Parnomal Detectives

Name: Jackson O'Rielly

Age: 22

Gender: Male

About: Jackson O'Rielly has lived - and done- it all. The good, and the bad. So What better than to have a detective who knows all crimes? Well, all humanly possible crimes. However, his job has now reached a halt. A Series of homicides all over the world have been recorded recently, and Detective O'Rielly cant figure it out. Each leaving a handwritten note with different handwriting's. The only clue he has, is that the culprit is himself.
cool. however, you need more parts. I could write more parts, but maybe you should change it to "need more members"
Name: Anna Lockley

Age: 20

Gender: Female

About: At a young age, Anna witnessed the murder of her parents by supernatural creatures. Haunted by this image, she determined to make sure it never happened again. Now a rookie detective with an eager attitude and a determination to discover what's going on, she immediately recognises the signs of the homicides. Given her special knowledge and experience, she is sent out with Jackson O'Reilly to try and get to the bottom of this mystery.
Name: Detective Cameron Connor

Age: 32

Gender: Male

About: Detective Connor has been doing detective work for ten years now, he has a strict sense of morality, and prides himself on hard work.

He can come across as gruff to most, but is very willing to help people. Detective Connor lost his wife Liz for unknown reasons and now takes care of his 5 year old daughter, Charlotte by himself. He's tough in as nails in a fight, and even tougher in an interrogation


Appearance:Booker DeWitt but whatevah
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Name: Jack Lupa

Age: 21

Gender: male

About: the new detective that is tired of the small assignments and wants a bigger case, but is willing to wait for it. He is a tall man that keeps a clam demeanor and rarely loses his head. He heard of the strange murder cases and thinks he knows something about them that gives him an edge. But also puts his life in danger. ( the clue is in his last name it means something)
Maris Hunnycutt

age 25

Gender : female

Maris was born in a psychiatric hospital. Her mother was taken in for schizophrenia. She obviously couldn’t take care of her so Maris was placed in care of her uncle and aunt. Her uncle, a proud police officer, inspired her to become a detective. It must be faith that almost twenty years later Maris is receiving photo’s of death people, one of them being of her mother.

Maris may seem like someone with only air where her brain should be, don't judge a book by it's cover though.
Well you can be a psychic or you can have a good third sense. Psychic you can be able to do minor pshychic abilities.

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Name: Delia Jones

Gender: Female

Age: 21

About: Delia is small, standing at 5'3" and sort of shy, but can be very bubbly and friendly. At times she can be stubborn, but she can never really hold a grudge. She has always felt like she was being watched since she was young, and one day a year or so ago, she saw something that can only be described as paranormal. She still hasn't been able to rid of the entity, but that's why she decided to take up this new job as a paranormal detective.
Name: Detective Heatray Firered

Age: 25

Gender: Male

About: Right after High School Heatray wanted to make the world a safer and happier place by ridding the streets of dirtbags and doing work cops couldn't. He wanted a dangerous life. So the most practical one at the time was Detective. That and he friend Kias who was a detective died right in front of his eyes by a gang leader. So here he is now.

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