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Fandom Persona 5: A New Heist Characters

Enn Ayy Arr Ayy

Junior Member

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Face Claim

Name: Melody Chia-ros
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: She is an oddball type of girl, she tends to fiddle with her braided hair when bored but odd thing is she seems to be distant from any emotion, she shows none but sometimes it shows tho her facial expression doesn't change she sends of this feeling of what she is feeling.

Combat: Duel Weapon Sword/ Naganata

Arcana: Fool

Starting Skills: Zio
One-Shot Kill
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Name: Takeshi Hisakawa


Appearance: For some reason, I imagined him to have a ponytail at first due to the time period. I guess this could be his appearance after a haircut
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Personality: Takeshi is generally a soft spoken and humble person. He carries himself with an air of amicable temperance, politely conversing with the people he encounters and is always one to help a person in need, putting others before himself. He appears to view his own life lightly as he has no qualms with getting himself hurt if it’s to save others. He also tends to use practically medieval Japanese (I’ll represent that through light Shakespearean I guess) He is a man of honor and follows the Bushido Code for the most part. He prefers to fight an opponent head on without any dirty tactics but something more akin to a duel. However, if necessary, he is not above employing the use of his own tricks.

In battle, he tries to maintain his normal personality which causes him to hold back from showing his true skill. When a certain switch is flipped or when the situation is dire, he takes on a more cold blooded personality, going all out with techniques that efficiently kill their target(s) mercilessly. The only remnant of his normal self here is that if facing another human, he will stop right before dealing the killing blow.

Skills: Swordsmanship, Martial Arts, Persona, Marksmanship, and if he’s enrolling in school, I guess his best subject would be History since he lived through it.

Weaknesses: Technology, Modern Society

A samurai Persona user who came from the past
Arcana: Fool
Persona: Saburo
Name: John Hall

Age 17


Personality: Somewhat carefree but has a rather tactical mind. Although he has above average grades and a pretty good social standing with his peers, he finds life uneventful but he doesn't complain and just keeps going through the motions.

Arcana: Magician
Persona: The Fiend of 20 Faces
Alma Hunter
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Physical Appearance: Alma has dark eyes and thin framed, square glasses she wears practically all of the time, without them she can't really see. She is as blind as a bat. Other than that, she is on the short side of the height scale being taller than some petite girls but shorter than pretty much everyone else. She has a lithe and wiry figure that is not to be underestimated. Her black hair can puff up more than usual on humid days for some reason, but typically, it falls to her shoulders and is easy to manage.

Alma keeps her straight through most situations. She is the voice of reason and logic, preferring to detach herself from emotion for whatever is at stakes being rather pragmatic at times. Empathy is not her strong suit, but she can logical explain what exactly happened, what needs to happen, and what can be done. Her opinions can be described as rather cynical yet gullible at the same time. Taking other's words at face value comes easy to her because she highly values honesty; however, she believes that self preservation and personal satisfaction is the first thing on everyone's mind, including herself which she will often admit if asked, so she can be passive aggressive or uncooperative upon first meeting if she's in a bad mood or something about the other person makes her distrust them. That being said, she has a rather warped way of thinking about interpersonal relationships and life in general after a messy family situation occurred. Besides her cynical and gullible traits, she is terribly lazy. Her default mood is lazy indifference, but she's willing to joke around and bounce off jokes with others, showing the fun loving part of her when people draw it out of her. She can be terribly dotting towards the people who's company she enjoys and extremely loyal and surprisingly hard working to a very selective few because as a very private person and reluctant to change, it's rare that she'll let anyone outside of her family into her life so easily.

Hobbies (from best to least good at): Archery, brewing tea, piano playing, cooking

Alma has a small family with her mother, her father, her grandma, and her little brother, Emmett. They were a simple family; however, they were financially struggling. When she was little, she loved to help out at their quaint restaurant, Evergreen, serving tea and cleaning tables. Her fondest memories were seeing her friends visit the restaurant, playing with her little brother, and watching her mom cook in the back while her dad was waiting tables in the front. A grand piano from before her little brother or even Alma was born sat on an elevated platform as a stage, and her grandmother would play it during working hours for the customers. In fact, her grandmother taught Alma what she knew about the piano. The restaurant drew in many people and regulars often would greet the entire family if they could, making small talk. Alma held Evergreen near and dear to her heart; however, an vicious urban life planner set their eyes on the restaurant in hopes to buy the land and tear the restaurant down for a five star hotel to take its place. Alma and her family had firmly refused their offer, but they wouldn't leave them alone, beginning to harass and eventually pulling some strings to financially cripple them which led them to their current situation now. In order to protect their livelihood, Alma took on multiple part time jobs along with helping out in the restaurant as soon as she could to keep income flowing. Of course, she still studied hard to ensure that in the future she could lessen the burden on her family by getting a scholarship, taking up archery for the money tied to it, while helping out Emmett with his schoolwork. With all the time she's spent working and studying, she lost touch with friends and eventually became horribly estranged from her classmates. Alma was alone with only her attachment to her family, and she would move the Earth and the Heavens for them and the restaurant, even if it was at the cost of her well being and social life.

As a Persona User
Arcana: Death
Weapon: Spear and Crossbow
Origins: Montresor is the main character of Edgar Alan Poe's story, The Cask of Amontillado. He stars in Poe's most ironic tale as he takes revenge on Fortunato for an unexplained crime he did under the Montresor family motto within the Montresor family catacombs.
Nocturnal Flash

Starting Strength(s): Psychic
Starting Weakness(es): Bless
Code Name: Owen
Why?: UN Owen is part of the title of a really complex and difficult piano song she wants to learn (one day) as well as UN Owen is a literature reference to a book she read once before. UN Owen was too long, so she settled for Owen.

The lenses in the gas mask replace her glasses and help her see the Metaverse more clearly.


Disregard the gun. Her Metaverse attire consists of a dark coat and a black dress shirt with a gray bolo tie, held with a turquoise accessory. She wears a bodice-like vest over it in black and a muted dark purple shade. Her pants are of the same shade, with a black belt encircling her waist. She wears high combat boots with the outfit and white gloves.
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Name: Eivuri Girusu

Age: 17


Personality: Eivuri is what one would think to be an average teenager. He is quiet mostly unless spoken too, or with friends. He is pretty smart and got many good grades back at his old school, a skill he does not which to throw away. But if pushed to the brim, he can be quite emotional, and snap hard. Also, he can be one of the most focused in class at any subject he puts his heart into, due to his resourcefulness and skill to create something new and bring it into the world.

Backstory: Eivuri isnt what you would call perfect, but at a glance hats what it seems like. He lives in a nice home, with his loving family, swimming in competitions and playing the violin in recitals for fun. Heis smart, skilled, resourceful. Why has he not gotten the girl and been all popular since? Because of an incident. His brother was forced by a money-hungry counciler into making false accusations about his parents, so for now they have been split up, him being alone in his house, only with his grandmother and his puppy, sadly doing the things he took for granted, feeling trapped by the corrupted law that put him there. HIs parents are currently battling to bring his family back together, so hope is still in his and their eyes.

Weapon of Choice: A Purple-Bladed and Green-Handled Katana



Name: Kiriko

Arcana: Magician


Enn Ayy Arr Ayy Enn Ayy Arr Ayy

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