody their size/build. STANDARD TO ALL DEMIGODS.

Non-Magic Items:

  • Wallet with the Black Family sigil. Including all of the wealth inherited with a black credit/debit card.
  • Cellphone
  • Coffee mug
  • Stacks of books that litter the Hades Cabin
  • Crochet kit.

Magic Items:

  • Pomegranate Seeds - Given to him by Persephone, after he had crocheted a pomegranate plush for her as a gift and an act of goodwill between the two during his first quest. Induces a Death Trance upon those that eat these seeds.


  • Skiá & Ekleipsi (Shadow & Eclipse) - A double-sided black skeleton key. Lucian pulls the two sides apart to reveal two stygian iron straight swords. Stygian Iron allows the harm of both mortals and immortals alike. Both swords are capable of absorbing the essence of those that fall to their blades.


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