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Fantasy Partner for Greek Mythology Rp


Snips, Snails, and Puppydog Tails
Roleplay Availability
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Hello! I am Poppy and I am returning Rp Nation after several years. Sorry if I'm a bit rusty with the website

I'm very much craving a plot-heavy Greek Mythology based Rp.

I've been consumed by my Greek Mythology hyperfixation. So if anyone wants to come have fun with me, here I am.

The Iliad and Odyssey really have me in grips lately. So Patroclus and Achilles, anyone? So many ideas for them. Crank up the angst? Give them a happy ending? AU? Tragic canon? I'm always a sucker for Achilles being very alien-fishy like because he's literally half Nereid and Patroclus is just "baby, please don't eat live fish in front of our guest, they find it unsettling" or "I know you're literally cold-blooded and it's winter, but I'm trying to do something here and you sitting in my lap is kinda getting in my way, love. Go sit by the fire, I promise we'll cuddle when I'm done."

Or Diomedes and Odysseus? I love this ship and everyone forgets about it. They're bestest bros. Textbook example of brains and brawn working in perfect tandem. Who doesn't love the night raid scene? Besides, it's not cheating if it's with the homies right?

Hektor being a badass? I've always had a soft spot for him. Maybe he decides to disown Paris and return Helen like the gentleman he is and shit goes way differently.

Helen taking matters into her own hands? Aphrodite said she is to be Paris's wife, but marriage is only until death do they part no?

Have an Astyanax lives AU where Odysseus saves him, maybe throw in Nausithous and Nausinous (Calypso and Ody's twin sons) or Telegonus (Circe and Ody's son) too and have that hot mess meet Penelope and Telemachus when they all return.

Or a Neoptolemus survives story. That dude is a crazier than a bag of cats. Lots of plot potential.

Clytemnestra anyone? Who doesn't love a lady that murders her betraying husband with an ax and takes over his kingdom?

Hades and Persephone is always a fun classic take. These two are chiefs kiss.

Or Posiedon and Amphitrite? Who doesn't love a feral fish woman making the God of the Sea work his ass off to marry her, then becomes the best mother to all his monstrous children, even the ones not born through her?

Dionysos is probably my favorite Greek god, so anything with him would be highly appreciated. He has such intriguing relationships with other gods (him and Hephaestus are bros. Hates Hera. One of Zues's mpreg babies along with Athena. Gossip partners with Aphrodite. Literally is a demigod that ascends to godhood)

Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Ares. This messy love disaster. Maybe the three of them fall into a poly relationship? Maybe Aphrodite truly loves Hephaestus and Ares is always annoyingly hitting on her? Maybe Hephaestus and Ares get tired of Aphrodite's shit and shack up?

Artemis and Apollo being annoying siblings.

Persephone and Amphitrite ganging up on Hera for being a bad mother. I mean Amphitrite helped raise a Hephaestus when Hera tossed him off the mountain and Hera was always super shifty to Persephone for being a child of Zues (despite her mother being leas than willing about it). Now these two are Queens in their own right and that's not a good power dynamic for Hera.

Anything with Zues getting his butt handed to him. Maybe by Nyx? She is the only Goddess that I can think of that terrifies him constantly in mythos. Maybe Ganymede teams up with her and they royally mess Zues's shit up.

Eros being a little shit?

I'm open to more things and can give more prompts/ideas on specific characters upon connecting if ya want. These are just off the top of my head.

I'm usually a 3 to 5 paragraph average, but length isn't that important to me. Full literacy please.

Note that Greek Mythology is full of violent things and other unsavory themes. We can do best to avoid certain themes if you have triggers, but be sure to be upfront with them.

Also, you DO NOT have to be super knowledgeable on Greek Mythology to take this prompt. We can play it fast and loose. It's all about fun after all.

I also have a discord if you'd rather Rp there.

Thank you for reading this prompt. <3

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