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Partners! Time Periods, Originals, and Fandoms!

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

I'm on the search for more partners.

Below, I have listed time periods, original ideas, and fandoms that I'm interested in doing.

In fandoms, I only do canon/oc, and most are male/female romance.

I prefer to play female, but I am willing to double as long as my partner is.

If there is a " f// " above or next to a name, I am willing to do a female/female pairing with this character.

I will play any canon you like me to, as long as you agree to play one of the ones I listed for me.

A few simple rules-

Be literate. Post as much or as little as I do, and use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Use third person only.

Be able to reply at least once a day, every day.

Let me know if you want to quit the role play.

Life Is Strange



Harry Potter

(Snape, Draco, Sirius)

Lord of the Rings


The Hobbit



(Dean, Cas)



Percy Jackson

(Nico, Percy)

Dragon Age

(Fenris, Cullen, f//Cassandra)

Persona 4


(Rise, Chie, Yukiko)

The Walking Dead



(Nobu, Takumi)

Fruits Basket

(Kyo, Hatori)

Death Note

(Mello, Light)


Mafia Boss/Woman caught in crossfire




Best friends in love

50's housewife/Secret boyfriend






MtF transgender/Male classmate

Foreign Exchange student/ Exchange family's kid

Widow/Dead husband's brother


Arranged Marriage

Time Periods

Victorian Era


Civil War Era


Ancient Egypt or Japan

French Revolution Era (Think Marie Antoinette!)

20's,50's, 60's

Anyway, the point is- I'm very open to a lot of things!

If you're wanting to do something you don't see on here, don't be afraid to ask!

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I would be interested in a Life is Strange RP or a Supernatural one ^_^ .
Triss said:
I would be interested in a Life is Strange RP or a Supernatural one ^_^ .
Awesome! Can you PM me please?

FloatingAroundSpace said:
I have an entire kingdom sorted out so I would be interested in Princess/Knight or Prince/Commoner!
Sounds interesting! Can you PM me please?
Hello! (:

I would very much be interested in doing either the Mafia Boss/Woman caught in crossfire, Best friends in love, Professor/Student, or the Artist/Muse pairings.

They all sound like they could be cute and fun (:

If you are still looking, perhaps you could PM me, and we can plot more there? I'm afraid I can't start the PM right now, since I have to wait for the dreaded 10 post/24 hour rule to be over... OTL

But I can assure you, although I am new to this site, I'm not new to RPing. I've been RPing for about 3 or 4 years now, and have been writing for as long as I can remember. So I do have the experience. (:
50's housewife/Secret boyfriend, Ghost/Human, MtF transgender/Male classmate, Widow/Dead husband's brother, Arranged Marriage happen to equally interest me. Would you like to role-play a couple of them? [Or at least one?]
Hey there,

are you still interested in a rp?

I'm interested in Supernatural, Avengers, Percy Jackson or Fruits Basket.
Hello! I have a feudal Japan starter if that's what you're looking for. Otherwise, ancient Egypt, the Civil War era, and medieval times all speak to me.
Tazmodo said:
Arranged marriage sounds interesting mind if I rp it with you
Sure, PM me please!

AceSorcerer said:
Hello! I have a feudal Japan starter if that's what you're looking for. Otherwise, ancient Egypt, the Civil War era, and medieval times all speak to me.
I was, actually! Can you PM me please?

Blarg222 said:
Hey are you up for a Medieval FxF I have a good plot for it
I prefer male/female, I'm sorry!!

I'm Still looking! I'm really dying to do Supernatural!
If you are still looking for partners, I'd be more than willing to play Thorin Oakenshield ( Whom I've dubbed Mr.Grumpy ) for you. If that doesn't sound interesting to you, I'm sure we can figure out something else!
Hello! I'm interested in these ideas:

Mafia Boss/Woman caught in crossfire

50's housewife/Secret boyfriend


Arranged Marriage

Let me know if you're still looking for people for any of these!

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