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Multiple Settings partner search! (●'◡'●) (fxf, mxm, fxm)


New Member
hey guys! hope you appreciate my very creative title, i added a cute kaomoji to make it less lame. so as you might be able to tell, i just recently joined this site and it's time for me to make my first 1x1 search! i've examined approximately a Lot of other people's 1x1 threads to get an idea of what they should look like but lmk if there's anything i haven't mentioned. please read all the info for best results ╮(╯▽╰)╭ sorry for writing so much, i wanted to get everything important across but ended up writing a mini-novel. then i put it in spoilers because it looks neater that way. this thread is also the extent of my design capabilities so you won't get any fun cool html stuff from me unfortunately

about me:

  • i'm 20, female, university student. would prefer to RP with others 18 and over!
  • my lowercase typing is just aesthetic, i'll type properly in actual RP posts!
  • it's been a very long time since i've RPed or even written anything that's not a dry research paper. i do very much like writing but please be aware that my stuff might not be that great compared to others. i'm confident in things like grammar and the other technical aspects but in terms of creative style and substance, i'm probably lacking.
  • also because of my lack of recent experience, i'm not really sure how long my posts will be, since i don't have a frame of reference. it definitely won't be one-liners but idk if i'll be able to churn out like 500+ words per post, and having to try and hit a specific word count each post would probs just stress me out. so to be safe i'll put my post length at around 1-3 paragraphs on average. but honestly i think post length is more dependent on context anyway, like if we're writing out a dialogue-focused scene then the posts will probs be shorter because there's only so much you can cram in while two people are talking
  • i like chatting about plots and characters! i have zero improvisational skills so i'd like to know and discuss the general direction of the plot as we go, otherwise i'll worry that i'm not meeting my partner's expectations for the story. i also just like shitposting about characters, sharing memes and random facts, and if your character is a cute girl i'll probably draw her. character creation is v fun for me and i love interesting character dynamics so if you do too then 😳)
  • for post timing, i'm pretty relaxed about it. i guess a general guideline is i'll try to post once per day/every few days but during uni deadlines i might not be able to do that. but i'll try and let you know beforehand!
  • if we do romance, then i prefer fxf, followed by mxm, and then fxm at the bottom. for fxm i want to play the male role but for anything het you'll have to convince me by making your girl character fun and interesting and/or coming up with a cool plot.
  • i like...anime face claims. yeah i know, from what i've gathered on my thread research this is an unpopular one but what can i say, i'm a weeb. really i just think i feel weird about using pics of real people as face claims? so i'm equally happy to just use written descriptions of appearance!
  • overall i think i'm pretty relaxed! if you're reading this and you seem similar to me then we'll probably be good. if you're reading this and are feeling like your skill level may be way above mine then your instinct is probably right and i don't want to disappoint you
now onto the plots! of which i have none! all i have are vague pairing concepts and like..settings i think are cool. i'm hoping we can come up with specifics of a plot together since i'm not great at details. but i can throw out lots of ideas and we can see which ones stick
fandom settings:
there aren't many because i rarely consume any media nowadays, it's pretty bad 💀. also from my scanning of other people's search posts, i don't seem to be familiar with many of the popular series BUT let's try some ideas anyway! generally i think i'd prefer OC x OC since i like character creation, but i'll mention the ones i can play canons for.)
  • love live (i can play any canon character, or we could go with OCs. familiar with all three groups, nijigasaki slightly less because phone too shit to play AS)
  • madoka (i haven't watched it in years but i can refresh my memory. again, i can play canon characters or we could go with OC magical girls in the madoka setting. not familiar with the gacha characters - days rerolling for mami killed my interest in that game)
  • shoujo kageki revue starlight (Theater Lesbians..effervescent.. i think i'd prefer OCs with this one, idk how well i could pull off the canons)
  • bandori (ok i'll be real i know very little about bandori, most of my knowledge comes from fanart, doujin, and watching some of the stories on youtube bc my phone can't run the game. BUT i am intrigued by the idea of OCs in an idol band..)
misc genres, pairings, etc
(please feel free to mix and match any of these together, it could be interesting. also for mxm and fxm just replace any gendered terms)
  • idyllic settings where something spooky happens/is already happening under the surface
  • modern-day supernatural (i think it's called urban fantasy, just like normal life with spooky and supernatural creatures hidden within it!)
  • high fantasy
  • gothic anything
  • idol x idol/fan/producer
  • time loops (i just think they're neat.jpg)
  • princess/noble girl x knight/thief/assassin
  • supernatural (demons, angels, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, literally anything you can think of. can pair with a human or with another supernatural)
  • magical girls (my weakness.. i think it'd be cool to have a rival plot. )
  • bounty hunters (normal or fun supernatural variant like vampire hunters ( •̀ ω •́ )✧)
  • something criminal (organized crime, serial killers, thieves, villains, etc.)
  • just some cute slice of life
  • apocalypse/post-apocalyptic

thank you for reading (if you did)! please send a PM if you're interested, and specify what sort of thing you would like to try. i'm not looking for too many RPs since i get easily overwhelmed, so i prefer to have just a few things to focus on. if i get enough i will update the thread to be closed. have a nice day/night ✪ ω ✪

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