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Fantasy Partners with a little more freetime


||Don't Let Fear Control You||
Hello, I'm Mara!I'm looking for partners with a little bit more freetime on their hands that are able to respond at least once a day. I completly understand if things happen or something you just get writers block. It happens all the time for me so feel free to let me know if you need a break.
My Requirements- 2+ paragrapghs. I'm not very picky but I am a sucker for details so I ask at lease 2 paragrapghs.
- 1 Reply a day. With obvious exceptions.
- Contribute to the plot. I'm down to hear all of your ideas!
- 18+ just personal prefernce
Writing StyleI write in 3rd person past tense. I have taken a few writing classes in college and consider myself intermetidate to advanced but I don't yet hold near the deapth of detail of some of the writers I see on here. I only ask that you are able to hold intermediate detailed writing as well.
PlotsI have 2 plot ideas at the moment. I'll add more as I think of them. Feel free to let me know if you have any OC plots. I love a broad range of genres. For ease I just named the two characters B and C. I don't have a problem playing either character in either plot. I usually do FxM but I'm also down for FxF.

  • C and B couldn’t be more opposites. C was born from darkness, hatred, lust, all the things that brought out the worst in people. B was born from light and laughter. The true embodiment of the beauty of this world. For 100s of years they fought over who shall rule over the mortal realm and they thought it would always be this way until one day they both received word that a mortal child would be born that could change the entire balance of their world. The child would live a full life and upon their death would be crowned the god of this world. B and C were not allowed to directly impact the child's life but that didn’t stop them from trying to sway his opinion on good and evil.

*Note: As I'm sure it's obvious from the plots but I prefer that romance is involved.*
PM me if you're interested!
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