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Multiple Settings penumbra - a OC + Fandom search

Hello hello, I go by Zed / Zeda, I am 26 and I have been on and off this website for nearly a decade. What I am interested in, is something simple–but fun! A collaborative story that won't steal too much of our time away while still keeping things different. For 1x1s, I prefer short, fast, replies, typically from 250-500 words. I am only looking for OCxOC or CCxCC and m//. For OCs: I tend to create my character around my partners! For profiles in my 1x1s I prefer short vibe-checks, pretty much pitching the character - and a simple bullet point for backstories. You're free to get more - or less - involved if you'd like. I am not interested in new accounts with only 1-2 posts T-T; I reply to anyone who messages me otherwise. Happy to hop on Discord or any avenue you prefer. I prefer either written OR artistic FC if we use them, typically an anime style as I am a [[weeb]] (when it comes to writing, I don't watch much nowadays lmao). Not a big fan of medieval fantasy atm - I love modern or sci-fi settings that have a fantasy spin. <3 To put everything into nifty bullet points for us speed readers : - Call me Zed/Zeda. - He/him. - 250 - 500 words a reply - OCxOC OR CCxCC - m// - On-site, discord, or whatever you prefer Now, to get into the fun stuff! I come with both fandoms and original plots. I’m happy to create an AU with fandom characters too—if you’re a fan of one of my pitches. We can also run a fandom setting with OCs if that's your deal. We can also - modify the dynamics of any "backstories" I allude to.
Jujutsu Kaisen Voltron Fallout Tokyo Ghoul Naruto The Elderscrolls Yu-Gi-Oh!
Original Plots
Sci-Fi, Space Travel, Adventure, Fantasy(?)
The world is dying. A plague ravishes one pole of the planet to the next, wiping away every form of life it infects. It rips into their cells and bursts them at the seams, leaving an unending trail of disease that devastates any unlucky individual that it seeps into. It is called the Greyrot and it has been left to devastate the planet for the last few decades. Technology is not sophisticated and vaccines have yet to be developed - any implements used to stifle the flow of illness are remedial and ineffective. Humanity has been pushed to live in small, sterile domes, rarely venturing outside of the city they are born in. Populations are tightly controlled for the denizens of these domes to prevent overpopulation. Those who venture outside them are never to return. Muse A and B resolve themselves to venture outward despite the risks, sneaking out one night to discover what lingers outside of the walls of the only home they've known. It is under the cover of night that they discover an ancient vessel with an array of controls that are unknown to them. It is by pure accident, or coincidence, that the spacecraft then shuttles to life. With roaring engines and a brightness the likes of which they have never seen, the vessel tears through the atmosphere and breaks the sky, away, to worlds unknown. Perhaps they venture forward in search of a cure for their homeworld, to find the origin of that ship and how it found their planet. Perhaps… it is simply to see what lingers beyond the bleakness of space.
Gang Violence, Modern, Realistic
Two rival gangs stalk the streets of a major urban city. Outbreaks of violence are frequent; the policing force is more concerned about safeguarding the wealth of the upper echelon than supporting the disprivileged. Illicit substances are exchanged in place of currency and the government is always waiting with eager hands for their cut. It's the natural order; the truth of existence within the city. You'll seldom find one willing to stand apart and fight it - instead, kind, well-meaning children tend to fall into the pit - or vanish entirely before they're able to make a difference. Muse A is an officer for one of the main gangs laying claim to the city. They were born into the circle and were grateful enough to hold a high enough position to not have to deal with much of the grunt work. They have seen the ugly side of their dealings and have gotten intimately close, yet they've never truly tasted the irons of blood on their tongue. Their experience is curated - they are not one to step into the crosshairs. Muse B is a new hire with a tentative history. Distrust is penned across their name and their recruitment is more akin to wanting to keep a dangerous person close. Muse B has knowledge, wit, and something more exceedingly rare - a shred of empathy. They have dirt on the gang that could create a massive upheaval and leave behind a rift in power great enough to disrupt the powers that control the city entirely. Their recruitment is of mutual benefit; they get to keep an eye on the gang, and the gang gets to keep them an arm's reach away.
Urban Rec.
Modern, Horror, Humor
Film is a medium of art that transcends aught else, it offers a window into a venue that the viewer has never explored. Urban exploring is a way to carve a path of adventure into an already conquered world—to see the fragmentations of lives that have been left behind. Muse A and B adhered strictly to this line of thought and had even made a modest living from the venture. A shared YouTube channel is their vessel of choice, hosting an array of videos where they explore dilapidated buildings: old churches, schools, and abandoned homes. The desire to succeed is high, yet competition is steep. Horror is what sells— as Muse A would tell you. As long as they create a compelling narrative, it does not matter what is *real.* Muse A has made a habit of incorporating fake horror gimmicks into their videos. Edited shadows, whispering specters, and the clamor of moving objects superimposed into the background are some elements that they have made a habit of including. Muse B thinks differently, if something is not authentic, then there is no point pursuing it. They are in the game for the art, for the exploration, for the thrill of adventuring. They want to bring the sensation they feel in their chests to the screens of their viewers. After one particular recording session, things become *odd* around Muse A. Something truly harrowing has followed them. Muse B thinks it is just Muse A being an idiot, that they have suddenly turned the viewbaiting into peak desperation. The cheap scares become more frequent in their recordings. Muse A seems more on edge, overreacting with every little noise. But the scars on Muse B’s back tell the story that whatever is following them could very well be real.

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