Opinion Pet Peeves of everyone.

Dolphan of Lyfe

I'm evil to the core, what I shouldn't do I will
Alright, serious dolphin time. So, I have a lot of pet peeves, and I'm going to some of them, because there are a lot.

1. Being made fun of because of my dyslexia and ADHD.

2. Brats


3. Alright, I actually can't think of any more, so I'll just create this and edit it a lot.

I am a dolphin.
Alright, since I want this to be funny, logical, and serious I have a problem with the last one Caffeine. What if you forgot your inhaler and just won the game with 15 goals?

I am a dolphin.
That's my cat, so he wouldn't kill me. But, if she did. I would probably lock her in the basement with some food and water, and would keep her in there for a week.

I am a dolphin.
1. People who describe themselves as crazy, insane, random.

2. People who believe their opinion is as valid as fact.

3. People who won't do the goddamn research

4. People who think of education as brainwashing

5. Militant vegans

6. The word 'tasty', for no clear reason.

7. Antivax activists.
  • Spoons

This sounds ridiculous, I know, but if someone gives me a spoon when I could be using a fork, they just get my 'no' face.

  • Paper Scratching Noises

URHG. If somebody is reading a book and they scratch the paper with their fingernails I get the heebejeebees. (Or however you spell it.)

  • Buffets

Or more like after buffets. I'll eat a whole bunch and then be sick for two days and never want to eat anything again.
Not putting cds/games/dvds back in their original case and leaving it to accumulate a plethora of dust particles.
That really grinds my gears.

You know what else really grinds my gears? People who do end up putting the games away, but put the games in the wrong case so you have to tear apart ten more cases to find the disc only to realize every single one of those ten cases are completely mismatched and there is still one disc missing.
People using scissors on food.

People who try too hard to be funny.

People without patience.

When people at Subway don't puzzle the cheese together correctly.
First person and second person RPing

When someone makes a mistake then someone ELSE says 'oops'


unnecessary cruelty on videogames to other players/being unnecessarily cruel to new people.
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  • People who talk when they're supposed to be working.
  • People who get assigned work they don't like and decide to do it poorly just because
  • Any kind of preparation for celery. Seriously. Celery is so hard to cut to specification.
  • People who get pissy if a server doesn't meet their overly stringent expectations.
Any problem that involves Moles as a unit of measurement. This has instilled in my heart a fanatical hatred of manually solving nearly any chemistry problem.

Spoiled Children. There are plenty of brats out there who need to be shoved in a meat grinder properly disciplined by their parents instead of letting the little maggots run wild. I admit to being one for the vast majority of my youth.

People who remove CDs and game disks from their designated container and intentionally scratch them with a pocket knife once they have lost interest to prevent anyone else from enjoying them. Yes, these kind of people actually exist.

Folks who try to be funny when you can tell that their attempts at humor are forced, rough and lacking flavor.

Myself during the countless times I do something unfathomably stupid.

Wasps, the heartless monsters that impersonate the humble bumblebee.

Those really long stairs from Metal Gear Solid.
[QUOTE="The Out Of World]Those really long stairs from Metal Gear Solid.

Wouldn't those goddamn mooks stop trying after the twelfth one gets a 5.56 through the skull?

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