• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Phoenix Academy Enrolment



The Charming Llama
Hinata Masomora: DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0
Chicken Takoyami: DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0

1. Lupe Suzuki: Pumpkid Pumpkid
2. Makoto Keiko: Ocean123 Ocean123
3. Notagi Umiko: TheAmbiguousStoryteller TheAmbiguousStoryteller
4. Nathan Wolf: Pumpkid Pumpkid
5. Luna: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
6. Liam Morandi: Megilagor Megilagor
7. Dexter Moore: pixi.stix pixi.stix
8. Damari Stronghold: TheVirtualOne TheVirtualOne
9. Anko Shiromori: Available Domain Name Available Domain Name
10. Shutsu Ketsuke: Hyphae Hyphae
11. Kaito Nagawa: FolKinPunk FolKinPunk
12: Cero Kugamiya: blankcanvas blankcanvas

Appearance: Either picture or description is fine, I don't really care much.
Costume: (Optional, because I know finding costume designs can be difficult)
Hero Name: (Can be decided in character)

Keep in mind when choosing a quirk that I will deny quirks I believe could pass a hero exam. Exceptions can be made for those who have a reason not to use that quirk (it causes pain, it requires human sacrifice, etc)

Up to two characters will be allowed

Name: Hinata Masomora


Gender: Neutral

Hero Name: Reaper

Role at School: Homeroom/Counselling

Personality: 'Like water of a ducks back', that was a phrase that could describe how Hinata felt about things. Even at a young age they never saw much use in worrying about life. Of course their apathy towards stress shouldn't be taken as apathy towards life. Hinata is very much an out of the box thinker who enjoys living and experiencing life.

Background: Hinata never knew their parents, instead growing up in a pleasant little orphanage. It was during this time that they discovered their quirk, waking up one morning without their skin. The staff were horrified and there was panic all day; though soon everyone realised it was just their quirk. Still, Hinata's lack of skin made it hard to find parents willing to adopt him. But eventually they were adopted by a single mom who also had a mutation quirk (Lobster).

During school students used to pick on them, telling them that they was going to become a villain because of their ugly quirk. Hinata never listened. If anything it just pushed Hinata to become a hero that much more. They'd prove that anyone could be a hero, even if you look vilanous.

This drive didn't help them much during the UA entrance exam, where their quirk seemed useless when compared with the others there. Other schools denied them as well and they began to lose hope. That when a stranger name Chisuke gave them an offer; take part in a trial run of an academy for 'less than impressive quirks'. Hinata accepted and, 4 years later, became Reaper. Four years after that, Chisuke asked them to join him in running the official first class of his, now government backed, school. How could Hinata refuse?

Quirk: Bones - Hinata has nothing but a skeleton, held together by their quirk. They can detach any of their bones and reattach them at will, but if they loses a bone theyll have to find a replacement. They can also control their body when their head isn't attached, but will die if their head is destroyed. Despite having no organs Hinata still breaths, eats, and sleeps.

- Hinata smokes
- no one knows whether Hinata was born male or female; except for doctors, their mother and other school staff
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Makoto Keiko[Given, Family]


Gender... It's Complicated



Hero Name[Undecided]

PersonalityGenerally shy around people xe doesn't know, Makoto can be surprisingly talkative if you catch xem with the right subject. Xe has an intense passion for making sure xe gets the pronouns of everyone around xem right, even going so far as to keep lists on the subject. Whether this has anything to do with xir own complicated relationship with gender identity or not is a matter of debate. (It does.)

Makoto may as well have not had a quirk at all, for all the good it did xem. Xe spent xir entire life being told that there was no way someone with such a boring, useless quirk could ever help anyone. What was worse than those taunts was that the only time anyone asked xem for help, it was for entirely the wrong thing.

Still, Makoto was determined and stubborn, begging xir parents for the chance to take self defense classes. Xe didn't need a combat-oriented quirk to learn how to defend xemself, after all. Thankfully, the worried parents allowed it and Makoto began learning some hand-to-hand basics. This didn't last long, however.

Due to xir quirk, Makoto attended the class as both a male and female student. When the parents of the other children learned of this, Makoto was soon accused of using xir quirk to get into both changing rooms and take some sort of perverted advantage of this ability. It was completely untrue and Makoto was quite young, with no idea what the big deal was, but it resulted in xem being banned from the training facility.

No longer able to get training (at any facility, as the owners didn't want that kind of scandal) Makoto still tried to get into a hero school. Xe was completely overwhelmed, unable to do much of anything for the physical exam, and failed spectacularly. Xe had all but given up hope of ever being able to help people, going through high school in a sad haze, trying to figure out some way... That was when a strange piece of mail arrived.

Makoto can switch freely between the two traditional sexes.
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((Posting Work In Progress Because I'm paranoid About It Disappearing))

Name: Makoto Keiko [Given, Family]
View attachment 884255
Gender: ... It's Complicated
Age: 18
Costume: [Unknown]
Hero Name: [Undecided]
Quirk: Hermaphrodite
Makoto can switch freely between the two traditional sexes.

Liking them so far. Will be interesting to see how an essentially quitkless character adapts to this school ^_^
Liking them so far. Will be interesting to see how an essentially quitkless character adapts to this school ^_^
Told you it was essentially useless! XD

Anyway, I might have to leave it there for tonight and come back to finish it in the morning. Thanks for letting me sign up! A good timezone to you!

#661aff[/COLOR] ]
Lupe Suzuki


Lupe Suzuki

Hero Name





Hero Costume
View attachment 884315

  • No, she is not related to Twice, she just admires the guy
  • Lupe is half Japanese half Hispanic



  • Lupe can Replicate by voluntarily splitting herself in half and repeating the process as many times as she wants
  • Just like shadow clones from Naruto, if they die, she gains information from her clone

  • Lupe can multiply only twice and make only two bodies. Those same bodies are easy to distinguish and not necessarily clones due to the hair color. One can have full-blown black hair while the other has white
  • The clones do have a personality of their own when they split as a result of her inability to control her powers as well as representing her true self. It's the reason she's constantly talking to herself trying to keep her thoughts in check. Her thoughts being the clones talking within her head
  • Lupe can feel the pain after the death of her clones and throw her off balance depending on how bad it was
  • The clones disperse during a fifty feet radius when it gets hard to maintain until they pop
Personality & History

Lupe has a split personality that causes her trouble every now and then, but her true nature is unknown. When she's unbothered, she is tired and quiet focusing on herself. She unknowingly helps people without speaking but should anyone speak to her, expect few words. If her buttons are ever pushed or even triggered in some way, her darker personality arises changing to a cocky, serious and cold hustler with a lot of guts. If she gets too excited, she becomes talkative, playful and friendly as can be. She won't be able to understand boundaries and will be annoying to those that carry no patience. Her split personality has been the cause of her embarrassments and has learned to cope with it by taking therapy. It's internally frustrating for Lupe to knoe who she really is when she's constantly tuckered out.

Lupe Suzuki grew up in a regular neighborhood in Japan, but due to her heritage, she was seen differently and was mostly outcasted. She was never picked on and instead seen as some sort of alien from space. She used her creativity to accept her status and pretend she is an alien and thus creating her first persona, Snow Lupe. She was never truly alone whenever she split herself and technically had a friend which was herself making herself out to be even more of a weirdo to her schoolmates. It didn't matter, for she was always bubbly.

Later on at the age of 14, Lupe's parents started arguing and struggling with finances to the point where her mother grew aggressive, taking out her anger on Lupe. She began to resent her mother and wanted to snap at the world for her position. Her teenage phase created Raven Lupe after suppressing her feelings to the point she began to "sleep walk" when in reality it was a chance for Raven Lupe to explore and let off some steam. Her rebellious side would pop up every so often causing outbursts at school and making her life difficult at home.

The split between her parents became the catalyst and the beginning of her multiple personality. She had fainted from the news that her body split in two, waking up to both Raven and Snow arguing. Although Lupe was amazed, she also realized how difficult it was to keep them at bay soon learning that they were her subconscious taking form. Evidently, she tried many ways of containing her powers to no avail. The bickering of her persona's lead Lupe into a drainage of energy constantly exhausted more than usual until she witnessed the news of Twice and his ability was practically the same. She began to admire the villain and his antics, desiring the need to learn his secrets, however the downside was that he was a villain and she disliked the bad guys, but there was nothing about admiring one. So Lupe began to take notes on his abilities on the news, wanting to meet him and the only way she knew how was through being a hero. Unfortunately, her chance was lost when she tried to apply, but thankfully there was another option, Phoenix Academy. A place where she could harness her powers and meet her idol.

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#661aff[/COLOR] ]
Lupe Suzuki

View attachment 884316

Lupe Suzuki

Hero Name





Hero Costume
View attachment 884315

  • No, she is not related to Twice, she just admires the guy
  • Lupe is half Japanese half Hispanic



  • Lupe can Replicate by voluntarily splitting herself in half and repeating the process as many times as she wants
  • Just like shadow clones from Naruto, if they die, she gains information from her clone

  • Lupe can multiply only twice and make only two bodies. Those same bodies are easy to distinguish and not necessarily clones due to the hair color. One can have full-blown black hair while the other has white
  • The clones do have a personality of their own when they split as a result of her inability to control her powers as well as representing her true self. It's the reason she's constantly talking to herself trying to keep her thoughts in check. Her thoughts being the clones talking within her head
  • Lupe can feel the pain after the death of her clones and throw her off balance depending on how bad it was
  • The clones disperse during a fifty feet radius when it gets hard to maintain until they pop
Personality & History

Lupe has a split personality that causes her trouble every now and then, but her true nature is unknown. When she's unbothered, she is tired and quiet focusing on herself. She unknowingly helps people without speaking but should anyone speak to her, expect few words. If her buttons are ever pushed or even triggered in some way, her darker personality arises changing to a cocky, serious and cold hustler with a lot of guts. If she gets too excited, she becomes talkative, playful and friendly as can be. She won't be able to understand boundaries and will be annoying to those that carry no patience. Her split personality has been the cause of her embarrassments and has learned to cope with it by taking therapy. It's internally frustrating for Lupe to knoe who she really is when she's constantly tuckered out.


Fabulous character ^_^

But could I possibly request two changes?
1. Could we age her up? I meant to mention this but the school is more so a College, not a highschool.

2. (Less of a change more of a question) How many of Lupe can exist at anyone time? 2 or 4?
Fabulous character ^_^

But could I possibly request two changes?
1. Could we age her up? I meant to mention this but the school is more so a College, not a highschool.

2. (Less of a change more of a question) How many of Lupe can exist at anyone time? 2 or 4?
Oh for sure I forgot lol.

She can only replicate twice. So including herself its 3
((Posting Work In Progress Because I'm paranoid About It Disappearing))

Name: Makoto Keiko [Given, Family]
View attachment 884255
Gender: ... It's Complicated
Age: 18
Costume: [Unknown]
Hero Name: [Undecided]
Personality: Generally shy around people xe doesn't know, Makoto can be surprisingly talkative if you catch xem with the right subject. Xe has an intense passion for making sure xe gets the pronouns of everyone around xem right, even going so far as to keep lists on the subject. Whether this has anything to do with xir own complicated relationship with gender identity or not is a matter of debate. (It does.)
Quirk: Hermaphrodite
Makoto can switch freely between the two traditional sexes.

Also accepted
Hinata Masomora: DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0
Chicken Takoyami: DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0

1. Lupe Suzuki: Pumpkid Pumpkid
2. Makoto Keiko: Ocean123 Ocean123

Appearance: Either picture or description is fine, I don't really care much.
Costume: (Optional, because I know finding costume designs can be difficult)
Hero Name: (Can be decided in character)

Keep in mind when choosing a quirk that I will deny quirks I believe could pass a hero exam. Exceptions can be made for those who have a reason not to use that quirk (it causes pain, it requires human sacrifice, etc)

Up to two characters will be allowed

Name: Hinata Masomora


Gender: Neutral

Hero Name: Reaper

Role at School: Homeroom/Counselling

Personality: 'Like water of a ducks back', that was a phrase that could describe how Hinata felt about things. Even at a young age they never saw much use in worrying about life. Of course their apathy towards stress shouldn't be taken as apathy towards life. Hinata is very much an out of the box thinker who enjoys living and experiencing life.

Background: Hinata never knew their parents, instead growing up in a pleasant little orphanage. It was during this time that they discovered their quirk, waking up one morning without their skin. The staff were horrified and there was panic all day; though soon everyone realised it was just their quirk. Still, Hinata's lack of skin made it hard to find parents willing to adopt him. But eventually they were adopted by a single mom who also had a mutation quirk (Lobster).

During school students used to pick on them, telling them that they was going to become a villain because of their ugly quirk. Hinata never listened. If anything it just pushed Hinata to become a hero that much more. They'd prove that anyone could be a hero, even if you look vilanous.

This drive didn't help them much during the UA entrance exam, where their quirk seemed useless when compared with the others there. Other schools denied them as well and they began to lose hope. That when a stranger name Chisuke gave them an offer; take part in a trial run of an academy for 'less than impressive quirks'. Hinata accepted and, 4 years later, became Reaper. Four years after that, Chisuke asked them to join him in running the official first class of his, now government backed, school. How could Hinata refuse?

Quirk: Bones - Hinata has nothing but a skeleton, held together by their quirk. They can detach any of their bones and reattach them at will, but if they loses a bone theyll have to find a replacement. They can also control their body when their head isn't attached, but will die if their head is destroyed. Despite having no organs Hinata still breaths, eats, and sleeps.

- Hinata smokes
- no one knows whether Hinata was born male or female; except for doctors, their mother and other school staff
Um, are fandom characters allowed?
Name: Notagi Umiko

Appearance: 5’5 132 lbs

Gender: female

Age: 19

Costume: Doesn’t have one

Hero Name: Bezerkgrl

Personality: Laid back looks really tired all the time docile and always goes with the flow letting her friends drag her around where ever they wanted to go. Friendly when she isn’t asleep. Gently wake her if she is. In other words, don’t poke the bear. Happy all the time, known for sleep talking and even sometimes sustaining full conversations of nonsense.

Background: When she was a kid she never thought she actually had a quirk it was strange because she showed all the signs of having a quirk but none showed up. Until she was being bullied and got hurt. Suddenly she was strong enough to throw her bully into a wall with a slap. When she went to the hero exam she lost because she was sleeping standing at the start line and was left with a big old 0. Thankfully there is a university for people who are challenged with their quirk.

Quirk: Berserk- The quirk makes her incredibly docile until she is hurt which is a setback in itself she can’t use her quirk without being hurt but when it is activated she has superhuman strength speed and reflexes. The trouble with the way the quirk works is once she stops fighting or her heart rate decreases the quirk goes back to dormant and she is left more exhausted than she already is. Though it is also beneficial in this regard as she keeps fighting she can get stronger and stronger though she still hasn’t been able to get to All-Might’s strength level with All for one. She believes she will one day. There are other more dangerous ways to activate her quirk as well though her Berserk quirk becomes uncontrollable and she can go on a rampage if she gets too emotional.

Trivia: Umiko sleeps roughly 15 hours a day between naps and deep sleep.
Waking Umiko too roughly can cause her quirk to activate so be careful

Name: Notagi Umiko

Appearance: 5’5 132 lbs

Gender: female

Age: 19

Costume: Doesn’t have one

Hero Name: Bezerkgrl

Personality: Laid back looks really tired all the time docile and always goes with the flow letting her friends drag her around where ever they wanted to go. Friendly when she isn’t asleep. Gently wake her if she is. In other words, don’t poke the bear. Happy all the time, known for sleep talking and even sometimes sustaining full conversations of nonsense.

Background: When she was a kid she never thought she actually had a quirk it was strange because she showed all the signs of having a quirk but none showed up. Until she was being bullied and got hurt. Suddenly she was strong enough to throw her bully into a wall with a slap. When she went to the hero exam she lost because she was sleeping standing at the start line and was left with a big old 0. Thankfully there is a university for people who are challenged with their quirk.

Quirk: Berserk- The quirk makes her incredibly docile until she is hurt which is a setback in itself she can’t use her quirk without being hurt but when it is activated she has superhuman strength speed and reflexes. The trouble with the way the quirk works is once she stops fighting or her heart rate decreases the quirk goes back to dormant and she is left more exhausted than she already is. Though it is also beneficial in this regard as she keeps fighting she can get stronger and stronger though she still hasn’t been able to get to All-Might’s strength level with All for one. She believes she will one day. There are other more dangerous ways to activate her quirk as well though her Berserk quirk becomes uncontrollable and she can go on a rampage if she gets too emotional.

Trivia: Umiko sleeps roughly 15 hours a day between naps and deep sleep.
Waking Umiko too roughly can cause her quirk to activate so be careful

Accepted ^_^

[/COLOR] ]
Nathan Wolf


Nathan Wolf

Hero Name
Silk Knight





Hero Costume
View attachment 885265
  • Nathan doesn't feel the need to wear a costume besides a bandana for a mask and maybe a casual clothing to distinguish him from hero to normal
  • Has a habit of chain smoking and whining that he "needs a drag"
  • Although he seems cranky and lazy, he's actually a reliable, nice guy though he will never admit it


Silk Manipulation

  • Nathan can manipulate silk at will and appear from his body by using the water within his body such as sweat or blood
  • The threads are sharp and invisible from afar unless up close or too many crossed in the same area
  • He may not be a spider, but he can certainly stand on them or even ride as he pleases
  • The thread is tough to cut unless extended having various weak points

  • Nathan doesn't like any physical activity preferring to use blood over sweat
  • Threads can easily cut down if its one strand or longer
Personality & History

What is there to say about Nathan that couldn't be said? He is perceived by outsiders as a prick with a laid-back attitude. He constantly sounds bored with no sense of searching for joy to which he argues that he does; he's just born with the attitude that makes others make an ass out of themselves, assuming. In reality, Nathan is just a regular guy trying to get by with his high intellect, often being too full of himself without so much as testing his skills out during combat.

Aside from his excellent academics, Nathan is a soft-hearted individual towards anyone regardless of his opinions. He's well-mannered so long as he keeps to himself, which he often does unless he's heard, and when close to friends he's loyal to the bitter end. He's also willing to lend an ear and give some advice to those who are willing to take it.

Regardless of his character, when it comes to himself, Nathan is terrible at figuring out his full potential. He's afraid to think about himself only to become something he's not. A prime example are his parents. Both temperamental, have trust issues, stubborn, and never seeing eye to eye anymore as if they get a kick out of being toxic towards one another without resolving anything. Nathan doesn't have a clue as to how his gentle nature became. He is the complete opposite of both of them. At some point he assumed his mother had an affair although that fantasy was destroyed after a secret DNA test to prove both are his biological parents.

Nathaniel Wolf grew up in a wealthy household. His family owns several companies, and sponsors many but they are most notably known from their main corporation in fabrics. Since the parent's quirks revolve around making clothes, what better way than to make it to the top by abiding by what is gifted? The quirk has helped manufacture various costumes to protect the user as well as regular clothing for special occasions. They even made artificial adjustments to help the silk endure longer. Such a popular material eventually became top-tier and thus the franchise grew.

The wealth was great, for the time being but like most good kids, it's not what Nathan wanted. Materials only came so far until he realized he misses bonding time. He was told many things in order to gain their love such as studying harder, aspiring to be a hero and even obtaining talent with instruments. None of it gathered his parents' attention as they were too focused on the company and sometimes at each other's throats. Seeing such a sight became a routine and in time, Nathan grew remorseful hating everything including himself. He hid away with video games and books yearning for the day to be free, yearning to have a friend.

At the age of 12, Nathaniel's grandfather lived with the family and became what he needed, a role model. He was always there to share stories and offer advice. He taught him many things, saving the young boy from destroying himself. His kindness knew no bounds and his patience gained appreciation from the boy. There were days when Nathan wanted to break down but was reminded of his grandfather. So long as he was alive, the world was durable. Unfortunately, his grandfather became ill and passed away after his senior year in high school. He felt utterly alone and his smile faded. All of his gleeful sides vanished along with his grandfather although he is grateful to have met him, to learn his tricks and save him from himself.

It is until after his passing did Nathan choose to do something for himself and follow his grandfather's request to be a hero for he saw a bright future within the lad and hopefully see it himself maybe find himself.

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Name: Luna
images - 2021-05-06T081549.580.jpeg
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Costume: Literally the picture above
Hero Name: N/A

Personality: Luna is best described as a cocky prick. Despite her small stature and real lack of a quirk she believes herself metaphorically above everyone else and at least study wise she probably is as she is incredibly intelligent and book smart. In a fight She can be quite cocky and often tries to get a rise out of her opponents and forces them to make mistakes instead by cracking jokes and being straight out annoying. However if you make fun of her, any part of her but especially her height or looks then she'll proceed to go feral on your butt and attack them out of rage.

Background: Luna was raised and currently still is, in a little orphanage at the edge of the city. Ever since she and her carers could remember she's always looked like a goblin and so she was one of the rare quirk users that were born with their quirk instead of getting it later on in life. Since she nor the people at the orphanage never knew her parents she had always stayed there and was never chosen to be adopted because she wasn't a conventionally cute kid.

School was a bit of a rollercoaster for Luna, due to her size she was often a supposedly easy target for bullying as she was so small compared to other kids that if a pack of bullies ganged up on her she was already done for. Because of this others avoided her so that they weren't bullied either, Luna was basically bullies target and had just about everything done to her. Swirlies, locked in lockers, wedgied, "missing" backpack and homework, Dodgeball practice, bubblegum in the hair, the whole nine yards. The only plus side was that this lack of friends allowed her to be a serious studier and learner.

However despite this eagerness to learn, she tried her best to enter any hero school and while she did extremely well on every single written side of the exam, her "quirk" if you could call it that was just incredibly useless. Time and time again she was rejected by each and every hero school she applied to. She was utterly dejected and disappointed with herself. Fortunately however one of the carers got her spirits up when she gave her a letter talking about Phoenix Academy.

Quirk: Goblin - A mutation quirk which like most is incredibly simple. She can do whatever a goblin can do which is basically being green, only 2 feet tall, sharp teeth and have massive triangle ears.

[/COLOR] ]
Nathan Wolf

View attachment 885263
View attachment 885264

Nathan Wolf

Hero Name
Silk Knight





Hero Costume
View attachment 885265
  • Nathan doesn't feel the need to wear a costume besides a bandana for a mask and maybe a casual clothing to distinguish him from hero to normal
  • Has a habit of chain smoking and whining that he "needs a drag"
  • Although he seems cranky and lazy, he's actually a reliable, nice guy though he will never admit it


Silk Manipulation

  • Nathan can manipulate silk at will and appear from his body by using the water within his body such as sweat or blood
  • The threads are sharp and invisible from afar unless up close or too many crossed in the same area
  • He may not be a spider, but he can certainly stand on them or even ride as he pleases
  • The thread is tough to cut unless extended having various weak points

  • Nathan doesn't like any physical activity preferring to use blood over sweat
  • Threads can easily cut down if its one strand or longer
Personality & History



Name: Luna
View attachment 885190
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Costume: Literally the picture above
Hero Name: N/A

Personality: Luna is best described as a cocky prick. Despite her small stature and real lack of a quirk she believes herself metaphorically above everyone else and at least study wise she probably is as she is incredibly intelligent and book smart. In a fight She can be quite cocky and often tries to get a rise out of her opponents and forces them to make mistakes instead by cracking jokes and being straight out annoying. However if you make fun of her, any part of her but especially her height or looks then she'll proceed to go feral on your butt and attack them out of rage.

Background: Luna was raised and currently still is, in a little orphanage at the edge of the city. Ever since she and her carers could remember she's always looked like a goblin and so she was one of the rare quirk users that were born with their quirk instead of getting it later on in life. Since she nor the people at the orphanage never knew her parents she had always stayed there and was never chosen to be adopted because she wasn't a conventionally cute kid.

School was a bit of a rollercoaster for Luna, due to her size she was often a supposedly easy target for bullying as she was so small compared to other kids that if a pack of bullies ganged up on her she was already done for. Because of this others avoided her so that they weren't bullied either, Luna was basically bullies target and had just about everything done to her. Swirlies, locked in lockers, wedgied, "missing" backpack and homework, Dodgeball practice, bubblegum in the hair, the whole nine yards. The only plus side was that this lack of friends allowed her to be a serious studier and learner.

However despite this eagerness to learn, she tried her best to enter any hero school and while she did extremely well on every single written side of the exam, her "quirk" if you could call it that was just incredibly useless. Time and time again she was rejected by each and every hero school she applied to. She was utterly dejected and disappointed with herself. Fortunately however one of the carers got her spirits up when she gave her a letter talking about Phoenix Academy.

Quirk: Goblin - A mutation quirk which like most is incredibly simple. She can do whatever a goblin can do which is basically being green, only 2 feet tall, sharp teeth and have massive triangle ears.

Both Accepted ^_^
Name: Liam Morandi


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Costume: Same as regular clothes but with a biker helmet and a pair of knuckle dusters.

Hero Name: Undecided

Liam is a cheerful guy that could spend his entire days without a single worry, he tends to act friendly to all, and since he is a fearless guy, he even acts sympathetic to some villains and most vigilantes. Some may say he is as persistent as a donkey which leaves a hard job for others to change his mind on doing something. He is always there to lend someone his shoulder for some crying and is willing to listen to their worries even if he might not know the answer to their worries.

Liam was an illegal immigrant along with his parents they escaped to this country to avoid a so-called "hero" who wanted to kill his parents.
So they spend 6 years living here peacefully that is until they got into an accident in which both of his parents died and he was paralyzed with broken legs.
Suffering from despair upon his parent's death but then he remembered his father's words "Son did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to change. Now heroes do the same thing over and over again and yet some of them aren't insane. The reason is simple they have things they need to protect and they do it not expecting anything in return. So keep on trying like your insane but never succumb to said insanity. " upon remembering those words Liam felt motivated and tried standing up but he failed, yet he kept trying it nearly drove him insane but at that exact moment his quirk activated for the first time, and he stood up.
After that, he kept on trying until it worked, after he was released from the hospital he was admitted to an orphanage where a crazy and scary-looking guy was a director, or at least that's what everyone called him, but his real name was Chizome Akaguro.
Chizome after seeing the determination in the kids eyes decided to train him while teaching him his ideology, but one day the director vanished leaving only a single note upon which was written: "Take care kiddo and remember real hero does things expecting nothing in return.".
Three years after that Liam has decided to try out for U.A but failed, was he not motivated enough, did he not train enough, no he couldn't think this way this was not the way both his parents and how Chizome raised him so he stood up from crying, slapped himself in the face and moved on, that day he was informed he was accepted as a new caretaker for the orphanage he was raised in.
One year after that he got an invitation to Phoenix High so bidding farewell to the kids, promising to come every once in a while to help, and he went to create his own hero road.

Man Puppet- This quirk can only do three things, disable the ability to feel pain,
increased regeneration, and self puppetry. Self puppetry allows the user to move his body even when under the effects which hinder or prohibit such movement, for example, if he is supposed to be paralyzed he can still move, it also nullifies quirks that can manipulate his body to a certain extent.

- Liam played both on the drums and the bass guitar for some years but hasn't found a reason to touch them for some time now.
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Name: Liam Morandi


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Costume: Same as regular clothes but with a biker helmet and a pair of knuckle dusters.

Hero Name: Undecided

Liam is a cheerful guy that could spend his entire days without a single worry, he tends to act friendly to all, and since he is a fearless guy, he even acts sympathetic to some villains and most vigilantes. Some may say he is as persistent as a donkey which leaves a hard job for others to change his mind on doing something. He is always there to lend someone his shoulder for some crying and is willing to listen to their worries even if he might not know the answer to their worries.

Background: TBD

Man Puppet- This quirk can only do three things, disable the ability to feel pain,
increased regeneration, and self puppetry. Self puppetry allows the user to move his body even when under the effects which hinder or prohibit such movement, for example, if he is supposed to be paralyzed he can still move, it also nullifies quirks that can manipulate his body to a certain extent.

- Liam played both on the drums and the bass guitar for some years but hasn't found a reason to touch them for some time now.

Welcome to the team ^_^
Name: Dexter Moore

(Used a Picrew based photo, link will be below, but other than that I drew it. Legs drawn by me using a base you can find easily )
((ALSO: I dunno if you can tell, but the dot on the lower lip is a piercing specifically a snake bite. There is a second one below the tongue. ))
(Link for Picrew: Character Maker )
Extra About Appearance:
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 112 lbs. - 120 lbs.
They have a small goat tail, and their nose bridge sort of looks likes a goat. Their eyes also are Pale yellow with goat pupils.

Gender: Non Binary (They don't mind any pronouns but She/Her, also AFAB)

Age: 19

Costume: A simple black jumper, that cuts off about halfway down the legs, no shoes I.e. Hooves. A tight fit plain black long sleeves. They have a mask around their neck for certain cases, a belt with pockets that have certain things like bandages. [Still working on it :] ]

Hero Name: [Deciding between names | Still open to suggestions if anyone has any]

Personality: Pretty quiet, and observes first before anything. But once you get to know them, they are pretty energetic, happy, and like a child. Kind of clueless as well

They came from Portland, Oregon as they wanted something new. Their life was fairly normal, on their terms, living in a middle class home with two, conservative, parents and a ton of other siblings, honor roll, and good friends. Yet they wanted to get away from their family and home town, and applied to a really nice school, UA, but they failed and continued looking, until they got invited to this school. And within a month, they were there!

Goat - Basically a human with goat ears, horns the loop around the ears, a goat tail, and goat legs + hooves. They will also eat literally any food, *cough* or rapper *cough*. But has jaw problems, as they grind their teeth and tense up their jaw a lot, and more habits. Their teeth are strong, but most are flat, with sharper ones in the way back. When they get excited or too angry or scared, they bleat like a goat, which could give them away easily. And yes, their hair is as fluffy as it looks.

-They love stickers, pin, and stuffed animals. They practically have a collection of stickers and pins, and have three huge boxes of stuffed animals.
-Music is something they are really into, and will get distracted easily with it around. As well as have learned several instruments. It's a passion of theirs.
-They have piercings, and often dye their hair different colors and the current one is one they love.
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