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Multiple Settings Partners Needed!


New Member
Please do not post in this thread!

About Me
-I am a 30+ female and only play with those who are 18+
-I only play characters who are 18+
-I can write anywhere between 1 and 4 paragraphs, but how many I write depends entirely upon the inspiration your post gives me; if I’m not writing much, it means I’m not being inspired
-I play both male and female characters and will play FxF or MxM; I no longer play MxF because I always get stuck playing the male, which I’m tired of
-I will post as often as I can, but it won’t be every day
-I don’t have Discord and don’t plan to get it
-I don’t have any set characters because I plan to make them tailored specifically for the rps in which they’ll be used
-I will not freak out over spelling and grammar mistakes. Just try your best!
-I only play in third person past tense.

Need Partners Who…
-are 18+
-play characters who are 18+
-will help me plot
-will not get impatient if I can’t post immediately or every day
-who will try to write between 1 and 4 paragraphs per regular post (openings can be much longer if needed!)
-plays in third person past tense

Abolutely No…
-mind control
-large age gaps (the only exception is if a character is immortal)

I know that these are somewhat basic, but I think we’ll both have more fun if we work on fleshing them out together.

MC’s brother has a habit of overspending and has borrowed a large amount of money from YC, one of the richest, most powerful people in the city. On the day that the debt is to be repaid, MC accompanies their brother to meet with YC. When the brother reveals that he can’t afford to repay his debt, YC promises to forgive it- if they can keep MC.

To keep peace, the human kingdom sacrifices three people to the neighboring supernatural kingdom every year. The sacrifices are chained at the border and left to be picked up. This year, MC is one of the chosen sacrifices. What they don’t know is that they are a member of a supernatural noble family, kidnapped when they were two, and were betrothed to YC, the younger sibling to the heir to the supernatural kingdom’s throne, when they were born.

The God Visitor
MC is a slave in the royal palace, which is playing host to YC, the Harvest God(dess). Every year, the royal family hosts the Harvest God(dess) and throws a massive feast to celebrate their visitor and thank them for a bountiful harvest. They offer the god(dess) numerous gifts, usually jewels, gold and silver. This is the first year that MC has served at the feast and YC decides that they would make an excellent offering.
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