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Fandom PJO AU: The Serpent in the Shadows OOC


Queen Arya

Magic Eight Ball


Like all good stories, it began with a whisper.

Perhaps it was a simple feeling in the back of one's mind, a ghostly word lost in the bustle of day to day life. Perhaps, it was more like a vision or a dream. Something vivid, tangible, yet somehow still unintelligible. Words that made no sense, yet somehow reverberated deep within one's very soul. Yet no matter how one experienced the whisper... the inescapable dread that followed was shared among all. A feeling that something in the world had very abruptly gone horrifically wrong. Something within the natural order of things had changed, and the ramifications of such a change would soon surge over the masses like a tsunami. Would the wave bring chaos, or order, one wouldn't know... yet still the dread would sink its vicious fangs into the minds of all who had heard its whisper.

For you, the children of Gods, such an omen often heralds both disaster and opportunity. Disaster; a threat to the very essence of order and civilization quickly followed such Omens. Opportunity; to become a legend oneself, to step forward and defy the impossible to break the coming tides of Disaster. Still, a third horseman rides behind both Disaster and Opportunity... Risk. The risk that you would not be enough to stop the coming tide or that you might need to pay the ultimate price.

With all the unknown bearing its fang, only one thing remains certain for you. Within you, the secret weapon of the Gods themselves, stands the power to decide the very fate of the world. Before you, stands a choice at how you will face the coming tide. This choice will not doubt carry with it the fates and lives of innumerable people.

Your choices? Simple. Will you stand in the face of the beast?

Will you wield a shield to halt the coming tide?

A sword to cut down the monster?

A dagger, to turn against the very order you're meant to protect?

Or will you run, and cower before unstoppable enemy?

What will you be, little Demigod? Hero, Traitor, or Coward?

Hello and Welcome!

As the thread's title so helpfully suggests (and I've mentioned in the discord), this RP will be an AU take on the Percy Jackson Universe!

In this RP, we'll be taking on our own threats and carving out our own legends. Your character's choices will matter, as each little choice made will have an impact on the story and the route we take. Even if that ends up throwing the main plot off trail a bit, we're all along for the ride. So buckle up, friendos.

Now you're probably sitting there reading this like 'Ok that's great and all Arya, but what changed if this is an AU?', and fortunately for us all... not much. The story up until the point Percy Jackson would've become involved is very much the same. Greek Gods still live and help drive the world, with mythological creatures being very much real and living alongside the mortals everyday. Where we split off, however, is where the books would've started. Characters like Percy, Annabeth, Grover, etc do not exist here. Nor does their big prophecy dictating the coming Titanomachy Rematch. Along with this, perhaps the biggest change I've made, is moving up the age that most Demigods would be getting claimed/their scent would be noticeable to monsters. The new age grouping is around 16-18, and the reason is quite simple; I don't really want to write a 12-13 year old. Done.

So what is the tldr you'll need to start thinking of your place here at Camp Half-Blood?
  • Greek Gods and Myths are very much real. Still key to running the world and Western Civilization.
  • The RP takes place in Modern Day, with our main hub being Camp Half-Blood. The Camp is located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York.
  • Camp Half-Blood is the only safe place for Demigods. It is protected by magical borders guarded by a mysterious pine tree, created by Zeus when a trio of brave Demigods died defending the camp from monsters. As such, non-demigods have to be specifically allowed to enter by the Camp's Staff.
  • There is a magical veil known as the Mist, which hides the Mythological from Mortal eyes. It'll make mortals see Mythological things as things they can understand. A hellhound, for example, might become a very friendly truck to Mortal eyes.
  • You will be playing a Demigod, the half-God/half-mortal child of one of the Greek Gods.
  • Riordan Wiki is an excellent resource, along with asking myself or others in the RP if you have further questions!

Now, lets cover what you can expect from this RP! I intend this RP to be a long-term experience, with multiple story arcs (akin to the books) that build into the overarching main plot of the entire story. During these arcs, or even as filler between, I do intend to have smaller arcs centered on each character on our roster. Ways to let each of us feel special and be the main character for a bit, and I will be working with you to help develop these character-specific arcs. Our story will heavily lead away from the established path of the books, as I've no desire to write The Lightning Thief but with new characters. What will the story be? That's a secret, but the stakes will be fairly hefty~!

On the topic of the story, I do intend the RP to be a slight bit darker/mature than the books. A better translation, perhaps, is that the RP will not be a children's book like the original series. Of course, we'll have lighter moments and themes, but I also like to explore the impact of our characters having to carry the burden of the weight of the world. See how they handle the stresses of being a Demigod. Before you worry too much, however, this will not be a depressing/edgy RP. Just wanted to establish that this won't be a children's book trip!

CO-GMs: @Ginko The Mushishi & @IcarusEm

With all that fun stuff outta the way, I'm gonna move into character creation/the character sheet:

To start with, a few guidelines:
  • You will be playing a Greek Demigod, so please choose a Greek God or Goddess.
  • I'll leave it up to you how long your character has been at camp. However; I would strongly prefer to lean towards characters who are new to camp. So please keep that in mind.
  • The only limit on who can be a child of what God/Goddess is this; Only one child for each of the Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades). Aside from that, we can have multiple children of the same deity.
  • As the intro flavor hinted, each character has heard 'The Whisper' to some degree imminently before the RP starts. The depth to which you heard it is up to you (A faint feeling, actually hearing a voice, or a vision/dream). The only key parts is that the Whisper was vague, unintelligible, but left you with a STRONG feeling that something was wrong and a feeling of dread. That chaos was coming, although you don't know what kind of chaos is on its way.
  • As far as powers and skills, you're free to put as many in as would be fitting for your parent and experience. Just remember the more thoroughly powerful and complete you are at start, the less room you have to grow over the course of the RP. So design how you like.
  • OCs being 16-19 please.
  • IC start date is January 1st, 2024.
  • Yes, there is no personality section. I hate writing them personally, so I won't expect y'all to either. Show us your personality through RP!
  • You're always free to ask questions and I'll look through CS' as many times as needed while you're making them!
[spoiler=OC Name Here][center]
[img]OC Appearance Image[/img]
Their Name or a Quote in a fancy text here (Optional)
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]Full Name and Nickname if Relevant[/color]
[b]Age & Birthday:[/b]
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]AGE HERE || Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY)[/color]
[b]Godly Parent:[/b]
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]Yes/No[/color]
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]Gimme That Background, I wanna know all about your OC![/color]
[b]The Whisper:[/b] 
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]Please write your OC's experience with the Whisper here.[/color]
[b]Skills (Non-Magic):[/b] Your Non-Magical Skills - EXAMPLES FOLLOW
[color=OC TEXT COLOR][list][*]Excellent Swordplay
[*] Average Mythological Knowledge
[*] Fast Reaction Time
[*] Tactical Prowess
[*] Edidetic Memory
[*] Charismatic[/list][/color]
[b]Magical Powers:[/b]  Your magical/Demigod Abilities - EXAMPLES FOLLOW
[color=OC TEXT COLOR][list][*][b]Aerokinesis[/b] - The elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind.
[*][b]Atmokinesis[/b] - The elemental ability to control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself.
[*][b]Electrokinesis[/b] - The elemental ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity.
[*][b]Enhanced Physicality[/b] - The ability of possessing enhanced speed, strength, and durability. Gives one the equivalent of twice somebody their size/build. STANDARD TO ALL DEMIGODS.
[b]Non-Magic Items:[/b] Your Non-Magical Items - EXAMPLES FOLLOW
[color=OC TEXT COLOR][list][*] Purse/Wallet
[*] Cellphone
[*] Photograph with Mortal Parent[/list][/color]
[b]Magic Items:[/b] Your Magical Items - EXAMPLES FOLLOW (Limit to ONE at start)
[color=OC TEXT COLOR][list][*] Baseball Cap of Hiding - A baseball cap that turns the user invisible when worn.
[b]Weapon:[/b] Your Celestial Bronze weapon and its 'hidden' form - EXAMPLE FOLLOWS
[color=OC TEXT COLOR][list][*] Vrontí & Astrapí (Thunder & Lightning) - A celestial bronze [i]Aspis[/i] shield and [i]Xiphos[/i] sword that manifest from a watch worn on the wrist. When the crown is pulled out, the watch turns into the [i]Aspis]/i] shield emblazoned with a furious thundercloud, and the [i]Xiphos[/i] deploys from the side of the side as if it were the watch's crown. Reinserting the sword like a crown returns the weapon to a watch.
[color=OC TEXT COLOR]Any magical or non-magical pets your character may have. Entirely optional.[/color]

In general, I keep rules light. I typically run off the idea that we are all adults here, so act like one. That being said, I wrote out some definite ones below.
  • Be respectful to your peers!
  • Avoid Gary/Mary Sues
  • 1 post per 2 weeks required. At least two paragraphs. There is no posting order, but if you've already posted this cycle then wait till next. If you need to go rapid back and forth, do a collab.
  • If you need to be skipped or need more time for a post, just DM me or a CO-GM, we're flexible and happy to help!
  • Have Fun!
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