Pitching Some Ideas

The New Kid

New Member
Only one person wanted a Custom Robo RP? That's cool, I've learned to deal with failure... Anyway, here's some other ideas I have some vague hope for.

Idea One: The Gauntlet

So, you've got some sort of skill with a melee weapon, beit a sword or a pair of spiked boxing gloves. That means you're able to fight. And it means THEY'RE interested in you. Who's they, you may ask? Well, that'd be telling. So, you're wandering along, doing whatever it is generic humans do. Next thing you know, you're forced to the floor, and pumped full of tranquiliser, by someone who doesn't even have the courtesy of addressing you with anything other than afore mentioned hostilities. Then, you wake up in some room, with a bunch of strangers, all as dazed/confused/worried/hungry as you are. And when the voice through the speaker tells you you're all pretty much gladiators, fighting for his and other's amusement, things don't look particularly bright.but, being as powerless as you are at the moment, you've no choice but to just go along with it. That means fighting in the arena whenever you're told to (with a suitable weapon of your choice), passing the time training/wandering around the ramshackle town built to house fighters, and planning an escape. Of course, you'll also want to find out why you're actually there (the reason they gave isn't good plot material), who's organising it all, and what you do after you escape. They're obviously going to attempt to capture you this time, only to place you in a suicide fight. So, what're you going to do?

Idea Two: Aces In Exile

Four of the greatest paladins to walk the Earth... Dead. Well, not quite, but it's what everyone but them and the villains assume. What really happened, was this. Through a series of events far too complicated to be completely obvious at the start, the paladins I mentioned earlier (that's you lot) were sucked to the deepest depths of some Hell-like place, crawling with monsters so ugly/deadly/smelly it's nigh-on impossible. So, your first reaction is probably to make sense of things. Might not be, but at the moment, things're too obscure to allow that. So, by sheer luck (read: average plot point) everyone meets up, and tries to forge their way out of the wretched place. Along the way, you'll encounter many dangers and harsh truths, but your main goal will be to get out...

Or will it?

Idea Three: Braaaaaains...

Ah, Call of Duty. For some, it's a brilliant first-person shooter. For others, it's hideously overrated. Whatever your stance, there're few things more satisfying than taking out a horde of the living dead with a massive gun you found in a box. So why not make an RP of it? Granted, you'll move from location to location, in order to keep things fresh. And no, you won't be playing any characters already established in the game, because nobody wants their creative skill cramped. So I'm thinking, present day, locations I put into an internet randomiser to choose where to start/go, and the mindless slaughter begins!

Note: In order to keep to the site''s rules, violence and profanities will only be tolerated to a certain level. Also note that, despite the game's zombie mode having an all-male cast, no gender bias will be displayed. Obviously. Mindless violence won't be the only thing, there'll be campfires and flashbacks and friendly banter and -if you're lucky - a spot of mid-apocalypse romance. If you're lucky.

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