Personal OC archive


New Member
I hope it's okay to have a thread like this for myself! Just to keep everything in one place.

These are old OCs from another forum, everything subject to change.

Table of contents

i. Katrine

ii. Wesley

iii. Alice 
Katrine Rose Fleming

Age: 16.

Occupation: Student, although Katrine doesn't take this very seriously.

Siblings: Katrine has an older brother, Hunter, who is away at university. The two are not very close.

Nicknames: No nicknames. Katrine will respond to "Kat" or "Katy", but really she prefers her full name.

MBTI: ENFP (the "idealist champion").

Appearance: Katrine is pale and thin in a willowy way. She has straight, light brown hair just past her shoulders, which she tries to wear in a single braid but is always escaping. Her eyes are grey and usually have a bit of a faraway look. Katrine likes to wear long skirts, over-sized knits, and neutral colours. She has a calm alto voice, and tends to speak slowly.

Personality: Katrine is an artist at heart. She is expressive, warm, and open with her emotions. Although not shy, she doesn't talk very much, preferring to "do" rather than to "say". She is independent and a bit of dreamer, so she sometimes finds it difficult to connect with others. Katrine doesn't mind, though. She spends a lot of time by herself, walking along the train tracks in the valley or riding loops in the subway with a novel. She likes talking to strangers, playing the cello, and dancing in the rain.

Impulsive and often careless, Katrine is terrible with commitments. She goes to school---usually---but she's almost always late and she isn't sure why she's there, anyway. Katrine doesn't really know what she wants to do with her life. Her family worries about her lack of direction and constantly pushes her to do better, but often this isn't even on Katrine's mind. As a result, she has grown quite distant from them, in particular her older brother Hunter, who is now away at university studying engineering. As children, they had been very close, and she misses this very much.

Although she hasn't fully realized it, what Katrine really wants is to find a place of safety and belonging---she wants to know that she's able to figure things out for herself, even if she might not necessarily need to just yet. At the end of her day's adventures, Katrine wants to go somewhere with people who understand things about her that she hasn't even realized. She is at peace with the world; now she wants a world that is at peace with her. 
Wesley Michael Silver

Age: 23.

Occupation: Wesley makes wood carvings and furniture in his workshop at home.

Siblings: Two younger sisters aged 19 and 15, Kristen and Anna. Wesley is very close to Anna.

Nicknames: He is usually called Wes.

MBTI: INTP (the "rational architect").

Powers: Ablility to speak to animals.

Appearance: Wesley is strikingly pale, with jet black hair that contrasts vividly against his face. His eyes are also black, framed with long thick lashes and wide as if he was perpetually afraid. He is tall and very thin, to the point where his bones jut out sharply from under his skin. Wesley is almost always dressed in dark colours, usually black or navy blue. He often has scrapes and cuts at all stages of healing on his face, arms, and legs, either from his work or running around in the woods.

Personality: Wesley is easily overwhelmed. By new places, bright lights, everything---and especially people. He doesn't hate others as everyone seems to think---he only avoids them because he's terrified. As a child, Wesley had been solitary and slow to speak; now an adult, he has almost receded into complete silence. To him, silence is safe. He is often mistaken for mute, which suits him just fine.

Not surprisingly, Wesley is difficult to get close to. The one person he will speak to (albeit slowly and quietly) is his younger sister Anna, whom he adores and feels extraordinarily protective of. In general, he finds people too unpredictable to interact with.

Animals, however, are fine for Wesley. He had been able to speak to them even before other humans, and he was five before realizing that it wasn't something everyone else could do. As a result, he moved into a small cabin in the woods and spends most of his time outdoors, making up for what he lacks in human interaction. Wesley finds it easiest to talk to cats. As a teenager, he had rescued a black kitten from a dumpster and it now follows him everywhere.

When Wesley isn't in his overwhelmed state, he is very emotionless and coolly logical. He likes mathematical puzzles and even chess, as long as he doesn't have to look at his opponent. He also likes making things with his hands, in particular carving figures from wood. When he becomes stressed by his surroundings, however, Wesley becomes a completely different person---irrational, impulsive, and even violent. Often after a panic attack, he won't remember anything that had happened. It's something he is trying to learn to control. 
Alice Paige Kingsley

Age: 20.

Occupation: Pre-med student. During summers, Alice often works in research labs.

Siblings: Alice is an only child.

Nicknames: Close friends sometimes call her Allie.

MBTI: ISTJ (the "guardian inspector").

Appearance: In one word, Alice is plain. In two, she is usually overlooked. She is of medium height, medium build, and she wears her medium-blond hair medium-long. Alice has light blue eyes, and to stop her hair from falling into them, she always keeps her bangs neatly trimmed. She is usually well-dressed, but not remarkably so: her outfit of choice is jeans, flats, and a solid-coloured blouse. Her voice is a soft, mellow soprano.

Personality: To Alice, the most important thing in life is hard work. She is reliable, steadfast, and sensible. Add a gift of intelligence, a good memory, and Alice excels in all that she puts her mind to. She takes everything seriously---perhaps a tad too seriously, sometimes at the cost of her social life. Despite her persistence, Alice is often inflexible, and relies heavily on advanced planning. She is easily stressed by things going wrong.

Alice is a person who takes care of others. She is mature beyond her age and always willing to listen to the problems of others, although her own thoughts are very private and shared with only a select few. They know that hidden inside, Alice is insecure, a perfectionist to the point of obsession, and afraid of change.

The medical field had always fascinated Alice and her dream is to become a surgeon someday. Though timid and soft-spoken, blood and gore do not faze her---in fact, Alice loves horror films and ghost stories, and she is not squeamish in the least. She also enjoys theatre, and on the stage is one place where she sheds her unremarkable shell. Alice sings soprano with the community choir, plays the piano, and occasionally reads tarot cards for her friends.

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