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Pirate War (w/ Roman)

Alastair's father nodded, "Son... I love you, but you are just weird sometimes." He said walking out, closing the door behind him.

Alastair sighed, "See why I like you? You're good with words. As much for me, I'll kill a guy when I have to. Anyways, nice lie and let's keep him confused.... He doesn't need to know about this until he hands down the ship to me." He said smiling. "Also, am I weird?!"


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Elm smirked and shuffled over to him, half-dressed. "You're weird. Very weird. But that's why I like you." She stood on her tip-toes and softly planted a kiss on his lips.
Alastair frowned, "I am not weird!" He said playfully pushing her. Alastair put his hands around Elm's waist and kissed her back. "If anyone is weird, it's you."

The captain frowned, as he watched the two from the window. "Still think I wouldn't find out?" He chuckled and walked away from the door a smirk on his face. "I have a plan for those two..."


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Elm smiled up at him. "You know, you have a crew to order about." She ruffled his hair. "And I have a quarter master that I have to follow." She gently pulled away from his grasp and finished dressing. "I still think your father has some weird, misunderstood plan for something," she said, "When I was in his quarters yesterday, he wouldn't take his eyes off of that map of his."
Alastair pondered for a moment, "He was probably planning a raid like the last one. Rumor says you told him about it. Nice." He said pulling on his shirt then pants. "I'm gonna go out to the deck, I hear yelling and stuff. Meet me up there when you can."


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"Okay," she said with a small smile as he left. She finished dressing and turned to window, where she stared out at the ocean and sighed,
Alastair left the room and made his way up to the deck, where his father was giving a lecture or speech. Either one of the two, Alastair honestly didn't care until he heard his name.

The captain or Alastair's father said his name in this speech or whatever. "Yes! My son Alastair will be showing if he is captain material. If he passes, he will become the new captain the day he returns. He will not be alone though! I assigned our newest shipmate as his assistant. She will travel with him. I have been working hard recently and finally found what island I will send him to, 'Bone Head Island' is where he'll be going, along with his assistant."

Alastair ran back down to his room and almost broke down his door, trying to open it.


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Elm jumped at the cacophony of noise that Alastair made as he came back into the room. "Shit!" She exclaimed. "What happened? What's wrong?"
Alastair took a deep breath, and looked at Elm, "I am being given a chance at becoming captain. It's like a trial. Though, it takes place on, Bone Head." He said


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"Correction: Why would he put 'US' through that?!" Alastair frowned and punched the wall. "He doesn't want us to survive..."


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"US?" Elm slumped onto the bed and put her head in her hands. "Oh my god..." She ran her hands over her face. "I'm guessing now isn't a good time to bring up the fact that I told you so."
"I won't even lie to you. It's both not perfect and perfect. All I know is we leave today..." Alastair said sadly. "We have to stay there a couple of days. After that, they send people to come get us. Forget it, if I die, I'm glad I met you and formed a relationship."


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Elm's eyes shot up to his face. "No." She said, voice hoarse. She stood and grabbed his shoulders. "Don't say that. Don't ever say that. I will make sure you stay alive. I already lost my crew, I'm not losing you. Do you understand me?"
Alastair looked at her with a smile, "You're right. Long as we're put there together, no one is gonna die!" He pulled her toward himself and kissed her gently, before pulling away. "Lets get ready."


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Alastair began to gather his weapons. Guns, dagger, swords. He grabbed what look liked poison, and also some other materials. "I'm ready. I got clothes and all that good stuff a tent too."
Elm nodded, packing only a few weapons. Alastair seemed to have most of what they needed. "I'm...ready too."

Elm nodded, packing only a few weapons. Alastair seemed to have most of what they needed. "I'm...ready too."
"Alright. Now we wait for them to tell us we arrived." Alastair said.

(( Mind if we finish tomorrow? I wanna come up with a few things they see there ))

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