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Multiple Settings Pick a Character to Plot/RP with~ (M/M, Open)


Yiling Patriarch
I have been RPing for a long time now and I can write between 400 and 1000 words or more; depending on muse, plot, and my partner's response. {So please be advanced or at least be able to write no less than 300 words or four paragraphs} I do prefer writing in the third person.

Hiya! So, I am itching to play these characters that I'm going to post below. I am leaving it up to my partners to choose who'd they would like to Rp with. Once you pick we can discuss what plot to go with my character and yours. Basically, you pick the character you want your character to eventually romance. I am open to threesomes, where I play two characters and you play one. (Or if you want to rp two and I rp one.) Otherwise it can just one a mono relationship.

Important- #1. I can change up my character's history to match various plots.
#2. All my character's can take on any 'role'. Sub, Dom, and Switch. If I get a bunch of requests for Dom then I will start asking for doubling, as I don't want to be bombarded with only rping the masculine role for eighteen rps. XDDD (As of right now I am not doubling.)

Name: King Haedirn (Distant Watcher) of A'lthas
Age: Looks to be around 28 in Human years, in Elven he is 500 or so
Place of Birth: An inconspicuous village at the very edge of A'lthas. During Haedirn’s childhood there, it was often attacked by the bordering Orc Kingdom. That has stopped under his rule.
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Elven

Appearance/Description: Haedirn is as most elves, tall and slim built coming to around 6’4. A slight bit shorter than his fellow male elves but still a bit taller than the females. As King and a warrior on the battlefield when necessary, he is still strong though it’s not as visible on him as compared to the Human race. His skin is an ivory color, appearing to glow when standing in the moonlight. With high cheekbones, long pointed ears, a fragile glass-like look confirming his elven heritage. The king’s eyes are ever changing, almost hypnotic shades of blue; dark at one look and light at the next. Long soft golden hair with strands of silver woven throughout cascade down his shoulders and back, reaching the lower portion of his back. On important occasions the male elf has a simple braid or two on either side of his head, with beads entwined into it.
Atop his head is crown, simple and almost bland to the eyes of outsiders but extravagant to the elven race. It is made of a star-like metal and deep brown colored wood, the wood is shaped like a human’s crown- in its circular build, wrapping around his head and trailing upward into curls rather than points. Carved into its wood is the starry metal, various in its placing but gleaming beautifully at different angles. On three of the thicker parts of the crowns’ curl is a jewel; sea-blue, leaf-green, golden-sun.
Scar’s: In a fashion that often reminds his own kin and others who are not, that this king was raised very differently from past rulers are the scars on his body. On the back of Haedirns’ neck are three numbers, burned into his neck. Then on the left of his face is a web of deep and shallow cuts, some straight-cut and other swirled. Going lower, his forearms are covered in small burn circles all randomly placed. Cuts were on the palms of his hands, smaller in size but again varying in depth. The most.. disturbing and the one he holds the most loathing for is on the center of his chest, large and very evident so no question could be made on what it could be, is a handprint burn. Though it was received years before, it stays constantly red and raw looking, colored by bandages and layers of clothing.

Personality/Attitude: Wisdom and grace are an Elf’s key traits. Haedirn carries those close, as well as an ethereal gentleness. The king’s attentiveness to his subjects and their well-being will one day be his legacy, as well as his determination to have this all happen through peaceful means. War had plagued them the first several decades when he first took the throne but, once he was able to get them to see reason, it stopped.
Of course, if the need arises, Haedirn gaze can become as frigid as a tempest and ruthless as the storming seas.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: So far little is actually fully known (proven) about his past before the now-deceased king- Jaron, appeared with him and declared Haedirn his Heir.
Hobbies/Interests: Writing, stargazing, and baking.
Philosophy of Life: “Like ripples from a pebble falling into a still lake. One choice can change the fate of many, whether it be by large or small consequences.”
Occupation: King of A'lthas
Other: Cross-dresses in private. (Optional)

Name: Zenarx Aizi Ezox
Nickname/s: Zen, War Guardian of Trusian (before his change of personality), Artisan of Blood (after change of personality)
Age: 28
Place of Birth: Trusian
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Full-blooded Dragonborn

Human form- Zenarx is about average height for his people, standing at a proud 6’1. With broad shoulders and evident muscles; his skin is a dark tan from all the hours of sparring and just being outside. The dragonborn is known for taking his paperwork (which he absolutely hates) outside and sitting beneath a tree and filling it out there. Large jagged scars are littered about his skin, something certain races find disfiguring but, the dragonborn pride themselves on their scars.
Unlike his kin, burned into Zens’ skin are different ancient languages. He also has tattoos of the four elements; a symbol of water on the side of his neck, a vine wrapped around his ankle, swirl of air in the middle of his chest, and finally flames around his wrist. The left side of his face has three large claw marking scars, the middle one crossing his now blind eye. The male has long deep blue hair that is usually tied back in some complex braid, as to not fall into his face. Zenarx' eyes are a pure white with flecks of blood-red dancing in them.
Dragon form- In this form, Zenarx is as big as a small mountain with blue scales that look almost black at various angles. A spattering of white scales are here and there as well. His eyes are blood red, with black pupils. Claws are dark blue. Finally, Zens’ wings are large and leathery, with the veins visible and colored white.

Personality/Attitude: Despite his large appearance and frightening skills as a warrior, he is a kind person. He did his best to always keep smiling, or giving someone something to smile for. Taking lives is not a fun experience for him, guilty or not. The feeling of his victims' light and warmth dying out caused him pain, mentally and physically, but he does it when there iss no other choice. His mercy is well-known throughout the battlefield and while many tried to take advantage of it, it never worked out. He enjoyed laughing and hearing others laugh too. Zen often played harmless pranks on his fellow warriors and on his prince.
After the change: Something drastically shifted in him, causing him to actually enjoy killing. In fact, he seemed to almost lust for it. Smiling as the bodies of his opponents fell to the bloody ground. Cold and cruel outside of the battlefield, uncaring to other plights. A smile was never seen off the battlefield and even then it was laced with cold victory. Zenarx stopped laughing and snarled at anyone who did not take things seriously. His attitude towards his best friend was cold, distant, and disapproving of everything he said or did.

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: His mother and father are unknown, Zenarx was orphaned when he was born. Though he does have a younger sister in all but blood, who is only three years younger than him named Sirro. Zenarx also has two abnormally large pets, a snow white panther (Mallora) and a pure black wolf (Vultos).
Philosophy of Life: “Like ripples from a pebble falling into a still lake. One choice can change the fate of many, whether it be by large or small consequences.”
Education/Special Training: Extensive swordplay, multiple languages, certain types of magic (Elemental- Fire, Air, Earth, and water.)
Other: Unbeknownst to most (including Zen’s bestfriend) he was born with spirits in his mind, guiding him. Only a handful of Dragonborn have these spirits. These beings are his own unique guardians. The more you have, the more powerful you are. The most on record is four. Zenarx has six.
Specifically, the dragon has three male and three female guardians. Orthoron (To Master/Conquer) the Leader; Tirion (To Watch/Gaze) the Wise; Dúon (Nightfall), the Darkness in the Light; Harthril (To Hope), the Gentle; Lastriel (To Listen) the Meditator; Gailel (Bright Light), The Light in the dark. Each voice had guided him during his many years away from his lovers side.

Name: Taosjun, God of Life and Death
Age: Unknown
Place of Birth: The Realm of
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Deity

Appearance/Description: As the God of Life and Death, the man has three forms. Light, Dark, and his ‘Normal’ appearance, which is a mix of the two. These forms are normally easy for him to shift into, but the last few decades his control of what form he takes has… weakened. In fact, if he isn’t randomly switching he is stuck in his Normal form.
As the God of Life and all things light, Taosjun snow-white hair is at a shorter length coming to the bottom of his ears and cut in a somewhat messy manner. His skin is pale and limb lithe, not a scar in sight. The white hair frame an angular face and dark emerald green eyes, flecked with white. The only thing blemishing his skin are the various tattoos; a sun on his lower back, moon on his chest, and the ancient writing tattooed all the way around his neck.
Taosjun counterpart, God of Death and darkness has long midnight black hair. Which brushes against the floor when he stands, if it isn’t in a braid; he prefers the complex looking ones if he chooses to braid it at all. In this darker form, his skin is a deep brown, littered from head to tie in scars. Ranging from larger to the small ones a child could occur falling from a tree. The largest two are on his back and face; a deep word carved into his back and half his face badly burn-scarred. Aside from those, laceration marks could be seen up and down his arms, legs, and bottom of his feet. Lastly, the male’s eyes are a light icy blue with black flecks.
Finally, the God’s Normal form. This form is a balance between the two. From his hair being grown to the middle of his back, one-half black and the other white. To his skin being a much lighter tan, the lacerations on his arms and feet the only scars. While the tattoo around his neck is the only tattoo. Taosjun eyes in this form are sightless, left eyes black and the left white. No, pupils to be seen.

Personality/Attitude: Taosjun used to have an everlasting smile tilting his lips upward, a frown never visible by most people. He spoke kindly, voice filled with warmth and understanding. Now though, it’s devoid of most emotions except frustration and exhaustion.

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: A giant wolf-hybrid, named Freyja. Two snakes; a Rattlesnake (darker gray and black) named Anubis and a Black Mamba named Aphrodite.
Skills/Talents: As the God of Life and Death, he’s able to heal grave wounds and bring the dead back to life- at a limit. On the other side of the coin, he’s able to send those deserving to the underworld.
Hobbies/Interests: The God has found he enjoys star-gazing and mapping out said stars, baking (his sweet-tooth will be the death of him), and swordplay.
Philosophy of Life: "Life and Death are simply two sides of the same coin."
Education/Special Training: Being around for as long as Taosjun has, he knows quite a bit about the world around him. Though, now no one cares to listen to what he has to say. On the darker side of things, he’s proficient in poisons and other torture techniques.
Occupation: None.
Other: N/A

Name: Prince Rir'an of the Demon Kingdom, Vukotus.
Age: Looks 26, is several Millennium older.
Place of Birth: Silia, Capital of the Kingdom of Vukotus
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Demon
Appearance/Description: Rir’an has shaggy white hair, the length falls just below his ears and is almost messy looking. With red-tinged skin, showing his demon heritage. He’s fit and just above 6’2, so slightly above average height for demons. Scars litter his body, as fitting for a Prince of Death. However it is Rir’ans’ eyes that really show his uniqueness among his fellow demons. The Prince has dark stormy blue eyes with flecks of black seeming to move around his sadistically gleeful gaze at all times. This is different from his parents who have pure black eyes. In fact, no one in the kingdom has eyes like his and his beloved’s, all either have solid black or red eyes. In an almost alarming difference, the demon has feathery wings almost angelic looking but… something still unnatural about them; left-wing is white and right-wing is black.
Scars: Rir’an’s left wing is a shadow of itself, with clumps of fathers missing and the wing itself being bent and permanently cripped. A large jagged scar goes diagonal across his neck for all to see, if seen up close the tip of the scar is shallow but gradually gets deeper. Various other scars basically cover his body, but the aforementioned ones are the most disturbing.
Personality/Attitude: Both prince’s tend to be seen as cold and distant when seen at Balls or other festivities in or out of the palace. But, they weren’t always this way as when they were younger, both were very open and sweet children. But around the age of eight they went on a journey with their king and returned completely shut down and refused to let anyone in. The king refuses to say what happened that changed the two he chose as his heirs, but apparently it was ‘for the best’. Rir’an is the more outspoken one of the pair of prince’s.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: His birth parents are Lord Zacra and Lady Melena. Rir’an as an abnormally large silver wolf named Thanatos who follow him as though it was his shadow.
Skills/Talents/Special Training: As tradition calls, when chosen as an heir he must become skilled in swordplay, strategy and persuasion. Rir’an specialty though, is in throwing knives/stars.
Philosophy of Life: Ri- “Carve deep enough and everyone bleeds.”
Occupation: Prince and Heir to the Vukotus kingdom.
Other: At just 8-years-old, after showing advanced strength in combat magic levels, his family was approached by King Sezzalr and he was the second to be chosen as Heir.

Name: Prince Trazgorin of the Demon Kingdom, Vukotus.
Age: Looks 26, is several Millennium older.
Place of Birth: Jaruon, Slums of the smallest city of the Kingdom of Vukotus
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Demon
Appearance/Description: Trazgorin has long silky white hair, coming to about the lower part of his back. It’s either held back in a complex braid or allowed to flow loose down his shoulders and back. True to his kin, his skin is tinged red and litter with scars. Though unike his demon lover this prince is on a more… delicate looking plain. With slim limbs and his height coming to about 5’9, he’s below the usual height for his kind. The demon has brilliant white eyes with a blood-red swirl in the center of his sorrowful yet intelligent eyes. As for what his parents' eyes… Well, with no memory of them, there can be no comparison. That said, unlike his partner most demons eyes are either pure red or black. Traz has feathery wings, much like Rir’an but his are blood red- with various feathers here and there that are snow-white.
Scars: Meanwhile, Trazgorin’s face is deformed. It's as if a perfect line was drawn straight down the middle of it, with the right side of his face completely burned. The left side is webbed with black veins that almost seem to glow. Aside from that the demon’s body has symbols and words burned upon it, condensed on his chest, palm of his hands, and bottoms of his feet.
Personality/Attitude: Both prince’s tend to be seen as cold and distant when seen at Balls or other festivities in or out of the palace. But, they weren’t always this way as when they were younger, both were very open and sweet children. But around the age of eight they went on a journey with their king and returned completely shut down and refused to let anyone in. The king refuses to say what happened that changed the two he chose as his heirs, but apparently it was ‘for the best’.
Besides that, Trazgorin is almost… dazed, as though he isn’t actually mentally there. Words are soft and slow, like he is more than half asleep- even daring to yaw at random times.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Birth parents are unknown. Trazgorin has an abnormally large black panther named Apollo.
Skills/Talents/Special Training: As tradition calls, when chosen as an heir he must become skilled in swordplay, strategy and persuasion. Trazgorin special is with poisons- the making and use of them.
Philosophy of Life: “Intelligence comes in many forms, which form are you?”
Occupation: Prince and Heir to the Vukotus kingdom.
Other: From the moment he was born, Traz was different from his peers. Sadly, his parents were hated strongly and bad luck befell them hard. Before he was one-years-old his family was thrown in the slums and he was the sole survivor. At four-years-old he was found by King Sezzalr and taken to be his first Heir.

Name: Tadashi Michaelis (Once known as ‘Bringer of Death; Eyes of Death; Corrupter, Death's Hand’) [Assassin]
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Appearance/Description: Michaelis is a survivor through and through, standing around 5’10 feet with broad shoulders and muscles. His skin tone is a golden sort of tan with many, many childhood and adulthood scars here and there. One of the most major is the scar on his back, that seems to be some faded word, no one has gotten a good look at it though. The biggest visible scar is the one that overtakes half his face, it is a burn scar that he covers with a full but simple smiling black mask.
The Bringer of Death also has a heavy limp with his left leg, which is very evident and he uses his signature Dragon head Cane because of it.. A few tattoos are scattered across his body; a dragon and phoenix flying side by side on his chest, a sword between his shoulder blades and a quote (‘Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.’) on his left forearm.
Tadashihas midnight black hair that falls in to just below his shoulder blades; he prefers to keep it down and loose but ties it back with a leather band when working. The young man has quizzical heterochromia colored eyes- the right eye a pale blue and the other dark brown though it almost looks back. When gazed at with those eyes they seem to see into your very soul, as if no secrets could be hidden from them.

Personality/Attitude: Michaelis charm is magnetic and no one can say no- both out of fear and because he's so persuasive. His patience is surprisingly long but definitely not gentle. You can go quite far over the line of when something is due and not be punished. However, if he personally confronts you for whatever you owe him, you better have it ready or get it quickly because he will not be merciless to people who are slow when in his actual presence. No one has ever seen his face, before it is fully covered by his creepy smiling mask.

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Family is unknown. Two snakes; a Rattlesnake (darker gray and black) named Anubis and a Black Mamba named Aphrodite.
Hobbies/Interests: TBA
Philosophy of Life: ‘Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.’
Education/Special Training: He is skilled with multiple weapons, though prefers the sword. Dragos also is quite knowledgeable in various torture techniques, of which all he learned had once been used on him. Though no one knows that.
Occupation: Assassin (Reaper rank), former Assassin mentor
Other: N/A

Name: It depends on the personality that is currently in control. Cato the main and most balanced. Rowan the more subservient and calm one. Lastly, is Ward the coldest and most manipulative. They all go by the last name, Matthews.
Age: 24
Place of Birth: San Diego, California
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human, Caucasian
Appearance/Description: Cato is a tall and lean man, fit but not very visibly toned. His height comes to about 5’12, while his skin is a very pale white, though not exactly what one would call sickly looking. Tattoos and scars are scattered here and there upon his person; the tattoos are mostly random solid black colored numbers ranging from ‘1’ to ‘50’. The single tattoo on his body that isn’t a number is a large tattoo of a dark blue and black dragon, it starts on his chest and wraps around his abdomen. It’s very detailed but not all the way colored in, half done starting from the tip of its tail to the middle of its body.
The 24-year-old man has long platinum-blonde hair, with hints of darker brown weaving throughout it. Finally, the man’s eyes are a deep sea blue, that seems to lighten and darker depending on which personality is controlling his body at the time.
Personality/Attitude: Cato is the most level-headed of the personalities, he is warm and excitable much like a puppy. He knows about the other personalities and tries to keep them in line. Rowan is quieter, someone who thirsts for knowledge and is more of an observer than a people-person. Then we have Ward, the coldest and most temperamental, he is also rather sadistic and loves to manipulate his prey.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Matthews has an adopted family. Mother, father, and two young siblings. His mother- Caroline, pretends he doesn't exist; ashamed to have a mentally ill child. Darren his father; does acknowledge him but doesn't know how to act with Cato so avoids meeting him face to face, preferring to send letters and small gifts. Cato's siblings are a pair of twin, a boy named Henry and sister Lena. Both of which are 18 and visit when able.
Hobbies/Interests: Cato enjoys music and any type of art; painting, sketching, coloring, etc. Rowan is a reader, loving to read endlessly. Ward finds enjoyment in learning to use various weapons.
Philosophy of Life: All personalities go by this- "No one is Truly in Control of Themselves"
Education/Special Training: The known extent of the personalities education is some college. Special training is unknown.
Occupation: None
Other: Each of his personalities has an ability from the experimentation. Cato the main persona is the most balanced and has the ability to dream-walk (Weakness is that when not dream-walking he only ever has nightmares, so he is constantly tired). Rowan has the power to create and manipulate fire (when too emotional is unable to control the fire and tends to burn those around him). Ward’s ability is to be able to heal physical wounds (Only able to heal physical wounds and as the wounds on the person heal their scar appears on him, causing him continuous pain).

Name: Andrew Sage Forrest
Nickname/s: Andy, Drew
Age: 28
Place of Birth: New York City
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Appearance/Description: The young man is around average height- 5’10 and lean limbed, strength not quite evident and his skin a shocking pale color. Many times a day he asked about whether he is feeling well or not; to which he always smiles and assures them of his good health. Forrest hair is a brilliant platinum blonde, which is as soft as silk and on the longer side. Usually pulled back in a messily loose ponytail, the length when let down is to around the bottom of his shoulder blades. Strands of loose hair frame deep ocean blue eyes that reflect swirling emotions tinged with sadness. Being the man he is, no one would expect him to have any evidence of tattoos. When in fact, he has a few. A Celtic knot upon his left forearm, an Eastern light blue and black dragon curled on his side, and an image of a forest alight with lanterns in the middle of his back. Each one covers up a wound he’d once taken upon himself.
Scar’s: Andrew has moderate scarring here and there, most from his childhood. The more major one’s; such as a strange webbed like design, is on his tattooed forearm. Dragon curled and asleep on a pattern of cigarette burns. Lastly, a severe burn scar is covered by the forest upon his back.
Personality/Attitude: Responsible. Caring. Observant. These would be the three best words to describe Forrest, anyone who spoke with the man for just five minutes would agree. The male learned from an early age that he wasn’t a... outspoken nor temperamental guy. Patience and a warm smile came naturally to him.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Septimus his six-year-old son. Also a pure black fluffy long-eared bunny named Bounce.
Hobbies/Interests: He absolutely love to play the flute and do other various artistic activities. Andy is a very doting parent and spends all his free time with his son.
Philosophy of Life: "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life."
Education/Special Training: High school education.
Occupation: Works two jobs, one as a teacher's assistant (with preschoolers) and the other at a library.
Other: N/A
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