[Pathfinder] On Distant Shores

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
The World of Golarion is bigger than just the Inner Sea. Other continents and Islands lie beyond it, populated by nations that few in the Inner Sea are aware of, and indeed, some of those nations have never heard about the Inner Sea, or it's own nations. Some would say that some of those nations are not interested in the nations that surround the Inner Sea.

In the continent of Arcadia, far from the turbulent struggles between the Ulfen and Valenhall, there's a few small nations who struggle amongst themselves, and against the myriad wild creatures beyond their borders.

Sitting next to the ocean is gentle Gordin, a nation of gentle people, who value wealth more than anything else. To it's north-west lies Bandor, a nation of ceremony, honour and chivalry, and one where the King, chosen from one of the noble houses rules, as a living consort to Iomedae. To the south of Gordin lies Leunadrarr, a forested land of the Elves. further south are the fables of Thormir, a dwarven nation, while to the north, between Leunadrarr and Bandor lies the Shining Desert, through which lies the fastest route to the Covenant of Ten, a confederation of ten city-states, though the desert hides its own dangers.

This is the area we'll begin in.


Right now, beyond race and class, I don't much care for stats. I wanna see class and race, and a short background. if you want to tie your character to a specific nation, and want more info, feel free to IM me. Will be happy to provide more info, though if you have specific issues you want to know about, state so.
Carol the Innocent

Halfling Rogue


Carol Redstaff was a foundling, abandoned by on the doorstep of an old women. Her true parents must not have been picky, for the old woman was in reality a retired old thief, and a fence for a small crime ring in town, who saw the young orphan as a grand opportunity. She raised the Halfling in secret until she was old enough to pass for a human girl, then sent her out to act as eyes and ears for the thieves in town. Eventually, she started getting requests from other thieves to filch small objects to aid in their heists. Carol grew up happy, healthy, if morally deficient, until the day she was asked by a thief to give an apple to a man on a horse who would be arriving by horse later that day. She did as asked, and was shocked to hear that the man later was a paladin, who'd died of the poisoned apple she'd offered him. The old woman was furious, and drove both the poisoner and Carol from the village. They traveled on the road together from some time, the old man teaching Carol his secrets and teaching her the more brutal side of thievery, how to use a knife, and where to plant it to cause the most pain. When she eventually came to his tent one morning to find he would not wake, she cried for hours, then quietly packed all his weapons and poisons into a little whicker basket and flagged down a travelling passerby to help bury her 'father'. Since then she's traveled the world as a thief and assassin wearing the mask of an innocent, smiling young girl.
Karo Rahab, Half-Elf Oracle.

Born in the city of Gondin to a tempestuous and short love-affair between an elven mariner and the daughter of a fishmonger, Karo grew up rough and quick on the docks, never far from the sea. Abandoned by his father and begrudged by his maternal grandfather, Karo learned to take care of himself, and the prejudices of the other poor children on the docks ensured he learned how to handle himself in a fight. Armed with a quick wit, the natural good looks of his mixed heritage and an unfailing habit of looking out for himself since no-one else would, Karo eventually won respect amongst the street rats and youths of the docks, carving a place for himself until such time as he could leave Gondin behind and take up the life of the adventurer. He would learn the warrior's trade, or perhaps the light-fingered arts of the rogue... or such was his plan.

The gods had other ideas.

Karo Rahab was never meant to be a cleric, but sometimes the divine will pick their own servants. So it was that in his late teens the rebellious half-elf found himself blessed and cursed with the gifts of the Oracle, his powers tied to the sea that he both loved and hated. Armed with his newfound and unexpected divine powers and plagued by a small host of mischievous spirits that follow his every move, Karo Rahab has set out to earn his fortune, get away from his humble beginnings... oh, and honour the gods of sea and water. If there's spare time.
Veila Mirrac

Human Fighter

Veila was born and raised in Bandor. In a country where honor and lineage mean everything, her family was well regarded, not for their wealth or power, but for their devotion to duty. Her family had a long history of being guards for hire. While certainly not illustrious, her family was respected because they honored their contracts and were forthright and honest. Veila began her training at an early age. Her family ran her through many tests, designed to pick out what she was most skilled at. At the age of 7 she shot an apple from 50 paces with her father's crossbow. At the age of 12 she could shoot between two wood blocks a handspan apart to hit an apple from 100 paces. By her coming of age, she was winning purses at contests, beating older and more experienced shooters with little trouble.

Since then Veila has done her family proud, carrying on their honest work. She prefers the work of guarding caravans, as they take her to many places she would never see if she stayed at home guarding warehouses. Though she yearns for some honest adventure, she has yet to see hide or hair of anything more interesting.
Marleen Lundstrom

Half-elf Sorceress

Marleen Lundsrom gres up in a small village on a crossroads between Leunadrarr and Gordin, born to a human father and an elven mother. Spending her days in the family tavern, she heard many stories of treasure and adventure, and decided that she wished to be one of the Adventurers, who would travel the roads far and near and see everything there was to see in the world.

Torwards this end, she saught knowledge of the sort of skills an Adventurer should have, and found herself (being a fair cook) fascinated by Alchemy. Alas, her cooking skills proved superior to her alchemical skills, and a series of small explosions led to a ban on further experimentation. It also, however, exposed that she possessed an innate magical ability (this coming when, tossed by an exploding flask, she instinctively reacted by casting a sheilding spell) and now that she is of age, she has decided to seek further magical knowledge in the intent of expanding her powers.
Hermit Dagnelf

Human (Ulfen) Druid

Born near Valenhall but with an appetite to wander; Dagnelf grew with stories of heroic ancestors, which over time, turned predictable and familiar. Rage, violence and iron became familiar elements on those stories of glory, and with time, he yearned for more.

Deep in Valenhall, he stumbled upon a different story. A story of glory, yes. But achieved through sacrifice of your own blood over that of the enemy. A story hardly told about the initial attempts to settle into Arcadia and the disasters the colonists suffered, facing death at every moment, under a differend guise: hunger, disease, weather, beast and savage. The colonists were finally given a chance after a young woman, name long forgotten, stood through the harshest night of those times, offering herself in service to the land, in order to spare the diminished coastal settlement. (WIP)
It's been two weeks since the last post. Redclaws, have you gotten more character sheets, or should we just call it off here?

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