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Partner Search v2! (Always Open)

Paper Grizzly

Bullet Bruised
So after having a few hits and misses with my last post, I figured I could probably be a little more detailed as to what I'm look for in a partner? I don't particularly ask for much other than the common things like:

  • Please be willing to collaborate and come up with ideas for the RP! If you feel it's boring to moving too slow or too fast, then let me know and I'll adjust! Seriously, I don't bite!
  • Please have good grammar and spelling. We all make mistakes, but if it's one after another and it's apparent that your writing skill isn't up to par, then it makes it extremely hard for me to RP.
  • Write a decent amount, please! I often try not to put up limits on how much a person can and can't write, but it makes it hard for me to want to write up a post if I'm just getting one or two paragraphs with little detail or input from your character!

That's really about it, I mean, I don't ask for much really, just what everyone else is looking for on the site! With that out of the way, I suppose I should shed some light on my RP style, right?

  • On average I write three to five decent-sized paragraph posts with a good amount of detail and character input. Occasionally I'll write more or less depending on the situation in the RP itself.
  • I predominantly write in third person.
  • I prefer playing male characters, but I can play female characters as well.
  • Genres I typically enjoy are SciFi, Slice of Life/Realistic, Noir, and Fantasy (depending on the plot.) But I'm open to other genres too as long as the plot is one I can work with!
  • I'm open to darker and more mature RPs as well, as long as my partner is mature and has good writing ability.
  • I prefer doing RPs over PM because I'm not always notified when my partner has posted in a Thread and it's led to good RPs dying in the past simply because I didn't know a new post had been added. If it's over PM, I'm always notified!

Well, I suppose that's about it for my style, the only other thing I can think of adding are some plots/pairings I'd be interested in:

  • College Student x College Student: Two college students learning about themselves and what they want to do in life meet and eventually fall for each other. However they experience both the joys as well as the drama and occasional tragedies involved with being involved in a college community.
  • Crime/ Noir RP: Don't have any real concrete idea behind this one, perhaps one or both characters are undercover cops? This one has plenty of room for collaboration!
  • Fallout Fandom RP: An RP based on the universe of Fallout, this one also has plenty of room for collaboration!
  • Dark Souls RP: For this RP, I certainly can play a male or female role although I'm not sure if I'd have much of a plot for it. Perhaps follow a general outline of the storyline for the first game?
  • Persona RP: Pretty self-explanatory for this one. Room for collaboration!

Those are about the only real ideas I have at the moment, but if you have one of your own that you think I'd be a good fit for or if you simply want to see if we can work together please send a PM! Even if you think there's been a lot of responses, it doesn't hurt to drop me a PM, I'll always answer!
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I'm interested in the college student x college student Rp as well as the Crime/Noir Rp.
Did someone say Skyrim?

Hey, I like collaboration!

I like grammar/spelling!

I like writing!

Pick me. :3
Hmm, well the FFXIV RP intrigues me since I play the game. The college student x college student also interests me if it's not taken already, which probably is by now looking at the date lol.
I'm interested in the college-based plot! But I'm also open to more ideas if that one has been repeated/taken for you.
I'm not sure if you're still looking, but I would LOVE to do a Fallout roleplay :D PM me if it's open or not?
Sweet. I don't have a specific setting for Fallout written out, but maybe we can collaborate someplace?
I'd be interested in the college student x college student RP! Or really any slice of life at all -- it seems like we both have similar RP style needs which is exciting :)
BeyondPoetry said:
I'd be interested in the college student x college student RP! Or really any slice of life at all -- it seems like we both have similar RP style needs which is exciting :)
Feel free to drop me a PM!

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