Question: Should we open a second OOC?
It has been brought to my attention by The Mechanist
that he, and possibly other members, might be suffering due to the thread's current number of pages causing issues. Now, I don't think this is actually possible, but I am of the belief that it is better to be safe than sorry, so I want to confirm with everyone. The solution is not complicated, but it can be inconvinient to have to switch back and forth between two OOCs whenever you need something from this one. As such, unless you had any experience of the problem The Mechanist
brought up, vote either B or C.
So, the options:
A) I think we should have a second OOC
B) I think we should remain in our current OOC
C) I don't have an opinion on this or can't decide (votes for this option will be considered null or in favor of A, depending on the closeness results)
Please cast your votes below, in a single post. You may discuss things in the OOC, but here you ONLY vote.
To vote A, please post "9.(A)" , to vote B please post "9.(B)" and you get the picture by now
The vote will end in 21 hours from the moment this post was first , well, posted. Any IC posts done in the meantime will be have to edited accordingly.
Question: Should we have QEP quests?
So, as you may or not know, due to the speed at which people were earning QEP I had to up the price of the QEP purchases. In fact even now I fear it may not have been enough. However, I do not want to leave people in the dirt here and to guarantee the pace can be kept, I would like to propose a new way of making QEP: QEP quests.
QEP quests are little weekly challenges that earn you a special QEP bundle. They come once a week and last 7 days, starting from the one in which they are announced. Having these would mean upping the prices a little more and a new element of the roleplay's complexity, but I am of the belief that it is already so complex that a little bit more is not gonna make such a difference, in particular when the fact is QEP quests are a much easier to regulate way of earning QEP each week that allows the promotion of temporary needs of the roleplay. They come in two formats: Competitions and Objectives
Competition quests are a challenge that players all try to do but only the ones that show the best performance earn the QEP. This QEP would be more than the usual amount of objective types. If you find contests fun, you may enjoy this.
Objective type quests are a set of goals that any invidual can achieve and earn QEP, nomatter who else also earns it.
So, here are the options:
A) We should not have QEP quests
B) We should only have competition type QEP quests
C) We should only have objective type QEP quests
D) We should have both types of QEP quests at the same time.
E) We should have weekly objective quests and monthly competition quests
F) We should alternative week in week out between the two types of QEP quests
Please cast your votes below, in a single post. You may discuss things in the OOC, but here you ONLY vote.
To vote A, please post "10.(A)" , to vote B please post "10.(B)" and you get the picture by now
The vote will end in 20 hours from the moment this post was first , well, posted. Any IC posts done in the meantime will be have to edited accordingly.