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Pirates and Assassins


Two Thousand Club
Celaena Sardothien is the most skilled assassin of the Middle Ages. Only her clients have seen her face, and her origin has always been a mystery, that is, until a ruggedly handsome pirate discovers her secret when he captures her in town one late night. For a while, they are at each others throats. Though she is forced as prisoner on his ship, their rough start to their relationship gradually unfolds into something neither the pirate or assassin expected.

Intersted? Send me your CS and we can get started

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~Character Skelly~


Age: (21-24)

Appearance: (Real photo, no anime please)

Pirate Ship Name: (An epic picture would be nice too)


Background: (Can be brief)

Weapon of Choice:



~My CS~

Celaena "Lena" Sardothien // 21


Personality: Undercover, Celaena is manipulative and always aims to get what she wants. She can be very persuasive, but hardly ever be persuaded herself. Living on her own and having to save her own skin has made her very observant, cunning, and hard to figure out. It is rare to catch her off guard, but Celaena has a habit of letting down her guard to have a good time. She's very witty, and is up for any challenge thrown at her. With the business she is in, Celaena is willing to take risks, but never make foolish decisions that will cause her to get caught or killed.

Background: Celaena's parents were killed in a village raid when she was about ten years old, and was brought in by a retired assassin. She was brought up harshly in order to be fearless in the face of the enemy or in danger, but she grew fairly close to her mentor.

Weapon of Choice: Skilled with the longsword and has a good shot with a bow, and has a knack for throwing knives.

Likes/Dislikes: +rum, duels, killing, food, running, gambling; -losing, obnoxious people, cheats, sharks

Other: She has a long white scar from the bottom of her neck to her right collarbone, and various scars along her shoulder blades from being tortured years ago.

Medieval town that includes the typical shops such as pubs, restaurants, old library, you get the point.



Captain Lucas's Ship,
The Onslaught


~No one-liners please! At least three healthy sentences minimum.

~Romance, violence, and cursing is encouraged, but keep the RPN rules in mind.
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"Just one more, then," Celaena replied to the bartender, twirling her finger around the rim of her empty glass, causing it to spin. She slammed it hard against the table, and looked up to observe the bar's other regular customers. Like always, Celaena had her hood up, but then again so did many others throughout the tavern. It wasn't rare to see a hooded figure in these parts; nobody ever mentioned it either. This was where all the gamblers, heavy drinkers, and criminals came out to play. The tavern wasn't her first option, of course, but it had good rum. She nodded thanks at the bartender, who had returned with a full glass, and continued to observe the reckless behavior around her.
Luke sauntered into the tavern, kicking the door open with his foot.

He drew his sword, and all eyes turned toward the pirate, many placing their hands on their own weapons just in case. The man glared, surveying the room before his eyes landed on the bartender. A chilling smile crept across his face as he slowly walked over to the man, appearing innocent until he whipped the sword to his neck.

"Ah. You must be John Whitlock, am I correct?" Luke asked in a dangerous velvety tone. The bartender nodded, swallowing in fear as the blade nicked his throat.

"As I recall, Johnnyboy, I sent men in here a moon ago to retrieve some information from you. One gold coin for your tongue, and one for its silence," Luke continued, his expression friendly but his eyes cold.

"Then how is it, that half the coast knows about our little quest here?!" He yelled suddenly, making the man jump.

"Please sir, you don't understand, they woulda beat it outta me-"

Luke scowled at the bartender's words, disgusted by the complete lack of loyalty.

"You should have let them."

He shook his head, sheathing his blade before nodding to one if the men that had come in with him, who immediately walked up to the man and snapped his neck.

Sighing, he ignored the shocked faces if the taverns residents, before looking at the now intended bar. The rum in front of the hooded figure sitting there looked particularly delicious, so he grabbed it with a smirk. "Hope you don't mind. Work always makes me a bit thirsty..."
The scene Celaena had just witnessed was anything but a surprise to her. Violence like this happened on occasion here at the tavern, and though killing wasn't tolerated, this pirate didn't seem to care. The moment the pirate had stepped foot into the tavern, whatever remained of her good mood had disappeared and had been replaced with a scowl. Celaena despised pirates, and whenever a client wished for her to end one's life, it was her pleasure to do so. All pirates were haughty and power-hungry bastarrds, and this one seemed no different. If she weren't trying to keep a low profile, she probably would have sliced this man's throat already.

Unlike many of the other frightened folk within the tavern, Celaena was calm and unamused by this dramatic performance. In fact, she was bored by it.

When the pirate reached for her rum, Celaena snagged it out of his reach and scoffed, "Sorry, princess, but last time I checked, you captain your ship, not this tavern." She took a swig of the drink and then slammed the empty glass down on the table.

She knew talking down to a pirate like that was not a smart move if you were an average man like the bartender. It was a dangerous thing to do, but Celaena didn't care much; she was an assassin, and has fended for her own against many pirates much more fierce looking than the one who sauntered in just now.
The men behind him went rigid, expecting their leader to retaliate, but Luke only laughed. "What do we have here boys? A wee lass - and a fiesty one at that," he added, smirking as he reached over the counter and snagged a bottle of the stuff. "What, didja get lost?" He asked, giving her a once over. "I'd be glad to help ya...find yerself..." He snickered, raising a brow.
Celaena stood from the bar, and laughed dryly. "I'm not that kind of girl, so no, not when I have better people and activities to waste my energy and time on," she snapped, rolling her eyes even though the pirate couldn't see her face. It wasn't long before Celaena had reached the door and swung it open, her cloak snapping in the draft as she exited.
Normally Luke wouldn't have cared, would have let the girl leave. There were probably better looking, less mouthy girls out there for him to ravish - nevermind how costly they were.

But this one...this one was special, he could tell. What were the odds of meeting a girl who'd dare mouth off to a pirate - and a damn good one at that?

He followed her, walking up behind her and snaking an arm around her waist.

"Hey now, lassie, don't be like that. I'm just offering you a bit of fun, is all. Didn't mean ta offend you..." He lied swiftly, executing an irresistibly charming grin.
Celaena growled as she felt an arm make its way around her waist. This pirate's got nerve, but then again he has a habit of convincing every other girl to board his ship until he was bored with them.

Guess he didn't know who he was messing with.

Before the pirate could get more eager, Celaena twisted out of his grasp, and while doing so slipped a knife out of her boot. She used the knife to pin the pirate's sleeve on the wooden railing. "You just don't take no for an answer do you, pirate?" she sneered, turning away and strolling off into an alleyway that led to her home for the night.
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Luke yanked the dagger out of his sleeve, rubbing at the tear. Shame...I quite liked that shirt, he mused to himself, before following the girl down the alley. He figured she'd get tired if him following her and react, preferably with some kind of weapon.

He'd been itching for a duel for the past month or so, and none of his crew were adept enough to be a real challenge. The hooded girl had surprised him so far, why shouldn't he stick around to see what other deadly tricks she had huffed up her sleeve?

Luke began humming as he stalked her, getting louder and louder as they walked.

"Beautiful night isn't it, girlie?" He called out.
She knew that the pirate had followed her. Celaena first believed that he would simply grow tired of his fruitless pursuit and walk away, but he did the opposite. It made her bristle with frustration. This pirate was either aiming to provoke her, or simply couldn't take a hint. Either way, Celaena nearly had enough. She had business to take care of, and this pirate was slowing her down.

Celaena stopped walking and turn her head slightly. "You finished, pirate?" she snapped, but not loud enough to attract attention.
"Am I?" He asked, tilting his head at her thoughtfully.

His gaze lifted past her, and over her shoulder, scanning the area for any eavesdroppers. Seeing none, he sped up the process of aggravating her, grabbing her quickly by the forearms and slamming her into a stone wall, pressing his body against hers to pin her in place before drawing his sword menacingly.

He eyed her, reflecting the moonlight off of the curved blade as he looked at her, not saying another word while waiting for her to react.
Celaena was torn between lashing out at the pirate, and mocking his foolish decision. She opted for the latter, and laughed harshly. "You are persistent, I'll give you that," she quipped sharply. Celaena could feel her longsword pressing against her back, and her fingers itched for it.

She jammed her heel onto his foot, but only hard enough for her to slip out of his reach and slide her sword out of its sheath. Knowing that the hood would limit her perception, she pulled it away and revealed her face in the moonlight. A sinister grin cracked onto Celanan's face as she slid her fingers over the flat of her blade. "It's a shame I have to get my hands dirty, today. It was my night off," she mused.
"Mmm, a beautiful maiden and a swift tongued sellsword..." Luke laughed and bounced back and forth on tha balls of his feet, anticipating the fight.

"Let's see if you have the same swiftness in your movements, hmm? Shall we dance?" He asked, gesturing to her blade and his. He waited for her to make the feat move, he'd study her movements before stay king based off of them.
Celaena tossed her hair out of her face, eager to end the fight before it even started. Though she wanted nothing more than to launch at him with her sword, she knew she had to be careful. She needed to study his moves, find his weak spots. Making the first move made her vulnerable, but Celaena was willing to take that risk if it meant making the killing blow sooner.

She swung her sword first at his midsection. It was a move Celaena knew he would most likely block unless he was very dense, but the pirate seemed to know how to handle a sword.
Luke parried the swipe easily, moving his own blade in front of him and using the momentum of her swing to flick her weapon downward, briefly leaving her upper left side vulnerable. His hand came up, slicing the fabric over her collarbone just enough to scratch, not taking the obvious shot, and warning her with a little smile instead.

"Watch it," he chided, taking up a defensive position again, keeping the blade level and steady. She was quick, but then, so was he.
Celaena scowled, and it wasn't from the sting of the scratch. She eyed him warily, her body balanced as she remained in her defensive stance. He was toying with her, and Celaena hated it. It wasn't her style, but two could play at that game.

She slid her blade over to his left side, aiming to distract his blade so that she could flick her wrist upward. Her blade nicked the bottom of his jawline, and a smile crept onto Celaena's face. "Take your own advice," she stated, stepping back and waiting for his move.
He liked this girl.

The drop of blood that ran down his neck only managed to excite him more, and he stepped forward, darting his blade in and out of her defenses, the sound of their swords clashing filling the alleyway.

"Now where did a pretty little face like yours learn to fight like this?" He wondered, purposely hooking the tip of his blade under the crosspiece of her sword and pulling her until she was face to face with him. "And without fear too..."
It wasn't the first time someone had asked this question. It came with the job; most people didn't even believe her when they put a face to the name. She took pride in that. Celaena always preferred to be a feared assassin rather than a tipsy bartender whose tips were a night in a different bed.

"Everyone has their secrets," Celaena said darkly, careful to keep her face blank of emotion. She allowed a smirk to cross her face as her blade slid away from his. "I suppose I don't have to ask where you learned to fight yourself," she mused, gesturing his pirate-like apparel with her sword. "Or where you grew such an overwhelming ego."
Luke leered at her over his blade, evading yet another of her thrusts.

"Not many things bigger than my ego, girlie," he admitted, chuckling at her words. "But I'll show you one of them if you come back with me..." He trailed off, raising a brow suggestively.

"You can show me some of those secrets you were talking about while we're at it, too."

They were almost evenly matched as far as the eye could tell, despite the differences in size and style.
Celaena's smirk was gone, and had been replaced with a glower. Were all pirates like this? It seemed to be a trend with this one. She watched his footing, waiting patiently for a mistake.

"Nothing has changed since I left the bar, pirate. Not every girl succumbs to your every whim, and I just happen to be one of them," she snapped, attacking him once more.
"My name's Lucas, not 'pirate', " he replied, noticing her change in mood.

"Ah. Getting tired of our dance, eh lassie?" He commented, feigning sadness. "I guess you're just too good for me then. Ya fight good for a girl I guess, gave me a good run," he said, sidestepping her but being caught by her nimble blade, leaving an obvious open shot to his abdomen...a little too obvious.
"Well, Lucas, it wasn't a pleasure," Celaena seethed, angered by his last comment. If only he knew who she was.

"And I wouldn't speak too soon," she said with a grin, seeing an opening that she simply couldn't resist. Without another moment of hesitation, she launched her blade near his abdomen.
Like taking candy from baby, he thought, drawing his other sword and blocking the strike with ease with the sword now in his left hand, knocking her blade away. He shook his head and took the opportunity to knock her in the temple with the hilt of the weapon in his right hand, just hard enough to daze her.

Snapping his fingers, the two men that had been trailing him closely grabbed her arms, and he bent to retrieve her fallen weapon.

"You forgot," he said, turning around and walking back the way they came.

"You were fighting a pirate. We never play fair."

He studied her blade with a smile, testing it's weight before signaling his men again. "Come on. Ship's waiting, and I'm sure everyone will want to meet out new guest..."
Celaena should have seen it coming. She should've been more aware of her surroundings, and should have paid more attention to the fact that she was fighting a pirate. She should've remembered that pirates didn't fight fairly.

But she didn't.

She was too dazed at first to register what Lucas had just done, but when she felt two large hands grip her arms, a string of curses escaped from her lips. Celaena grunted in her effort to pull herself free, but the iron grip only tightened. Anger and frustration polluted her thoughts as she was dragged away from freedom and towards a place Celaene never imagined she would be confined to- a bloody pirate ship.

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