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Realistic or Modern Suteki Na Ichinichi | High school Role play


Everyones Bestie
Anyone is invited to this fun-filled, realistic role play.

Adventure down into the depths of high school, and experience it with others.

We only have a few simple rules.

1) Don't do inappropriate actions on campus.

2) Don't spam, troll, etc.

3) Please feel free to join in at any time.

4) Ask people permission to join in if they're in the middle of a role play.

5)Have fun!


The school year of your 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th year of high school is about to begin.

You may be new, or not.

You can be late to class, just make sure to grab a tardy slip.

There are many things to do.

Make sure to check out the indoor pool on the 1st floor next to the gym.

Also, the art room is on the 2nd floor across from the technology room.

The best thing is the library.

The lunch room is on the first floor.

I control the high school dances and when the bell rings, just pay attention to my chat.

Example: .:BELL IS RINGING:. or .:LUNCH TIME:. also .:SCHOOLS OUT:. , .:PROM IS NEXT WEEK:. and many others.

If you get no replies, and/or is ignored, I'd be happy to role play with you. : )

Have fun! again...

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