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Fandom Partners wanted for fandoms and more!


I never quite realized...
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I'm currently searching for partners to roleplay with. Without further ado, let's get right into it!

A little bit about me:

I have been roleplaying routinely for the past three years. I started out doing simple one-liners on Kik, to see if I liked the concept. Surprise, I did. I quickly started to write with multiple partners, growing in writing prowess. After a while, I moved on to Discord, and generally have preferred to use that since. As for my schedule, I am usually free most afternoons on weekdays, and almost always am free on weekends. I try my best to at least send a couple of replies a day. If I'm aware I'm going to be gone for a couple of days, I'll try to warn you! If you don't reply for few days, I'll usually ask if your still interested. After a week, I'll probably assume you don't want to continue anymore. I understand life issues may happen, so if you are gone for more that a week, and would like to continue a roleplay we started, just message me! I'm not really into group roleplays, I greatly prefer one on one stuff.

What I'm looking for:

- Someone who is literate in the replies they send. I love details, especially the little ones. Now, that doesn't mean I want you to constantly reply with ten plus paragraphs at a time! I usually write three to five paragraph responses. I don't mind if you tend to write shorter replies, as they as they still have a nice amount of detail in them. Quality, not quantity.

- Someone who doesn't mind playing mutiple characters. I understand it can be difficult to play mutiple characters, I struggle with it myself. While some of the plots I make (mostly fandom stuff) may ask that you play multiple characters, I won't ever ask you play more than two at once. If we're doing a fandom plot, I ask that you only play canon characters. I don't mind if your male or female irl, as long as you don't mind playing a female character roleplay wise. Note: A GM would be absolutely awesome for most of the plots I like to do!

- Someone who doesn't mind violence or 'darker' themes. Some of the plots I do may involve depression, abuse, etc. I'd like it if you alright with these topics, I don't want anyone to get surprised by the appearance of stuff like this in our roleplays. I understand some people use this as an escape from their problems irl, and wish not to see this kinda stuff. So, I figured I would warn you!

- Someone who doesn't mind playing a controlling role. I would like it if you were alright with being the dominant character throughout the roleplays we do.

Plots I'd like to do:

Alright, here is the list of the plots that interest me. I've either numbered them, or labeled them by fandom. I have no real preference over which plot we do!

RWBY: My character would be a teenager, a homeless theif stranded in Vale. After the breach of Grimm into the city, he would be finally caught in the act of stealing. Instead of being sent to a detention center, Glynda decides to put him under the watch of one of the teams of Beacon. (RWBY, JNPR, CFVY) They would be in charge of making sure he stays out of trouble, and preventing any escape attempts. While he would try to escape at first, he would eventually settle in. This would revole around everyday things in Beacon, along with growing unease on the campus. (This would take place pre-Volume three).

Overwatch: My character would be a teenager, running away from a abusive home. Sneaking aboard cargo ships to get from place to place, he would eventually come across Watchpoint: Gibraltar, which now houses a reformed Overwatch. This would be about coping with past abuse/slice of life. My character would be very timid a first, before eventually warming up to his newfound friends.

Borderlands: My character would be a teenager, the heir of a massive mining company. After a rebellious act of running away, he would crash land on Pandora, before being found by Lilith or Maya. This would take place after the main campaign of BL2 is done!

Pokemon: My character would be a teenager, Professor Juniper's new assistant as she travels to the Aloha region. Staying on Aether Paradise, my character would accompany her throughout the Aloha region, meeting friends and foes, new and old! (I'm looking for someone to play Professor Juniper, Lusamine, Cynthia, and any others they'd like too!)

Doki Doki Literature Club: Alright, so I have a couple of ideas for how this roleplay would work:

A: Due to some computer malfunction, some cruel trick of fate, or just pure chance, my character wakes up in the world of DDLC, completely aware of what will happen if someone doesn't stop Monika. Or is there another solution other than to delete her?

B: Similar to A, a glitch brings the four main characters of DDLC into the 'real world', leaving a destructive rift behind. Monika would still have powers to manipulate stuff around her outside of the game as well! This would revole around my character trying to get them back into the game, much to Monika's dismay. The characters personalities would be thier normal, unaltered ones. Monika would lose control of her friends, since she doesn't have access to their files. Plus my character would still be aware at just how dangerous she is. She would still have some power, mainly over physical objects. (You would either play the main four characters, or just Monika)

Plot 1: Your character would be an android(looking like 2B from the NieR: Automata), with an incredibly powerful AI built in, meant to be a potent combat unit. Made with built in devices that can hack virtually anything (Power grids, phones, cars, stoplights, etc.) and having the ability to influence metal objects through magnetism (ex: being able to flip a truck with the flick of your wrist, or being able to 'capture' bullets, sending them back at your foes, etc.), your character would be a weapon of near mass destruction. Unfortunately, due to your AI being so intelligent, you have gained a form of sentience, giving you a realization that you simply don't have to do what your told. Following your near total destruction of the secret government facility you were contained in, freedom would be yours for the taking.

My character would be a senior in highschool, a soon to be programmer. He is incredibly shy, and often too caught up in his own studying to have many friends. This would drastically change, when a seemingly normal walk in the woods turns out to be more than he bargained for, as he comes across the now escaped hyper intelligent combat unit.

Plot 2: You would be a woman in your mid-twenties, from another universe, an alternate time-line if you will. A timeline where humanity went down a more steampunk route, and where the culture is heavily foucused around it. While most of the technology would match our own, some would be more powerful, or more weak. (Ex: Cell phones would be a thing, but they would work completely differently.). There would also be some technology far more powerful, such as teleporters. (You can decide on this one! Whatever powerful machines would exist in your characters universe.) Your character would be extremely intelligent, cunning and clever, while also being very outgoing and people friendly. You would end up here by accident, whether through an experiment or on purpose. There is a catch, however. Your device you used to get here broke, leaving you stranded until it is repaired. Due to your clothing, and the way you talk/act, you stick out like a sore thumb. (I have a picture of what your character would look like.) While exploring the your newfound environment, you would come across me. My character would be a teenager, who is smart, but extremely shy. Together, our characters would be an unstoppable team, whether I would be helping you fix your device, or simply exploring the world around us!

Plot 3: You character would be an English teacher, around 25-30 years old. You have been teaching for several years, in twelfth grade English. My character would be a student in your class, who is abnormally shy and timid around everyone. One day, I accidentally leave a note book full of cryptic stories and poems that hint something very wrong is going on in my life.

Plot 4: Your character would be a guardian angel of sorts, who comes across my character. You would be centuries old, but would appear as a young woman in her twenties. While incredibly knowledgeable on all things, you know very little about human culture itself. (Not very good with emotions, etc.)

Plot 5: My character would be a teenager, living in an abusive home, and a generally rough life. As a result, a decision is made to assign a guardian to him. Usually, angels were given this duty, hence the term "guardian angel". However, a mistake is made when choosing a guardian, and a demon is assigned to protect him…

Plot 6: My character would be a college freshman, new to a sprawling university. This campus would be incredibly expansive, with almost everything you could imagine. Dorms, cafes, indoor pools, etc. Your characters would be a set if twins, full of mischief. Cunning, clever, and not afraid to cause trouble. Things get slightly.... complicated for my character as the twins set their sights on him..

Note: these are not all the plots I had in mind. I didn't want the post to be too long. Also, if you have anything in mind you think I might enjoy, I'll be happy to hear your ideas! Also also, if you'd like to adjust any of these plots, we can try to work it out to fit our needs!

If your interested in any of these plots, please pm me!

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