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Partner WANTED!

Saito X

Hello everybody! I am bored right now and would like to roleplay.

Here are things i would want in a partner,

* A female partner is perferable.

* A partner who good at moving the plot forward, (Sorry i suck at doing It xD )

* A partner who won't write one liners.

* An active partner.

I will roleplay anything, but romance is perferable.

PM me, or post here.

Thank you xD .
I am all of those things that you are searching for. A flawless female, I can move a plot forward, one liners are lame, and I'm a pretty active RPer

PM me and we can RP, man~
Hello! I too, am very bored and have been looking for a RPing partner! I play female roles easily, considering I am one, and I do NOT do one liners. Please PM me and we could brainstorm!

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