People are Property (Fantasy slave RP)


The elusive 3/4 lesbian.
[MENTION=3865]Lily of the Valley[/MENTION]

It's the year 4056 and the creatures of our fantasies and nightmares have decided to step out of their role in the shadows and take over. Originally they had stepped back to give the human race a chance to expand, grow and help make the world a better and safer place. Instead the polluted, killed, and stole from each other. In his anger, God released these terrible beauties onto Earth to give them a chance to fix the world and make it healthy again. And so far when it comes to the planet, these so called monsters have taken very good care of it. When it comes to the humans they enslaved, not so much. The masters are as cruel as they are kind to each other, and as intelligent as they are merciless. They feel a need to punish the humans for the horrors they inflicted on this planet. The monsters have gone back to the good old days of living off the Earth, reaping what they sow, and everyone is happy for it. Well, except the slaves.

Create your characters here. Doubling is appreciated. Once I've made the game I will post the link. Please, be literate in your character descriptions. All of the masters will know each other and may purchase slaves off of each other. YOU MAY ASSIGN YOURSELF TO A HOUSEHOLD IF YOU ARE A SLAVE BUT DO TRY TO KEEP IT EVEN! IF NOT I WILL CHANGE IT UP AS I SEE FIT! Thank you. :)

Name: Mathew Bernard

Race: Vampire

Age: 470

Mathew is a cruel and heartless man. He was left his vast, stone castle carved into the edge of a cliff when his parents were murdered by slaves attempting to escape. Now he uses them mostly for food, cleaning, or when he has his urges. He lives with his pretty younger sister. Both of them are technically half fairy, but she's the only one that got wings, lucky. He treats his slaves with the same care one would treat the shit on the bottom of their shoe. Lookout for Mathew on his angry days.


Name: Violet Bernard

Age: 316

Race: Half fairy half vampire

Violet was named after her violet colored eyes that so match her mother's eyes, before she died. Her long dark hair stands out against her pale skin and she loves nothing more than flying into town, or flying around in front of her brother and brag that she was gifted with wings while he was not. She is quite a catch among the male masters around town because well, just look at her. She's funny and witty and charming but an absolute demon when it comes to her slaves. No one hates the humans more than Violet and she will demean them in any way she deems fit. In the Bernard household they go through more slaves in one week than most do in a century.


Name: Margo

Age: Unknown

Race: Human

Margo was only just recently found and has been on sale in the market for about a week. Her wild blue and frightened eyes tend to scare off most customers, and if that doesn't do it the hissing and babbling certainly will. Most assume she was orphaned alone in the forest when the monsters took over, and they estimate she's lived on her own most of her life. She lost all of her memory of speaking any given language that wasn't with the animals and her pale, scratched up skin is always covered in dirt because the slave sellers have not been able to successfully bathe her without getting their eyes clawed out. She is the very definition of a wild child, and whomever buys her is certainly going to have their hands full.

Name: Valentine Grassi

Age: 217

Race: Vampire

Bio: Though a fairly young vampire, Valentine has all the cheek and pride of a fully grown vampire, mainly due to her upbringing. She is well-mannered, mindful of her age, but this does not stop her from being sarcastic and mocking towards them. She isn't quite sure how she feels about humans, but she understands the concept of slavery well enough. She disciplines them, but also keeps them clean and healthy, as she believes that the state of her slaves reflects on herself and they are less likely to rebel if kept moderately happy. That is not to say that she does not enjoy corporal punishment from time to time. She lives in one of the Grassi mansions, given to her by her father before he disappeared.

Appearance: Because of her young age, her physical appearance is that of a well proportioned adolescent, as she has not fully developed yet. She has pin straight jet black hair which comes to her waist, and full red lips. She is a bit self-conscious about her canines, which are shorter than those of other vampires. At 5'5", she is a good height, but stubbornly refuses to wear anything but heels. She enjoys wearing dresses, except when she wants to comfortable, in which case she is very scantily clad.


Name: Clementia

Age: 19

Race: Human

Bio: She has been in the market for a couple of weeks, and by now, she has accepted her fate. She is very quick to adapt, and understands that the quicker she is sold, the earlier she can escape the humiliation of being shown off like cattle. Though slave life wouldn't be any better. Despite her thoughts, she is still quite proud, and has moments in which she attacks the traders. She refuses to talk, or even make any noise that might betray her feelings. Instead, she just keeps an emotionless face the whole time, except when she is alone. She doesn't remember much about her childhood, mainly because she made herself forget and lock those memories away.

Appearance: She is quite thin. Her shoulder length hair is a light auburn, and she is quite pale. She is a bit small for her age, but this is mainly due to malnutrition. She has striking blue eyes which seem unnaturally big on her small face.
Name: Evangeline Aterus

Age: Looks 16, is really a firstborn

Race: Vampire

Bio: A firstborn of the vampires, she has no recollection of her parents, though she does know there are not many firstborns left on the Earth. She does not hate humans, rather, she thinks they are quite tasty. Her name is known fairly well, and she enjoys having her slaves well kept. She dislikes slaves who refuse to learn though.




Name: Trevor Haetan

Age: 221, looks 20ish

Race: Half-human, half-vampire

Bio: Though a half immortal, he is still considered a slave. Stronger than most humans, he has gone through many jobs and is considered a good slave, until they piss him off. He doesn't like to talk about his past much though.


Name: Flower Moon

Age: 18

Race: Human

Bio: Flower has had slave owners before but all of them bring her back for a mysterous reason. Flower is the most stubborn human there is and doesn't take orders to well. Rumors about her is she kills off her owners by chopping their heads off. (I don't know I'm pretty sure for even a vampire that should work but then again it's only a rumor.). She's been on sale for a long time but no one seems to want her and that's just how Flower wants it. She will probably be put to death soon but for flower that would be better then being a slave.

Name: Alayna Reed.

Age: 19 years old.

Race: Human.

Bio: Alayna never had the best life. Her past master tortured her, abused her, and made her do things she would never forget. Because of all the torment, she has grown into an innocent and quiet person. She is almost afraid to speak to people. After 10 long years, her master finally decided to put her up for sale at the markets. She was relieved, but not exactly excited about it. She's heard from the other slaves that there was no such thing as a 'Nice' master. She believed it, but who wouldn't after being tortured for 10 years?

Alayna was separated from her parents when she was first born. After she turned 2 years old, her parents died from suicide. Her mother hung herself out in the backyard from a tree branch, and her father shot himself through the head. But of course, she was never told this. People made her believe that her parents abandoned her and never cared for her. Which was true in a way. Since she had no idea who her parents were, she quickly forgot about them.


View attachment 9144

Another picture of Alayna:


Sure sounds good! Only change I would make is you can assign yourself to either the Bernard Household or Evangeline's household.
Name: Xin

Age: 20


Xin watches over his little brother no matter what,he does both work with no problem so he can stay with him. He killed the last master they had because you could say they got to 'friendly' with his brother,and Xin didn't tolerate it.


Name: Trei Collen

Age: 15


Has stayed with his brother his whole life,He's a bit too young to do much so he kinda just hangs around out of the way as his brother does what he is suppose to.



Name: Dean Shard

Age: 17

Race: ghost

He doesn't know much abut his life since it's like it restarts every week,so he doesn't remember most of his history except for the flashes he gets.


(Is this okay?)
(May i pleeeease have out characters? I wanted to even up the amount of guys and girls- kind of. I prommise i can andle them!)

Name: Adrian Blackwell

Race: Fae

Age: 24

Adrian is a very private person, due to his childhood, his parents were always busy, and told him never to bother them. Being a child at the time he persisted but after being yelled at and hit on one or two occasions he started to close up, but of course his parents didn't notice. He had a human nanny up until he was fourteen (In Fae years, he ages every four years) and he was close to her, the only person he could talk to or who even seemed to care for him (I am sort of basing his closeness to her of how white, no racism intended children grew attached to black women as young kids) Her father didn't approve of the woman and killed her, in front of his crying son. This acted as sort of a trigger for the boy and he started to do things to get his parents attention, thinking things through as not to hurt anyone in the course of this. Years later a little girl was found in the household, she was about nine or ten and looked so much like his nanny's child she was sold and Adrian kept thinking about this child and started to wonder where she was and tracked her down. Sadly her owners at the time did not like this, thought she has seduced the young man and killed her, leaving her two year old child alone. Adrian took this child and cared for her, like she was his own she is now four, and still lives with him. Lilah (as he named her after her mother not knowing her name) means the world to his and he would do anything for her. His parents didn't approve and kicked him out. He cared for her before him and when his adoptive family found him she was a healthy child and he was barley alive. He never asks for help, even if he really needs it so maids and slaves have a hard time working for him.

Name: Rylan Blackwell

Race: Fae

Age: 18

Rylan's family adopted Adrian and the two aren't that close, but they don't hate each other, he is puzzled at why Adrian is so enamored by this human child he rarely lets out of his sight and why he refuses to have a slave. Aiden finally gave in and is letting Rylan help him select one.

Name: Lilah Blackwell (Adrian gave her his adoptive last name, for protection)

Race: Human

Age: four

She is very shy and talks in a whisper, and hiding behind something to everyone but Adrian and sometimes Rylan. She has a teddy bear that Adrian gave her for her fourth birthday in her arms at all times.

Adriana Blackwell



This is her first cycle (Wings, she is a different type of foe, i will explain later on) and in her family it is tradition to get a slave at this time, so she is gong with the brother, she is kind of exited to be growing up, but horrified at the way the beings are treated
Name: Bradley Humber

Age: 13

Race: Human

Bio: Alone and depressed from the age of 10 Bradley had became a slave. He stayed with the tyrant of a man named Aethello for at least 2 of those years. Eventually breaking any form of feeling apart from depression from his body. Now-a-days he ends up moving owner to owner seeing as they class him as unreliable since his "state of mind and emotion". He's been up on sale for a while now. Waiting around in the silence left to think about the past. He couldn't even remember what his own mother looked like. He had always wondered, had she given him up...or had he been taken from her hands? None of that was important anymore though. Like it mattered, he was probably going to die before twenty if he got another "Aethello" Owner. Not that mattered anyway... Better dead than alive and scared.

Appearance: Long dark brown hair the hug over his dark brown eyes. Standing at about 155 cms (Don't know my height in inches... Sorry) he's rather small and fragile. He's not very strong and keeps to himself most of the time. Likes to get lost in his thoughts sometimes and just forget everything around him in the world is even happening. He tends to be highly emotional over almost anything, a lot of things will set him off in to fits of tears. Will tend to do what his master says but usually does it very slowly.
Wow all great! Great just join. we changed it up and said everyones just now living in one giant house so go ahead and start posting, y'all!

[MENTION=2671]Dino[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]
Name: Flies as Phoenix, or Fenix

Age: 2393. In human form, he looks about 16.

Race: Phoenix

Looks: Human Form: His hair is every single shade of red there is. His eyes are birdlike, and yellow. His skin, the tan shade of a native. He has a slender jawline, A slender nose, and a slender face. Full lips. He looks muscular, as he is. He dresses in a brown zip-up hoodie, with those things hanging off the sleeves, denim jeans, and brown moccasins.

Phoenix form: He had a multicolored red plumage. His build is that of a bald eagle. When he needs to, he comes the flaming bird that the phoenix is known to be.

Bio: Fenix, was born as a phoenix, before the colonists, and pioneers came to America. After about 20 years, he learned the ability to shift into a human. Saying as he was around the Apache Nation at the time, he became an Apache. It came to where he seemed like the last phoenix. Around the 2000's. There was a human, by the name of Marcus Tuster, who's father was killed by a phoenix, he took it upon himself to hunt down and kill all the supernatural. He met his end indirectly to Fenix. Tuster wound up hung, and that threat was erased, but Fenix never got over the regret, he reclused, not coming out until now, in human form. He went back to phoenix form for those many years. He finally came out, the oldest phoenix, as he has the ability to rise from his ashes, reborn. Now, in human form, he wishes to free the human slaves. He doesn't approve of slavery, as he has seen it many times in his long old life span.

Powers: He can turn from human form, to Apache form, once every 24 hours. He can control fire, and he can rise from his ashes, as long as he is burnt, or dies of old age.

Other such: In human form, he has 15 foot wingspan of multicolored red wings. He can fly with them.

Theme song:

I am willing to work to change him to how you wish the character to be. Yes, I realize he very well may be the most oldest character in the RP, but that would also make him the wisest. As I said, if you wish for him to change, I can do that.
([MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION], :D If yours gets accepted, he wouldn't be the oldest! -Evangeline waves a little- <-- she is a firstborn :3 Too bad i can't accept you myself. I like your charrie. Just had to say that >.> -runs away-)
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], well, he's old. And unique, far as I know, the only phoenix that anyone has thought of using so far, and the only supernatural who doesn't want humans as a slave. I like being rebellious.
Bahaha such a rebel. :P Accepted. read the message i sent you about the new rules and feel free to jump in!
[MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION], so, you are fine with him being able to go from phoenix to Apache? And not liking the slave thing? Yay!
Yeah that's fine hahaha he can befriend the slaves or something, start shit with Mathew who likes order in his household. looks goot. :P

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