Party Bus Roadtrip [Inactive]


Mr. Kat Lover
Benji shifted his weight awkwardly from foot to foot, staring past the man giving him directions on how to use the party bus. Truth was, he definitely was not listening, seeing as this all seemed extremely ridiculous. Any idiot in his right mind knew to not drink and drive, plus he had already paid for a driver so that he and his friends wouldn't have to worry about it. As the man continued speaking, Benji began to daydream. He wanted this summer to be one that was easily remembered. One that he could tell all of his future friends about and they'd be totally jealous. Although it was a hassle to gather up enough money to rent a party bus for the entire summer, they had managed to do so in only a few weeks. The bus was pretty dang expensive, but it was well worth it because it was such a beauty. The outside of it was decorated in a playful fashion, though not quite to Benji's taste, but the interior was absolutely gorgeous. The seats were made out of comfortable, mattress-like cushions and there was even a hot tub in the back.

The man in front of Benji snapped his fingers and he jumped, pulled abruptly from his reverie. Immediately, he cleared his throat and put his hand on the larger man's shoulder.
"Don't worry sir. My friends and I are very responsible and no harm will come to your bus." Benji turned and tapped the bus gently and the man grumbled quietly under his breath before heading to his car and leaving him by himself. Pulling out his cellphone, Benji sent a quick text to his friends.

"Alright guys. Bus is here. Party time!"
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As Shiloh finished double checking she had all her things, she looked up at the sound of her phone going off. Stopping for a moment to pull the device out of her pocket, she unlocked it and read the text message, a grin sliding onto her face. Quickly texting a reply back, the blonde slung her bag back over her shoulder and slid her phone back into her pocket before heading out the door.

'Be there in 10!'


A beautiful blonde girl stared back at her. The girl rose her hands and began to fluff her hair. The girl grabbed a bright pink lip gloss and began applying it. When she was finished, the girl winked and blew a kiss.

Eloise was sitting in her vanity flirting with her reflection. She was finishing getting ready and admiring her work of art. Waiting for the vibrating noise of her phone telling her it was time, Eloise applied some mascara and eyeliner when a small buzz coming from her purse brought a smile to her face. She finished applying her make up, grabbed her bags, grabbed her purse, grabbed her car keys, and drove off to meet Benji.

This was going to be an unforgettable summer.
Leila's phone buzzed unexpectedly. She cursed under her breath, as she had procrastinated packing, and was now in a major rush. She jammed the last of her clothes into her suitcase, and hurried out the door. It was times like these when she wished she had a car. The money she had been saving for one ultimately went to the party bus fund. She figured it was worth it. With her friends gone, she'd have no use for a vehicle- the bar she worked at was just a block or two away from her apartment. However, the party bus was parked about a mile away, and Leila was a tad annoyed that she'd have to drag her belongings all that way.

She decided not to complain, though. This was bound to be the most fun she'd ever get to have, since she missed out on the whole college thing.

Yes, Leila was ready. She felt in her bones that this would be one, life-changing adventure that she'd never forget.
Feet propped onto the coffee table, Des's thumb pressed repeatedly against the buttons of the TV remote, idly flipping through channels in an effort to do keep himself occupied until the time came to leave. Thus far, it was working. It may not have been particularly entertaining, but still. The vibration inside his pocket made him fling the remote across the couch, quickly pulling out his phone to read Benji's text. Smiling, he jammed his phone back into his pocket, hastening to his car, and nearly forgetting the suitcase he set by the door.

It hadn't taken him long to arrive, hopping out of the car, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and sauntering his way over to stand by Benji. Taking in an eyeful of the bus, he couldn't keep his brow from rising. "Are you sure this thing's safe to drive around?" He gestured to the bus. "I mean, thugs might feel intimidated."
Arizona sprung off her bed as she heard her phone vibrating on the coffee table. She knew who it was and what it was going to say. Looking at the screen a wave of excitement came over her as she read the message. The party bus was here and she was about to be on the biggest trip of her life. Throwing her phone into her purse, she grabbed her bags and headed out the door. She only lived a few blocks from their meeting spot, so walking wasn't much of a big deal.

Turning the corner into the lot she was greeted by the mammoth of a bus she was about to be road tripping in with her friends. Letting out a small squeal she quickened her pace with a small skip in it. She was unbelievably excited for this trip. Her parents looked down on her for going on this trip and not going to college for that year. Her brother was off at some state school with a football scholarship while she was about to go on an unforgettable trip. College could wait, this couldn't.

Striding over to Benji and Des, she greeted them with a huge smile from ear to ear, "Hey!"
Michael heard a buzzing noise emanate from his pocket, and awkwardly reached in to retrieve it. Pulling it out, he turned it on, entered the pass code, and read the new text from Benji. 'Alright guys. Bus is here. Party time!' it read. Michael felt his face light up with excitement as he snatched his bag and tried to text back a response. 'I'll be there soon' he replied, and made his way to the door, trying to be mindful of his leg. He then got in the car and drove to where his friends would be waiting.

Upon arriving, he exited the car and hobbled over to his group of buddies, giving a soft smile and waving a little. "H-hey guys," he grinned lopsidedly, once they were within hearing distance. "Is everything really all ready to go...?" he asked.


Sorry for the delay!! I'm on vacation right now... XP I'll be fine later... ;)
Brushing her blonde hair out of her face, Shiloh rounded the corner and grinned. "Hey guys!" she called out to Benji, Des, and Arizona. She was glad not many of them were here. "What's up?" she asked, looking around. Shiloh couldn't wait for this summer to start. She'd been looking forward to it ever since they started making plans. She was so glad it was time.

Leila finally saw the party bus on the horizon. Running along the sidewalk, her rolling suitcases' wheels thudded at each crack, but she was too excited to care about the racket. Worried she might get left behind if she didn't hurry, she cried out "Guys! Wait up!" This trip was essentially her life savings, and she refused to miss out. Out of breath, she finally reached the bus and her friends. "Are we ready?" she blurted out, hands on her knees, trying to recover the lost oxygen to her brain.
Eloise arrived at the destination and saw that the group had already arrived. She parked her car and got off with all her stuff. "No need to worry anymore, The party just arrived!" She said jokingly going over to her friends and greeting them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She walked over to Benji and lightly punched him in the shoulder, "Hey brother from another mother! So are we ready or are we ready?" Eloise was already pumped up and hyper for this trip.
Benji scratched his head awkwardly and smiled at all his friends, happy they were just as excited as he was for this trip. He laughed at Des' question and playfully punched his shoulder, "Alright guys, no stress. I've got everything planned out perfectly. This is gonna be awesome. We just have to wait for everyone to get here." At that moment, Eloise arrived and made her way over to everyone and then lastly to him. He rubbed his shoulder, not because the punch had hurt, it was just more of an unconscious thing, and smiled at her. "We are definitely ready! Everyone's here except Artur, but I'm sure he'll be here any minute." He then looked around surveying each of his friends for a few seconds. Benji had done well, although this group a friends was as mismatched as they come, they still were great friends without any major drama. But, what would happen on this trip? Everyone knows that spending to long with the same people can tear even the deepest friendships apart, or, if they were lucky, bring them together as something more. Love.

Running his fingers through his hair, Benji shook his thoughts away and his smile widened. "No reason we can't get our luggage loaded. And then perhaps, take a short tour of the inside of the bus?" With that, he pulled a remote out of his pocket and pushed a button, making part of the side of the bus fold up and disappear to reveal the storage compartment under the main part of the bus. He had already checked to make sure this area was easily accessible from inside, and it was, which made it possible for them to change without having to stop the bus and pull everything out. "My stuff is already in there so just find a space for you. Don't stack anything on top of anything else unless that 'else' is your own stuff."

@Heart Breaker Senpai

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