Perfect World: A Dystopian Story


New Member
The year is 2611, and the world is perfect.

Think The Giver, Brave New World, Oryx and Crake, whatever you'd like. There is no hunger, no poverty, no sadness. Everyone is assigned to what they do best, and everyone shares the rewards. There are no choices. Who needs choices, anyway? The System makes better choices than any human ever can to ensure maximal happiness all around.

Children are raised collectively in education centres all over the world until age 18. A sense of community is encouraged, but personal bonds are not. Our story takes place in such a centre, where a group of older students begin to question whether freedom is a fair price for "happiness".



1. This is a realistic RP, so please keep your characters realistic.

2. I'd like to limit this to 4-5 people for now, max two characters each.

3. Please try to write more than just a few lines per post! Good spelling and grammar is always appreciated.

4. No god-mode, be nice to people, and all the other courtesy stuff.


Character sheet









*For or against the System? It's also okay for this to be undecided, or change through the RP.


Name: Alice Kingsley

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Side: Pro-System, for now

Appearance: In one word, Alice is plain. In two, she is usually overlooked. She is of medium height, medium build, and she wears her medium-blond hair medium-long. Alice has light blue eyes, and to stop her hair from falling into them, she always keeps her bangs neatly trimmed. She is usually well-dressed, but not remarkably so. Her voice is a soft, mellow soprano.

Personality: To Alice, the most important thing in life is hard work. She is reliable, steadfast, and sensible. Add a gift of intelligence, a good memory, and Alice excels in all that she puts her mind to. She takes everything seriously---perhaps a tad too seriously. Despite her persistence, Alice is often inflexible, and relies heavily on advanced planning. She is easily stressed by things going wrong. Hidden inside, Alice is insecure, a perfectionist to the point of obsession, and afraid of change.

Story: The medical field had always fascinated Alice and her dream is to become a surgeon someday. Currently a year from completion, Alice is one of the top students in her age group and looking forward to a great career as a doctor. She has never given much thought to the idea of freedom or questioned the System; she knew there were resisting young adults, but in her bubble of elite students, they didn't exist very much.

Extras: Alice loves horror films and ghost stories, and she is not squeamish in the least. She also enjoys theatre, and on the stage is one place where she sheds her unremarkable shell. Alice sings soprano with the centre's choir, plays the piano, and occasionally reads tarot cards for her friends. She's an ISTJ.
Character sheet

Name:Maxwell Alexanders

Gender: male


Side*: against

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.fed1efbf9fbe8615e87296e83dd940b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_4bHmYnFE0m1023083249.jpg.fed1efbf9fbe8615e87296e83dd940b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.c82c3f8dbe9c720640d6551c72d9d884.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_5rNZJ8bZj1252285579.jpg.c82c3f8dbe9c720640d6551c72d9d884.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m31qq30ytO1ruuu87o1_500.jpg.48683fea287d1e80d1576b686af74100.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m31qq30ytO1ruuu87o1_500.jpg.48683fea287d1e80d1576b686af74100.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Max is really a sweet guy, but he has his moment just like us all. He can be a bit cocky, and his humor can be taken the wrong way, but As long as you're not overly sensitive you and him will be fine. He is a bit of a flirt, but he doesn't mean anything by it, it's all good fun when it comes to him..

Story: Max was always really into medicine, but pharmaceutics, was really the thing to draw him in. Max was one of the smartest kids, in his grade, and would always go deeper, and deeper into the things he was really into, so it shouldn't of been a surprise when he was able to create a mind altering drug at the tender age of 14. It was a long process, that he kept secret . With a shadow of a father, who was too caught up in the depression of losing his wife, max's mother, it wasn't to difficult to hide. At age 16 max finally felt that his drug was able to be sold on the street. After testing on rats, and himself, he had given it the okay, and he begin to give it to some of his friends, to pass it to their friends, and soon it became popular and he began to sell it. Ever since a young age max didn't agree with the way the world was set up.Why couldn't he make his own choices, and decide how he wanted to live his life. Maybe he didn't want the perfect job and for everything to go according to some big governments plan. He wanted to laugh and cry on his own terms, that was sort of the reason he created his drug. The Drugs name was called choices, because thats what it did, give you choices, It let you see the way the world looked, in a different way. What was up could be down, or left, or even right. You could see people as monsters, or maybe even ponies The effects were almost limitless.




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Name: Samantha (Sam) Hastings

Gender: Female

Age: 17, with a birthday close by.

Side*: Beginning to question the system.

Appearance: Sam is quite tall, around 6"1, and has a slouched posture because of her self consciousness and desire to be unseen. She recently chopped off all of her long, curly, black hair and it now rests above her ears in a tangled, curly mess. She has dark brown eyes and smooth, olive skin with the occasional blemish or freckle. Sam feels the most comfortable in her flannel shirts and boot cut jeans, and is usually sporting sandals or flip flops.

Personality: During most of her life, Sam has been a stoic individual. She's intelligent, yet quiet. She has hardly ever spoken up for herself or shared her opinions, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any. Sam feels like she isn't allowed to share her thoughts because of the suppressed society she lives in, and because of how her parents raised her; her mother specifically always told her to "be seen, but not heard." In Sam's case, she wished to not even be seen. Due to her detached personality, Sam manages to stay relatively calm during chaotic situations, but typically she is not the first person to take action. Since Sam has a tall stature, she also has natural strength, but nothing like the level of a bodybuilder.

Story: Sam had a best friend named Alexis, who she deeply cared for. They had been together since they were children because both of their parents were good friends. When they were both 15, Alexis had began to talk about breaking away from the society and going on a revolt. She told Sam that her parents had been thinking about joining a group of rebels and that she was going to willingly follow along. This bothered Sam tremendously, and she expressed her feelings toward Alexis which came as a shock to her best friend. Alexis explained that she did not share the same feelings, and shortly after, she disappeared along with her mother and father. Sam has been grieving over the loss of her best friend ever since, and has been questioning the society herself. Before Alexis' disappearance, Sam had been studying to become a pilot. Originally, she had been studying to become a pilot for the military, but now she's decided against that in hopes to pilot a private aircraft instead.

Extras: As well as being a pilot, Sam had once wanted to be a chef and had taken culinary classes for quite a few years before deciding to focus solely on aviation. She can make some delectable dishes and still enjoys cooking. She doesn't have the friendliest relationship with her parents because they hardly ever speak to one another. The lack of interaction between her family isn't to be hostile, it's just how her household functions.
Name: Felix Daranues

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Side*: For the System

- Tall, about 6'1"

- Slender Fingers

- Muscular Figure, although he's not very strong

Personality: Felix is a sweet, polite young man who intends to follow the rules. He doesn't like conflict and often attempts to avoid it as much as possible. He will, however, stand up for what he believes in. He's rather patriotic, often promoting The System as opposed to slating it.

When he's comfortable around certain people, he's quite the charmer. However, he is quite shy when meeting new people. He prefers solitude than company, having a liking to drawing or reading on his own than being in large groups of people.

If required, he can be an efficient and effective leader, although prefers not to do so.

Story: Felix was always an independent and creative child. He happened to be one of those children who lived in the shadow of his older siblings. His Mother saw him as a weak and useless individual, as did his Father for the time he was around.

When Felix's Father tragically passed on, Felix begun writing stories about the adventures they would've had together.

Felix's main aspiration for life is to become an Author, perhaps writing storylines for video-games or just writing his own stories. His big brother, Cain, often pressures him to become sporty so that he can make his Mother proud, but Felix sticks to his dreams and stays strong.

Extras: Felix deals with tragedy by indulging himself in an imaginary world. When he becomes overwhelmed with emotion, his ability to distinguish between what's realistic and what isn't becomes impaired and he can begin to confuse them with eachother.

((I hope the thread is still open~ Is this okay?))

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