Feedback requested Peony Tealeaf


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Peony Tealeaf left home at a very young age. Without her parent’s permission. As long as she can remember she has heard voices. One voice in particular befriended her when she was about three years old. It was kind to her. It shared knowledge with her. Nothing too extreme at first. First just names of flowers and other minor facts. Eventually it told tales of other worlds. Wondrous tales. One day, when she was ten years old, it offered her a deal. She could someday visit these other worlds. But first she had to leave her family. No saying goodbye, no leaving a note. Just go. Don’t look back. So she did. She set out on her own into the wild woods. She kept to herself for the first couple years. Surviving as best she could manage with the guidance of her friendly voice. Never staying in any one place for too long. But when she could scarcely fit the clothes on her back the voice gave her directions to an overgrown path leading to an abandoned shack. There she discovered a trove of treasures. Clothing and a warm bed. A place of her own. And books. Lovely books. She stayed there for many years. Until one day her favorite voice bid her go, return to society, make friends, help others- that was the next step on her journey to the other wonderful worlds.

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