• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)


The Lone Wolf


Nick or Alias:






Crush: (please update this if your character gets one)

Choice of weapon(s): (This is the 1650s so please keep in mind of the weapons they possess!)

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Bio: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Likes: (Optional)

Fighting style: (Offense, defense, both, other)

Signature Move: (If any)

Signature saying:

Magic: (it will exist!)

Race: (pm me if you make one up)

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Name: Captain Kimberly River

Nick or Alias: Cinder, Kalina, The Moonlight Maiden

Personality: fiery, fierce, stubborn, feisty, rash, blunt, rather rude, a complete tsundere, caring, sweet when she wants to be, can be cute, adventurous, daring, brave, thrill seeking

Age: 17

Height: 4'11

Gender: Female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush: (none yet)

Choice of weapon(s): Cutlass, broadsword, flint-lock pistols (carries about 3 with her), daggers, and a rapier

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate Captain

Bio: Kimberly is the daughter of a wealthy dude but her love for piracy pulled her away from her normal boring life. Her father does not approve of it though he will not arrest her since she is the only person left that he loves. Kimberly fought the captain of the Forbidden Soul and won, gaining the ship and a title. She is a very well known and notorious pirate. She is known to occasionally give mercy though that is quite rare. She has gained many titles and used many different aliases to prevent from anyone knowing that she is the Moonlight Maiden.

Dislikes: Other captains, when she is underestimated, people in general, when someone is meaner than her

Likes: Not many things, her ship, alcohol, sometimes her crew, and her sister and father.

Fighting style: A little of both though she tends to lean towards defense and throws in many cunning and clever tricks.

Signature Move: Plunging her opponents blade into their heart with a twisted smirk.

Signature saying: "I am the captain and this is my ship." And "One, it is not wise to oppose me. Two, I will give no mercy. Three, look into my eyes as I stab the life out of you."

Magic: Skilled in healing and gains supernatural senses in the moonlight. Darkness magic, twin telepathy (With nova)

Race: Human

Other: Kimberly holds her liquor very well.
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Admiral Smith Spice

Nick or Alias:

Watcher of the seven seas, pirates bane.


Understanding, kind, thoughtful, quiet, observant, basically a tactician. Natural born leader, brave, and adventurous. Great swimmer, and a fine politician. A man of God at its finest.










None yet

Choice of weapon(s):

An elegant rapier, and a simple flint-lock pistol.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Navy Offical


The son of a seasoned Naval Officer Smith was introduced to being on a ship at a young age. Smith began working on a ship at the age of 10, and over the years he showed great skill with handling a ship,can even staying calm under pressure. When his after died Smith became captain of the Blue Storm. He started off as a lowly captain, bit after he won a few crucial battles that seemed impossible to win, Smith was promoted to an Admiral. The youngest person ever to become admiral.




-losing his men

-unlawful acts


+ Justice

+ the sea

+ Books

+ his ship and crew

Fighting style:

Smith fights like a gentleman. At all times in a fight he will always play fair, no sneaky tricks or cheap shots. It's all about keeping his reputation.

While Smith isn't the best at swordplay, his true fighting skills lie in naval battles. He is known for never losing a battle.

Signature Move:

A quick upward or diagonal slice that severs his opponents hand from their armm promptly disarming his opponent.

Signature saying:

"I'm not sure what drive you to piracy. But by gods name I will serve justice upon each and one of you,"

"The sea is my home, and it is where I belong. I will be more than happy to die in its waters,"


He can hold his breath for an inhuman amount of time.




Smith is fond of reading and writing books.
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Eagershadow3 said:


Admiral Smith Spice

Nick or Alias:

Watcher of the seven seas, pirates bane.


Understanding, kind, thoughtful, quiet, observant, basically a tactician. Natural born leader, brave, and adventurous. Great swimmer, and a fine politician. A man of God at its finest.








None yet

Choice of weapon(s):

An elegant rapier, and a simple flint-lock pistol.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Navy Offical


The son of a seasoned Naval Officer Smith was introduced to being on a ship at a young age. Smith began working on a ship at the age of 10, and over the years he showed great skill with handling a ship,can even staying calm under pressure. When his after died Smith became captain of the Blue Storm. He started off as a lowly captain, bit after he won a few crucial battles that seemed impossible to win, Smith was promoted to an Admiral. The youngest person ever to become admiral.




-losing his men

-unlawful acts


+ Justice

+ the sea

+ Books

+ his ship and crew

Fighting style:

Smith fights like a gentleman. At all times in a fight he will always play fair, no sneaky tricks or cheap shots. It's all about keeping his reputation.

While Smith isn't the best at swordplay, his true fighting skills lie in naval battles. He is known for never losing a battle.

Signature Move:

A quick upward or diagonal slice that severs his opponents hand from their armm promptly disarming his opponent.

Signature saying:

"I'm not sure what drive you to piracy. But by gods name I will serve justice upon each and one of you,"

"The sea is my home, and it is where I belong. I will be more than happy to die in its waters,"


He can hold his breath for an inhuman amount of time.




Smith is fond of reading and writing books.
Accepted! Post whenever you want. Others can just jump in!

Finn Johnson


Nightcrawler, Dead Man


Calm, cool-headed, suave






None yet

Weapon of choice:

Long dagger, slingshot and a short sword with a darkened blade

Pirate, Navy or other:

Other; assassin


Born and raised as an assassin, his mother was killed in a battle between the navy and the pirates. His father ran away from home a year after he was born.

HeroPilot said:
Finn Johnson


Nightcrawler, Dead Man


Calm, cool-headed, suave






None yet

Weapon of choice:

Long dagger, slingshot and a short sword with a darkened blade

Pirate, Navy or other:

Other; assassin


Born and raised as an assassin, his mother was killed in a battle between the navy and the pirates. His father ran away from home a year after he was born.

Accepted but please have appearance and height. Once you get those then u can jump in whenever!
Fighting style:

Mostly defence with a bit of offence.

Signature Move and saying:

Stabbing the enemy in the back.

"Are you dead yet?"


Able to slow down time for a short period of time. Powers increase and decrease at random.


Shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, thin, hunter's body with usually black leather clothes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-11.jpeg.c25ee7a7a37b79ae459c348e781410bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-11.jpeg.c25ee7a7a37b79ae459c348e781410bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alec Kareem.

Nick or Alias: The Bastard

Personality: Alec is a rather upbeat kind of guy, but also with a suave side. He can be a real smooth talker when he wants to be, but overall, he's a chipper, happy guy.

Age: 22

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: N/A, though he is a hopeless romantic.

Choice of weapon(s): Two Flintlock pistols, two curved daggers, and a shortsword.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Other. He is a Scoundrel and a Smuggler.

Bio: One of the best Smugglers around, Alex was born and raised on the sea. He knows his ships like the back of his hand, and because of all his time spent with them, knows pretty much all the right places to store legal, or illegal, goods. Not much else is known, save for how he got his nickname, which was when he stole his current ship at age twelve. Most everyone who chased him called him a bastard, and he took to it, calling himself The Bastard.

Dislikes: Dancing, seafood, and loud people.

Likes: Sleeping, flirting, dreaming, and eating.

Fighting style: Defensive, based more around countering or parrying the opponents moves.

Signature Move: Smuggler Surprise: In times of need, Alec can throw down a specially made firecracker on the floor. It blinds and makes people deaf momentarily if they see or hear it go off.

Signature saying: 'Rules don't mean nothin' to a Bastard.'

Magic: Knows only one spell so far, and that is Invisibility.

Race: Human.

Other: None.



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[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Appearance:
View attachment 235090

Name: Alec Kareem.

Nick or Alias: The Bastard

Personality: Alec is a rather upbeat kind of guy, but also with a suave side. He can be a real smooth talker when he wants to be, but overall, he's a chipper, happy guy.

Age: 22

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: N/A, though he is a hopeless romantic.

Choice of weapon(s): Two Flintlock pistols, two curved daggers, and a shortsword.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Other. He is a Scoundrel and a Smuggler.

Bio: One of the best Smugglers around, Alex was born and raised on the sea. He knows his ships like the back of his hand, and because of all his time spent with them, knows pretty much all the right places to store legal, or illegal, goods. Not much else is known, save for how he got his nickname, which was when he stole his current ship at age twelve. Most everyone who chased him called him a bastard, and he took to it, calling himself The Bastard.

Dislikes: Dancing, seafood, and loud people.

Likes: Sleeping, flirting, dreaming, and eating.

Fighting style: Defensive, based more around countering or parrying the opponents moves.

Signature Move: Smuggler Surprise: In times of need, Alec can throw down a specially made firecracker on the floor. It blinds and makes people deaf momentarily if they see or hear it go off.

Signature saying: 'Rules don't mean nothin' to a Bastard.'

Magic: Knows only one spell so far, and that is Invisibility.

Race: Human.

Other: None.

Accepted! Jump in whenever u want!
Name: Jake Flint

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5.2”

Age: 20

Signature Saying: Screw It

Description: Like this but with different weapons and with some goggles on his head


Personality: Jake is the type of guy that tries to lay back and relax which is rather odd for a pirate but he is a happy guy which is another weird quality for a pirate, he is kind to most people he has little respect for the snobby rich people that keep everything for them self. He is as stubborn as a bull when it comes to his own opinion. He is an awful liar, and he is rather strange, and he always has an idea he was pretty smart well most of the time.

(Why he choose to be a pirate with all the traits No clue?)

Bio: He came from a wealthy family of merchants that hire people to do their job for them. They were rather stingy with their money and only spent it on themselves they would not even give his son a measly penny. Jake was out in the world himself his parents did not care about him, They only gave him a tiny room with a bed, dresser a bed and a tiny window but he never stayed indoors he was always outside with his friends being adventurer’s one day they might be exploring a temple or they are fighting spooky scary skeletons for him it could be anything it was when he was about 12 his parents really started getting on to him they mouthed him off they sometimes beat him but he did not care he did not consider him his parents he always thought in a weird way that adventure was. Jake was a good lad he went to school went home and got his homework done then went out for his daily adventure. His parents for a birthday present they would give him paper for jake he was fine with that he had a lot of ideas to put on a piece of paper he always had idea to for something that could help them on their adventures but he was never able to build anything because he was broke and they did not sell anything useful close to them. at the age 16 he got a job, a lot of his friends joined the royal navy but jake never got a good vibe from that place he got a job as a stable man which was literally the worst job in the world, after a year he got a little boat, not like a little dingy or anything but more like a 8 by 5 boat with 1 sail and a whelm. He started sailing everywhere picking up supplies for his blueprints so he could build his invention. At the age 20 his parents kicked him out of the house which Everyone was happy about his mom his dad and himself were very happy about him leaving but before he left his dad gave him something a treasure map he said if you follow this map there will be treasure but after jake turned away and walked away he could hear them laughing which he assumed it was a joke so he put it in his bag and head off. and now for the last 2 years, he has been looking for adventure anywhere he goes he has stolen a little bit from pirates but not much.

Likes: he likes to sail and sing a sea chanty but he can’t sing the best, one of the things he collects is different tools or random inventions from other people. The thing he likes to do the most is relax

Dislikes: He does not like the rich that keep to themselves nor does he like people getting on his back or telling him off about something he did not mean to do he might not act like these things bother him but They do

Hobbies: A lot of time if he is bored he will make blueprints for new inventions and or just relax.

Quirks: He tends to bite his lip a lot when he is in a tough situation he also tends to stare off into space when he thinks or he is just relaxing. He can have a hard time with sarcasm and puns

Pirate or navy: Pirate

Open for romance: He is open to romance

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapon: Being the inventor that he carries 1 pistol swords and 4 pistols (He likes his pistols)



Magic: None

Powers/abilities: His ability is being able to hear and see really well and he is really creative being able to create blueprints from the top of his head.

Fighting style: he does not have one he just fight as he see’s it

Finisher: He only uses this Finisher on the most challenging enemy he thrust his sword into his chest and then he fires the sword.

(Sorry If there is stuff in there that was not on the sign-up sheet and or a little out of order I'm sort of recycling this character from another RP that died right as I posted)
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[QUOTE="Mr jake]
Name: Jake Flint
Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 4.9”

Age: 22

Signature Saying: Screw It

Description: Like this but with different weapons and with some goggles on his head


Personality: Jake is the type of guy that tries to lay back and relax which is rather odd for a pirate but he is a happy guy which is another weird quality for a pirate, he is kind to most people he has little respect for the snobby rich people that keep everything for them self. He is as stubborn as a bull when it comes to his own opinion. He is an awful liar, and he is rather strange, and he always has an idea he was pretty smart well most of the time.

(Why he choose to be a pirate with all the traits No clue?)

Bio: He came from a wealthy family of merchants that hire people to do their job for them. They were rather stingy with their money and only spent it on themselves they would not even give his son a measly penny. Jake was out in the world himself his parents did not care about him, They only gave him a tiny room with a bed, dresser a bed and a tiny window but he never stayed indoors he was always outside with his friends being adventurer’s one day they might be exploring a temple or they are fighting spooky scary skeletons for him it could be anything it was when he was about 12 his parents really started getting on to him they mouthed him off they sometimes beat him but he did not care he did not consider him his parents he always thought in a weird way that adventure was. Jake was a good lad he went to school went home and got his homework done then went out for his daily adventure. His parents for a birthday present they would give him paper for jake he was fine with that he had a lot of ideas to put on a piece of paper he always had idea to for something that could help them on their adventures but he was never able to build anything because he was broke and they did not sell anything useful close to them. at the age 16 he got a job, a lot of his friends joined the royal navy but jake never got a good vibe from that place he got a job as a stable man which was literally the worst job in the world, after a year he got a little boat, not like a little dingy or anything but more like a 8 by 5 boat with 1 sail and a whelm. He started sailing everywhere picking up supplies for his blueprints so he could build his invention. At the age 20 his parents kicked him out of the house which Everyone was happy about his mom his dad and himself were very happy about him leaving but before he left his dad gave him something a treasure map he said if you follow this map there will be treasure but after jake turned away and walked away he could hear them laughing which he assumed it was a joke so he put it in his bag and head off. and now for the last 2 years, he has been looking for adventure anywhere he goes he has stolen a little bit from pirates but not much.

Likes: he likes to sail and sing a sea chanty but he can’t sing the best, one of the things he collects is different tools or random inventions from other people. The thing he likes to do the most is relax

Dislikes: He does not like the rich that keep to themselves nor does he like people getting on his back or telling him off about something he did not mean to do he might not act like these things bother him but They do

Hobbies: A lot of time if he is bored he will make blueprints for new inventions and or just relax.

Quirks: He tends to bite his lip a lot when he is in a tough situation he also tends to stare off into space when he thinks or he is just relaxing. He can have a hard time with sarcasm and puns

Pirate or navy: Pirate

Open for romance: He is open to romance

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapon: Being the inventor that he carries 1 pistol swords and 4 pistols (He likes his pistols)



Magic: None

Powers/abilities: His ability is being able to hear and see really well and he is really creative being able to create blueprints from the top of his head.

Fighting style: he does not have one he just fight as he see’s it

Finisher: He only uses this Finisher on the most challenging enemy he thrust his sword into his chest and then he fires the sword.

(Sorry If there is stuff in there that was not on the sign-up sheet and or a little out of order I'm sort of recycling this character from another RP that died right as I posted)

Nah dude its all cool xD accepted jump in whenever you want!
[QUOTE="Mr jake](Thanks and the website went down right as you expected me lol, I will probably post later today)

Cool xD and lol
Appearance:A black guy with red eyes.

Name:Aiden Mitra

Nick or Alias:Everyone knows him has "Pride", since he never tells his real name.

Personality:The nick says it all. He is proud of himself and his crew.





Crush: He doesnt, but his older self had one.

Choice of weapon(s): A sword.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:Crew member of the "The 7 sins", a group made of others like him.

Bio: When he was 7 years old, Aiden and his father were part of a crew that sold fishes around the world. One day the ship was destroyed by a kraken (if exists in this rp)/ by a pirate ship (if krakens dont exist). Aiden was the only one who had survived that day. He was rescued by a duke who raised him has his own child. The duke had two young daughters. Aiden only met them once in his childhood. When he was a grown man he was trained to be a pirate hunter. He was also the leader of the army of the duke. One day he tried to catch one of the daughters who he misundertsood has a pirate who was trying to steal something. Then, to show how sorry he was, he made himself part of the daughter's crew and they had some adventures together. However one day when he was away from his friends he was kidnapped by a group of people, members of a king who was a rival of the duke. They made him drink a black liquid that changed him. His hair became pure dark and his blue eyes turned to a bright red. He also forgot almost everything about his life. He then took the name Pride, the proud. He now was part of the same group called "The 7 sins". Together with his "brothers" and "sister", he would act has a right arm of the evil king. He would use his new looks a powers, to try destroy the daughters of the Duke and the Duke himself, who once saved him.

Dislikes: He dislikes everything that becomes messy. He also dislikes the ways the daughters of the Duke act, has he was not a threat for them.

Likes:He likes watching his two targets, do their normal life. He doesnt know why but he does. He also likes the sea, though he usually doesnt go there.

Fighting style: Offense

Signature Move: He has a signature move with his group though I wont say it so people dont find a way to counter it :P

Signature saying:"Im Pride the proud, im here to kill you" and "Everybody dies... some just need a little help".

Magic:He can change the colour of his eyes to blue and his hair to brown. He can also recreate his older self's voice.

Race: Human

Other:He cant read.

JPTheWarrior said:
Appearance:A black guy with red eyes.
Name:Aiden Mitra

Nick or Alias:Everyone knows him has "Pride", since he never tells his real name.

Personality:The nick says it all. He is proud of himself and his crew.





Crush: He doesnt, but his older self had one.

Choice of weapon(s): A sword.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:Crew member of the "The 7 sins", a group made of others like him.

Bio: When he was 7 years old, Aiden and his father were part of a crew that sold fishes around the world. One day the ship was destroyed by a kraken (if exists in this rp)/ by a pirate ship (if krakens dont exist). Aiden was the only one who had survived that day. He was rescued by a duke who raised him has his own child. The duke had two young daughters. Aiden only met them once in his childhood. When he was a grown man he was trained to be a pirate hunter. He was also the leader of the army of the duke. One day he tried to catch one of the daughters who he misundertsood has a pirate who was trying to steal something. Then, to show how sorry he was, he made himself part of the daughter's crew and they had some adventures together. However one day when he was away from his friends he was kidnapped by a group of people, members of a king who was a rival of the duke. They made him drink a black liquid that changed him. His hair became pure dark and his blue eyes turned to a bright red. He also forgot almost everything about his life. He then took the name Pride, the proud. He now was part of the same group called "The 7 sins". Together with his "brothers" and "sister", he would act has a right arm of the evil king. He would use his new looks a powers, to try destroy the daughters of the Duke and the Duke himself, who once saved him.

Dislikes: He dislikes everything that becomes messy. He also dislikes the ways the daughters of the Duke act, has he was not a threat for them.

Likes:He likes watching his two targets, do their normal life. He doesnt know why but he does. He also likes the sea, though he usually doesnt go there.

Fighting style: Offense

Signature Move: He has a signature move with his group though I wont say it so people dont find a way to counter it :P

Signature saying:"Im Pride the proud, im here to kill you" and "Everybody dies... some just need a little help".

Magic:He can change the colour of his eyes to blue and his hair to brown. He can also recreate his older self's voice.

Race: Human

Other:He cant read.

Accepted! Jump in whenever you want.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.7103ca3d8c4ad432d1ec419eba5c0a2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.7103ca3d8c4ad432d1ec419eba5c0a2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Nerida Delphine

Nick or Alias: "The Mermaid"

Age: 21

Height: Six feet five inches long, including tail

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality:Being a hardworking, mischevious, and a bit of an airhead she gets along easily with most of the crew. She can be seductive and sadistic if she wanted to, but chooses to act that way only around sailors. She is usually very calm, but also is extremely determined and never gives up easily.

Crush: Not yet

Choice of weapon(s): Trident

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio:WIP (I just want to start rping, I'll go back tonight to Finish her backstory))


* Humans

* People throwing trash and peeing in the ocean

* Animals put in captivity


* Sarcasm

* Ocean puns

* Pirates

* Water

* Salt

* Anything related to the ocean


Fighting style: Defense

Signature Move: Slapping people, objects, and the water with her tail. (It's more powerful than you would think.) Also stabbing people with her trident.

Signature saying: (Changes extremely often)

Magic: She has a beautiful singing voice that can hypnotize others, and can speak to both the sea and the animals that live there along with hydrokinises.

Race: Mermaid princess

Other: She likes to help out any nearby pirates and trick the navy. Cannot read the English and occasionally has trouble understanding non-mermish. Also may or may not have legs later on in the story.



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Ballerina said:
View attachment 235597 Name: Nerida Delphine
Nick or Alias: "The Mermaid"

Age: 21

Height: Six feet five inches long, including tail

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality:Being a hardworking, mischevious, and a bit of an airhead she gets along easily with most of the crew. She can be seductive and sadistic if she wanted to, but chooses to act that way only around sailors. She is usually very calm, but also is extremely determined and never gives up easily.

Crush: Not yet

Choice of weapon(s): Trident

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other: Pirate

Bio:WIP (I just want to start rping, I'll go back tonight to Finish her backstory))


* Humans

* People throwing trash and peeing in the ocean

* Animals put in captivity


* Sarcasm

* Ocean puns

* Pirates

* Water

* Salt

* Anything related to the ocean


Fighting style: Defense

Signature Move: Slapping people, objects, and the water with her tail. (It's more powerful than you would think.) Also stabbing people with her trident.

Signature saying: (Changes extremely often)

Magic: She has a beautiful singing voice that can hypnotize others, and can speak to both the sea and the animals that live there along with hydrokinises.

Race: Mermaid princess

Other: She likes to help out any nearby pirates and trick the navy. Cannot read the English and occasionally has trouble understanding non-mermish. Also may or may not have legs later on in the story.
Well her voice is haunting and draws people to her. Tortuga is full of sailors and pirates. Just have her sing maybe? Idk if it affects females tho

Lendyn "Charlotte" Beckingham

Timid Swashbuckler

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.cdba40b5a7fb5406513c313c76a47329.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.cdba40b5a7fb5406513c313c76a47329.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The overall outfit is less modernized, but more or less the same.

The garment under her

coat is more red and her hat slightly smaller,

with an adorned cutlass resting on her right hip and a flintlock on her

left. She wears a few belts to keep her weapons secure.


Lendyn Charlotte Beckingham.

Nick or Alias:

She prefers to go by Charlotte, as she would rather not disclose her

first name to strangers. She'll tell it if asked, but no one has, so she hasn't



Lendyn is generally quiet, tending to avoid speaking to people unless spoken

to. When she does speak, it's usually quite formal with maybe some broken

English here and there. A French accent laces her voice.

She behaves sort of like a barnacle on ship, clinging to anyone and following

people without a word, as she doesn't know exactly what the behavior

protocol is as a pirate.

Her overall build is rather small, causing her to be less strong than

most of her challengers. It's difficult for her to win when it's a fight of power,

so she depends on her quick reflexes to stay alive.

In a nutshell, she is pretty boring and lifeless unless engaged by someone.

Despite all of these issues, she seems to be a seamless liar. She's learned to control

her body language so her tone doesn't change and her eyes can easily

keep contact when she's fibbing. Since growing up in a problematic corner of

France, she initially had to snake her way away from the grasp of other children

by using her voice. Thus, she's now something of an expert with body language.

When interacting with others, she tends to be very stiff and rather unapproachable

because of this. If you can get past this and get close to her, she gradually drops

the formal façade and her emotions become more apparent. Otherwise, she's rather



Sixteen years of age, on the cusp of seventeen.


Five feet, zero inches.






None at present, she is open if you're interested.

Choice of weapon(s):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9574a5166541736e828b18d7bf0e6f3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.9574a5166541736e828b18d7bf0e6f3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her favorite weapon is her simple cutlass. She's much better at fighting with it

overall, it's a shame it doesn't get more use. She thinks of each fight with this

blade as something of a dance, reading her opponents expressions and unconscious

behaviors to try to predict their next move.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.535fd61d18fc2e16736a2aaadad8d521.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.535fd61d18fc2e16736a2aaadad8d521.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

However, she uses her flintlock pistol a lot more often. Since she doesn't like to

directly engage people, she's much more accustomed to using a long range weapon.

Her aim isn't that great, but it usually does the trick.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Pirate, but she doesn't usually act like it.


Charlotte grew up in a rough neighborhood in France, being one of many, many

English children in her household. They moved to France when she was very young,

and she grew up speaking not English, but French. She's pretty fluent in French, but

had to learn English around the house. Not the best, but it works.

She was supposedly raised to be a good wife--things like cooking, cleaning, and most

of all, staying quiet and submissive for you husband. However, this life was suffocating.

She couldn't stand leading a life with no meaning, so she ran away.

She was initially discovered on the ship as a stowaway. In most cases, she would have

been killed, but the crew saw her worth in the form of...something of a slave due to her

skills with cooking and cleaning. People gradually forgot the fact that she wasn't really

supposed to play a role, and she took advantage of this to train herself in combat.


• Truly arrogant men

• Ignorance

• Alcoholic drinks

• Close combat

• Small children

• Blistering heat

• Drunkenness


Signature Move:

She has no particular special move, it really

just depends on the opponent's style of fighting.

It usually involves a parry, duck, and slice.

Jumps and rolls are incorporated as necessary.

Hopefully you have a good sword grip...

Fighting style:

She initially is full defense, only blocking, but once she figures out a pattern in her

opponents' style and movements, she uses this to go full offensive.

Signature saying:

"Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie."


No particular magic, she's very ordinary. Maybe if she learned how

to read ancient script.


Human, without any real powers.


Not that I can think of.

• Adventure and new things

• Treasure and riches

• Her captain, Kimberly Rivers

• Independant, strong people

• Her cutlass

• Seafood, especially squid

• Salty foods

• Ocean air

• Swimming



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kokirigaming said:

Ledyn "Charlotte" Beckingham

Timid Swashbuckler

View attachment 235910


The overall outfit is less modernized, but more or less the same.

The garment under her

coat is more red and her hat slightly smaller,

with an adorned cutlass resting on her right hip and a flintlock on her

left. She wears a few belts to keep her weapons secure.


Ledyn Charlotte Beckingham.

Nick or Alias:

She prefers to go by Charlotte, as she would rather not disclose her

first name to strangers. She'll tell it if asked, but no one has, so she hasn't



Ledyn is generally quiet, tending to avoid speaking to people unless spoken

to. When she does speak, it's usually quite formal with maybe some broken

English here and there. A French accent laces her voice.

She behaves sort of like a barnacle on ship, clinging to anyone and following

people without a word, as she doesn't know exactly what the behavior

protocol is as a pirate.

Her overall build is rather small, causing her to be less strong than

most of her challengers. It's difficult for her to win when it's a fight of power,

so she depends on her quick reflexes to stay alive.

In a nutshell, she is pretty boring and lifeless unless engaged by someone.

Despite all of these issues, she seems to be a seamless liar. She's learned to control

her body language so her tone doesn't change and her eyes can easily

keep contact when she's fibbing. Since growing up in a problematic corner of

France, she initially had to snake her way away from the grasp of other children

by using her voice. Thus, she's now something of an expert with body language.

When interacting with others, she tends to be very stiff and rather unapproachable

because of this. If you can get past this and get close to her, she gradually drops

the formal façade and her emotions become more apparent. Otherwise, she's rather



Sixteen years of age, on the cusp of seventeen.


Five feet, zero inches.






None at present, she is open if you're interested.

Choice of weapon(s):

Her favorite weapon is her simple cutlass. She's much better at fighting with it

overall, it's a shame it doesn't get more use. She thinks of each fight with this

blade as something of a dance, reading her opponents expressions and unconscious

behaviors to try to predict their next move.

However, she uses her flintlock pistol a lot more often. Since she doesn't like to

directly engage people, she's much more accustomed to using a long range weapon.

Her aim isn't that great, but it usually does the trick.

Pirate, Navy Offical, or other:

Pirate, but she doesn't usually act like it.


Charlotte grew up in a rough neighborhood in France, being one of many, many

English children in her household. They moved to France when she was very young,

and she grew up speaking not English, but French. She's pretty fluent in French, but

had to learn English around the house. Not the best, but it works.

She was supposedly raised to be a good wife--things like cooking, cleaning, and most

of all, staying quiet and submissive for you husband. However, this life was suffocating.

She couldn't stand leading a life with no meaning, so she ran away.

She was initially discovered on the ship as a stowaway. In most cases, she would have

been killed, but the crew saw her worth in the form of...something of a slave due to her

skills with cooking and cleaning. People gradually forgot the fact that she wasn't really

supposed to play a role, and she took advantage of this to train herself in combat.



Signature Move:

{{ I might fill these above ones out later, I'm getting tired.

Fighting style:

She initially is full defense, only blocking, but once she figures out a pattern in her

opponents' style and movements, she uses this to go full offensive.

Signature saying:

"Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie."


No particular magic, she's very ordinary. Maybe if she learned how

to read ancient script.


Human, without any real powers.


Not that I can think of.
Woo lol another female character xD Accepted! Jump in when you want!

Name: Iris Dale Iona

Nick: Iris

Personality: She is a fun, silly and carefree who you would think be the last person to be the Quartermaster of any crew. She has a lust for adventure and is know to get into trouble but can normally get away Scott free.


Height: 5’1’’

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Crush: None

Choice of Weapon: Dual Dagger and a flintlock on her side

Role: Pirate Quartermaster

Bio: Growing up down in Brazil she was always one for parties and adventures. Her parents were always drunk or arguing with each other so she was left to pretty much fend for herself only coming back to eat occasionally. She came to love maps and keeping everything neat was important for her survival and so she became very good at it. One day while walking along the beach she was kidnapped aboard a pirate ship and was told that she was being held for a ransom. When it was revealed that no one would pay for her ransom she was told to walk the plank. As she was walking she grabbed her dagger in her shirt stabbed the captain start a mutiny and ended becoming the quartermaster for the crew.

Dislikes: Drunkenness, gluttony, unnecessary fighting, and disorganized things

Likes: Maps, adventure, parties, and the wide ocean

Fighting style: Strategic which is a combination of both offensive and defensive but does not attack unprovoked

Signature move: None

Signature Quote: Death to the Tyrant

Magic: Complex Map reading and capable of storing insane knowledge

Race: Human

Other: She has a Brazilian accent and is always tan
Wolfiy said:

Name: Iris Dale Iona

Nick: Iris

Personality: She is a fun, silly and carefree who you would think be the last person to be the Quartermaster of any crew. She has a lust for adventure and is know to get into trouble but can normally get away Scott free.


Height: 5’1’’

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Crush: None

Choice of Weapon: Dual Dagger and a flintlock on her side

Role: Pirate Quartermaster

Bio: Growing up down in Brazil she was always one for parties and adventures. Her parents were always drunk or arguing with each other so she was left to pretty much fend for herself only coming back to eat occasionally. She came to love maps and keeping everything neat was important for her survival and so she became very good at it. One day while walking along the beach she was kidnapped aboard a pirate ship and was told that she was being held for a ransom. When it was revealed that no one would pay for her ransom she was told to walk the plank. As she was walking she grabbed her dagger in her shirt stabbed the captain start a mutiny and ended becoming the quartermaster for the crew.

Dislikes: Drunkenness, gluttony, unnecessary fighting, and disorganized things

Likes: Maps, adventure, parties, and the wide ocean

Fighting style: Strategic which is a combination of both offensive and defensive but does not attack unprovoked

Signature move: None

Signature Quote: Death to the Tyrant

Magic: Complex Map reading and capable of storing insane knowledge

Race: Human

Other: She has a Brazilian accent and is always tan

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