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Futuristic Phoenix Rising

Lemon Boy

~Brilliantly Bitter~



"Protect your family.

Protect your neighbours.

Report any Superhumans you encounter.

Your safety is our priority."

Fifty years ago, the fate of the world was hanging on a thread when War erupted between the three Superpowers; the U.S.A, Russia & China. Lives were lost and many more were changed forever as a result of the mistakes of the old government, whom nearly destroyed the world when they threatened to make use of nuclear weaponry. Thankfully, a peace treaty was agreed upon before such a terrible thing could occur and soon we, the government you now know and love, overthrew those who threatened to break our proud country apart and we built it anew for the people of America. The lives that they had made stagnant and miserable were renewed when we introduced our new policies and  when each and every one of the old leaders were replaced with those who you now know, we were able to give you back the America you knew and loved so many years ago! 


Now, however, something else threatens the peace and joy that we have so long basked in. 


We don't know how or why people have begun to manifest these strange abilities but what we do know is that they are a threat to everything you know and love. 

They can and will cause havoc wherever they go if left unchecked. 

Even If it is your very own child or loved one who manifests these powers, they represent a danger to America if left uncontained. 

No harm will come to them if you report them immediately and you should know that in doing so, you are one of the many people responsible for keeping our country a peaceful and bright place to live in for the hundreds of families living here. 

Know that.

Your safety.

Is our priority.

The year is 2050 and the world is far different than the one we used to know. 
America is now a Totalitarian Military Dictatorship that remains popular among the masses through a mix genuinely increasing their standards of living and a significant Cult of Personality that treats the Chancellor, Leader of America, as a God. 

Despite their seemingly benevolent nature, all is not how It appears to be and in truth, they are no better than any of the other dictatorships that have revealed themselves in the past. 

Violation of human rights in nearly all forms, uncalled for invasions of peaceful countries and the subjugation of the populations of these countries as slaves.

Yet, now, as Superhumans begin to emerge around the world they do not see a danger or threat to society, but an opportunity to gain even more power.

Living military weapons that can be used for their own benefit. 


You will be playing as one of these Superhumans, who are quite literally just manifesting and discovering their abilities. 

The link to the Rp is >Here<

Feel free to ask any questions you have regarding the Rp either here or in the OOC of the Rp Itself!




I'm interested too!  If you have room.  I'd like to try out a duplicating character (aka. Multiple Man) if that'll fly.  

In glancing through some of the submissions, there's some pretty interesting world-building going on in character history.  Is there some source material I can use for reference or are people basically inventing whatever and you're rolling with it?
Little bit of the latter. There's the basic setting and a few ironed out details but other than that we're just rolling with it.

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