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Fandom Persona 3; The Shadow War


I can't Sleep
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Shiro Beppu did not want to move to Port Island, but her father had found a job there as a fisherman and she had to move. After her mother died, her relationship with her father went downhill and they didn't really talk much to each other. She knew that he hated her and blamed her for the death of her mother, even though Shiro had nothing to do with it. She felt like she was a burden to him and wished that she could disappear forever. Mr. Beppu managed to get an apartment for them in Iwatodai City that was affordable enough, until Shiro was enrolled at Gekkoukan High. They had moved in in the late afternoon and were almost finished unpacking their stuff. Shiro heaved a sigh as she started to put away her clothes in the drawer.

"Shiro, why don't you get outside for a bit?" Her dad said, sitting on the couch and watching tv. He was always trying to get rid of her since she reminded him of her mother too much. Mr. Beppu wanted to forget Mrs. Beppu as much as he could. because it would send him into a bad depression. Shiro nodded as she left the apartment and walked into the city square, trying to find something to do. She was not too familiar with the area so it would be good to explore it. Shiro decided to go to Paulownia Mall and check out the places around there, maybe she could buy something for her father?

Shiro entered the mall and was greeted by hordes of people who were shopping for clothes, games, shoes, or food. She sighed, why the hell were there so many people here? Wasn't it in the middle of the week? Shiro sighed as she made her way through the crowd to find a shop that sold little nick knacks. Mr. Beppu could like a souvenir from Port Island, even though he already lived there. Shiro just wanted him to show her love and affection and to impress him. Her dad was all she had.
Port Island, the place was where either tourist's frequented or Japanese people from the mainland took a vacation from everything. Akira Fujimoto, however, was on a search for the legendary creature known as Mothman. He was searching around Paulownia Mall for any clues about the creature since he knew that something was fishy in Port Island, even if it wasn't Mothman. Why couldn't he remember anything that happened after 9:00? Akira was suspicious about that, and he wondered if Mothman had something to do with it. The boy had to know if he did or not since everyone thought he was crazy.

Akira was thought of by the people of Port Island as the crazy boy. He had tried to convince people that Mothman existed, and he was meddling with everyone's minds. He was even detained by the police for disturbing the public. In fact, a man tried to bribe him to shut up about his theory for some reason, which was odd to him. Akira suspected that something was up, did the man not want him to know about Mothman? Akira was going to find Mothman one way or the other! No matter what it took!

The boy was not looking where he was going and bumped into Shiro on accident. He quickly realized his mistake and scolded himself for bumping into her like that. Akira should know better and be more careful.

"Sorry! I was not looking where I was going," Akira apologized to her immediately. He was a little ashamed of being so careless about where he was going and hoped that the girl would not mind or be nice about it.

GotClanked GotClanked
Junko Ogawa came to see her classmate at the hospital to see if her condition got any better. she couldn't even speak. She couldn't believe that yesterday that Masami was speaking fine and now she was a vegetable. What could have happened to her? Junko looked at her classmate sporting a concerned look on her face, not sure what she could do about this. The doctor couldn't even help and find out this condition that Masami had. Masami used to be a cheerful fun-loving girl but now she was reduced to a vegetable state. Junko couldn't help but feel a little bad for the girl.

Doctor Sougo Maruki walked into the room and sat at the desk and typed into his computer to unlock it. The man was fixated on a program on his computer and was clacking away at the computer keys. He had his own theories on what was happening but was not completely sure. Sougo then turned to glance at Masami and Junko with a sigh, he wished that he could do more, but he could not at the moment.

"There is nothing I can do," Sougo told Junko with a defeated sigh. He slammed his fist on the desk angrily.

Junko nodded; she did understand but was not happy about it. She got up and left the hospital room and left the hospital. Junko needed some fresh air and decided to go to Paulownia Mall to do some shopping to relax herself. Junko wanted to get some tea and walked to the tea shop that was on the first floor. She took notice of a boy bumping into another girl and chuckled a little bit, because of the boy's stupidity.

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