

( here's the OOC and sign up: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5554-Pirates-Sign-up-and-OOC)

Welcome to the era of Pirates. Here you can join a ship to have adventures. Are story starts in a harbor in a well known Pirate port. As we see two guys walking down the street.

"I told you duces were wild," Said the one named Thend, "But nooo, don't listen to me."

"Well it's not that bad of a loss," Blitz said pulling out two gold coins, "Atleast we still got these."

"Oh right," Thend replied, "What can we get with only two pieces?"

Blitz shrugged. "A nights stay at an inn?"

"You want to stay the night here," Thend questioned, "I think we need to find a ship and get moving."

"If you say so," Blitz said, "But I'm pretty sure the treasure will not get up and move."

"No," Thend admited, "But staying here gives us that much more of an opportunity for the map to be stolen."
Sitting on board a wooden crate on the grand vessel 'Dubh Lupa', Morgan thought about her treacherous past. She thought back to the time period in her life when she was no more than a street rat scrounging for a simple meal to eat. This point in her life had been perhaps the worst and losing her mother had only made her life even more miserable despite her mother being a crude woman who punished Morgan for the simplest of means. At least her mother had the decency to feed and shelter the young girl. These thoughts often floated into Morgan's consciousnesses unwillingly and each time they did it gave the teen a spurt of anger fueled by hatred for the people in her home town who ignored the poor girl on the streets so many years ago. Now enraged by such thoughts, Morgan got up off of the large crate and made her way down into the hold in the lower levels of the big ship. Just as she had done many times before, Morgan made her way meticulously through all the ship's stored equipment and treasures. After her flashbacks she always used these equipment checks as a way to cool down from her anger and other emotions that may have been interfering with her job and life.
The seas salty air ruffled Juliette's hair as she stood at the bow of her ship, one hand holding onto a rope, the other resting on her hip. Behind her was the constant, noisy bustle of her crew running around, barking orders to one another, yanking on ropes and pulling the sails. Some were still glazed with a layer of sleep, yawning continuously and stumbling upon the ship's deck. This caused Juliette to sigh and roll her eyes as she lightly jumped down from the bow, landing on the deck with a gentle thud. Following that was a moment of stunned silence, her crew spinning to face her, eyes wide and sweat dripping from brows. She greeted this with an arched brow, leaning against a nearby pole. "Well?" she asked, a slight Celtic lilt to her voice, "Get back to work, mates." With that order came the echoed cry of, "Ay, captain!" and then the continuing of prepping the ship for landing.

Juliette faced the open sea once more, letting the breeze blow back her thick, curly brown locks, dark eyes narrowing at the slim piece of land edging closer by the second. It looked rather fulfilling, rich with luscious green plants and an array of colorful flowers. The sand seemed golden in the shimmering sunlight, the crystal blue waves lapping up to the rather stunning color. The island was beautiful, and most likely not desolate. It would make finding treasure much more difficult if there were others there to get in her way, but it would also be much more exciting. Some adventure and danger on a quest to find gold was always entertaining, especially when it involved the Naval ships. The Naval ships that took her mother away.

Her eyes narrowed at the thought, one hand grazing down her side to the hilt of her pistol, wrapping her fingers around it and clutching it tightly. She hated Naval forces, and wished to demolish every last one of their ships. Even though her mother always told her revenge could be deadly, blinding the one who uses it, she still felt that desperate need, that desire. Her mother was gone, and it was thanks to those fools. And those fools, one day, would receive a surprise and regret the mistake they made. Nobody ever messed with Juliette Cassandra Mason and merely walked away from it. She was a woman of justice, a woman with powerful beliefs. And one of those beliefs was avenging her mother.


Little sunlight came through the sorry excuse for a window as Analissa sat cross legged behind a stack of crates, holding an open book in her hands. She had stolen it from one of the crews room, being rather bored of simply sitting around with nothing to do but chores all of the time. Swabbing the decks, especially for a woman of her age, was not an activity she considered exciting. Now this book, on the other hand, was rather scandalous, which she found slightly amusing. A man, working upon a Naval ship, reading such a book with such details and... imagery. She nearly laughed out loud at the thought. "Some men are such pansies..." she whispered quietly to herself, a smirk crossing her lips. Who would of thought that they read romance, every word describing every little, tiny detail. What did he do with it all day? Pleasure himself with it? Analissa scoffed at the thought, snapping the book shut and tossing it aside.

"How dull," she thought out loud, resting her head upon the barrels behind her, "Nothing to do but follow these foolish orders that they put me up to. And these books? How dare they even consider them books! More like pornography with words instead of sketched out pictures." She snickered slightly at that statement, resting her arms behind her head and stretching out her legs, stifling a yawn. The captain was probably wondering where she was currently, considering she had skipped breakfast to avoid doing whatever orders he wished of her. Besides, stale bread and water was hardly considered a proper breakfast. That was a prisoner's food, not a meal.
The dingy kept on swaying back and forth, A man sitting on the boat was having a drink.

But he can barely take a sip because of the rocking boat, Everytime he tries to raises the bottle, It would only drool over his chin.

" Damn it " The man curses as he sets the bottle down and leans back looking at the sun.

It was a really hot day and the smell of the salty ocean enters his nose. This was the place where he belongs.

The Ocean.

He then raised the sails as he starts to move a little faster, and leans back once again.

The man looks at the ring on his arm, as it points towards North. or so he thought and continues sailing that way.

Mouse ran through the harbor streets with a group from the Navy chasing after him.

"Get back here!" One of them called.

Mouse chuckled. Did they honestly expect him to obey that?

"Faster," Another commanded. "We can't let him get away again!"

Mouse pushed himself to run faster. It was fun to mess with them. Though this time, they were better prepared for him. He was greatly outnumbered and beginning to feel tired. Mouse stole a glance behind him. The Navy was close, too close at this rate. He had to delay them. A person was walking ahead. Mouse rushed forward, grabbing the surprised person tightly by the arms. He swung suddenly to the side, yanking them directly in the Navy's path. Mouse heard thuds, clattering, and frantic apologizing as he continued running. He made it to the corner and looked back. Perfect diversion. Grinning, Mouse waved to the leader. One cursed him as he stepped around the corner.

Half-jogging, half-walking, he headed down the street out of breath. Mouse went into an alleyway, keeping his hand on the wall to steady himself. Any minute, the Navy should be running in. Mouse glanced around. It was a dead end. He smiled slightly upon seeing a half opened window low on the building. Mouse pushed it up and climbed into the opening, landing on a hard wooden floor. Hearing footsteps and yelling, he crawled past the window and leaned up against the wall trying to slow his rapid breathing. Tensely, he waiting until the noises faded away before relaxing. Mouse slowly stood up and glanced around. It was almost pitch black, but he could make out shapes of what seemed to be a table and chairs. Mouse sat back down. He would wait a little bit in case they were still outside and then finish the task that Riley sent him on.
The man stands up and raises his hand over his eyes.

" Hmm.. a shore " he says as the win begins to push him towards there.

He then readies his weapons and puts on his hat. The man takes the bottle over his lips as it didn't drop any rum. " ... I'm out of rum " he thought to himself and makes a mental note of looking for on later on . The dingy finally arrives at the ports of the town. And he walks out.

The man was a bit drunk and kinda crazy, But that's not gonna stop him from looking for his ship. He walks around town, like a drunk, looking for information and Rum.
Blitz and Thend made their way down to the docks. They were seeing if there was a ship that'd accept them. Ofcourse, they knew they needed to choose wisely. They didn't want to find a ship that'd simply attempt to kill them for their map. So they kept it a secret as they began to ask around about a ship that could take them on.


In the Captain coorders on the Naval ship, Angel's Delight, there was Captain Drake working on some paper work as at his desk. One of his officers came in. The Captain looked up acknowledge the officer to speak.

"Sir," said the officer, "The ex pirate didn't come to breakfast."

Captain Drake gave a sigh. Obviously, the old woman was trying to have a little free time. That was completely out of the question.

"Find her," The Captain said, "And when you increase her chores. We'll make sure she's to exhuasted to think of anything but her work, sleep, and eating."

"Yes Sir," The officer said as he headed out to find Analissa.

(Yes [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] you can play as the officer. To make him give Analissa chorse and what not.)
As Morgan made her way to the side of the hold that contained the munition the sound of the feet from the crew scampering around on the deck came to a halt. For a split second confusion crossed Morgan's face and the 18 year old stopped mid-step thinking perhaps that the Dubh Lupa was being bombarded or worse. Then when no sounds of explosions or the clattering of swords met her ears she knew that it wasn't an attack. Still in a slightly angered mood, the 18 year old made her way onto the deck. When she looked around all the crew members were back to doing their job. Whatever it was that had made them all pause was clearly over. With a quick glance around the deck Morgan spotted the Captain, Juliette, and walked towards her letting her anger be subsided by a feeling a dutifulness towards her Captain. Coming up besides her, Morgan spoke in a clear and powerful tone. "Beautiful morning isn't it?...What's the name of the island again?"
Juliette's eyes flickered briefly over to Morgan as she came up beside her, then moved back to the island. "It is indeed," she said softly, her fingers going to the locket around her neck. She held onto it briefly before letting her hand fall back to her side, her sharp gaze glued onto the slice of land, "And this, my dear, are the Isles of Scilly. Beautiful, aren't they?" And full of memories, at least for Juliette. How many times had her mother taken the ship to these islands, telling stories of spectacular treasures? How many times had they spent on those beaches, laughing over a campfire, the crew getting drunk off of beer and rum? All of the adventures here, it brought the smallest of smiles to Juliette's face. The exploration for precious jewels, and then, the best part of all, discovering the treasure. Finding the glistening diamonds and rubies, the shimmering piles of gold. Yipping and cheering as they hauled them aboard, ready to set off once more.

"There's a lot to see in these Isles... more then just treasure. Sadly, we only have a few hours here before we must head out. Need to sell some loot, fix up some parts of the ship. The usual stop and check." She looked over to Morgan again, her smile now gone, although her facial expression was not cold. More sad, in a way, wanting to find those she had lost. Namely, her mother. But currently, she shook away that thought, returning her focus to the Isles and her crew. "Morgan, make sure all is ready for the ship to land," she ordered in a stern, yet not cruel, tone, "And gather together any weapons and other tools. I doubt this island is unoccupied."


When the footsteps approached, Analissa cursed quietly, kicking the stolen book away from her and scrambling behind a pile of boxes, where she could not be seen unless whoever was coming looked directly behind them. She would prefer not to be found, but, with her luck, of course she was. The officer peered over the crates, a permanent scowl etched on his face. "There you are, you wretched wench," he muttered, reaching out and grabbing her graying hair. She yelped as he yanked her out of her hiding place, shoving her into a wall. Analissa lost her balance for a moment, but quickly regained it, spinning around and glaring at the officer, her lips pursed in a tight line. She hated being thrown around like a ragdoll, but, sadly, it tended to happen quite often.

"If you are trying to get a woman to do something, throwing them around is not the answer," she chastised him, which was received with a slap to the cheek. She stumbled back, one hand on her face, gritting her teeth in pain. "And slapping them is even worse," she spat out, ducking as he shot his hand towards her once more. Although she was an older woman, she still had some grace and agility from her younger years. Yes, it had gone away dramatically, but every now and then, she was able to avoid something threatening to smack her in the face. "Pathetic. I've seen stronger hits made by a five year old." This led to the officer crying out in rage, raising his fist and thrusting it towards her. Analissa's eyes widened in shock, and she was much too slow to react. His fist connected with her cheek and she let out a sharp cry, tears brimming her eyes as pain shot up her jawline.

"That's what you get, you crazy old hag," the officer hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the room. She kept her face buried in her hands, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from crying. Tears are weakness, she thought to herself as he yanked her up the stairs. She resisted, but failed, wincing as her ankle hit a step in a single, sharp movement. It hurt, but was bearable, and the ankle was not broken nor sprained. Merely bruised, if even that. She was pushed forward, after a while of being forced through the ship, and handed a mop and bucket, which she nearly dropped from the sudden heavy weight. "You can start by swabbing the decks," the officer snapped, spinning sharply on his heel and marching away.

"Well, someone's is throwing a temper tantrum," Analissa muttered under her breath, arching a brow at the figure of the officer, disappearing under the deck. Then, with a huff, she placed the bucket on the ground, raising the broom and dunking it in the soapy water, then pushing it along the deck. Occasionally, she received cold looks from members of the crew, which she returned with her own icy glare. Yes, she may be a captive on this ship, but her reputation had never changed. She was still the same, smart aleck pirate she had been before, just older and stuck upon a Naval ship. Like that would ever change her though. Of course, she missed the life of being a pirate, and a rather famous one at that, but there was a reason she was famous. And that was because she was tough, except when it came to one thing. And that one thing was her daughter.
Sweeping her eyes over the lush landscape, Morgan couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation. The Isles were as beautiful as they come making it a perfect place to stay. So when Juliette said that they were only docking for a few hours Morgan frowned slightly wishing that they could explore the Isles longer than just a few measly hours. However, she knew that it was this sort of wistful thinking that got her in trouble in one way or another. Thus she turned her attention back to Juliette and nodded heartily. "Of course captain!" Now as her concentration focused back towards being first mate she swiftly turned towards the bustling crew and seemed to merge into their busy life as she checked to make sure that the ship was ready to pull into harbor, the hatches were securely closed, and that everyone aboard the mighty ship was equipped with a weapon as well as any other supplies that they would require upon docking the Dubh Lupa. Once Morgan had gotten everyone else that was on deck ready she headed to her own room to prepare herself. Her corridors were medium sized, certainly not cramped or exquisitely spacious, but perfect in its own way. Against one wall was a finely crafted oak desk and against the other was her bed and dresser with a window above. Leaning under her bed Morgan pulled out a chest and ruffled through it's contents: a old map, a compass, a gun that she had rarely used, and some other items of mild interest. After pulling out her dagger she slid it into the back pocket of her pants and next sheathed her broadsword. Coming back on deck 10 minutes later, she saw that the ship and crew were all ready to dock. Smiling she headed back over to the captain but when she reached her Morgan said nothing, as her arrival back at the captain's side implied that all was ready.
While Analissa continued to swab the deck. Captain Drake had come on deck. He had noticed her Icy glare she had give the other crew. Captian Drake new that it was the best she could do. After all he had made sure to strip her of any power she once held. But it wasn't enough for the Captain. He wouldn't be statisfied until he had taken all hope from this retched Pirate until she was nothing but the shell of the woman she used to be.

"Quarter Master," Captain Drake said getting the quarter master's attention, "I believe Mason here is deserving of a few lashes."
Nasab, in his odd hunch back position for standing up, stood at the front of the alley, looking totally civilian if you forget the fact that he was wearing two scimitars, but hey, who cares about that? As Mouse ran into the window the Navy would search for him, dumb founded they totally missed him resting his head on the shade of the alley, in their searching both their backs were turned, looking to see if anyone else was around. Slowly he leisurely walked towards the two with his two scimitars raised in a stabbing position, he put his head in between the two and muttered, "Now now, little British men, is attacking a boy with two really fair, maybe a grown man with two scimitars is equal, it's one versus two after all," he casually said, as the two sailors attempted to punch him straight in the gut, one hit straight on, sending him recoiling a little, the other hitting the blunt side of his blade.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll gladly chop off your hand for that, as the great emperor Hammurabi said, 'An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth," this time his voice was much harsher, almost like a judge condemning to death, with two twists of his arm one man stared blankly at his wrist, seeing nothing above it, and another with one slash through the gut, now Nasab's face had red in speckles on his face, his hair just a little stained, slowly he walked up the stairs into the ship. Behind him both men ran for the nearest base, and in a few minutes more would come, which Nasab never thought about. Nasab could see the rest of the sailors freaking out in the distance, who didn't know about the Yemenese man who could let blood rain and felt no sympathy for it? As the other gang of navy sailors ran towards him Nasab sneaked a peak into his prized possession, the Oghma Infinium, which had all the knowledge from Xerexes II, with the knowledge he needed he twirled his scimitars over his hands and let the blood rain.

"Hey Mouse, those buffoons won't be harassing you anymore, one's suffering from 'Lack of right hand' syndrome," he explained through the outside of the alley window, after he did this he sat down on a bench waiting for new orders, suddenly he turned around and turned to he corpses, looking for gold and other stuff, looting them. He found a nice amount of gold and decided to throw Mouse a rifle.

"Here you go, try not to lose it, I'm gonna go to a tavern for the news," he commented as he walked off into the distance.
A figure clad in black stood at the prow of the ship staring into the morning horizon, the indigo shades of night and blue, green shades of morning were strapped across the sky like some sort of multicolored beast with wings that stretched to the end of the world. Gulls hung in the air above the hissing waves searching for their morning prey, the sweet salty tang of the air at sea was refreshing on such a glorious morning. Corban or 'Cap'n Greenhorn' as they liked to call him surveyed the sea in hopes of finding adventure like those he had experienced as a cabin boy.

In those days however he was simply that; a boy, young and naive, that's just how his new crew saw him and he knew it. They resented him for taking command of a ship meant for one of their own but they said little with words.

Corban turned to see his crew hard at work preparing the ship to shove off out to open sea
, "Connor Bael!! I have orders for you!!" He bellowed out, his voice carried off into the distance and echoed by his men, moments later a boy scrambled on deck; his face was smudged with dirt and soot. "Aye sir?" The huffed out when he drew near enough to Corban to hear it. "Tell Cook to pass out some apples, we're going to need the energy today." Corban replied to the boy before shooing him off again. The lad reminded Corban of himself in many respects and Corban offered the boy and his crew the same respect he had been given; harsh but fair.

Hours later Corban caught the moisture in the air and predicted rain, his helmsman disagreed but was silenced when roll of thunder cracked out above them startling the men. Most sailors , pirates or otherwise were superstitious people and each person had his own rituals and habits before setting off at sea. Corban was superstitious but he also received education and knew how to predict snap changes in the weather by the dampness of the air to the velocity of the winds that sped them to their destination.

The man walks around town asking random strangers as they would back away. " Now, that's something " he talks to himself as he asks a woman carrying a basket of bread and she backs away and continues her way. " Now, Why is everyone afraid ? " He asks himself again as he continues walking around like a drunk. Then the man remembered that he needs to buy something, or steal. Rum. He thought. He then went to the nearest merchant for the Rum .

" Welcome sir ! " The merchant greets him.

" I would like your most delicious Rum, " He replies as he searches his stool, thinking and scratching his chin .

" Ahh yes ! " He takes out a bottle " This one sir, This one's the best Rum there is in this town! " He tries to persuade the man.

" Let me take a look " he raises his hand forward asking for the Bottle as the merchant gives it to him for him to 'look'.

The man carefully studies the bottle and his eyes widen, This is good, I want this. He thought.

" So ? " The merchant asks.

" Hmm.. I would like to buy t-.. " He cuts off and looks away to the right side. " What's that over there ? " He points at nothing.

The merchant, he's curiosity got the best of him, he leans forward and looks the where he is pointing and ask " What ? "

The man swift made his way out by going to the other side of where the man was looking. He then pops open the bottle and enjoys his winning as he started hearing screaming and cursing .

" All's well that end's well " He happily remarks as he starts to drink the bottle.
Blitz and Thend continue their questioning, trying to find someone who would be able to take them to their next destination. Most of the Pirates weren't willing to deviate from their own courses to take two complete strangers to a destination. Finally, they decieded to stop their search.

"We aren't finding anything," Thend said. Then he gave out a sigh, "Maybe we will have to find a place to stay for tonight.
The door opened and Mouse stepped out wearing a mischievous smirk. "Harassing me?" He asked pointing to himself in mock surprise, though his eyes showed laughter. "I'm sure they'd see the other way." Mouse caught the rifle and inspected it. It might prove to be useful. He slung it over his back. Mouse watched Nasab leaving and then hurried after him. "Might as well go too," He said. "I still have to get what the captain asked for anyway."

((The ship was running low on supplies))

Captain Riley stood on the edge of The Wrath, holding part of the rope leading to the mast. She glanced behind her, pleased to see the crew working hard. Riley wondered if Mouse had gotten into trouble again. She figured he'd be alright. After all, Mouse doesn't fight fair and Nasab was there also.
Nasab walked around the town, looking for a tavern, it took him some time but he finally found a shoddy and seedy enough tavern to go look for rumors. He entered through the doors and as he entered twelve stares looked him down. Nasab ignored these and looked over to the bartender. He walked slenderly over to him with an apathetic face slapped on him.

"Hey, got any jobs, or any government news?" he asked quietly t the bartender, in reply he only nodded and held out a sheet of paper.

"It's from the French, they're looking for someone to harass the English, pay good money for it to, they'll also send you one or two guard ships, good 'ol fillibusting," he explained, Nasab took the paper and ordered a drink, paying for it with a few blood stained coins.

"Sorry, when you have two scimitars, people like to fight you, so I have to take care of em," as he said this all the thugs around him started to think of their attitudes towards the man and so he could drink in peace. His plan was to grab any news around for jobs to get the ship some much needed money, after he finished his rounds he got up, left a tip, and walked towards the market. He saw an elderly woman selling fruits and vegtables, her face was stern and even Nasab thought he couldn't possibly mess with someone with such an angry face.

"Hello ma'am, I'd like to buy in bulk please, how about two crates of assorted fruits, name your price, and one box of assorted vegetables your price, your choice," he said, now his money was running low, and he wouldn't be able to pay, he grabbed the boxes and told the woman in the ear, "Beware, I've seen some of the French Navy coming around, watch yourself," and with this comment the old woman exclaimed, "Wait here!" as she gossiped with the other stall vendors, as she did this Nasab lock picked the strong box and took two emeralds and payed the woman with one the emeralds, and she even threw in change which he used to pay for some meat, he also bought some salt and decided to take his toll, walking back to 'The Wrath' with four crates on him which he carried with lots of ropes, strings, and a half broken back.

"She owes me a strip tease after this..." he muttered under his breath, as he was only a few more yards from the loading dock of the Wrath he could hear the exclamation of the elderly woman.

"I've been robbed, someone took my strongbox with my emeralds, get that dirty Arabian!" he could hear in the distance, as Nasab put adrenaline at it's work and ran towards the loading dock, putting in the boxes right at the last second before a dagger slashed his back strongly.

"Jeez woman, that hurt a-ow- a ton, I'm sorry okay?" as he said this the woman grabbed four more supporters with knives in their hands. Nasab was this tempted to slash them all to death, but he held it in and kicked one out, using the blunt edge of his scimitars to knock out two more, one was left in the crowd and that one received a small slash to the arm, and as the became weaker, he kicked them off the dock.

"Jerks," he muttered going up the ship, he wasn't immortal, and a knife did hurt a lot.

"Hey Captain, you got any first aid kit-****- first aid kits? I'd like not to die of a small cut," he said with his voice reeming on the edge of anger. Mouse just needed to get any actual supplies like spare metal and wood.
"Drop the anchor!" Juliette commanded in a firm tone, spinning to face her crew. Her posture held power, and respect for those who worked so hard to keep the ship maintained. "Morgan, go ahead an gather supplies. Water, make sure none of them are carrying any rum or whiskey, some food. There should be bread and dried fruits in the kitchen. And anything else I may of missed."


Analissa gritted her teeth at the mention of lashings, her hands tightening on the mop. These beatings were getting out of hand, and she found them rather irritating. How is she supposed to do anything when being hit in some way all the time? "You know," she commented out loud, her eyes still focused on her current chore, "Giving lashings to a, erm, 'crazy old hag,' as my nickname seems to be, will not help any with getting chores you're much too lazy to do done. All it will do is delay them." She then lay the mop against a wall, plopping down cross legged on the floor, and began braiding her hair.

It was an odd action preformed, but Analissa was known to do strange things aboard this ship. And this definitely was not the first time she had ignored her chores. It wasn't that it was difficult for her, everything was actually stupidly easy, yet she did not feel like doing such tasks. Call it laziness, but it was more resistance. She would not let anyone, let alone a Naval captain, control her. Especially not against her will.
(Still waiting on someone to meet up with Blitz and Thend.)


"Oh but you seem to forget the point of all this," The Captain said equally calm not letting the ex Pirtate get to him, "I honestly, don't care how long it takes for you to do the chores. I'm simply to cause you pain and suffering. But you know I've had a change of heart."

He then nodded to to strongly built crewmen as they walked to either side of Analissa. Then they both grabbed ahold of her by the arms and forced her to turn around.
"Yeah," Captain Riley hopped down from the ledge. "There's a couple in the crew quarters." She opened the door and frowned upon seeing a crew member sleeping on a bunk. "Hey..." She grabbed a hold of his arm and yanked him from the bunk. The man fell to the ground and woke up in surprise. "Who said you could rest now? Get to work."

"S-sorry, Captain," He replied hurrying out of the quarters.

"First aid's here," Riley said pulling out a drawer. Three first aid kits lay in there on top of each other. "Need a hand with any of it?"


Mouse walked along the docks and noticed a pile of crates near pirate ship. He glanced around. No one was watching so he casually headed toward them. He glanced around again and peeked into the crates. Two contained wood. Another had metal. Others were filled with food and one had weapons.

He shrugged with a small smile. Why spend money when you could steal? Mouse glanced around again and picked up the crate of wood. He set it on the crate of metal and lifted both together. After again checking his surroundings, he hurried off to The Wrath figuring if he was quick, he could return for more. Mouse felt somewhat surprised no one said anything as he walked down the port. However, he guessed people probably assumed the crates belonged to him.
Nasab slowly, and with a lot of groans, fixed the cut as best he could, but stitching was needed, so he called on the nearest lackey.

"Hey you! Stitch this cut up here, will ya?" he asked a man near by, who promptly stitched his cut, up on deck you could hear a small "Urrgh!" coming from the quarters as he finished he walked up, slowly, and with a few 'Erk!'s he headed up to where Captain Riley was. Nasab gave Riley a paper, on it you could see :

From the French Navy!

Looking for local pirates!

Paying good money for harassing and attacking English ships!

Send a letter to Saint Lucia Embassy and we will send guard ships your way!

Nasab explained the letter, "Do you know what filibusters are Captain? They work for a foreign government to harass or mess with another country, in a few weeks they'll get our companion ships, or we can just send the letter and in a few days we'll be given the okay for our ship to cross French waters and if we don't want any ships we'll be given supplies, but that'll happen in one week, furthermore, it's against the damned English! We get payed to sack the English!" he hated the English with a burning passion for constantly making his life getting to France that much harder, and of course, they made it really hard for him to get to a English colony, so he could get in a ship. He layed out the plan if they were to filibust, using what he read from the Infinium on strategy on the sea.

"We first go to Antigua, then Barbuda, after this we can go to Tobago, and then if we've been successful in all of those we might just make the voyage up to Canada, it's for the war effort, if we do this then we'll become rich and famous, and we can bribe French navies to totally ignore us, or even help us against the English, Spanish, Dutch, and other pirates, it'll be wondrous " he started to become fascinated by his own words and a little bit of drool came out of his mouth. He then snapped back to Earth and then started to ask Captain Riley in a little boyish tone.

"Comeoncanwegopleasecanwegocomeoncomeoncomeon?" he was getting really hyper for working with the French as it provided them a sort of red carpet, they would be like a noble of pirates, but Nasab feared Riley would feel prideful and decide not to, which he would of moaned and groaned just to get her to change her mind.
"Of course captain." Morgan answered back to Juliette immediately as she turned to walk off the the great Dubh Lupa to go and gather merchandise from the sellers of the island's port. Stepping onto the land, she felt a rush of slight anxiety as it had been a little while since she was back on land. Morgan took a little time to glance around at the port's vendors before deciding on one and heading in that direction. However she didn't go far before she was stopped by two men (Blitz and Thend) that were standing right infront of the vendor's cart. Slightly annoyed that the two strangers had picked that spot to stop and chat, Morgan spoke up asking them to move. As she spoke she didn't even try to hide the annoyance in her voice. She had a job to do and stopping to wait for people to get out of the way irritated her. The longer the crew stayed at the harbor the more likely they were to get caught by naval officers and that is never good.
For a moment, Juliette merely stood there as Morgan ran off, her narrowed eyes examining the port. There was the usual hustle and bustle, the usual crowds and vibration of noise. Perfect for what Juliette intended to do. Spinning sharply on her heel, she dashed to her cabin, the rest of her crew scrambling past her, muttering about beer and gold and other such luxuries. A small smirk quirked on her lips at the mention of rum, but quickly vanished as she flung open her cabin door, swiftly waltzing inside. All she needed from here were two things; her cloak, made of a dark, velvet material that covered her entire body easily, and her bow and arrows, the weapon she preferred to use. She slung the cloak around her shoulders, slinging her bow across her back, along with her sheath of arrows. Pulling up the hood of her cloak, she then exited her cabin, and quietly made her way to the busy port.

She had no trouble pushing through the crowds. People tended to avert away from her, opening up a path she could easily get through, her emotionless stare piercing through every stranger that passed by. Most tore their gaze away immediately. A handful held it out for a few seconds before scampering past. And a few brave ones kept her eyes the whole walk by, their gaze just as hard as hers. Juliette would then give those a brief nod, continuing on her way. After almost five minutes of this constant repeat of people avoiding her intimidating aura, she at last reached her destination.

It was a pub. Not a large one either, one of small size, no bigger then Juliette's cabin. Inside, the air was choked with smoke and the stench of alcohol. Loud shouts and jeers echoed throughout the room as people placed their bets, gold coins clinking against one another. Sometimes there would be cheers of success. But mostly it was cursing, fists slamming on a table as they began shouting accusations at their opponent, waving their arms around wildly. "Such childish games," Juliette muttered, walking past each bet with critical eyes. Most of them broke out into fights, with punches being thrown, immature cat calls being made. The stance would be one of a drunk, stumbling around and missing every hit he made. It was rather entertaining to watch, but that was not Juliette's focus. No, her focus lay on a man.

Just a single man, sitting alone in a corner, drinking a mug of beer. His feet were kicked up on the table, the soles of his boots perfectly polished. Everything about him was put together, pristine. Not a single hair lay out of place, not a speck of dirt ruined his luxurious clothes. A rich man, a man of wealth. A man of greed, and with many connections. Connections that Juliette put to use, with promises of something this man valued more then anything. Gold. Enough gold to buy him a year's worth of fine rum. Yes, it had been a risky move, a risky game to play. But Juliette was clever, and she trusted that this man now had the information she needed.

She paused by him for a second, giving him a cool, solid stare, a gaze that he returned evenly, one brow arching upwards, a slight glint of amusement in his eyes. Then came the exchange. A piece of paper, yellowed with two words printed in fine ink upon it, and a bag of gold coins, clattering noisily against one another. With a nod, the two parted ways, the man taking another gulp of his beer, and Juliette heading back towards her ship, face expressionless and unreadable. She glanced at the piece of paper, skimming the words, her heart pounding in her chest. Two words. One ship. Angel's Delight. "Captain Drake Turner," she whispered, crumbling up the piece of paper in her hands, "I'll be searching for you."


"It'll take more then some lashing to break me," Analissa snarled icily, turning her glare to the two men as they heaved her up, spinning her around, "Much, much, much more then that, Drake Turner." She refused to call him Captain, she refused to even think of him as so. In her eyes, he was the devil coming to destroy her, an act that would take more then one lifetime to complete. "No wonder Angel doesn't care for you," she said with a slight laugh, "All you seem to care about is finding and killing pirates, which, may I say, is not very attractive. Honestly, how do you expect to get a girl's attention with the way you like to handle things? It's rather pathetic, really."
(@Komeko : I'm putting a stop to that storyline your trying to start, right here. you're missing the point of the RP. it's not about the english colonies or stuff. It's more about Pirates and them going exploring and what not or things. Maybe and only maybe I'll allow you to bring that back up some time after way later but for now keep all storylines, If you must bring them up, in the confines of English vs Pirates, or Pirates vs Pirates, or some kind of treasure hunting.)

(@CharChar45 and SilverNova : They are at a well known Pirate Port. thus very unlikely to run across any Naval forces.)


Blitz and Thend turned to the woman who was addressing them. "We're in front of a shop?" Blitz asked looking behind him. He then shop, "Huh? who put that there?" Blitz said. He was well aware of the woman's annoyed attitude but he couldn't help himself. Thend however, took on a different attitude, "We're very sorry," Thend said trying to be a gentlemen, "We didn't realize we were in the way."

Thend back off grabbing Blitz's arm to make sure he followed. After she went past Blitz turned to Thend.

"I think she got off that ship that just pulled in," Blitz said to Thend, "Why not ask her?"

"I don't think she'd help," Thend said, "After all she seems in a hurry."

"NonSence," Blitz said waving it off, "It won't take us to long to ask."

"I don't think it's a good idea," Thend replied but Blitz was all ready heading to where the woman went.

"Excuse me," Blitz said to her.


Captain Drake held his hand in front of the quatermaster as he was about to step forward and begin the lashes. It was hard to tell what was going on in his head.

"You are quite right about the lashes," Captain said, "But I know a way to get to you. After all I've already put the plan into motion. You see I'm going to make sure that I strike fear into every single person out there that dares calls themselves a Pirate. Pirates are nothing more than outlaws. They take what they want and don't care about anything more. I only treat them the way that they deserve. They deserve to be all hung for their crimes. But I know that even if we manage to hang every last one of them. There will still be other who get in their minds that they can do what they want. But rest assured, I plan to put a stop to that. After this, there won't be a single person who even thinks about being a Pirate. And it all starts with you and that daughter of yours."

Captain Drake nodded to another sailor who held a bucket of water. The Sailor then threw the water onto Analissa. This was the first time he's done something like this. Making sure that she was soaked before he began the lashings. The Captain drake stepped back as the quater master moved into posistion and began to deliver the lashings. Each strike could be heard loud and sickening as they struck. The quater master did a total of 5 lashes before he finished.
The male walked down the road, unaware of anyone. A strange aura, no, not an aura, but a glowing, cloudy fog surrounded him, like a cloud. This, was a usual trademark of a Haze. This caused many to give strange looks, maidens afraid of his dark prowess in fear. He walked with a stride of a pride, to assure he knew he would get what he wanted. His gaze only gave emotionless power to him, as many tried to read who he was. But he wasn't famous yet, and he would not let his fathers down.

Soon, he reached the tavern, a little wooden shack, with two large buildings on either side. The door slammed behind him as he stepped into it. He was not a man of drink nor gamble; he was a gentleman beyond repair. This was only because of his heritage of a rich family, though, he despises that life now, and never shows his upbringing up to no one. His life was his ship and sword, not to mention his fancy stolen garb and jewels. He secretly was also looking for a woman, whether it be on sea or land, yet, his articles suggested otherwise.

The tavern looked busy in the way that people talked casually, rumors going around as usual, which he himself needed to get insides on. Many men played cards, mere jeers over beer and talk. Even the smog of tobacco made this man cough vigorously. But recruits were his biggest priority, and he needed some as of now, to help him direct the ship to riches and fame.

The man casually stepped over to an empty table, drawing a thin bladed European-styled gold dagger, and stabbing a table with it, as if he had done so many times. This drew some attention over to him, as the wild "thwack" of the blade's vibration made a loud noise. The mysterious fancy man, spoke with a deep and devious Spanish accent.

"I, am Anthony Sergio Haze the 8th Generation. I have come to claim what is rightfully mine. The Haze family would be obliged to have recruits for the Spanish Armadian Pirates'. This, will bring guaranteed riches to you and your crew. We want this to be a wonderful experience for employees."

With this, the man, whom tipped his large hat, smirked as he drew multiple papers from his jacket. "Review the articles-" He slammed the papers upon the table. "and sign here." The man drew a large, black quill and ink bottle as well, setting them down along side the papers. He was excited as to the new landlubbers he would come across now, to set out on sea with.


((The articles remain the same, as Bartholomew Roberts' articles.))

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