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Graded [Pardan][Ryke] SSSSeduce Me


One Thousand Club
Mentions: 1Lucker 1Lucker Naythophyl Naythophyl Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius Megilagor Megilagor Kris Rebel Kris Rebel
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a weekly schedule, so post at least once in the 7 days but feel free to post more and in any order so long as its not twice in a row. talking and communicate to each other your plans on posting. Nothing worse than a week going by and no posts appearing because everyone is waiting on someone else to post. If that happens, I'll close the thread. Current plan is to run the rp a little over a month. Rounds may go faster if everyone posts at a decent pace.
Time: mid morning
Weather: clear and sunny, comfortably warm with slight breeze
TLDR: The party arrive in port where a massive serpent has gone wild and is threatening more damage and danger unless someone does something about it. f you have questions, ask them in discord. Save posting for doing/saying things and not standing around puzzling out the situation.
Post Listening:

Pardan Port


The characters found themselves in the quiet port town of Pardan, north of Ryken in Ryke. The town is divided by straight of river with boats of all sizes navigating the channel or docking to either side to offload goods or take on passengers. A morning mist still clung to the waters and streets while the rising sun slowly burned away the mists that clung to the tops of the surrounding forests. It was on the east side of the river that the characters overheard a young man shouting at a ship captain, demanding passage in exchange for his treasure map. The grizzled captain was resistant to the demands of the young townie. Mid conversation, he barked orders to his men and the serpent handlers about what to do with the ships cargo.

In the water and slithering along the docks, massive serpents aided the dock workers in loading and unloading the ships that came into port. Other times they were mounts giving rides around town to their handlers to aid with one task or another. Construction, hunting, an many other tasks seemed to leverage the massive beasts that were all around the characters. All the serpent handlers were men and they carried rods as wide as a man's thumb and decorated in various chiseled or coated patterns of snakes. Whether the men were serpent handlers or not, all greeted each other or beckoned with the same grasp and flick of the wrist and a smile. All the men had noticeably white teeth and despite being human, some appeared to have fangs.

Seemed like several of the dock workers wore pull on waterproof layers made of serpent skin. The blue scale pattern shimmered brilliantly when wet. The snake attire was noticeably absent from a group of beastmen slipping away down an alley. Yufi would recognize the familiar clothing and sash of the Flores family on some of them. She would barely see them before they were gone. The more noticeable detail was the serpent handlers overseeing the efforts of their serpent were all incapacitated. Without its handler, the large serpent hissed loudly as it wheeled hits head back and then violently started to thrash around. Carts, buildings, people, vessels, nothing was save as the unruly beast swung its body around without a care, clearly agitated. Other serpent tamers were busy keeping their snakes under control while free dockworkers rush to call for aid.

The suddenness of the whole ordeal shocked some of the women folk that had come down to the docks for the morning catch or imported spices among other goods. Provocatively dressed, they were not armored and more vulnerable than the men, but those still with sense about them ripped off their neck accessories to arm themselves. Each woman wore a silver piece of cutlery at their neck pointing downward. Once freed of the neckpieces, the cutlery seemed designed more for fighting than eating. The massive serpent's red eyes seemed to shift around looking for the next thing to strike. Any sudden movement from the women or anyone else would likely provoke it.

All characters including npc's mentioned already are in immediate danger and the actions of those present will directly impact the outcome of the scene as well as what characters make it to the next.


Malik was overseeing crates getting moved into a warehouse currently rented out by the Silver Star Trading company. He sniffed unconsciously at the strong scene of dead fish which the handlers used to keep their massive beasts fed. All the fish guts would have made the water unsuited for swimming if it weren't for the large snakes prowling the waters keeping it free of predators.

The fae eyed the characters new to town and the massive snake just beyond them before reaching into his pocket to produce a pink crystal flower. His eyes glowed similarly pink as he spoke the spell in fae. The party of characters would notice or feel the prying nature of the glowing eyes that seemed to see through them.

He spoke up promptly and urged them to deal with the situation by giving them some faith,"Pardon the rudeness, but you all seem up to the task. Do something about that, would you."

Not the most helpful, but perhaps he was right. Perhaps not. They would have to find out firsthand. Malik was clearly an outsider as he did not look or dress like the locals.


| Novama Novama |

Not long after the rogue serpent began its savage rampage upon the Pardan populace, the panicked onlookers were quick to notice something swimming rapidly towards the scene from upriver. A large black and yellow sail rose from the depths, cutting effortlessly through the water's surface like a hot knife through butter, while the rest of its scaly bulk remained submerged beneath the bristling surface. Strapped to its right side was a large great sword, held firmly secure by a well-tied cloth sheathe to keep it firmly in place. Behind it, a long webbed tail propelled the beast forward with impressive speed, casting forth small waves which lapped upon the canal walls. It even pushed aside small boats as its bulk collided with them, though it didn't seem intentional. Those on land would occasionally see its crocodile-like head break the surface to get a gulp of air before disappearing into the churning wake. Murmurs rippled through the crowd, attempting to decipher this strange creature and its motives.

Those familiar with its visage, however, had a good idea of what he was planning.

Tunnel-vision was the best way to describe what Baharius was currently experiencing. Having sensed the commotion a few minutes ago, the saurian had sprung into action by leaping into the river and was swimming towards the scene as fast as he could. This was already a significantly faster way than by trodding on foot [Swim Speed E], even if it was more risky given the other serpents patrolling these waters. He wasn't too concerned frankly, as his natural [Intimidation E] would hopefully be enough to deter them from picking an unintended fight with him. Spinosaurians were well-known for their semi-aquatic capabilities, especially those sporting a paddle-like tail that they could use as a rudder. His sail also helped control his steering, though it wouldn't be able to catch any breeze to make it go faster or slower like that of a boat's sail.

With hook-like claws, sharp conical teeth, and a hide adorned with bumpy osteoderms, Baharius was perhaps among the most equipped to take on this rowdy sea snake in its own environment.

As he got closer, though, he would feel something - or someone - glaring into his very being. An entity which urged him to take care of this pressing menace. Baharius was already determined to investigate the threat, but now he felt as something he can't turn back from. He will win this fight; no matter the odds. Passing under a bridge, Baharius quickly submerged his entire body underwater, disappearing from the surface view. Given the serpent was focusing upon those on land, an attack from below should prove enough to gain the element of surprise. Diving further below, he would eventually find himself looking up at the creature's underbelly. Then with a quick burst of speed, the semi-aquatic saurian rapidly rushed from below, before he sunk his hooked claws into the serpent's underbelly via [Ripping Claw D].

  1. Swim towards Serpent. | Feature [Paddle Tail] + [Swim Speed E] + [Speed D] + [Intimidation E] |
  2. Descend Underwater.
  3. Attack Sea Serpent via Ripping Claw D.
Ripping Claw D - [Natural Weapons D, Bestial Wrath D, Super Strength E, Blight E, Continuous E, Selective E, Energized E] - COOLDOWN +2 +1 - Baharius uses his long claws to hook and pierce deep into his opponent's exposed skin and flesh before attempting to rip through; causing external and potentially internal bleeding depending on effectiveness.
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Mentions: Novama Novama

Mirraine slightly tilted her head looking at Malik as he spoke, sizing him up with her pitch-black eyes. She felt the gaze of his glowing go through her as if it penetrated the radiance of her soul, giving her an eerily familiar feeling. "Some sort of telepathy? This is an interesting one for sure. Dressed rich, using mysterious magic, and that disposition? Must be some big shot. Noble? Just a wealthy merchant? Something else entirely? Most curious, in any case" - Mirraine thought as she looked at the mysterious fae. He seems to be making the shots now, but this is not something Mirraine wished to question. During the time she spent in this world, she has met many people and done a lot of odd jobs in different nations for various people to make ends meet in her travels, but she has never met someone who would stand out as much as Malik. "Opportunity?"

A slight smile appeared on Mirraine's face as she looked past the man in front of her, checking out the situation. An enormous serpent that the local dockworkers use for heavy labour has gone rogue. Some bystanders seem to be dangerously close to the creature, and some are lying motionless on the ground. A dangerous situation indeed.
"After the deed is done, I would like to talk to you more. You are a curious one." - Mirraine softly tells Malik with a sly smile, then immediately dashing past him towards the docks, taking out her dear SDAT player [Catalyst E] and keeping it ready in hand if needed.

"Doubt that my radiant attacks will do more than slightly annoy that beast. I wonder what made it so agitated... Oh these poor innocent creatures, abused by people for their selfish needs, making them go against their nature. No wonder they get out of hand, ha-ha... In any case, I should at least make the people get to safety, but it is cute how they think their little fork necklaces could help them." - thought Mirraine as she approached the docks where all the commotion was happening. The serpent was agitated and ready to pounce at the slightest provocation, which made organizing any sort of evacuation difficult.

Then, in the corner of her eye, Mirraine scouted a sail... no, a spine, of another huge beast approaching the serpent by the water. She noted the shape of his head as he raised it for a moment to gasp for air. Certainly a familiar figure, even if a seriously intimidating one. The thought of what a sight it would be to see that beast fight filled Mirraine with a bit of excitement, but mostly fear.
"This is scary."

As the saurus clashed with the serpent, taking his attention away from the rabble, Mirraine dashed onto the pier and yelled:
"Don't just stand there, people! Flee, unless you want to get in the crossfire between the beasts! The fish and the spices can wait for the afternoon!" - Mirraine made sure to be as loud as she could so the confused men and women at the docks could hear her. Just in case someone is too stunned to hear her, Mirraine gazed through the crowd attentively, watching people's reactions and emotional state, she should be able to note if someone decided to have the stupid today [Empathy F]. If it so happens that some straggler freezes instead of running away from the docks, and ends up being too close to the beasts to be in danger, Mirraine would use [Mind Control F] with [Magic E], [Magic Range F] and [Catalyst E] to shout a command and force the poor sod out of their stupor and run.

  1. Run towards the docks.
  2. Shout towards the people so they run for their lives.
  3. Prepare a reaction with [Empathy F] to use [Mind Control F] with [Magic E], [Magic Range F] and [Catalyst E] on someone who doesn't listen to common sense and doesn't run (if there are multiple shocked idiots like this, she would shout it towards the one who seems to be more in immediate danger.

Inkheart had been quietly observing the bustling port town of Pardan from the shadows of a nearby alley. The misty morning air was a familiar and comforting sensation from his life along the coast. He was in the midst of contemplating his next journey when the commotion erupted. His keen senses picked up the escalating tension, and his eyes quickly focused on the source—a massive serpent, thrashing wildly and endangering everyone around.

With his muscular, cephalopoid body, Inkheart rushed through the crowd, his tentacle arms coiled in case they needed to strike. The sight of the serpent handlers struggling to control their beasts was alarming, but what caught his attention even more was Malik's casual yet urgent request to "do something about that."

Inkheart's mission was clear. He had to ensure the safety of the harbor and its people. As he assessed the situation with his sharp, investigative mind, he scanned the dock for any sort of engineering that might restrain or at least slow down the frenzied serpent.

He noticed the saurian already engaging the serpent and heard Mirraine calling out to the crowd. Recognizing an opportunity to work together, Inkheart positioned himself strategically to support the evacuation and address the root of the problem.

"Everyone, follow her lead and get to safety! We'll handle this!" Inkheart's voice carried over the din, infused with a commanding presence that brooked no argument. He glanced at the chaotic scene, calculating his approach.

Relying on his Seafaring Savant ability, Inkheart quickly assessed the dock structures and the available equipment. He identified a sturdy crane and several heavy cargo nets that could be used to restrain the serpent. His mind raced as he formulated a plan.

"We need to use that crane and those nets to trap the serpent!" Inkheart shouted to the nearby dockworkers, pointing to the equipment. "Help me get it into position!"


  • Seafaring Savant - Engineering F, Investigation F, Physics F - Inkheart uses his extensive sailing knowledge and engineering skills to repair damaged ships and optimize the performance of maritime vessels. His understanding of physics aids him in utilizing natural forces like buoyancy and water currents to enhance his mobility and combat tactics on the water - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Novama Novama , Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread {Simi}

Yufi along with Simi were walking along the quiet port town of Pardan in the northern area of Ryke. The town was nice, calm, and quiet, well until the two got to the port side of town, there was the bickering, haggling, and generally loud talking of many dock workers, shipsmen, and people coming to buy cargo from the ship as it came in fresh was quiet loud compared to the serene calm of the other part of the town.
"So Simi I know I'm walking around with you but where exactly is your raft..." Asked Yufi, sure she came here following Simi, from their time in the circus thinking that some time in the waters could cut off the tail that was following her for a while, and she never actually saw the sea, at least in this world so why not join a fellow who was there, or at least claims they were.

"I don't mean to be rude but we walked quite a while now and I still didn't see it." She added shortly so as not to upset Simi, maybe it wasn't at this port, or maybe it was at its very end. Something cut Yufi's apology short as she saw from the corner of her eye for just a small fragment of a moment something she would rather not see there. A group of beast-men with the insignia of the Flores family. What were the goons of the Roze Trifecta doing here, what was their goal here? Yufi spoke up to Simi a bit silently hoping only she would hear her say this.
"What are they doing here! Simi we might be in some trouble soon."
Unluckily Yufi will need to act, as she noticed a handler drop to the deck unconscious and their sea serpent acting up without rhyme or reason. So almost out of instinct she used her appraisal ability on it, albeit she didn't learn much she knew that it acted simply because it did not know what to do, as its orders stopped coming so it was panicked. This wasn't the best news but it wasn't the worst.

"Well that's one angry and out of hand Snake. I'm gonna try and get you close to its handler Simi and protect you from stray attacks so can you try and talk it out of acting this way? Before someone gets hurt please." Said Yufi, looking carefully between the ship with the knocked-out handler, Simi, and the Sea Serpent, before swiftly picking up Simi and rushing off to the knocked-out handler while avoiding obstacles or bigger groups of people so as not to let them get hit by a stray hit from the monster, or get hurt by Yufi while she ran past them.

Arriving on the deck she placed Simi down, and let her work her 'magic' in this situation. Because of Yufi's positioning, she saw something big diving deeper into the waters, it looked weird almost like an ancient creature of some sort. Though she did not see it now it was probably coming close to them hidden away from sight under the water's surface, hopefully, it wasn't a bad thing, maybe it was like Godzilla, wreaking havoc for humans, but hating its own kind even more. Yufi spoke up just in case to inform others of this news.
"Oh my gosh is that [Godzilla's] relative down there in the water! We might have another problem incoming!"
After doing so she placed her hand on her swords hilt, ready to draw it at any moment to help block, deflect or parry anything coming Simi's way.

Actions 1. Yufi uses Beggar's Animal Companion - Animal Handling [F], Appraisal [E] to determine why the Sea Serpent is acting the way it is.
2. Yufi picks up Simi and using Fast, Acrobatics and Sixth Sense {Presence of Living Beings} which all are at [F] level, to maneuver herself and Simi to the knocked-out handler on the boat while avoiding any people or obstacles on the way to the best of her abilities.
3. Yufi puts Simi down on the boat and readies her sword just in case.


Language symbol: |text| for aquatic creature language, for non speaker it would sounds like hissing, popping and squealing noise​

Finally, a port town. Its not exactly near the sea but it should have everything that she needs. Walking around the edge of the pier, Simi spread both of her arms to the sides and trudging joyfully like a child. She hummed a sea shanty about a bunch of sailors fighting a bloody battle against a deep sea monster with an unfittingly cheerful tone. She only stopped her humming when Yufi inquired her about her raft.

"I guess haven't told you about it, huh. The reason why I'm stranded here on Ryke, why I joined to help that circus, and why we're in this town. Very well, listen carefully!!" Simi's eyes gleamed as she started blabbering her story with overly dramatic tone, as if she's telling the saga of a legendary figure.

"It all started when my nemesis appeared in a small village at the shore I was visiting..."

"At that time I was simply looking for some fresh coconuts and grilled crabs. Yet that damned creature wouldn't left me alone... It suddenly appeared and sent terror through the village, and brave as I might be, I didn't have the heart to involve the innocent people there. So I lured it to the river, trapping it in the shallow water and then escaped upstream."

"It would be good if the heroic tale ends there. Alas, I underestimated the ferociousness of the Narrow Sea. I didn't see that boulder jutting out from the water and it ripped through the hull of my vessel. To prevent further damage, we dismantle it and my crew had been carrying it through the water. With the money I got from the circus, I should be able to repair and reconstruct it here in this town."

"Our mission here would be to find someone who can repair my dear Sinking Merry. Actually, maybe I should recruit a shipwright! then, then I will recruit a navigator, or maybe a cook! Then I will recruit-" Simi just keep talking and talking, she was too excited that she didn't realize what's happening until she saw Yufi panicking. She wasn't sure what was Yufi panicking for though before chaos ensued as the snake started their rampage.

"I'm gonna try and get you close to its handler Simi and protect you from stray attacks so can you try and talk it out of acting this way? Before someone gets hurt please."

"Hmm?" Simi's brain hadn't finished processing the event yet before Yufi picked her up and carried her to the deck, next to the unconscious handler. Looking back between Yufi, the snake and the handler, Simi closed her eyes to think of something. Thinking of... something. Simi let out a groan as she gave up thinking. She knew nothing about this serpent creature or anything about its behavior, but she does know what she should do.

"Cover my back!" She said to Yufi as she picked the snake handler's rod, Simi raised it high above her head just to make sure the snake saw it. She would then try to mimic the handler's movement in an attempt to make the snake realize that she's the new handler and it should obey her.

|Stop attacking! Why attacking?!| Simi let out several loud hiss as she tried to communicate with the serpent.

1) Use [Leadership F], [Tamer F] and [Energized F] to mimic the serpent handler
2) Use [Aquatic Creature] language to communicate with the serpent
Nazza Jakobi



"Common", "-Nomadic-"

Observing the port from across the street, Nazza made sure to keep his hood up. Even here in Ryke, you could never be too sure of who you would run into. He watched the serpent situation unfold with a flicker of interest, and when the voice spoke to him to step up, he cursed at it before moving to help. "Easy for you to say something and do nothing about it." He muttered passive aggressively. "-Typical rich guy.-" The elf was dressed richly, and had the vibe of old money. Nazza already hated him. Shoving his feelings aside, he moved across the street towards the unfolding chaos.

Nazza watched a giant lizardman attack the rampaging beast, as well as a multitude of people either fighting the beast or trying to extricate the people from the surrounding area. Knowing that he wouldn't be much use in combat, he rushed towards the incapacitated serpent handlers, meeting two others there. One of them seemed to be trying to copy the handlers' motions. "That... seems like a pretty good idea. I'll follow your lead." Picking up another fallen staff, Nazza intends to support the woman's efforts as best as he can.

- Rush across to the port
- Uses [Animal Handling E], [Persuasion F], [Empathy F], [Insight F] to assist Simi in controlling the creature.​
🧪Cheshire Charmel 🧪

INTERACTIONS: Novama Novama Develius Develius Kris Rebel Kris Rebel Naythophyl Naythophyl Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]
Cheshire had been exploring Ryke. He ended up in Pardan somewhere within its capital city, Ryken. Everything was a new experience since he had basically gotten the boot from home. Cheshire was aware it wasn’t something that could be blamed given the circumstances. Then the incident began with the rouge serpent. Others were quick to leap into action. With Baharius attacking the serpent. Simi, with aid from Nazza and Yufi trying to communicate with it while Inkheart, trying to make a trap, and Mirraine, who seemed to be calling for an evacuation. Cheshire wouldn’t stop by and speak to Malik quite yet his focus was looking for the serpent's original handler, or if any of the workers were injured anyway, while the others were hopefully able to keep the Serpent occupied. Cheshire made his way towards the dockworkers in a rush, despite the years he spent of this life in solitude, he still felt the obligation of what his last ‘life’ was, which was to be a healer to people who weren’t careful about doing their tasks or goals of the sort. In the midst of the commotion, Cheshire asks one of the dockworkers.

“Where’s the injured? I am able to assist.”

It was less of a question of ‘if’ there was anyone that was injured, because Cheshire was sure without a doubt someone got hurt during all the commotion. Hell he was willing to wager that it probably played a factor in how everything was playing out.
Mentions: 1Lucker 1Lucker Naythophyl Naythophyl Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius Megilagor Megilagor Kris Rebel Kris Rebel DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
OOC: Let's not narrate what the npc's are doing. That's my job. Let's also avoid copy pasting what other's are saying. Read it once. Memory isn't so poor we need it a 2nd time. Bit iffy on giant snakes counting as aquatic creatures, so while i permitted it, it shouldn't be the go-to assumption that anything that can swim counts.
Time: mid morning
Weather: clear and sunny, comfortably warm with slight breeze, faint mist over the waters and nearby environs.
TLDR: godzilla got swatted, the helpers helped, giant snake is subdued, ominous ship(?) approaching, npcs are now talking to characters or more available than before
Post Listening:

Pardan Port


Beharius's attack on the huge serpent was met by tons of undulating scaled fury. His claws would crack as his attack was repelled and he was sent flying back into the river from which he sprang with a loud splash. Several crates of cargo and a few victims would go flying as well. While Beharius's efforts were thwarted, it did pause the serpent's thrashing for a time. Time enough for some others.

Inkheart would not see any cranes in the harbor, but he would note several cargo nets and other serpents still in control for the moment. However, his indiscriminate shouts were drowned out by the chaos around him. A fishmonger's stall exploded and a merchants imported produce filled the air over Inkheart.

Mirraine and Cheshire were able to exercise their talents on the populace caught by the sudden Serpent rampage. However, they would notice most of the ones needing their aid or coercement were the men and outsiders caught off by the attack. Several of the local women, despite seemingly being woefully underequipped were actively closing in on the serpent with unusually sharpened and designed tableware accessories. Fortunately, the party would not have to see how that fight would go.

Nazza, alone, would hold a serpent staff with the casting posture of the handlers and weave the rod in a hypnotic pattern that suddenly caught the serpent off balancing, halting its rampage. Unlike Simi's crude mimicry, Nazza exercised an innate talent for the craft. Simi would make out the Serpent's will though. Its feelings were clear, its caretakers were missing and it would exact a price upon everything around it for the insult. The serpents still in the harbor were hissing sympathetically while their handlers frantically tried herding their serpents away to avoid them joining in.

Simi would also notice a ship approaching from the north. The morning mist hid details, but its sails and flag were clearly tattered. Oddly, they did not move in the breeze of travel. The ship was also a bit oddly shaped for a river boat. An eerie glow hung about its form as it glided through the water. Almost looked like a continental lake living vessel...


Malik, trusting that things would be in hand shortly, turned back to the delivery he was overseeing. Unfortunately, his men were the only ones still focused on the task at hand. Most of the other dockhands were rushing to aid or flee as they felt moved. The employees of the Silver Star trading company likely would have done similarly, but Malik's eyes remained ominously glowing as did the crystal flower in his hand. A pink haze hung over the eyes of his subordinates and they were oddly calm about the situation.

Their working nearing its conclusion, Malik glanced back at the conflict. The rampaging beast was momentarily holding position on some docks not yet destroyed. Its handlers, near the alley Yufi had noted earlier, were being revived by Cheshire's efforts. With Nazza pausing the creature, enough time was allowed for the handlers to regain control of their snake.



Elara, one of the man armed women in the town that opted to combat the snake rather than flee, sheathed and reattached her cookware before approaching Cheshire and Mirraine. She moved with a dignified yet warm demeanor. She glides towards them, her flowing dress trailing slightly behind, and her presence immediately brings a sense of calm and assurance. Her voice smooth and melodious, imparted words with grace beyond what would would expect outside of a city or nobles home.

"Brave souls," she begins, her voice a gentle caress, "I am Lady Elara Sereni, a humble servant of the Living God. Your valor and compassion have not gone unnoticed." She offers a slight bow of her head, a gesture of respect and gratitude.

"I extend my deepest thanks for your selfless acts in our time of need. Your healing hands and courageous hearts are a blessing to our people." Her eyes, filled with sincerity, meet theirs as she continues, "Please, allow me to assist you in any way I can. Our town may be small, but our spirit is strong, and we are in your debt."

She then offers them a small, serene smile, a contrast to the chaos around them. The woman was dangerous. It was not related to the weapons she carried or her clear knowledge on how to use them. It was how everything about her oozed a compatible and alluring aura that made you want to be friends with the woman without clear cause.



The seasoned captain stern face tightens further with a mix of annoyance and something else for Yufi and Simi boarding his ship suddenly. He swiftly turns to them, his voice a gravelly bark.

"What's this now? More hands in the fray?" he growls, his eyes scanning their faces. "Some of your lot just saved our hides out there. I'm Captain Aldric. What brings you onto my deck amidst all this madness?"

His tone is gruff, but there's a flicker of appreciation in his gaze. He pauses for a moment before continuing, "If you're lookin' for passage or help, speak quickly. We ain't got time to dally with the beast's delay. But you've earned a moment of my attention for your deeds unlike the welp still on the dock. I've not more time for fantasy ruins and treasure maps."

He stands firm, arms crossed, waiting for their response, his presence commanding and unyielding despite the turmoil around them.

To his surprise, Baharius would be rather shocked to find out how futile his attack was upon the great serpent's hide. His claws scraped off its hardened scales effortlessly, before feeling them suddenly crack. The saurian hissed in pain and annoyance; his attacking hand curling instinctually as he felt a burning sensation pulsate through his fingers. He couldn't remember the last time his claws getting damaged - both here and in his old world - let alone give way so easily. Clearly, he'd severely overestimated his opponent. He'd have to figure out a new way of attack... and fast! Though as he attempted to break off his attack and revaluate his strategy, the enraged sea serpent was quick to notice and threw its entire weight to punt the heavy saurian flying further back down the river!

"GRAAAAAAAAGH!" Baharius roared bewilderingly while flipping several times in mid-air. Seeing the entire port town from a birds-eye view wasn't quite something he planned on doing; though neither was attempting to battle a large sea serpent. Losing to it so quickly only added further insult to injury. He'd only get a parting glance at the other assisting members that were already engaging it before proceeding to belly flop into the river below with a hefty splash, knocking the wind out of him. Dazed but still kicking, the saurian shook himself out of his stupor and proceeded to make his way back to the scene.

However, by the time he'd gotten back, Baharius saw that the situation had been settled almost as quickly as it began. He was first to take note of a hooded figure wielding a rod by the shore which seemed to put the serpent into a hypnotic trance and calming it down, like that of a traditional snake charmer. His efforts, alongside the assistance of the other helpers nearby, gave time for the serpent's caretakers to take back control and pacify the raging beast. That was certainly one way to handle it... and a far less lethal one at that.

Swimming over towards the closest dock, the saurian slowly hauled himself back onto shore, being careful not to aggravate his chipped claws. He was still a bit winded from the ordeal, but aside from his utter humiliation which was seen by all, the saurian was fine. He'd just have to ensure his claws are tended too before going into another fight: for he'd hate to see them damaged further. Maybe the group which engaged the serpent had a healer? They looked to be an adventuring party. Surely they must have... even though the saurian wasn't too keen to approach them right this moment.

With his head lowered, Baharius lumbered towards the group with a slow stride. "Hail, fellow adventurers." the high-spined saurian called out gruffly with a risen hand, "I commend you for your efforts subduing that serpent. Definitely a more successful attempt compared to my efforts... as some of you may have noticed." The saurian's croc-like head jerked around, searching for a healer, as he outstretched his hand sporting his damaged claws. "My claws failed to pierce through the snake's hide, which was strong enough to crack them. Should you have a cleric in your ranks that heals them, I'll be in your debt. I'd wish to assist you all on whatever assignment you're currently upon, should you allow me."

Ripping Claw D - COOLDOWN +1
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🧪Cheshire Charmel 🧪

INTERACTIONS: Novama Novama Develius Develius Kris Rebel Kris Rebel Naythophyl Naythophyl Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

Cheshire told Elara

“None of that! Just a healer doing what a healer does.”

Something didn’t seem right, and Cheshire was never willing to make friends easily. Anyone injured is considered a ‘patient’ in this life. It was less of the actions he did out of something caused by programming but a habit. Baharius’s appearance was enough to bring his attention elsewhere. Cheshire exclaimed, making his way towards Baharius,

“Greetings Mister giant lizard! Allow me!”

This would be a good learning experience and something to study. His healing magic, as he knew it, was far from where he wanted and needed it to be. It seemed like as he was brought into flesh in blood he also received a sort of restart…so working hard to improve his healing magic was one of his top priorities. With a flick of Cheshire’s wrist he used [Black Puffball 2.0[E] He summoned a total of five balls made out of shadow and sent them towards Baharius’s way.

Ability Used:

Black Puffball 2.0 - Magic [E], Componetless magic [E], Affinity [Dark] [F], Affinity [Non-lethal] [F], Selective Magic [F], Magic Targets [F], Magic range [F], Healing [E], - Cheshire shoots five shadow balls the size of his palm that can hit up to 5 specified targets at 30ft and heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds and cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons - [E] grade- 1 post cooldown

Action 1: Walk closer to Baharius to be within 30ft of him. (To make sure he is close enough to cast the ability)
Action 2: Attempt to heal Baharius with [Black Puffball 2.0 [E]

E 0/1

Simi let out a relieved sigh as the serpent was quickly subdued, though she was rather surprised at the serpent's reason. It must really like its handler to start rampaging at because they're missing... Hmm? What? Why? She felts there' something odd there. Why was its handler missing anyway? Unfortunately for Simi, she didn't have too much time to think as she noticed another strange thing approaching the dock from the north. A tattered vessel unnaturally moving across the water. Simi immediately got a goosebump as she realized what it might be.

"GWAKKK! GWAKKKKKKKK!!" A skeletal parrot let out a panicked screech before perching on Simi's shoulder. Simi nodded at her parrot as if shes understand what the parrot was trying to tell. "GWAKKKK!"

Looking at Captain Aldric in the yes. Simi pointed at the incoming eerie ship in the distance.

"Get away from that ship, like, RIGHT NOW!" She requested urgently.

Inkheart brushed off a stray piece of fish from his shoulder and wiped some squished produce from his tunic, his eyes narrowing slightly in frustration. The chaos around him was subsiding, but his earlier shouts had been completely lost in the tumult. He took a deep breath and refocused his thoughts.

Seeing Baharius approach the group, Inkheart moved closer and introduced himself, "At least you landed a blow," he said, his tone both respectful and slightly amused. "Name's Inkheart. Seems like we've all been thrown into quite the situation here."

He glanced around at the gathered group, taking in their appearances and noting the various roles they seemed to be playing. "Looks like you all have things under control now," he continued. "I've seen a few cargo nets we could use if things get out of hand again, but for now, we should probably focus on making sure the handlers have a grip on their serpents."

Before he could comment further, he heard Simi's urgent exclamation directed at Captain Aldric. Turning quickly, he saw her pointing at the eerie ship approaching from the north. Inkheart's eyes followed the direction of her point, noting the eerie glow and the odd shape of the vessel.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Novama Novama , Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread {Simi}

"Roger that Cap'."
Snickered Yufi in response, hand at her sword's handle ready to draw it at any moment, her best bet was iaijutsu at this very moment, but thankfully the serpent did not attack. Yufi thought it was thanks to Simi, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a man doing the same thing as Simi did so maybe it was thanks to him or a shared effort that did it. In any way it was good that the serpent stopped its rampage, but what did the Flores family or even the Roze Trifecta wanted to do here? That question bore a hole in Yufi's head.

What got her out of falling deeper into her own thoughts was the gruff tone of the captain of this ship. Not wanting to appear nosey but still wanting to know if it was this ship that was targeted or was it the bay as a whole, she asked him.
"Um Mr. Captain Aldric, we tried to help out after all who wouldn't want to help someone... At least I know I wouldn't be able to sleep if I wasn't able to help out. But on a different matter, I have a question I have to ask. Mr. Aldric, is your ship carrying something from the Flores family from Widersia or did you step on their 'tail' so to speak... I'm not trying to be nosey, I just saw a group of their personnel running away into an alley just before the serpent started rampaging... So I want to know if they could have led to this?"

Yufi awaited her answer from the captain when a skeletal parrot flew in and perched herself on Simi's shoulder, seeing as Simi did not react badly to it meant she knew it so Yufi sheathed her half unsheathed sword back into its scabbard. It was then that she felt uneasy as if this day would just keep on getting worse and worse, as if some unseen force wanted them to suffer this particular day. But honestly, she welcomed the challenge, Yufi wanted to see them try, if today was gonna get wrecked by that force, she wanted to see it try, after all, she would try her darndest to make it not happen.

It was then that Simi yelled out and pointed to a tattered vessel that made its way in their direction, if Yufi didn't know any better she would have thought it was a nightmare, but no, that was something that appeared like a ghost ship, and judging by Simi's reaction it could very well be the same one she spoke not too long ago about.
"Do you want me to pick you up and run away or are you willing to stay and try to fight it off, Simi? I'm asking you since well, you are the more seafaring between the two of us."

Mirraine exhaled in relief once the giant serpent cooled down thanks to the efforts of two smart adventurers who decided to plead with the beast instead of hurting it. Also, it seems no one was seriously injured as most men did heed the warnings and ran away. "Thank goodness it went as smoothly as it did. These ladies are really feisty with their cute little forks though! And that big croc, poor guy, he seemed so excited to fight the snake, but in the end became a projectile. How sad." - Thought Mirraine with an amused smile when Elara approached her with gratitude for all the help. The big croccy dude also jumped out of the water nonchalantly, complaining about his poor little claws getting hurt. "Oh no, poor little baby!" - She thought, giggling. Then she looked toward the beast and said:
"Wow, you are big! Scary! Hehe."

Then Mirraine turned her head towards Elara with a warm, but barely visibly sly smile, saying:
"Aw, no problem, lovely lady, I am ever so glad to help! You and your friends there were the brave ones with your cute weaponised cutlery, hehe. As for the kind of help you could give me, your friendship is the most cherished thing I could have. My name is Mirraine!" - Mirraine extends her hand to shake Elara's, then suddenly and almost creepily changes her expression from a warm and cute smile to utter curiosity, tilting her head sharply and says: "What's a Living God? Does following that god give you lots of knowledge of how worlds work? It's something I am very interested in. Oh..."

Unexpectedly, Mirraine changes her expression again as she turns away from Elara, looking around the harbour with sharp head movements. "Right... That fancy-dressed elf fella. He was a curious one, I should find him after I talk with this pretty lady..." - Mirraine thought when sudden yells from a ship interrupted her. "For cluck's sake... trouble again? It better be something good, I am in the process of making some potentially useful friends here..." - Mirraine's expression grew grim as she looked toward the horizon, where some odd-looking ship was approaching the harbour. She then turns once more towards Elara, instantly changing her expression once again to a warm and friendly one and says:
"Dear pretty lady, it seems some trouble is abrew once more. Should I expect you and your friends will stay here in case of danger? You seem confident enough to be able to defend yourselves with your cute forks and knives."
Mentions: 1Lucker 1Lucker Naythophyl Naythophyl Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius Megilagor Megilagor Kris Rebel Kris Rebel DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
OOC: We are no longer holding up round post on Lucker's Nazza character. Also track ability cooldowns in post when you are using abilities. Not as crucial in this rp, but can be a good habit for more involved rps. Everyone will need to defend themselves in some way in this round or face the consequences.
Time: mid morning
Weather: clear and sunny, comfortably warm with slight breeze, faint mist over the waters and nearby environs.
TLDR: cheshire heals beharius, aldric's ship is boarded, the harbor starts seeing an undead hoard surge upon the town. Everyone is getting attacked.
Post Listening:

Pardan Port


Cheshire's heal goes off without incident. Beharius's damaged claws mend themselves under the influence of the magic.


Captain Aldric turned sharply to see the ghostly ship, The Wailing Rhodon, its form a terrifying mix of ship and massive fish, glowing and shrouded in mist against the morning sun.

The captain's eyes narrowed, the ghost ship was nearly upon them. His men, already on edge, looked to him for direction.

"To your posts! Secure the ship!" Aldric shouted, his voice a commanding roar. He then turned to Simi and Yufi, his expression grim.

"We've no time for questions now. That ship... it's boarding my vessel," he growled. Sure enough, as the captain spoke, the Wailing Rhodon glided surrealy through the channel to align with Aldric's ship. Several thick lines were tossed over the ship's railing, massive hooks digging in and splintering the wood as the ships became snuggly sinched together. Before the captain even gave the order, crew members immediately moved to start chopping the lines. They were not fast enough. Several ghostly 'men' of various kinds, all undead, boarded the ship quickly. Any of Aldric's crew near them were cut down or immediately locked into combat. They were not far from Simi and getting closer. Empty eye sockets seemingly seeing something when they looked at Simi more than anyone or anything else. "We need to repel it or escape. If you've got a plan, now's the time to share it!"

He glanced at the skeletal parrot, then back to the two women. The captain noted the spectral crew aboard The Wailing Rhodon that was waiting to board behind the initial party, their ghostly forms visible through the mist. His crew would be overrun at the current rate.

"Prepare yourselves," Aldric ordered, drawing his own sword. "We either fight these spirits or find a way to outrun them. This is my ship, and I'll be damned if I let some cursed vessel take it from me!"

The captain readied himself before moving into the outer edge of the fray to put his blade to use and bark more direction to his men that were at risk of losing morale.



Elara maintained her composure much like how she handled the serpent's rampage earlier. "The Living God is the heart of our community's faith," she explained. "Following the Living God brings us wisdom and strength. Our traditions and knowledge are deeply tied to this belief, helping us understand the world's mysteries."

As Mirraine's attention was drawn to the commotion by the harbor, Elara followed her gaze. The sight of the ghost ship, The Wailing Rhodon, and its undead crew boarding a nearby vessel sent a shiver down her spine. Her serene expression shifted to one of tension as she turned back to Mirraine.

"Indeed, trouble seems to find us again," Elara said, her voice calm but resolute. "We will stand our ground and defend our home, as we always have. My friends and I are prepared to fight if necessary."

Her gaze hardened with determination as she looked towards the approaching threat. "May the Living God protect us all," she added softly. Then, with somber eyes, she pleaded, "I'm afraid I must request your aid once again."

Elara then moved to rally her friends, her presence a calming and inspiring force amidst the rising tension. "Everyone, prepare yourselves. We may have another battle on our hands," she called out, her voice carrying strength and certainty. Some of the undead pirates leaped from the waters to land on the planks of the harbor before clattering or slopping toward anyone around including the Party and all the other characters mentioned in scene.



With the harbor starting to get swarmed by undead minions of the ghost ship, Malik's team, free of any charms, looked around to see the town for what it was. Their fear was palpable suddenly and their quickly fled away from the harbor and the invading force. Some would flee into the warehouse and attempt to seal the door. The act of suddenly cutting off others leading to some quarreling and violent actions for the sake of self preservation. Malik sniffed as he watched the scene unfold with a disapproving glare. He momentarily checked the sun before eyeing the undead lumbering his way.​

"I'm afraid we of the Silver Star Trading Company do not sell what you seek, dear customer."

He stood between them and the warehouse. Any security the dock had were being pulled to other places. Massive serpents went on the hunt, smashing and swallowing the pirates as they came close. Unfortunately, any snake that swallowed a pirate would have the pirate carve its way out of them. Due to the proximity to the town, the serpents were restrained in their movements to avoid destroying the town more in an effort to defend it.

Malik's hand clutched the pink crystal flower in his hand tightly. He chanted in sylvan, a sing song melody hanging in the air around him, as his eyes and catalyst began to glow and a tangible magic of purples and pink colors manifested midair.
🧪Cheshire Charmel 🧪

INTERACTIONS: Novama Novama Develius Develius Kris Rebel Kris Rebel Naythophyl Naythophyl Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]
Due to the spell he cast to heal Baharius, as of his current training he was much more vulnerable than he would have liked,. However, Cheshire still at least had a few cards up his sleeve, weaker back up spells that he could only hope did enough damage to prevent injury. He sighed.

“Oh come on!…oh well, I have faith in you fighting Mister Giant Lizard!”

Cheshire tells Baharius before shooting one of the nearby undead from the ghost ship with [Beginners Attack!] a black ball of shadow that was the size of the palm of his hand. And attempting to blast one of the undead with it. He was unsure of how it would work given he didn’t have the most combat-orientated skillset.

Ability Used:
Beginners Attack! - Magic [F],Componetless magic [F], Affinity [F] [Dark]- Cheshire shoots a shadow ball the size of his palm that can hit up to 5ft at 1 target. - [F] grade - 0 post cool down

Action 1: shoot [Beginners Attack [F] at the nearest undead attacker

E 1/1

Upon hearing Cheshire volunter to his request, Baharius noticed five palm-sized dark energy balls begin rushing towards him. While initially thrown off by their rather ominous color, Baharius allowed them to touch him. Feeling their light but effective rejuvenating energy, he looked at his damaged claws quickly reforming back to perfect condition; curling his scaly fingers as he inspected their condition. "Thank you..." the saurian replied, giving a gruff sigh and a nod.

Then the tentacled-man approached him, acknowledging his efforts and introducing himself as Inkheart. "Baharius." the saurian introduced himself in kind. He then cocked his head up respectfully at the squid man. "Indeed..." he replied, noting how everyone was thrusted into a new situation, "Something appears to be off... though I can't exactly pinpoint what..." He then heard the smaller dark-haired girl - Mirraine - call out how 'big and scary' he looked with a slightly mischievous and jestery tone. The saurian couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "I get that quite a bit." the big saurian admitted casually.

Just then, his attention would be brought back to the river upon hearing the faint panicked screams of a young lady warning about a hostile ship incoming. She'd speak true. A eerie glow accompanied the vessel's fish like appearance as it came closer to the harbor. The saurian's glare tensed; feeling a sense of unease wash over him. And judging from the other's reactions, there was a right to be concerned. And soon enough, he'd see skeletal pirates began climbing their way onto the dock. The red-haired woman, who had assisted the group, would confirm their enemy and asked for their aid against this undead menace.

"With pleasure." Baharius grunted, before unsheathing his great sword. He scoffed at Cheshire's confidence in him. "Then bare witness to my power!"

Taking a deep breath, the hulking saurian unleashed a bellowing [Bestial Roar E] towards the approaching undead crew. His raspy guttural roar echoed through the harbor, intending to imposing upon the enemy's mistake in making landfall here. Then with a spring in his step, Baharius charged at the undead and swings his monolithic blade at them with a [Broad Dune Swipe D], as he attempted to cut them down to size.

  1. Issues [Bestial Roar E] at Undead Horde
  2. Charges towards Undead Horde.
  3. Attacks Undead Horde via [Broad Dune Swipe D].
Bestial Roar E - [Intimidation E, Selective E, Energized E] - COOLDOWN +1 +0 - Baharius unleashes a powerful roar in an attempt to intimidate any who dare face him.
Broad Dune Swipe D - [Savage DuneLord E, Area E, Energized E, Selective E] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius sweeps blade around body in a wide circle 10ft wide.

Broad Dune Swipe D (Cooldown) = 0/2

Inkheart nodded to Baharius, appreciating the saurian's introduction and the display of his restored claws. "Good to meet you, Baharius," he said, his eyes narrowing as he took in the growing threat of the ghost ship.

Hearing Baharius's battle cry and seeing him charge into the fray, Inkheart knew they had to act quickly to repel the undead. He turned to Cheshire, who had already started attacking with his shadow magic, and nodded approvingly.

Inkheart's eyes flicked to the spectral crew aboard The Wailing Rhodon, seeing the ghostly forms preparing to board. He could see that the situation was dire, and the need for a coordinated effort was paramount. He turned back to Baharius and Cheshire, determination etched on his face.

"Let's show these undead what we're made of!" Inkheart declared.

Inkheart took a moment to assess the battlefield. Noting the cargo nets and barrels around the docks, he formulated a quick plan. He moved swiftly to a nearby stack of crates, climbing atop one to get a better vantage point.

Never thought she would see it again this soon. She thought going into the land would deter it from chasing after her, but its really a persistent one. Unfortunately, she didn't have any plan for this kind of situation. Her first priority should be to get away from the port though, the longer the monster stays in one spot the more of its minion it would be able to summon. She didn't want to put the townsfolks in danger.

"Captain, focus on dealing with the undeads!" Simi said to the captain before she conjured a blade of water and slashed at the nearest undead. She then jumped off the ship and approached the big saurian who was fighting another undead.

"Hey, big guy. You up for some underwater race against death?" She needs to get away quick, but without her raft she's actually not that fast at swimming.
1) use
Simi Blade - Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Water Affinity F, Energized F - Simi conjures a blade of water to hit a target 5 ft ahead - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2) Approach Baharius
Nazza Jakobi



"Common", "-Nomadic-"

After being the main reason that the serpent calmed down, Nazza relinquished control to the awakened serpent handlers and wandered around without any real purpose. He had run over only to help with the situation and had no real reason for being nearby. Distantly, he noticed Baharius, the giant saurian from his last adventure. Before he was able to greet the saurian, he heard the shriek of a bird and several yells from one of the ships in the harbor. Noting with surprise the spectral ship latching onto the other vessel, Nazza ran closer towards the fray.

Even though he wasn't very well prepared for a combat situation, Nazza still wanted to help. He saw a man climb up a stack of crates for a vantage point and followed suit, climbing up with him. "Sorry if I'm getting in your way here, but I needed a good vantage point." He drew several throwing knives and started launching them at the nearby spectral sailors approaching their position.

- Move closer and climb the crates
- Use Gear F to send throwing knives to the nearest spectral sailor​

"First the Trifecta messing with the port, now the undead, what's next a bloody necro-bard." Yufi spoke as if the day could not get any worse, well at least she hoped it couldn't get any worse. Seeing as Simi didn't use Yufi's help to retreat, her hands were free to fight, so she took a lowered stance and using her Phantom Step Arts, approached the nearest group of undead striking one of them with her unsheathed sword along their torso with a small spin.

Then she drew the sword close to her face and raced two fingers of her other hand across the spine of the sword imbuing some energy into it causing it to create small electric sparks that surround it. With the blade of her sword now infused with her qi, Yufi swung again at the same undead she struck before using her Mad Demons Sword Ki, trying to strike it in its head.
1. Uses Phantom Step Arts to step close to the enemy and attack them once.
2. Uses Mad Demons Sword Ki, to attack them once again.

Phantom Steps Arts - Special Movement {Untracable} [F], Fast [F], Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts [F] - Fast untraceable footwork makes it hard for one to pinpoint from where Yufi will attack with her sword. - Grade[F] - 0 Post Cooldown

Mad Demons Sword Ki - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts [F], Blight[F] {Lighting} - Yufi coats her blade with her ki of the lighting affinity, albeit it is the most basic of the Mad Demons Sword Arts that it isn't even considered one of its forms. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown


Mentions: Novama Novama
Meeting the crew and the locals felt quite cheery and fun, but unfortunately, this innocent moment would not last. Mirraine's facial expression soured quickly as she managed to take a closer look at the attackers. "Oh my, are those guys dead? Like undead? Shucks, how do I even go about fighting such enemies? Also, who the heck are they and where did they come from?" - She thought as she looked at the crew of the ghostly ship.
"Pretty lady, I hope you or your friends here will help me to find out more about these spooky-looking enemies when we are done with them. They sure are curious!" - Mirraine said to Elara as she rushed closer to the undead, following after Baharius and Inkheart.

Mirraine knew she was not much of a fighter, but there still might be something she could do. As she got a bit closer to the enemy crew (around 30ft distance), Mirraine stopped following Baharius and jumped onto one of the ships anchored at the bay, trying to get a good look at the enemies behind some cover.
"Oh my, oh my. Will this even work on them? Guess there is only one way to find out." - She thought while flinching slightly, getting ready to experience telepathic backlash in the worst-case scenario. She points out her hand, directed towards a group of tougher-looking undead guys, preparing to cast Soul Beam and Intrusive Thoughts on her next turn.

1. Move
2. Aim
Mentions: 1Lucker 1Lucker Naythophyl Naythophyl Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius Megilagor Megilagor Kris Rebel Kris Rebel DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
OOC: a few characters were downed. you'll want to exercise more caution in the future and deal with the threat that's immediately infront of the characters. A couple abilities didn't go off since the same grade was used. Be mindful that when 1 ability of a grade is used, that all abilities of that grade are on cooldown. This is the last round of rp. You may post if you wish or pass. Let me know and I'll post and ending post when everyone is done. Or sunday if we don't hear from everyone.
Time: noon
Weather: clear and sunny, comfortably warm with slight breeze, faint mist over the waters and nearby environs.
TLDR: Inkheart and Mirraine are downed and in need of healing. Nazza's armor was destroyed. the fighting has concluded. the party can now do as they please for the last round.
Post Listening:

Pardan Port


A grimy skeleton with barnacles growing all over its seaweed covered frame was the first to Cheshire. It's smell was potent and its eyes were devoid of any soul worth mentioning. It lacked the means to make expressions, but its skeletal grin and clacking teeth made it seem like it reveled in its butchery. Cheshire's dark magic took its sword in the center as it was swinging toward him. The sword was rebuffed and the skeleton was knocked off balance for a moment, but it yet stood and leered at Cheshire.

Beharius's roar was loud enough for certain, and some towns folk were even distracted by it loud enough to be cut down by the undead they fought. A few undead looked Beharius's way, but the ones fighting him didn't even flinch. Is if fear was not a motivating factor for dead men. The saving grace was the dino's forcefulness resulted in the trident wielding ghoul to miss his mark slightly and score a glancing hit on the lizardman. (-1 hp). Beharius's following counter swing was hasty too, lacking the extra punch he hoped for. It did not hit as hard nor have as great a reach. Some undead skeletons were battered by it, caught unawares as they battled dock workers next to beharius. Their bones becoming dust before fading to mist to add to the already growing fog. The The harbor was getting slick with the blood and sea water that dripped upon it in excess.

Inkheart was the first to go down. In his rush for the crates, his back was slashed open by the cutlass of the skeleton standing before him. He was still breathing, but it was a miracle he hadn't lost some tentacles in the process. The skeleton moved over him with its intentions made obvious by the blade he held aloft for a finishing blow.

Meanwhile, Simi's water blade effectively parried the halfling zombie trying to shank her with a knife. Pieces of its rotten meat splattered from the force, but the zombie was otherwise unphased. Fortunately, it was not a particularly speedy enemy as Simi ran for Beharius.

Nazza was able to snap out of his stupor just in time. When he ran for the crates where Inkheart was downed, Nazza also was struck from behind. Fortunately for Nazza, his armor took the hit, damaging it to the point where parts of the armor became undone and useless in general. A ghoul with dark claws slick in some slime grinned menacingly as it gave chase after Nazza. When Nazza rounded on the enemies from the high ground, his first knife sank into the ghoul's chest. Black ichor spurted from the wound before fading to mist, however, the ghoul was not downed yet.

Yuze effectively dashed up to the enemy and countered its sword thrust. However, as she tried to empower her blade, her energy for the endeavor was still spent from dashing up to the enemy. Close enough to smell its foul odor, Yuze would see the skeleton reel back its arm to attack thrust its blade at her again.

Mirraine, like Inkheart, was downed after getting clubbed in the back of the head by the enemy next to her. She didn't get to the boat, much less use any of her abilities. She would not be given much time to consider what was happening as the ghost floated over her before it swing its club again.


The pink mist emanating from Malik was slow at first, but then surged outward past the skeletons, ghouls and other undead creeping through the harbor. Each undead caught up in the mist stopped in their tracks. They did not attack, nor look around. It was like they were frozen in place. Some would stop mid-swing of their swords. Those leaping through the air collapsed to the ground, unwilling to rise. Dock workers, townies, and the party caught in the pink mist would not notice anything other than the faint sylvan chant coming from Malik.

As the moments passed, the town started overcoming the undead. The monsters stuck in place were easy pickings, especially for the massive serpents that went bobbing for undead floating helplessly like applies in the river. With each undead destroyed, the gray mist contesting Malik's pink mist would make its way back to the Wailing Rhodon. On the decks of the fish vessel, undead seemed to endlessly spawn from the deeper mists concentrated upon them. Fortunately, as they spawned, they too were frozen in place. Simi would be able to note an entity lurking on the ship, uninhibited by the mist.

It was not long after the town and party were able to rally that the undead were solely concentrated on the vessel they road in on. As the Serpents closed in on the ship along with several of the women fighters, the growing number of undead ceased and a notable shift occurred. The fog in the space started to fade, allowing in more sunlight. The fish ship also began to fade, becoming less tangible. Before the ship could be boarded or directly attacked, it burst into a shimmering foam that disappeared into the river.

A cheer went up through the Pardan but it was short lived. After catching their breath and hugging and clasping each other on the back, the townies and party would see in the morning sun the toll of the battle. Bodies lay strewn all over. Even some serpents were slain. Suspiciously, Yuze would note a few victims that seemed to have died by means more common among those that crossed the Trifecta than a clumsy slash or stab from an undead pirate.

Malik would eventually release his spell and the pink mist would fade with everything else. His eyes would stop glowing and he would pocket his crystal catalyst before rubbing vigorously at his eyes.

"...I fear I'm still not used to that one...Need the company to develop throat lozenges and eye drops next..."

Malik muttered to himself before some of his coworkers approached him. They had finally stopped cowering and asked,

"Mr. Seraphim. The warehouse has been supplied can we go home now?"

"I'm afraid not Mr.Timms. We must locate Ms. Sereni to sign off on the delivery, and it would seem she is preoccupied for the moment."

Malik then pulled out a widersian timepiece to eye it briefly before tucking it away again.

"Gentlemen, let's head further into town and try to find some lunch."
Aldric is overseeing the fixes to his ship and tending to his men.
Elara works with the other women with her to tend to the injured dock workers and serpent handlers. The women were covered in injuries but they seemed to be in better condition than the men they tended to.
Others mourned the loss of loved ones and friends. A general sense of confusion hung in the air as all voiced in their own way or another the question 'why did this happen?'.

🧪Cheshire Charmel 🧪
INTERACTIONS: Novama Novama Develius Develius Kris Rebel Kris Rebel Naythophyl Naythophyl Megilagor Megilagor Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker
[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]
As of the moment, everything seemed unreal, everything that happened at these docs was quick and didn’t last very long, yet they were absolutely abysmal events that cost the lives of many. He dusted the off-white and gold cloak. And then moved his hands up to the pin in his hair, readjusting it. It was simple behaviors, odd ones probably given he just wanted to make sure he had a heart beat. Then he called out as loud as he could.

“Alright! Who all needs a healer!? I’ll help as much as I can!”

He called out. But he did not have a supersonic boom of a voice, so Cheshire was really unsure of who or any at all could hear him. It was worth the attempt, though it wasn’t like he could duplicate himself.

But that would be cool.

He smacked himself in the face lightly with a sigh. He needed to stay focused on he had a job to do.

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