Perinia Academy - University for Nekos


Four Thousand Club

1.) Humans and Nekos are 2 main species at this time.

2.) Nekos are not widely socially accepted by humans and go to different schools, colleges etc to avoid discrimination.

3.) Perinia Academy is a University Prep School, not an actual college. It's kind of like a specialty school where you can practice a skill or trade (like majoring but while still in high school). Sorry if that's confusing.


1.) No god mods, bunnying, or excess lovins'.

2.) My say is final :P

3.) Literate posts and grammar, along with proper punctuation are appreciated. No one likes reading a giant run-on paragraph.

4.) Be nice and make sure everyone is included. Way too many RP's out there where people are ignored.

Character Form:








You can be human if you want but there are not going to be many chances to get involved. Perinia is like a boarding academy, dorms and all. If everyone collectively (majority rules) wants me to assign room mates I shall do so.

Please write on my wall (or whatever that is) with questions (I do NOT receive PM's)

My character-

Name: Kiri

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Trade/Major: Music and Art Double Major

Personality: Sweet and shy, and very quiet. She is very intelligent but is not sociable.

Bio: ---


View attachment 7064
Name: Vanilla Castello

Age: 17

Grade: Sophomore

Trade/major: Music (Singing and violin)

Persona: Shy and sweet. Once you get to know her she's fun loving and good spirited


Looks: View attachment 7067 Vanilla is the left one.
I'd like to start Saturday. I have that day off so I'll have more time to put into a descriptive opening post.
can i join?

Name: Azeel

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Trade/Major: Drama major

Personality: dark and sarcastic around people he doesn't like/know but is a very kind and caring person around people he likes.

Bio: Went to a human school when he was younger because his parents thought it would be ok but he was teased and bullied physically for being a neko. Switched to a private school in sixth grade and is now going to the academy.

Appearance: short snow-white hair, black eyes, black neko ears and tail, left ear is pierced with a small silver bell
Accepted :) If either of you know someone who may be interested in this RP feel free to tag them :)
[MENTION=3278]Momizi_Inubarashi[/MENTION] [MENTION=3276]yistae[/MENTION] I will be starting the RP soon :D I guess no one else is going to sign up, but maybe they will once they see the real RP.
Lol, Googling it would be your best bet, but to the best of my description abilities, yes. It is basically a human with cat ears and tail, and SOMETIMES whiskers or cat paws but that is more furry-like than Neko. Nekos usually just have ears/tail.
Name: Kylie Farrah Fowler

Age: 17

Grade: Sophmore

Trade/Major: Music, Geometry, ICT (Metal/Woodwork)

Personality: Sarcastic, a bit nice, not easily trusting

Bio: Nothing viable.

Appearance: Black hair with matching ears and tail, a scar on her left cheek, wears a blue dress most of the time.
Name: Exiko

Age: 15

Grade: freshman

Trade/Major: art major

Personality: rebellious and moody

Bio: Exiko had a brother who spent all his money trying to get into the school, but disappearing right before the first day. Exiko's mother was enraged that so much money was put to waste. To cover up her brother's disappearance, Exiko was forced to attend the school as a boy and pretend to be her brother. She is naturally very strong but has girlish antics too.

[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=3314]SongOfTheSpiritWolf[/MENTION] [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]

All accepted, sorry it took so long to reply! Jump in any time :)

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