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Pick a door, any door...


One Time Luck


Some music to keep you entertained as you might read this. Thank you for those that do, handshakes to the ones interested in my official thread request. Sit back, this might take a while.


I. My Rules

II. About Me

III. Plots

IV. Pairings


My Rules

As with the site, same rules apply but I have some of my own which are not meant to drive you away but to help us have the best roleplay experience possible.

1. No one-liners. I cannot speak for everyone else, only myself. These are very hard to reply to and usually I can think of things quickly. Am I expecting you to write a whole novel? No way. Do what you must in order to get your point across.

2. If we get through the brainstorming process with a thread all set to go, please do not disappear from the opening or even the PM process. If there is a problem or you've lost interest all you have to do is let me know. Disappearing suddenly, without any word. I know emergencies happen, those are understandable, will definitely have us not write again in the future. Communication is the key, all I ask for.

3. Do not control my characters unless I state so or if everyone is moving along collectively. This means major, minor, side, or temporary characters.

4. Please don't rush me for a post unless I'm taking a month but that is a scenario which is unlikely to happen. I'll make sure to keep on top of posting, don't worry.

If you find something interesting in my thread PM me. Should you need a partner for an idea you have, run it by me, I'd be more than happy to here it.


About Me:

Genres I am thoroughly enjoy:

General Fantasy such as LOTR, Historical Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Medieval, Horror, Dystopia, Apocalyptic, Science Fiction, Future, Fandoms--only if original characters are involved. That, and a whole intriguing plot. Steampunk. Comedy--make em laugh.

Genres I don't really care for:

Anthro or Furry. Anything where animals take the place of humans or something to that nature. None of it, not interested. Yuri.

Roleplay Places, Types:

Threads only. I prefer to write one on one with a partner, groups can be too complicated sometimes when there's about, oh, twenty people in one single roleplay with no posting order.

When you'll find me posting:

About a few times a week. It's coming up on the holidays meaning work will be hectic.

Genders I can play:

Both. I'm a female, however, I like to expand my horizons. Sometimes I'll prefer to play the female role, others, the male.

Genders I prefer you to play:

I am not picky, just depends on the roleplay, what we can agree on.


I like to create a plot to see where it goes as much as I like to have my partner help with it also. A joining of great forces to make one epic roleplay.

Characters I typically play:

The hero or heroine with trials to endure in order to become strong. The guy who pretends not to give a crap though deep down he does. The woman in love, a nomad traveling the world to find peace. Hunted Assassin. Half-ling caught between two worlds of prejudice. Girl next door vulnerable but at the same time can hold her own in battle. The thieving man so stealthy his antics go unnoticed. A King/Queen worthy of their title. The amnesia patient looking for answers. Gifted individuals unable to seek out the right path. The insane, deplorable one.

Characters I refuse to play:

Super strong characters without some weakness. Instantly whiny, loud, prone to fighting female characters. Female characters so submissive they always need someone to rescue them--they have not a mind of their own--helpless damsel. Loner types so alone they need to be opened like a rubix cube to be figured out. Unnaturally strong cocky characters seemingly having no weakness--goes for any character able to not be effected by a bullet. Characters somehow knowing EVERYTHING involved in the plot. Characters having mind-control. Vampires that do not burn up in the sunlight.

How much I write:

My intros are pretty long, usually I do multiple paragraphs, it all depends on that creative flow.

My Writing:

"Don't go. Don't leave me." Anuelle spoke barely above a whisper, mainly to herself. Her hands trembled watching Dedre cross the room, heading the same direction the loud young man came through. Even though she had not a clue what was going, something deep within her felt a sadness, a foreboding feeling tugged at and she knew she was to remember.

Remember...what? Something.

Shaking her head, the leftovers riddled to the plate would not be touched, at this point they were undesired. What was she to remember? Nothing came to mind beyond walking the horrendous journey, knowing her name, reaching this town. She wanted not for Dedre to leave, the kind woman, yet Anuelle could say no more. Terrified eyes resided on Bran, the man no longer wrote, he seemed to take the news in his own way. Lips quivering, she cast her eyes down wondering whether she should really stay here like Dedre told her. The young woman, felt it inside, to feeling to help, in some manner. Looking at her hands, they were shaking, because the sound was familiar, the ones filing out the Tavern, headed into battle.

So familiar...

For a moment she closed her eyes.

The smell of fire, how vivid it was.

Flames all around, bright orange, engulfing wood and flesh alike, the screams were horrific. They climbed as high as the forest trees. There was no where to run, to hide. Those attempting mutiny are knocked down, maimed, heads rolling lifeless along the stained red grass. A child of nine, hair curly, blonde with hazel eyes so round flees barefoot, trying to escape. Her attempts prove useless. The pounding of boots echo throughout the area, she is seized, brought back to a woman with eyes mirroring hers. The woman, rendered on her knees, held by two cloaked men, has not a single trace of emotion in her eyes when the shimmering axe blade looms overhead. Screaming the child is, captured, seeing the weapon come down cutting off the woman's head. Blood splatters on the hysterical child.

Warmth touched her hand. Anuelle's eyes jerk open instantly. Surprise fills her features to see the man from another table so close, his hand over hers. The gesture is reassuring, like the kindness Dedre showed her. She looked at him entirely, his presence, it was strange yet at the same time welcomed. Earlier feelings of a ominous nature took a back burner, any worry she may have had disappeared. Who was he? Where had he come from? She secretly questioned in her mind studying him.

Like the doctor, he wanted her to stay here too.

"H-How did you know my name? Oh, could you have heard when I spoke to Miss Dedre?" Was he not a distance away? Could she have been so loud? There was no real time to think about it or at least with her growing fascination in his eyes. "Your name," The woman smiled. "You must tell me, please. I inquired to Miss Dedre about who you were, she did not know. I feel I should know, I believe," She looked down. "There are other things I should know too, I could see it written on her face when explaining I did not know where I'm from. Yes, I'm to remember yet the only thing I can is my name, that I've been traveling a long time..." She brought her eyes back on his, the sincerity in them. Kindness. "I will trust your word, I'll stay here with you because you asked. I can trust your eyes, yes." She decided.

Just a head's up, I write a lot. Keep that in mind if you are interested.



No need to worry if we start something from a picked plot or pairing on my list I will start an intro.

Attack on Sky

Fandom, Futuristic

Does this have anything to do with Attack on Titan? Yes.

Is this exactly the same as the anime and manga? Nope.

Will there be Titans? Absolutely.

I've seen too many threads already about Attack on Titan whether it is the same premise as both anime and manga or some things are slightly different. In this plot humanity still has not uncovered the truth about where the Titans have come from, what their exact purpose other than destroying humanity is, more so these creatures have evolved. They are much more faster and have spawned at an alarming rate. With their climb in evolution, mankind has had no choice but to take to skies in the centuries upon centuries their adversaries have come into existence. Their technology advancement has allowed them to do so. It is in heaven's embrace where man made stations intersect with one another to hold humans as the surface has been deemed too dangerous to 0n. Governed by a single president, the stations each are divided into separate classes, all united by the one simple goal, discover a way to truly eradicate the Titans for good. To take back the surface, their world.

Again, don't look for this to be like the manga or anime. Pretty much the only thing unchanging is the partial name and Titan problem.

My Sacrifice

Historical Fantasy

He loathes the King of Fredenbezigung, the youth of young age. He'd like no more than to slit the tyrant leader's throat to stick it on a stake somewhere for all to see. This man, the King, is responsible for the public execution of the youth's mother, for hundreds, if not thousands of other deaths. He's feared for the kingdoms he enslaves, the lives he destroys, and on the youth's eighteenth birthday he's decided to lead a small garrison through the Capital streets to challenge the dangerous King, however, lack of true preparation has his life nearly ended and having no other choice but to escape he does so, pride shattered. In his escape what happens when he stumbles upon a maiden. Will she help or turn the rebel in?

Yeah, need a female to play alongside, I'll be the currently unknown youth.


Pairings or Scenarios:


High Elf/Drow




Wolves, not to be confused with werewolves.

Vampires, so as long as they burn up in the sunlight.

Silent Hill type of horror


Possessed Victim/Seeker-Plot.


If you read all that you deserve a cookie.


I can personally vouch for these, they are good,
Well, I have one question. Does your partner have to write so much as you? I know you said no one liners but I'm wondering if it has to be as many paragraphs and as big....I hope that makes sense.

Using Tapatalk
Cool. Did anything on my wall of sorts interest you or do you have an idea you'd like to run by me? I'm all ears.

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