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Multiple Settings βšβ™ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐑 / adv. lit. / NOT searching atm

geode x


me: 21, cmt time (US, TX), gay.


  • age: I will not roleplay with someone younger than 18, period.
  • relationships: I generally do not roleplay heterosexual characters, primarily I'm interested in mxm pairings or fxf pairings. However if we have multiple characters in an rp then those side characters can be straight (some of them lol). I'm more flexible about this in group role plays obviously.Which brings me to my next point-
  • romance: Romance can be a great tool for characterization and story telling but too often I see people relying on it too much. For me, romance isn't essential in a story if our characters are just two bros or gal pals or even family members that find themselves in a particular situation that's totally okay with me!
  • drop: I've been at this for too long not too accept most people will drop and I'll have to wade through people to find a partner that sticks. That said I don't think people who drop are bad people or w/e, I will not hunt you down or beg for a reply, or send reminders because people who are truly invested won't need any of that. If things are getting bland and neither one of us has any clue on how to shake things up let’s plot for an ending, let’s kill off our characters or write some happily ever after moment I don’t know.
  • communication: This is a big one for me. Roleplaying to me is just as much an exercise of communication as it is actually writing. Being able to collaborate with someone and find out what they like/don’t like about the story is critical. If you don’t like the direction something is going or it’s making you uncomfortable say something! If you’re confused about why my character did x y or z Ask! If you're not going to be responding for a while, Say So! Please do not be afraid!
  • literacy: I don't do one liners or a few sentences, i will literally write a novel if i feel like it. but don't feel like you have to mirror me one for one, if i write a page long reply and yours is only half a page that's fine. But if mirroring helps you then by all means go for it!
  • frequency: Since i only do long-form multi para length roleplays i don't expect you to reply every day or even every week. get back to me whenever you can, I've spent upwards to a month crafting a long response and if that's what it takes for you then fine. don't feel pressured to respond as soon as i put mine out its not that deep. We all have lives, yada yada (not me but I'm sure the rest of you do).
  • location: All of my roleplay experience is on forums or via PMs so that's what I'm most comfortable with however, I'm trying to branch out and if you would like to I'm also open to roleplaying on google docs (maybe even discord since that's also a thing people do apparently).
  • grammar: I am not a scholar of the English language and neither are any of you so relax. That said in character i do type pretty formally and try and challenge myself to use words i don't normally use, have good grammar/punctuation, etc.. I don't expect anyone to be perfect or even close just make sure that whatever your typing makes sense and is readable in way that gets your ideas across. Out of character or in casual chatter I do use a lot of acronyms and often type with incorrect grammar and punctuation.
  • OOC: OOC casual talking isn't really essential for me but I find it does make communication about the story easier since that initial barrier of awkwardness and anxiety has been broken.
  • face claims: For me this depends on the roleplay I'm doing if it's a realistic or modern roleplay I'll be more inclined to use fc's of real people. but if it's a fantasy or sci-fi deal I'm more drawn to anime/drawn face claims. I will say that all of my face claims real or not will either be black or have dark skin (to clarify I'm not saying my partner's characters must look a certain way but i'm just saying how mine will look, if that’s an issue for you then best not to engage). I don't swing one way or the other in terms of preference for what type of images we use so that'll mostly depend on you and what we're doing.
  • contact: I prefer to do all plotting in PMs to avoid things getting too crowded in the thread, if you wanna chat with me here about mundane things that's cool! That said please don't message me with just a "I'm interested" because that doesn't actually tell me anything. I put a lot of ideas, and themes out there and if you can't read all of this and come up with something then best not to engage you're not even limited to this either! Any plot or pairing you throw out I can probably come with something, but like I don't want to feel like I'm doing all the planning on my own because if I wanted to do that I'd go write a book.
  • a e s t h e t i c s: i like pretty threads, setting up nice profiles and post layouts but by no means is it essential. I know a lot of people are on mobile or can't read tiny fonts so if you aren't into all of that then fine. I can usually tell pretty quickly if someone is the type to be invested in any of that so if your not don't be intimidated or put off because if you don't do it I won't either.
now for the fun part; plots and such:
  • fandom pairings: I'm not really interested in fandom pairings with canon characters or OC x Canon but here are some I'm willing to indulge; bold = role I'd take
    • Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur x Charles , Arthur x John
  • Universes: Universes I'm interested in crafting OC's/plots in; bold = current craving (don't feel required to pick a bold one, if I truly didn't want to do it it wouldn't be here)
    • Mass Effect
      • For this something involving the first or second game would be ideal, ME3 is my least favorite of the series. Maybe we can do two Cerberus agents gone rogue or two alliance soldiers who go against the council, I'm a very strong proponent of people challenging an established authority here.
    • Dragon Age
      • Once again something involving the first or second game would be ideal. I actually haven't even finished Dragon Age 3 because I didn't care for it at the time but I know the major characters and am familiar with the lore of the world. For this perhaps we could do a story of two mages who plot to escape the circle of magi and get involved in wacky shenanigans or a star crossed love story between a circle mage and a Templar.
    • Red Dead Redemption 2
    • The Elder Scrolls Franchise
    • Steven Universe
    • Puella Magi Madoka Magicka
    • Final Fantasy 14 Online
    • Jade Empire
    • Moomin
  • plots / pairings / themes
    • The Prince and The Alchemist / plot / pairing
      • Exiled from his native kingdom for engaging in homosexual acts [Character A] has found respite in the forest lands nearby, living off of the land for years his only contact being a close friend. The kingdoms on either side of the woodlands are engaged in a vicious war over resources and power, decimating the natural life of the forest. During a battle [Character B] the prince of the kingdom [Character A] was originally exiled from is injured gravely and with his prior experience in healing [Character B] is able to bring him back from the brink of death. (So this is actually based on an idea for a novel I've been toying with for a while and there's actually a lot more to it than this so if you're interested in knowing more lemme know! I would like to be Character B since I don't actually have much of that character's personality or story figured out so rp'ing as him would help me characterize him more. This one will be a mxm romance)
    • Magicka / plot
      • A girl discovers a strange propensity she has for performing magical acts and is tasked with preventing an invasion from dark, otherworldly beings by a strange creature. For help she also recruits her closest friend as they are embroiled in the affairs of a world much darker than their own. (Based on PMMM and various other magical girl animes, this sounds like it could be super cute and fun to do creating magical abilities and whatnot, could evolve into a fxf romance or they could stay friends)
    • Yōkai / plot
      • A fox spirit tasked with guarding a shrine is broken when a group of demons destroys the place they've called home for centuries. A hunter is broken when the same group of demons wreaks havoc on their home village. Their quest for answers and revenge lead them both together as they must work together despite their difference. (This can be an fxf, mxm. or just a friendly pairing. Ideally it would take place in medieval/ancient Japan but I think a modern spin would be neat. I also have a great pic I wanna use for the
        , although finding a girl one wouldn't be too hard I imagine)
    • Vampires / theme
      • Ok well not to be a cliche but I love anything having to do with vampires and will consume pretty much anything that has to do with them (from Blood+ to Twilight literally anything) so if you have an interesting plot for vampires or just a vague idea we can work through that'd be neat.
    • Magic Academy / theme
      • Normally school roleplays bore me but a magical academy situation sounds really fun. Think something along the lines of Little Witch Academia
    • Other themes I really love:
      • Post apocalyptic/Zombie Apocalypse
      • Stranded on an island
      • Demons
      • Magic
      • Spirits
      • Sci-Fi
      • Fantasy
      • Dragons
      • Magical Girls/Boys
      • If you just wanna throw a theme or a vague idea at me then go ahead im sure we can work something up.

  • I'll update this as cravings and whatnot change so check back regularly!
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Hey! I'm a new arrival on RP Nation and was very much in search of some roleplay centered around Little Witch Academia or something very close to it; I'm also down to RP in other settings of course, just hit me up if you had a hankering! I would PM you explaining this but there's a 24 hour/10 post rule for new accounts it seems! We can discuss more plotting stuff and work out other details there if you were interested!

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