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Realistic or Modern Pasta's mxm plots!


gogo dancer

Pasta's Partner Search

Hello I'm Autumn! I've been on this site for over a year, but I've had a few more years prior to this of rping on other various sites. Note I do go to school, so replies during the day will be rare. Currently I'm on spring break, so I'm free almost all day.

Now onto my requirements. I try to match my partner's size of post length. Please note that my posts can range from two paragraphs to seven, and that I'm fairly literate. I prefer to use realistic images. I don't watch anime anymore (BUT ANIME FOOD GIFS give me life). My fcs are usually, if not always, asian, but tbh if you'd like me to use western fcs I can. Though I can't guarantee I'll be as interested. I don't require any of my partners to use Asian fcs.

Everyone always talks about how they prefer to play "subs" or "doms" in mxm. Blah blah. Honestly I believe everyone is a switch no matter what. I do sometimes feel in the mood to play a sub, and sometimes I'm in the mood to play a dom. Note: Not all doms are masculine and not all subs are feminine. It just bothers me when people decide to make their character really feminine just so they can be the sub. Ok... I think that's it. Onto the plots!!!

Slice of life
The life of a couple can be quite eventful; from good to bad. These two colleges students have been dating for around a year, and have moved into together to cohabit. Let's follow these two students, and see where their relationship takes them.

Muse A is a young college student living in an apartment complex all the way at the top. Note: He has a fear of elevators stopping. Muse B is too a young male living all the way at the top of the apartment complex. While the two were riding the elevator to get to their apartments a power outage occurs, resulting in the elevator stopping. Muse A comes to the realization, and begins to have a panic attack. Let's just say Muse B has terrible comforting skills.

We shouldn't be together
Two boys go to a christian all boys academy. Though both boys know it's against everything their parents taught them, they still do it. Everyone's oblivious to it. The nuns don't realize they boys are missing sometimes, and are almost always late to everything. The two boys were originally assigned roommates before this, but one night that all changed. They kissed each other, and came to the conclusion that going against their parents didn't matter.

Note: This doesn't reflect my beliefs at all. This isn't trying to throw shade at the religion, or anything like that. I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm saying all christians, God and Jesus are homophobic because I know they're not. Hardly anyone is homophobic anymore. It's just the parents who are, and I guess some of the people in the school. Though I intended this taking place in Skorea, which if you know about the country, isn't too lgbt friendly.

We met in the cereal aisle
Muse A works at a grocery store that Muse B regularly shops at. Muse B first noticed Muse A when he was stocking the shelves. Muse B began to go to the market more often to see Muse A. One day while Muse was stalking the shelf in the cereal, he fell back and accidently fell back onto Muse B. Muse B takes this as an opportunity to ask Muse A out... While they're on the floor.

You shouldn't really drink
{Based off of a tumblr plot}Muse A went out with friends on friday night to a club. He managed to make his way back to what he thought to be his apartment, but it turned out to be Muse B's. Muse B had left it open because he was coming back from groceries, and was still unpacking his car. When Muse A noticed Muse B, confusion struck him. Once he came to the realization it wasn't his apartment he began to cry.

Awkward Situation
Muse A is an awkward college student while Muse B is a popular college student. Muse B is known for his looks, and charismatic skills, while Muse A is known for basically nothing. Students admire Muse B... People don't even know who Muse A is. The two are roommates, and not much is said between them. Muse A has feelings for Muse B... What happens when Muse A asks Muse B out after their last class.

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I just found this thread and I'm really really interested in the 'We Shouldn't Be Together' roleplay and the 'You Shouldn't Really Drink' roleplay. Please message me whenever you can!! I'm super interested!

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