Pip the Pidgey


I draw pretty

Name: Pipperon, but almost always Pip for short​

Species: Pidgey​


Gender: Male (He/him)​


Faction: Soon to be soldier (mew)​

Island: Runark​


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack​


Pip is a young, energetic, excitable, Pidgey. He’s a kind soul who doesn’t give up easily, but he’s also naïve and somewhat of a late bloomer. Because an Umbreon raised him instead of his Pidgeot parents, Daeana being hesitant to find a teacher for him, and living underground rather than out in the open, his flight skills are very underdeveloped for a Pidgey of his age.

Despite this, he’s surprisingly self-sufficient and often runs errands for Daeana by himself, wandering the caves as he pleases (so long as he stays away from dangerous tunnels), and he’s very excited to grow up. He looks forward to learning to fly, evolving, and becoming as honorable a Pokemon as he’s told his parents were.​

Pip is curious about the war, the stories of glory and honor filling his head, as well as what his parents were like and Daeana’s roll in the war. She often tries to redirect conversation away from the topic of war, but when it does come up, she’s firmly against it, making it abundantly clear that Pip is not to have anything to do with battle if she can help it.

Pip, while he can get frustrated with her, loves Daeana very much and sees her as his biggest role model alongside his deceased parents. He strives to make her proud and, while she tends to be distant, knows that she cares for him just as deeply.​


Pipperon’s parents were loyal and dependable Runark soldiers. He doesn’t remember anything about them because he hatched while they were off fighting in the war. They were mortally wounded in the same battle that Daeana lost her leg, dying under her care. In their final moments, Daeana promised to take care of Pip.

When she returned from the war for good, taking up the healer’s position, she took care of Pip most of the time, but when she was busy with healing duties that Pip couldn’t help with, he stayed with Leona and played with the other young Pokemon of Runark, often getting drawn into their games and stories glorifying the war.​


Even though Pip isn’t a strong flier, he’s a very good climber and uses his beak and talons to get to places otherwise inaccessible.


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