Paying The Price


Born To Kill.
This part of the OOC, this first thread will be updates and/or important information. Please check it occasionally.

  • - When we get into the RP, the "start" of the RP will be when your /characters wake up from being drugged. They will be in wooden cages, hands tied with rope, with no more than 2 people to a cage. There will be two armed guards.

    I will allow ONE SINGLE POST for you all to do a backstory, history or whatever for events that take place prior to them being drugged and waking up. Anything else will have to be done or explained via dream, flashback, conversation or something of the sort.

    Last, all of the people, whether they know each other or not, will be doing the SAME THING the night before getting drugged and taken. This will be going on a large party yacht with the intentions of making it to a small, secluded island for a wild party. The boat included food, alcohol, dancing, fishing, a small pool and a hot tub. They were to stay over night and leave on the yacht in the morning and head back to the main island.

    Last bit of information, they are NOT on the same island that the vacation was on.

    More to come!

@Arlear - @Ene Kagerou - @SliverOfHope - @Pom Pom Express - @Carl - @Sol - @NorthernBard - @Humor - @Pattycakes - @Telios
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I am looking to branch out my comfort zone with this RP. I'm looking at creating at 24 year old female. Ideally, I'd prefer a guy/girl relationship to experiment with on the premise that they have been boyfriend and girlfriend since freshman year of college, so about six years together. It would be a compelling backstory if the boyfriend was planning on proposing during the vacation to her.

Here are some quick blurbs about the character idea I had those interested: she'll be a more outdoorsy person, a photographer who has a job taking pictures for National Geographic. She loves to be outdoors, soaking in the rays of sunlight as they pierce through the Earth's atmosphere. Her wit is her best feature, as she can think quick on her feet. She shies away from confrontation as she doesn't enjoy fighting or violence. When in love, she is a romantic and loves people flaws and all. If she had to choose between coffee and a deep, thought provoking discussion or a movie, she'd always choose the coffee. She's a kind soul and genuinely believes she can make the world a better place.



If you have other ideas, let me know too. I'm open to just about anything.
I have a quick question. Do you all think I should make a character? If I did, I would make him a "minor" character in terms of his ability to influence the group, but occasionally use him to push the group in a direction I felt necessary from time to time.


One quick question, I got a little confused while reading the rules, do we send you our characters with the rp sample and wait or you to approve them before putting them on the character sign up page or do we just put them on the character sign up page and have them approved there?
PM me both the sample and the character sheet.

Once I approve, then go ahead and post in the CHARACTER SIGN-UP.

Sorry for the confusion.

If I may ask then I'd like to know what you would want us to have on our Character Sheet. Personality, Biography/History, Name, Age, ect. Do you want it like your sample?
Yes, use the one I posted (which says it's just a sample) as a template. Feel free to add anything you feel appropriate.

Anyone need some help? I also ask that you all post here, look for others to join with.

At this point, I'm going to start assuming that if you're not active, you're not interested and turn my focus to those that are on board vice chasing down people to see if they're interested.

I'm always here for help and ideas if you need them.

If you know you're not interested, and reading this, please PM me and let me know.


That reminds me. Chars do not have to be PAIRS. They can be larger groups, so try not to limit to 2 person pairs.

Hey everyone. I'm looking to join the RP with a military character, probably in his late 20s/early 30s. I'm open to any sort of connection/relationship/friendship that you guys can come up with, so PM me or simply reply here if you have an idea and we'll see what we can work out.

I've got a wealthy businessman, maybe your character is his bodyguard?

Name: Valentine 'Vale' Hale

Age: 29

Born: London England

Height/Weight: 1.8m (6'8") / 80kg (175lbs)

Hair/Eyes: Auburn and curly / Blue-Green

Appearance: Valentine isn't muscular in the way bodybuilders or male models are, but in the sleek lean way runners are that hides the real strength inside.

Bio: Valentine comes from old money, affluent old money. Which mean he's lived life with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he utterly loves it. He might have been a little indifferent to the structured upbringing of old wealth. He is aware he will inherit the family business and fortune no matter what he does, being an only child and all from only child parents, though he still does his best to impress.

Which includes developing the skills of a ruthless businessman. Valentine's lives by the phrase 'The end justifies the means'. He has and will cut people down and screw close companions over to get the result that benefits him the most. Valentine is wise with his words, twisting them and lying as easily as telling the truth.

Though he is not without he loyalty. After all, if you can't trust a man at all, who's going to work with him? There are a select few, close business partners, old friends and compatriots who he wouldn't dare betray, more out of fear of what they'd do to him than actually loyalty. But he won't correct them if they want to pull wool over their own eyes and think he cares on some deeper level.

He is on vacation with his girlfriend of the month-- despite his name and its romantic implications Valentine is no good with relationships-- to get away from work and to give his own frayed nerves a break from dealing with foolish business partners.
I'm still looking for someone to have a connection/relationship with. If anyone's interested then just say, or pm me so we can work out things, and I'm open to most ideas but I'd generally prefer for them to have more of a friend/best friend type of relationship. Oh, and my character's a female.
Ok people. I will be making a character. However, I will be connecting this character to EVERY player who needs a character to buddy up with. SO. That means that I'll give this a few more days, let you all talk and then I can start seeing who needs what. I still highly encourage you to utilize this OOC and not PMs, try to link up and also to try to connect with MORE than one character.

So by, let's say Friday, anyone not connected will have the option of using my char. This also means that at that point, if there are 3 characters needing links, now all 4 characters will need to be connected, which gets kind of long, but also very interesting if done right.

If there are 3 characters with no connections, this ALSO means that those three players should have linked their characters, so please use this OOC section to talk.

So, anyone who's open for a lucrative partnership? I'm willing to build my character off whatever you already have planned.

Is your character's girlfriend one of the other players by chance? In the interest of adding another connection, I was thinking that she could be an old friend of my character's, leading to her referring his services as a bodyguard. Just an idea.

If anyone else has an idea as to how my character might be otherwise connected, feel free to chime in.
Hello, I am looking for someone to partner up with my character, any relationship is accepted really. She is a woman who travels with a Renaissance fair. She knows how to use most bladed weapons, thought she is crap at using guns. She also has some survival training, but she isn't the best out there. Let me know if anyone wants to team up with my character.

@Sol If I had known you were joining this I would have asked you to partner up with, you too @Joker
Just a heads-up, Kritio1337 and I have been working on fleshing out the boyfriend/girlfriend idea I proposed. Once we get both the bios done we will submit them.
Thanks. Keep the ball rolling and feel free to let me know about updates or issues so I can get things ironed out.


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