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Other Partner Search

Cold Ramen Noodles

This account is closed.
I've been seeing a lot of people for instance in the video game subforum advertise a rp that takes place in a video game fandom. Or using the anime subforum to advertise an rp that takes place in a particular anime. Is that allowed? I thought that was what the parnter search areas are for.

Because they seem to get a lot of hits and I'd like to advertise an rp like that as well if allowed.
Those areas are for discussion of video games/anime. They really aren't for advertising rp ideas, unless it happens to come up within the discussion - e.g. Users are discussing a particular anime and one happens to mention they have an RP based on it, then yes, it's natural to drop a link if asked.

Actual partner searches, however, should remain within the partner search areas. If you see them within the wrong area of the site, feel free to report the thread so we may move it :)
Thank you. :) I was so confused because I assumed that was the case. But I saw a lot of that going on and thought maybe you guys were allowing it now.

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