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Fandom Past Alpha!Dean/Omega!Cas High-school AU


New Member
Backround: Castiel got pregnant in high-school and gave their daughter up for adoption without being able to tell Dean

The sandy-haired teenager looked up at the Bar’s sign and then glanced down at the piece of paper in her hand before walking in. It was noon so, it was expectedly empty save a burly man behind the bar but, something told Claire this wasn’t the man she was looking for. Taking a deep breath, Claire clutched her bag a bit tighter to her shoulder and approached the bartender, supposing that at the very least he would tell her where to find her person of interest. “Excuse me” she started, boosting herself onto one of the many empty stools. “You can’t be in here kid” the bartender scolded, not even bothering to look at her. “I don’t want-“ Claire scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I’m looking for Dean Winchester, I’ve been told he owns the place” She told him, trying to sound sure of herself. This time, the bartender looked up at her, “Your a bit young to coming lookin’ for Dean aren’t you?” He asked, as if trying to decide on her age. “Don’t be disgusting, I just need him to sign some papers and I’ll be out of your hair” Claire said, throwing a stack of paperwork on the bar just as a door creaked open and another man came down the stairs and into the bar. (Continue as Dean)

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