• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern PDS ☆ The Studio ☆ CS

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


◇Stage name
◇Face claim|

□Hair and eye color

○Likes and dislikes
○Strengths and weaknesses

♡Bio (one paragraph at least.)
♡Why / how did You get recruited for phoinex? (What is you secret. What happened in you childhood that you got recruited for. Where you abused, neglected, or abandon or something else? )





The leader
The Rapper
The founder
The face
The Pure
The Hard worker
The Twins
The vocal
Dead line might be saturday, June 3rd
More in for will be added here.

★Phoniex Dance Studio★



Put the word star or a ☆ on your cs to verify you read these.

Drama remains in character
Post at least twice a week, 2-3 detailed paragraphs.
Face to black if it gets to heated.
Follow rpnation rules.
Korean faceclaims preferred. However others are allowed.
I have the right to reject you , and If I dont tell you why because I'm very uncomfable in doing so.
More might be added.




The leader| Male, 22 preferably| Leader, main vocal.
In charge of balancing the company needs with the group's needs.
The Founder| Female , 21 | Lead dancer, Female Rapper/main rapper. In charge of choreography. <taken>

The Rapper| Male , 20, preferably | Lead rapper, caretaker of the group. Writes raps for the group.

The Hard worker| Male, 20. Preferably | Main rapper, Main dancer. Creates the music for the group.

The twins. Male and Female| 17 preferred. | Lead vocals, Maknaes. In charge of mischief | (two people need to either collaborate the family history or one person gets two characters.)

The Pure | Female , 19 preferred| Female visual, in charge of lyrics. Main vocal.

The Face| Male, 19 preferred| Male, male visual , in charge of lyrics, main vocal.

The Vocal| Male or female| 18-20| Lead vocalist, main dancer, English speaker of the group. In charge of translating and motivating the group.

code by pasta
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Like means accepted, or if your tagged on this post your accepted.

The Twins• Ko Kyung Mi Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha , Ko Hee Joon pasta pasta

The Founder• Yeo Na-Ri

The Vocal• Lim Soon Young Yunn Yunn

The Leader• Park Tae Il social social

The Face• Pasta

The Pure• Yang Sa-Hee C r y s t a l s C r y s t a l s

The Rapper•Pin Tae Woo b a r i s t a b a r i s t a

The Hardworker• SociallyAwkward.

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code by pasta

"Music connects us all, no matter who we are."

■□■♡Yeo Na-Ri♡□■□
Nickname♡ Nai, Nemo, neon.
Stage Name♡ Nari
□Female <she, her>□
■The Founder■
□FC| Jung Yein□

◇121 lbs◇
◇light brown hair, grey eyes.◇

Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. An observer. A hermit. Interested in understanding and helping people. Creative and smart. Familiar with the dark side. Embraces counterculture. Can feel defective. Ambivalent of the rules. Likes the rain. Strives to live in accordance with a well-developed value system. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually a talented writer. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Not punctual. Not always prepared. Daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness. Low self-confidence. Can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings. Wounded at the core. Feels shame. Prone to feeling discouraged. Can sabotage self. Sometimes can't control fearful thoughts. Prone to regret. Frequently second-guesses self. Can feel victimized.

♡Likes♡ Coffe, choreography, dancing, music, her team, helping everyone else, dark clothing, being herself, friends, reading, learning new things, helping others no matter how much pain she's in.

◇Dislikes◇Being put down, others hurt, being fussed over , being told no, sitting around, liars, her past, revealing clothing, dresses, skirts, heels, feminine dances.

●Hobbies○ Dancing, taking care of the team, watching for those in need. Drawing, reading, cooking, learning new things.

■Strengths□ Running, dancing, rapping, cooking, multilingual (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, basic Thai and basic english.)

□Weakness■ Hate, she sacrifice herself for others in a heart beat, being judged, being put down. Her past.

Nari had a pretty good life , living with her mother and step father contently until a car accident killed them both when she was eight years old. Her father stepped in finally got her after all those years of being sheltered away from him. He always put her down, and every time she got something, it was held over her head.

She made very few friends in her new school and it left her alone, with no one she could trust. So, she did what she believed any child would do. She turned to music and gaming. Things kept getting worse for her, and when she became sixteen, she left home and was able to buy property from a friends parents, a small studio with dorms. She hid there, working furiously to make ends meet and keep her stellar grades up.

At seventeen she started looking for people like her, kids who where alone. She took in a total of fifteen, and once most became sixteen or eighteen they left. However eight stayed with her. They became family and each knew why the others where here.

□■□■Secrets □■□■
Nari faces a boy name Park Hak-Kun everyday. Still now, even though shes an adult. When she was younger, not long after she started the Studio, she saved his life from a car accident in which killed his sister. HE clung to her to her and made this image of her as his sister. She let him. Two years down the line, she left him, trying to get him to live on his own. He turned to alcohol. Ever since, he abuses her mentally, emotionally, and physically. She lets him. The other Phoenix members knows she suffers abuse, but hey dont know who does it to her or the story behind it. They have asked, but she pretends she doesn't know what they are talking about.

Relationships||| Sa-Hee ~ Sister like bond , even though Sa-Hee still has her doubts on the bond they are really close.

Tae-Woo-Secretly has a crush on him, despite being asexual. They are really close friends, and she keeps her feelings buried like everything else.

The Twins~ A sibling bond, being older she kind of feels responsible for them and kinda acts like a mother to them.(oh wait she does that to everyone XD)


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Hee Joon

Name ; Ko Hee Joon
Nickname ;
Stage name ; Jupiter
Role ; Makane, Lead vocal
Age ; Seventeen
Gender ; Male
Sexuality ; Bisexual
Faceclaim ; The8

Height ; 5'9 (175 cm]
Weight ; 139 lbs
Hair color ; Brown
Eye color ; Dark brown

Hee Joon is like that person that's too nice to anger. Unfortunately he gives people way too many chances, which is barely ever a positive thing. He may give you multiple chances, but that really doesn't mean he trust you. Because of his past, it takes him a long time to actually trust someone. You have to do something that really shows you care for him to actually fully trust you.

Though he's extremely kind at times he can become a little pushy. Without realizing it he can sometimes pressure someone into doing something. Thankfully he's started to notice this habit, and began to try to fix it... He really doesn't know if this is helping or not.

Hee Joon likes to think he's very independent, and he is. He feels like he could do well on his own, but he sticks with his sister. He knows how she can get panic attacks sometimes, and he wants to make sure that doesn't happen by staying with her.

Coffee ; Eating at convenience stores ; Chocolate ; Cats ; Learning new things ; Museums ; Doing nice things ; Music ; His twin ; Mandu ; Horror games ; Wii Sports Resorts

Salmon ; Worms ; Mushrooms ; People asking about his childhood ; Dogs ; Being woken up ; Early morning ; Being rushed

His kindness ; His independence ; Being forgiveful

Learning different languages ; Biting off more than he can chew ; Staying up late

Drawing ; Playing video games

From the beginning life wasn't too good for Hee Joon. His mother was an abuser, who really didn't care how badly she hurt her children. He recalls getting in trouble for his mom's own mistakes. If she spilt something it would automatically be his fault, resulting in his mother attacking him. Unfortunately this lasted for six years before him and his sisters were sent to foster care.

They bounced from family to family. Each family did an ungodly thing to the twins, affecting them in many numerous ways. He began to only trust his sister, and only speak to her.

It wasn't until he was thirteen where he was placed into an actual good home. Hee Joon barely talked to his new family. He'd uttered a few words here and that, but other than that he refused to talk. Thankfully as time went on, he became more comfortable with his new family and actually began to speak to them.

It was confirmed that him and his twin would no longer be switched from foster house when they were adopted by his new family.

Why/How did they get recruited into Phoenix? ; Terrible childhood, filled with abuse and terrifying situations

Ko Kyung Mi ; His twin sister

Paradise by GiiANA

star ☆

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name ◇ lim, soon young
nickname ◇ tbd. (hates having these so called "stupid" nicknames)
stage name ◇ siyoon
role ◇ the vocal
age ◇ twenty
gender ◇ male
sexuality ◇ demisexual
face claim◇ jr (kim, jonghyun of nu'est)



HEIGHT // 5'10" FT

there was a point in time where he set off the fire alarm and almost caused a huge fire. of course it wasn't on purpose. he just forgot to turn off the stove and went to take a nap until he smelled something burning. he's always been that careless and accident prone, he's never paid much attention to his surroundings and is seen as too carefree.

that being said he's also got a fickle mind known to take interest in many things and falls out on most just as easily. once he's lost interest he just goes about his way to the next one. usually there's really no attachment left aside from the few he still does with a passion. it's pretty obvious he's only used to doing this his way.


cats, fruit, hiking + camping, summer, swimming, his motorcycle, stuffed plushes, small spaces

anything fishy, flowers, tomatoes, dogs (the energetic ones),

singing? playing acoustic guitar, good hand writing, can sleep anywhere, not giving a ****, shooting & claw games

rollercoasters, horror movies, skinship, listening, commitment, picky eater, allergic to pollen, stubborn

biking, going on top of roofs, listening and watching foreign music and films, going on night walks, taking the bus or subway with no destination, hiking, traveling, leaving his headphones on to sleep, claw games,

hi, 04 STORY
he was in a well off family. everyone considered the neighborhood in where he lived was on the wealthier side. his house was practically a mansion, he went to private school, and there was a house keeper made sure to tidy the house and attend to his needs since his parents were always gone for business trips.

at first, he tried to gain attention by doing well in school and other activities, but that never worked. no matter how hard he tried it just wasn't good enough. he then gave up in trying to please them. some say he did a complete 180, he began to skip class, going to some places other than school and home. grades naturally dropped, but there was no trace of him caring, he found something more valuable than grades, and something more worth his time than studying.

life became good. even when he was caught in a fight and went into detention he wasn't all too worried. his parents had finally taken action and bailed him out. but what he didn't know that was the start. somehow curfew became a thing, other than the housekeeper more people were in the house, he was driven to school. the freedom he had before seemed to be nonexistent. however, due to repeated efforts and one huge blow when he was 16 his parents disowned him.
why / how did you get recruited for phoenix?
after getting get kicked out by his parents he lived off what he could off of the cash he had on hand at a manga cafe. however, his money wasn't going to last him forever. he found pheonix dance studio as his new home.​


lim, soon young

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  • ◇Name: Ko Kyung Mi

    ◇Nickname: Aegyo Devil, Pup, Puppy

    ◇Stage name: Kyumi

    ◇Role: Maknae, Lead vocal

    ◇Age: 17

    ◇Gender: Female

    ◇Sexuality: Bisexual

    ◇Face claim: Jung Eun Bi (Eunha)



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Name: Pin Tae-Woo
Stage Name: Venus
Role: Rapper
Age: Twenty
Sexuality: Bisexual
Face Claim: E'Dawn
Height: 5"10
Weight: 60kg (132 lbs)
Hair color: Bleach blonde (dyed)
Eye color: Dark brown​
Baking (though he isn't great)​
Tae-woo is seen as a very mysterious man at times. He tends to be very quiet, not because he's shy, mute, or anxious, but simply because he just doesn't feel the need to talk. You'd often see him almost behind the group just watching everyone do their thing. Sometimes when he's bored he'll just space out or fall asleep.

Don't mistake his lack of social efforts for laziness. In fact, he's quite the opposite. Tae-woo is very hard working and he's committed to his role as the lead rapper. He'll often lose sleep working hard writing lyrics and he'd lay awake at night trying to think of ways to improve. He's constantly driven and he isn't really recognized for that. He's more of a behind the scenes kind of guy, that just happens to occasionally go up on stage and show off.

Even though, for the most part, he's silent and on the sidelines, he really is just a softie. He obviously has a sense of humor and sometimes he likes to crack jokes which, surprisingly shock some of even his close friends at times. It's rare to see him smile though, but when he does, it can just make you feel better seeing such a man look happy.

Tae Woo lived an extravagant life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he tried not to take advantage of that. He was never really the snobby type and his parents wealth really didn't affect his life at all. Apart from his living arrangements he wasn't any different from the rest of his classmates. He wasn't very smart or behind his classmates. He was really only slightly above average so he was put in the accelerated classes during his school days.

His parents had always wanted him to do well, but not until around middle school was when he was pressured to be better than everyone else. He had to always come home with high 90s and 100s and the day he ever came home with anything less than a 95 he would be drilled with information and homework given to him by his parents. They had always seemed to be proud of him and love him more when he excelled, and he had basically lived off of that lack of praise and encouragement.

On the very few days he was free from studying, he took interest in different artists, especially from America. He was inspired by many rappers and he started singing and rapping their songs to himself on his way to school. It helped him a bit during rough times and it became a habit for him to bring his phone out more often and listen to music.

Because of him constantly studying, he had no time to do the things he wanted to do. He had no time to talk to people or make friends. The other kids thought of him as cold and distant while others thought of him as a nerd and a momma's boy. They took it as a chance to bully and belittle him. In class when he'd be working, some of the lesser working kids would peer pressure him into doing their homework and going outside of school to run errands for them. Soon the worksheets of homework turned into helping the students cheat on tests and the errands slowly had grown more difficult and the kids had started to beat him up after school. When he would come home, it would be pretty easy to hide the bruises on his face, arms, and legs. He had no one to confide in. His teachers were no different than his parents. The adults of his generation were those that belittled kids and treated them like they're lives were easy and the highlight of their lives. Little did they know about the hardship that Tae woo had to go through every day of his life.

This carried on into highschool and it had only gotten worse. He became known as the smart, snobby, rich kid that could easily be used as a punching bag. Of course he was sick of it and there was nothing he could do about it. He continued to study get bullied and pounded. It was an endless cycle, and after a few weeks he started pondering the option of suicide. Yes, unfortunately, he did attempt to take his life at least once, and he failed. Maybe he just wanted to see what was left for him to do. To endure what was going on now and suffer, hoping for the best to come.

One day, on his way home he came a bit late because of course he had to run errands for his classmates and get beat up again. His face was covered in bruises and he made it to the lot to see firemen and police officers at his home. At first, it was a shock, but he realized now that he was basically free. Free from the pressure of being the best and free from his parents ridiculing him for the few times he did badly. He was free to do what he wanted.

Unfortunately for him though, his parents hadn't yet formulated a will and there was no money to be passed down to Tae woo. He lived on the streets and relied on the public to give him either food or money. After a while, he started listening to music again and he continued rapping. He made a show of himself dancing and rapping to his favorite artists and songs and he received money for it, occasionally.

His talent was eventually recognized when people had begun to take videos of him and post them all over social media.

Why / how did You get recruited for phoinex?: verbally abused by parents, physically by students, neglect, and orphaned in late teens

Relationships: none atm

star ☆
Likes and Dislikes

Uptight people
Strengths and Weaknesses

Uptight people
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name ◇ lim, soon young
nickname ◇ tbd. (hates having these so called "stupid" nicknames)
stage name ◇ soon young
role ◇ the vocal
age ◇ twenty
gender ◇ male
sexuality ◇ demisexual
face claim◇ jr (kim, jonghyun of nu'est)



HEIGHT // 5'10" FT

personality here


cats, fruit, hiking + camping, summer,

horror movies, anything fishy,



biking, going on top of roofs, listening and watching foreign music and films, going on night walks, taking the bus or subway with no destination, hiking, traveling,

hi, 04 STORY
he was in a well off family. everyone considered the neighborhood in where he lived was on the wealthier side. his house was practically a mansion, he went to private school, and there was a house keeper made sure to tidy the house and attend to his needs since his parents were always gone for business trips.

at first, he tried to gain attention by doing well in school and other activities, but that never worked. no matter how hard he tried it just wasn't good enough. he then gave up in trying to please them. some say he did a complete 180, he began to skip class, going to some places other than school and home. grades naturally dropped, but there was no trace of him caring, he found something more valuable than grades, and something more worth his time than studying.

life became good. even when he was caught in a fight and went into detention he wasn't all too worried. his parents had finally taken action and bailed him out. but what he didn't know that was the start. somehow curfew became a thing, other than the housekeeper more people were in the house, he was driven to school. the freedom he had before seemed to be nonexistent. however, due to repeated efforts and one huge blow when he was 16 his parents disowned him.
why / how did you get recruited for phoenix?
after getting get kicked out by his parents he lived off what he could off of the cash he had on hand at a manga cafe. however, his money wasn't going to last him forever. he found pheonix dance studio as his new home.​


lim, soon young

Once you finish your persona and anything else that needs to be tweaked to your liking , you're accepted.

nickname: Star, Yang, Sa-Hee. (Stage Name| Sa-Hee)
age//Role: 19//The Pure

Gender//Sexuality: Female//Bisexual
Face Claim: Lee Mijoo

s t a t s

Height // Weight||| 5'7 // 122 LBS
Hair// Eyes || Mocha // Dark Brown

Likes: Coffee, Singing, Playing with others hair, Taking Pictures, Creativity, Children, Early walks, Beaches, having fun.
Dislikes: Liars, Controlling people, Heights, Rude people, Newspapers, Rumors, being left alone.

Hobbies: Going to the beach, Styling Hair, Drawing, Singing, Dreaming. Early Runs.

Strengths: Singing, Smiling, Making her teammates happy, Having Fun.
Weaknesses: Needy, Attention Seeking (from team mates.) Easily put down.

Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive. Loves getting massages.

b i o
BIO|| At first, life was great for Sa-Hee . She had a loving mother, a working father. It was hard to believe she end up where she was. Her mother was a stay at home mom, volunteering every tuesday and Thursday, her father worked in The office 9-6. Perfectly normal, predicable family. Everything changed when she was thirteen, her mother had been driving home and crashed into a drunken driver.

Sadly, her mother died on scene, never making it to the hospital. Her father grieved for days, refusing to go to work. A year later, he lost his job and started blaming everything on Sa-Hee. She started to feel bad and let the mental and emotional abuse fall onto her shoulders. She believed everything he told her was true, that she killed her mother and ripped the family apart.

That's when she was sixteen when the beatings started. She didn't fight back, allowed them to continue. She lived like this till he pushed her down the stairs and dragged her out the house. He threw her around and threw bottles at her, cutting her skin on impact. He left bloody and in pain with a few broken bones and a broken heart. It wasn't until she was seventeen did she understand that wasn't what life was about. When Nari found her, she for the first time, believed she was worth a second chance.

Why is she in Phoniex||
Abused, beaten near death and abandoned.
q r o w q r o w || Close bond with Nari, almost close enough to be siblings.

@ SociallyAwkward ||

@ pasta||
For Young Bum, Sa-Hee has a close bond with him. They occasionally buy each other street food when they go out.

For Hee Joon,

@ b a r i s t a|| Tae-Woo
Despite him being older, he sees her as the older sister because of their personalities. Sibling bond.

@ Yunn||

@ Shadow Alpha||
coded by dwale
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name - park tae-il
nickname - tae, tae tae
stage name - tba
role - leader (main vocal)
age - twenty-two
gender - male
sexuality - bisexual
fc - kim byeongkwan

height - 5'8"
weight - 125 lbs
hair - dyed blonde (for now)
eyes - dark brown (loves grey or blue contacts)

personality - Tae-il is sort of that silent type at first. A bit cold and closed off. He doesn't really like to socialize, or at least at first. since he is the leader of the group, he obviously isn't able to be as introverted as he'd like to be. Now that Tae-il has gotten used to being the leader of the group, more or less, he is much more comfortable being around people he's never met before. He's a bit of a social butterfly, even though it still makes him really nervous. He has learned to put on that bright smile and friendly gaze that leaves people feeling comfortable. Not really the mood maker of the group, but he certainly is someone people enjoy being around due to this friendly and rather easy going aura he has around him once you get to know him a bit.

Of course this is with people outside of the group. Within the group, Tae-il is known to be a very sweet and bright male, often back hugging those he's closest to, cracking jokes, and just being close to everyone. He doesn't really mind skinship, nor does he mind being around his friends. He really enjoys the company and often tries to spend time with them, inside or outside of practice. He enjoys doing things such as going out to play basketball, get some ramen, or even chicken and beer. Quality time is something he really treasures and doesn't forget to show it while expressing his affection for everyone he's close to in the group.

Now Tae-il is actually one of the most sensitive people in the group. Few people really know this because he's so used to just putting on a smile and calling it good. But his feelings are easily hurt, especially if he's rejected by people in the group. Since he sort of has a fear of being alone or not being cared for, Tae-il really gets upset whenever he feels alone. Though he never cries in front of everyone, you probably have seen him with red puffy eyes and a red runny nose. It never fails. Tae-il always cries after a fight. He will stay in his room until he's recovered and always blames his puffy eyes and runny nose on allergies. This is why he often tries to avoid getting into any arguments, and tries to stop them before they start.

He can be considered a bad match for a leader, but Tae-il loves his group a lot and takes it very serious. Them reaching their personal dreams are what drive him to get out of bed every morning, no matter how much he may hurt. He tries to do whatever he can to make the group happy, which is why it breaks him whenever the group becomes unhappy and shows sgns of falling apart. It's difficult to always hide your tears, but for now, Tae-il is pretty good at it.

likes - guitar, bass, piano, singing, rapping (surprisingly), skinship, sweets, americanos, american/canadian food, animals, warmth, cuddling, horror movies, haunted houses, cooking, art, stargazing, cloud watching, reading, shopping, piercings, coloring hair, colored contacts

dislikes - overly sweet things, sour foods, predictable movies, horror without depth, waking up early, being color, getting sick, being alone, crying, sudden confessions, cheesy movies (he secretly loves the cheeeeese)

strengths -playing the guitar/bass and learning the piano, singing, mildly raps, cooking, sports, composing, learning languages quickly

weaknesses - writing lyrics, needles, small spaces, airplanes, dancing, public transportation, glass elevators

hobbies - composing, cooking, basketball, learning new instruments, learning english, artsy stuff

bio - Born in the chilly month of December, Tae-il never really had an easy life. From the beginning his parents struggled with keeping jobs, keeping up with rent, feeding the family properly, sending him to school, pretty much everything. More often than not, Tae-il would be wearing the same clothes for a week straight. His life wasn't easy at all. It was filled with more downs than ups. Yet he didn't mind. He knew that his parents were trying hard, just they didn't know how to always try hard. So he never complained and would never ask for things. Life was boring. It was a routine. They moved at least twice before he was at the age of eight, going to a more run down apartment each time. Tae-il's health suffered due to this life style, his asthma causing him to have problems in school activities and getting sick. But what could he do?

When he was ten years old, that's when his grandparents showed up and took him away. Well not really. You see, his parents actually never came home after they picked him up from school. He had to call home because he ended up getting a fever and had to go home. After his parents walked to his school to pick him up, they dropped him off at the apartment and never came inside. Tae-il naturally didn't question it as he was sleeping for most of the time, trying to recover from the fever. When he woke up, he woke up to the arms of his grandmother carrying him. He was small for his age to begin with, so she had no trouble carrying him out to the car. Tae-il wasn't allowed to ask about his parents, and life went on as if nothing had happened. He was very restricted in what he could do, which led to a rebellious streak developing.

In his teen years, Tae-il began to start skipping class, not coming home till late, and then the conflict with his grandfather started. It was during one argument that he actually got slapped by the older man, which led to him getting angry and storming off to his room. The arguments were nasty, soon leading to Tae-il sort of blanking out. After that, he rarely went home. Maybe to get new clothes or something, but he rarely stayed at home. Friends' houses became his homes. He traveled around his friend group, using the same excuse every time. "My grandparents don't mind. They're never home anyways. Plus, when else are you going to hangout with me? We have different classes". (editing this bc like ew, it's shitty. but this is the basics tbh)

why - Tae-il was abandoned by his parents at a young age due to obviously family problems, so he lived with his grandparents for awhile. However, his grandparents weren't kind to him either. His grandfather often would hit the male whenever he got into trouble, which led to Tae-il running away a lot. He hasn't seen either grandparent in at least two years. He has no idea how they are even doing.

Relationships ☆
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Jeong Young Bum ☆
"Trust me, the addiction never goes away. You just need self control."
Name ; Jeong Young Bum
Nickname ; Bum, Bummy
Stage Name ; Youngbum
Age ; Nineteen
Gender ; Male
Sexuality ; Bisexual
Role ; Visual, Main vocal, In
charge of lyrics
Ethnicity ; Korean
Fc ; kangmeen
Height ; 6'1 (186cm)
Weight ; 154 lbs
Hair color ; Black
Eye color ; Dark brown
Piercings ; None atm
Tattoos ; None atm

Personality ;
Young Bum is a person that really doesn't care about what you have to say to him. He'll eat like a slob in front of people, and not care if they're watching. He's been like this even before his drug usage. You can have your opinions, you can hate him, and he won't feel anything.

He can become protective over people that are close to him so easily. He may not care about what people think about him, but if you think bad of one of his friends, he's going to hate you.

Young Bum is extremely open when speaking about his past. It doesn't bother him at all, and it's almost helping him when he speaks about it. He's a person you can come to when you need advice. He may not have been in the situation you're in, but he's most likely able to come up with quality advice for you.

He's probably the most active on social media out of the group. He post multiple selfies during the day, or just pictures of what he's eating. The caption in every picture usually has nothing to do with the picture he took.

Likes ;
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, K-Indie, Korean underground hiphop/r&b, Giving advice, Sleeping, Being older than others, Social media, Singing, Fall time, coffee, aesthetics, face masks

Dislikes ;
Video games, the color orange, tea, oreos, waking up early, when his earbuds break, children shows

Strengths ;
Singing, giving advice, not caring about what people think

Weaknesses ;
Remembering choreography, getting up early

Hobbies ;
Painting, Sleeping, writing song lyrics, drawing on himself with pens or markers

Biography ;
Everything seemed well in perfect for Young Bum in the beginning. You could call him a teacher's pet that would probably never even try alcohol. He couldn't ask for more... He had perfect grades, perfect family until everything took a turn. Drugs invaded his perfectly good life. No it wasn't like it started off with marijuana like all those stupid things around school say. It started off with a more hardcore drug...

He kept his drug usage a secret from his family. He knew they would send him to rehab if they found out. The main drugs he did was heroin and pills he'd steal from his parents.

This went on for months on end, but it all came to an end when he unfortunately overdosed. It scared the shit out of him. He was left in coma for a few weeks. When he awoke he couldn't help but worry about what his family though about him. How did they feel when they got a call telling them their son with in a hospital.

As he expected, his parents sent him off to rehab with high hopes. But he actually wanted go. He had to get rid of this addiction before it killed him.

He use to be a drug addict~

Relationships ;

Theme ;
Photograph by offonoff
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name - sakda naowarat
nickname - nao
stage name - nao
role - hardworker (main rapper/dancer)
age - twenty
gender - male
sexuality - demisexual
face claim -ten

height - 5'7"
weight - 130 lbs
hair - currently dyed black
eyes - warm dark brown

personality - Nao is someone who has a stage presence nobody can deny. Charisma literally radiates off of the male, from his flirty smirks to his simple stare. He is known for this stage presence, often becoming somewhat of a focal point, especially as the main dancer of the group. Though is isn't as cocky as many people believe him to be. You see, on stage he is very flirtatious (if the occasion calls for it) and naturally shows off his charms without really thinking twice about it. Mostly it's his serious devotion to what he's doing that is the core of his 'charisma'. It's difficult for the male to not give his all, especially when performing. This is a good trait to have, but sometimes it becomes a liability for Nao himself.

The male is actually very susceptible to getting sick, and can often overwork himself to the point of getting sick. Usually it's because when he is considered to be in a state of overworking himself, he often neglects his personal health and can end up with a sore throat or awful headache. However this doesn't kill Nao's dedication, nor the fun personality that everyone in the group has all been exposed to. In short, much like on stage, Nao is filled with many charms. Most people are. He's very quirky, often saying something odd, finds many things funny, has more aegyo than anything honestly, and he's a total flirt. Now for the flirt part, don't think he'll go up and hit on you, rather it's he's a very teasing guy. Flirty smiles, winks, biting his lip, etc.

Very playful and energetic, it's easy to confuse him with being the maknae of the group. Nao is pretty much always energized, even when he's tired, he's got more spunk than most people. Of course many like to believe it's because he practically lives off of coffee (it's his everything), but he simply says it's because there's no point in not living every day to it's fullest. Very optimistic and bright, it's amazing to think that Nao is part of a group where everyone has gone through so much pain. Naturally he isn't bouncing off of the walls, and is still probably the most respectful person you'll find (literally if you're only a month older, he still calls you hyung/noona). Nao is a very kind person, and often puts other before himself.

Romance isn't something he really thinks about because he doesn't know if people would even view him that way. But that doesn't mean he won't be a bit flirty with those he finds attractive. Of course he enjoys being cuddly and affectionate with people he's close to, but that's natural for him. But honestly he's a sucker for being called oppa, though he hates saying it out loud because it embarrasses him. Nao has had relationships, and well that's a private matter.

likes - coffee, bubble tea, animals, cuddling, oversized sweaters, dancing, black face masks, black clothing in general, rapping, composing, duets, dance competitions, ramen, movie nights, photography, polaroids

dislikes - lemons, loud cars, really bad thunder storms, blood/gore, mice, small dark hallways, pulled muscles, being sick, whenever he cries, being in the car for a long period of time, being really tired, zero coffee, getting angry (don't go there ok)

strengths - dancing, memorizing choreography, cooking thai food, geometric art, learning languages, rapping, playing piano, composing music for their songs

weaknesses - reckless with his health, forgetful, overworking self easily, can't cook rice very well, arguments (really hotheaded), letting his emotions cloud his judgement, stress (literally wants to die when under extreme pressure/stress)

hobbies - sketching, learning to cook (he will better that rice cooker), dancing, dance competitions, karaoke, studying, exploring (calms him down), taking polaroids

bio - Nao has pretty much been living with his older sister for as long as he can remember. His mother left them when he was just a baby, and their father never really existed. There is a really large age gape between Nao and his sister Kosum which meant she easily became a motherly figure to him. They lived with relatives for only a short period of time before Kosum became his legal guardian. Kosum had wanted to move out of Thailand since the day she became his guardian. She didn't want him to be there, as she felt Nao had bigger dreams than he could achieve there. So when she got accepted into a college in South Korea, wanting to become a surgeon, they moved over there. Because she was working such long hours in school, and they had a decent amount of money from their grandparents passing away, she enrolled him in a performing arts school.

It was pretty much a boarding school, which meant Nao would stay at the school's dorms while his sister worked on becoming the surgeon she dreamed on becoming. That's when Nao really discovered his passion and rather talent for dancing. The young boy was an incredibly fast learner, flexible, and he was passionate about it. Everyday when he was able to dance, he'd be in that studio room, the smallest kid there, barely understanding the language, but he knew what he wanted to do and rather be. Because Nao was so dedicated, he often participated in lessons with older kids, where he quickly learned the importance of respect, more than he had before. Honestly he had been a bit of a punk due to him not speaking Korean very well, but he soon grew out of it, and became more like he is now.

Through the school, Nao was able to compete in dance, whether in a crew, solo, or with a partner. Skipping to high school, he had gotten much much better, one of the top ranking students because of his talent. Everything was going really well honestly. His sister was working in a hospital, he was doing really well in school. But then it all started to crumble. Nao soon found himself getting bullied, more often than not since he had kissed a guy once, when he thought he was alone. Since he didn't want the kid to get bullied either, Nao basically took all the 'blame' and found himself the subject of bullying. But someone can only handle so much until they snap.

He is incredibly hotheaded and he usually can keep himself from getting angry but just forcing himself not to, but one day he couldn't. It was just the usual bullying, getting pushed down by the guys when they passed him, etc. But Nao had already been in a terrible mood due to him injuring himself in practice, which led to him rashly acting out in anger. After that he sat in the headmaster's office, bloody lip and nose, bruises scattered across his tanned body. Kosum got called in for a meeting and everything sent Nao into a place he didn't like. He started falling behind in his school work because he continued to re-injure himself, and he gave up after that. Kosum pulled him out of the school and he finished out his high school career in a public school, a small one, and their relationship was a bit strained. Nao still hasn't forgiven himself for causing so much trouble for Kosum and she doesn't think that she's the proper fit for her brother who is obviously struggling.

why - Bullying caused Nao to be rather depressed. He didn't go to his sister because he didn't want her to worry, but he needed to have a safe place, an escape. This became his escape. He was able to do what he loved, and be around people who were like him. Damaged. Imperfect. But they were people he loved. After his injury and getting pulled out of school, he practically lived there, not having the courage to face his sister.

relationships ☆

other - Nao is known for getting many ear piercings. He has more than anyone else in the group, and is still getting more. He mostly wears studs, but occasionally will wear longer earrings if he feels like it. He is a bit of a style guru when it comes to himself at least. He's always had a good sense of fashion, and doesn't hesitate to show it off.
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