[Party 15] Sothoth Nemmonis

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Game Preference: High Speed
From the sleepy shepherds' village of Orlbar comes Sothoth, born as the son of the Villages militia captain and one of the only real fighters within the village, it's only natural that he too, would become a defender of the village. Throughout childhood, his father, Galrenar Nemmonis, would train him to protect and care for the people around him and in his village. He was always a large child, which eventually led him to become a large man, well, large Dragonborn. He grew quite fond of training with his father, but at evening during the autumn of his seventeenth year of life, there was a small orc raiding group from an orcish encampment hidden in the plains south of the town with the intent of crushing small villages like Orlbar. His father roused the town militia, and although they weren't prepared, they had to fight. With Sothoth leading the charge into his first real conflict alongside Galrenar, the village had a fighting chance.

During the fray, Sothoth came face to face with the leader of the raiding party, a massive warrior that the other orcs seemed to refer to as "Musalagor", and while Sothoth fought well with his rusted greataxe that was originally owned by an ancestor of the local horseshoe maker, it was no match for Musalagor. As he was about to be struck down by the monstrous warrior, his father intervened, saving his life but losing his own. Watching his father falter, fighting for his life, and, eventually being slain before him, his copper scales being split down his chest and his life being ended by a cleave through his chest with the sword that was being wielded by Musalagor. Seeing his father being struck down before him filled him with a fury he didn't know was possible, all of his fear was replaced by a swelling rage deep within his heart, a rage that was empowering, empowering enough to help Sothoth lodge his axe into the skull of Musalagor, ending the battle around him as the other orcs looked on in horror and the other militiamen looking on in awe.

Sothoth returned home after the orcs fled, the village was filled with somber sorrow of the defenders they lost and while only four of the twenty fell in the battle, Galrenar was a massive loss to the defense of the town, but beyond that, it was a loss to Sothoth that he had never felt before. He began withdrawing into himself, working harder than ever to make sure he could protect his village and the few remaining heirlooms he had from his father. after five years he started to come back out of his shell again, rejoining the slow-paced society of his village. While the people who lived there heralded him as a hero, they still revered him after his five years of solitude and the stories of the bout of rage from the battle the day his father fell. More time went by and he grew restless, feeling the need to end the threats to his village once and for all, so he ventured out, with a greataxe, rust polished away and blade sharpened, ready to avenge his father and destroy whatever evils dwell in hiding, primed to destroy his home.

Character Sheet:


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The only thing that I get caught on is orcs from the Underdark. [ Orc ] They prefer to be a plains or hill area type of group, not coming from the Underdark itself. If you still want orcs, a very simple change would be to just remove that and potentially make it a forest or nearby mountain perhaps.

Character Sheet:

Seeing that this is from D&D Beyond, for the most part this is all correct. The only thing I have to say is roll an additional 1d10 in #dice for your extra starting gold.

Once you make these updates, please tag me ( Abrahms Abrahms ) in the discord so I know to look again!
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