Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)


Popcorn Connoisseur

Andromeda's blue eyes, the color of a spring lighted by the summer sun, flashed quickly from left to right as she skimmed the information, words on the luminescent screen in front of her reflected in those eyes. She must have been sitting there forever and, for what seemed like the hundredth time, Andi raked her hands through her hair in an agitated manner. Nothing was coming up in her searches. She was no good at finding jobs, she decided. She couldn't differentiate between coincidence and paranormal happenings like her mother had been able to. Andi stood suddenly, causing the chair behind her to topple over and hit the carpeted floor with a soft thud. Taking a shaky breath in an attempt to calm her nerves, she reached down, righting the chair, before she walked over and flopped on one of the two queen-sized beds that filled the hotel room they had been calling home for two days now. Her curly, chestnut hair spilled around her like waves as she laid there silently except for her steady breathing.

Tripp tore his cognac eyes from the newspaper he had been leafing through to watch Andi's dramatic performance. The sable-haired man sighed in frustration, carefully folding the newspaper and laying it over his knee before speaking. "You know, if you need help, you could always ask," he said matter-of-factly, his deep voce reverberating through the small space. Andi rolled onto her side, sticking her tongue out at him childishly before rolling onto her back and rocking into a sitting position on the bed, her legs crossed neatly before her. Tripp was well aware that Andi hated asking for anything that resembled help. He stood fluidly and crossed the small distance to the recently vacated chair, sinking into the wooden chair that looked like it belonged at a dining table. Resting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his entwined hands, Tripp began to read through the articles Andi had pulled up on their trusty laptop.

Since their mother had died, Andi had felt this overwhelming responsibility to do everything that she had done: she needed to be a mother for Gigi, she needed to be a seer, she needed to be able to take down paranormal spirits, and she needed to be able to find the stories that were out of the ordinary. It had definitely taken a toll on her, but she wasn't about to tell anyone. Andi needed to seem strong, her walls needed to be impenetrable. She stared blankly at Tripp, lost in thought and not really seeing him. This was all she knew, but it didn't seem like she had learned anything in all the years she had been involved in it. She still felt like an amateur. Andi pushed the worry from her mind, shaking her head like her mind was an Etch-a-Sketch and her thoughts could be erased that easily. Looking to her ruby-haired sister, Andi forced a smile onto her face. "Any odd dreams lately?" she asked, biting her lip absentmindedly. Her sister had abilities just like she did. Andi hadn't picked anything up recently, but that didn't mean Gigi hadn't seen anything. Sometimes she felt like her sister was more in tune with the psychic forces swirling around them. Of course, that could have something to do with her own inner hurricane of worries.

Looking at her sister was almost painful sometimes: she reminded her so much of their mother. Rebecca had always said Andi took after her father.

Before her mind could travel down the path it was headed, Andi was yanked back to the hotel room, any thoughts about her father disappearing in a puff of smoke, as Tripp started speaking. "I found something. It seems like there have been three unexplained disappearances in this town called Palatka. It's about four hours west of here. Police say they don't have any leads. The victims are gone, all of them disappearing while driving at night down one road in town," Tripp said, turning to look at his two female companions, an accomplished and slightly smug grin decorating his face.

"Sounds good enough for me," Andi announced, jumping up and packing their belongings that had somehow gotten scattered all around the room. She hastily and haphazardly packed and it was obvious that she was antsy and ready to be on the road and doing something productive.
Sitting Indian style on the bed, the red-headed sister Andi was speaking to looked up from her usual staring at whatever spirits were in the room. She felt everything everywhere but she rarely ever mentioned it unless Andi asked. A pair of loose shorts were pulled up over her cute little butt, her grey tank top covered by her usual black hoodie. The hood of the hoodie was pulled up to cover most of her head, her wavy red bangs peeking out of it to give a burst of color to her normally colorless wardrobe.

Deep brown eyes sparkled for a brief moment as Andi asked for her input. "Yes, I have had a few lately." Her voice was soft, hardly audible. She didn't like to speak to the living so much. She rarely even spoke to Tripp because he kind of scared her. "The other ones have told me of many deaths by a vengeful spirit."

She slowly got up and moved over to the computer, leaning over Tripp. She looked at the story quietly and her eyes showed confirmation. "It's this one." She then realized how close to Tripp she was. Her cheeks became as red as her hair and she quickly scurried back to the bed she had previously been siting on.

Her eyes became distant once more, returning to watching the spirits in the room. She clung to her sister and to her powers so that she could be closer to her deceased mother. Losing the one person she felt excepted by, that she felt understood her.

Tapp was sort of annoying to her. She didn't understand why he was there, but she would always listen to her big sister. If she wanted him there, she wouldn't fight her.

(I'll bring D-man in later)
Andi, minutes later, had all their things packed and sitting by the door, reading to be loaded into the SUV. She couldn't say that she'd miss the hotel room. Grabbing a green duffel bag and a suitcase, she made her way to the car, loading the back with their supplies. It was rather sunny outside. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, either. A brezze ruffled Andi's hair and she took a cleansing breath, thinking of the days she would've spent outside with friends on days like this.

Tripp eyed Gigi, holding his breath as she looked over his shoulder. He was afraid if he reminded her he was there that she'd disappear. Gigi reminded Tripp of a hummingbird: she would hover momentarily and disappear when she noticed you. He turned around, looking at Gigi as she returned to the bed. "Why don't you like me?" he asked, eyebrows raised. He could tell. It was weird to him: normally people were drawn to him and he didn't have an issue making friends. It bothered him a bit. Standing suddenly with a sigh, just assuming she wouldn't respond, Tripp grabbed the rest of the bags and walked to the car, Andi helping him load them in the back. Gigi didn't talk much and he wasn't sure why. Maybe it had something to do with the whole "I see dead people" thing. Andi could see glimpses of the future, but normally only while she slept. Even then, it was so intermittent that they couldn't rely on it. She needed more training, but her mother had died before she met her potential. Now, the poor girl was trying to teach herself.

"Will you get Gigi? I'm gonna go check out," Andi said, running her graceful fingers through her hair. She sighed and walked to the front office, nervously twisting the plain silver ring she wore on her right pointer finger. A silver locket dangled from a thin chain around her neck. She wore a pair of dark jeans she had rolled up to her calves, a brown leather woven belt, and a loose-fit v-neck grey shirt. Her grey canvas shoes were worn and faded. Andi pushed the door open and was met by chilling AC.

Tripp happily complied, walking back to the room. He strode over to the bed, picking Gigi up easily and tossing her over his shoulder. He rather enjoyed doing things to make her uncomfortable. It was his small way of attempting to make her talk. He kicked the door open with a black sneakered foot and walked out, finding that his jeans were a little heavy for the weather today. He waltzed over to the SUV and pulled a door open, setting her on the seat and bowing slightly, a grin plastered on his face. He then slid into the driver seat and waited for Andi to return, looking down at the black t-shirt he had thrown on this morning.

Andi pushed the door open, the petite girl jogging gracefully to the SUV and jumping into the passenger seat. She didn't look dangerous, but she was rather well-trained when it came to fighting, something that her mother had insisted upon. Tripp, on the other hand, was obviously dangerous. The sharp lines on his face gave him an aura of aggression that most people picked up on right away. He jammed the key into the ignition and started the drive.
Gigi at first looked over at Tripp when he spoke to her the first time. "He really doesn't get it, does he?" One of the spirits whispered to her. A small smile appeared on Gigi's face at that. The smile quickly faded, however, when he got up and left the room. There were so many reasons why she really did not like anyone that was alive.

Growing up, Gigi was much different than the other children. The other children got along really well with Andi but found that Gigi wasn't "normal" enough. They pulled her hair, teased her about being a loner and for having qualities that little kids, and sometimes adults, associated with the olden description of witches. The only ones who were ever good to her were the spirits she saw everywhere. That constant torture made her withdrawn and untrusting of anyone but Andi. Sometimes she was even mistrusting of her big sister.

Unlike Andi, the feiry haired younger sister was an exact image of their mother. She had been born with their mother's anilities and was able to harness them with ease. She was well aware that Andi was jealous that she had this ability and was much stronger than she was. Gigi was not even a trained partner, being more of the seer of the group than anything else. She saw that because of her physical and emotional inadequacies, she knew that Andi sometimes saw her as a burden. That was the most painful reality for her.

She looked up again as Tripp entered the room. Her eyes grew wide as he drew closer and she squeeked in surprise when she was lifted off of the bed. A soft 'oof' escaped her lips as her stomach met his shoulder and she decided it was best not to fight him. When he set her in her normal seat and gave her a playful grin, her cheeks flushed in frustration. He annoyed her and the fact he was treating her like a child frankly pissed her off.
The tension in the car made Andi highly uncomfortable. She turned the radio up and stared out the window at the passing landscape. It looked like they were heading to the middle of nowhere, really. Andi tapped her fingers on the door, sighing. She desperately wanted Tripp and Gigi to get along, but it seemed that they were too different. Perhaps Tripp was too similar to the bullies Gigi had encountered. She had to know his jokes were all in good fun, though. Tripp would never intentionally upset someone. He really was just a big softie.

The ride was dominated by silence, only broken by Tripp asking Andi for directions. He pulled into the parking lot of a small diner. They had finally made it to their destination. "So, now we interview," Andi said happily, jumping out of the now parked car and stretching. She waited for her companions to get out of the car, making sure that Tripp remembered to lock it. Walking to the worn red wooden door of the diner, Tripp held it open for the two girls, following behind them into the small space.

"Lunch first," he said, walking to a booth and sitting down at the prompting of an elderly waitress. Andi sighed. She was ready to start the investigation, but she supposed it was about lunch time and they did need to eat. The portly older woman brought them three menus and waddled off taking care of the two other groups in the diner. Andi, after she made sure there was no one too close that might overhear her, looked at her sister before beginning her questioning.

"Is there anything strange with the spirits here, Gigi?" Andi asked, her eyes filled with curiosity. "I think we need to check out the road where they disappeared. Gigi might be able to pick up on the spirits," Andi continued, looking to Tripp, who sighed and ignored Andi's comments as he browsed the menu. Honestly, he didn't really trust Gigi's power. Spirits weren't always reliable, in his opinion. Plus, if he couldn't hear it for himself, he wasn't very likely to follow the word of a spirit he couldn't see. Gigi's gift always freaked him out; Andi could see the future and Tripp could deal with that. Ghosts, though? That was a different story. He glanced at Gigi before shaking his head slightly and looking back to the menu.

The waitress returned, smiling. "Can I help you all?" she asked, glancing around the table.

Tripp ordered a cheeseburger; Andi, a salad.
As they had been driving, Gigi had progressively started to curl into herself. Something was very wrong with where they were going and she could feel it from miles away. The air, for her, continued to get increasingly heavy as if it were suffocating her. Her breathing became much more shallow, but she made it look like she was just being her typical, antisocial self.

When they got to the diner, she hesitated to get out. Her eyes saw darkness, the only glimmers of light coming from the spurts of blood that seemed to coat everything in sight. She pulled the hood of her hoodie over her head and wrapped her arms around herself. She reluctantly got out of the car to follow her comrades.

When they got inside, her eyes darted around as dark spirits danced around her like demons in a ritual, whispering deceitful things into her ear and laughing maniacally. She sat down and put her forehead on the table as though she had a headache, covering her head with her arms. She didn't even lift her head when Andi talked to her. "I don't like it here. I really don't like it here."

She looked up at the old woman and shivered. "Water please? Just water. I'm not hungry." Something must have really been off. Though Gigi was a freaking toothpick, she ate like a horse. She would never, EVER, pass up on food.
Andi looked across the table at her sister, eyebrows raised, concern etched in her young face. Once the waitress walked away, Andi leaned forward, her elbows resting on the table. "What's wrong, Gigi?" she asked, her voice low. It wasn't like Gigi to refuse food or to say she didn't like a place. Andi assumed it was due to some spirits in the area. She leaned back in her seat again, eyes still trained on her sister. She really wished that she could somehow make it easier on her sister. Their psychic powers were so different that Andi couldn't really grasp what it was like for Gigi. Andi's visions were frightening sometimes, yes, but they were often over in an instant and just showed her glimpses of what might happen.

The whole thing seemed odd to Tripp, who was just casually observing the two girls. "Well, listen, I think we should tone down the spirit talk right now. I'm trying to have lunch and pretend like I live a normal life," Tripp mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Andi looked at Tripp, a disgusted look on her face, before she turned back to Gigi, her expression urging her to speak. Tripp rolled his eyes and decided to go through the possible options of what this particular entity might be. He supposed there wasn't much that they could do for now since they had no idea where this road even was. Picking at his nails, he listened to Andi and Gigi talk.

The waitress wobbled back over, setting the plates in front of Andi and Tripp, giving Gigi her water. She eyed Gigi, looking as if she wanted to force feed the girl. Instead, she turned on her heels and waddled back to the kitchen. "You really should eat," Andi said, biting her lower lip, just one of her many nervous habits. Andi was nervous about this job. Actually, she tended to get nervous before all their jobs. You never knew what you were going to encounter. She always wanted to protect her sister, but it was difficult when they were in danger like that. Things happened too quickly for them to be able to process it. Sometimes she would prefer it if Gigi didn't go with them. She was irreplaceable, though, and her powers made her very important.
Gigi shivered as the spirits continued to taunt her. Because she was the only one who noticed, they were drawn to her like she were a magnet. Her eyes continued to dart across the room, moving with the spirits that were surrounding them. She was the source of their pleasure.

When Tripp made that asshole comment, something in Gigi changed. Her eyes narrowed and became extremely intense. "What did you just say?" she snapped at him. She got up and punched him directly in the nose. She never acted out like this so it was sort of a shock.

The whole room looked at them, which was exactly what they didn't want to begin with. Gigi looked around and immediately withdrew. Her eyes went wide and she teared up before running out of the room and down the street as fast as she could.
Tripp sat frozen for a moment, not sure how to process what had just happened. Andi watched her sister run out and she jumped up, following her. She wasn't sure why Gigi had snapped like that. The warm air smothered Andi as she looked around for her sister.

"Gigi!" Andi called, finally catching sight of Gigi down the street. Andi sprinted after her sister, grabbing her shoulder to stop her. "Gigi, what was that?" she demanded softly, trying to keep her sister calm. Andi suddenly froze, her eyes glazing over for a moment. It looked like she was watching something no one else could see. After a few moments, Andi suddenly shook her head and blinked a few times. "Gigi, listen to me," she said grabbing her sister and looking into her eyes. "We need to focus. There's obviously something weird going on here and we need to figure it out. I don't know what's bothering you, but please talk to me about it. That's not you," Andi rambled, gesturing back to the diner where Tripp was walking out the door.

Tripp looked around for a minute before he saw the two girls. He strode down the street, stopping a few feet from them, arms crossed as he leaned against the brick building behind him. His shirt had a few drops of blood in it and he held a napkin, wiping his nose every few moments. He glowered at Gigi, but kept his mouth shut as he watched the two girls. "The woman in there told me where the people were disappearing," Tripp finally said, turning on his heels and walking back to the car. With a glance at her sister, Andi reluctantly followed, knowing that they needed to get this over with.

Andi bound after Tripp, easily catching up with him. "I had a vision. There's supposed to be another disappearance tonight," she mumbled, keeping her voice low. They slid into the SUV, waiting on Gigi.
Gigi got out of Andi's grip and sat down on the sidewalk, pulling her knees to her chest. She hugged her knees tightly, as if it were her only safety. She burried her face in her knees and shivered. "They're laughing. Telling me to hurt you. Telling me to hurt myself." They could hear that he was so scared that she was on the brink of tears.

The girl had been put back in school again. She was surrounded by kids that wished to see her harmed. It was so terrifying for her and now Tripp had officially become one of those bullies in her mind. "Why can't you be like Andi, they say. She's the normal one, they say. You're a freak that needs to be put down, they say." Andi was finally hearing what Gigi had been subjected through all these years.

They could never understand. Nobody would ever understand. She felt so alone that it was pushing her to almost suicidal measures at times. Without her mother, she was so lost and Andi couldn't help.
Andi couldn't push what her sister had told her from her mind. She couldn't comprehend what Gigi had gone through. Andi had odd psychic episodes, but she had never seen spirits that didn't want to be seen. Andi sat in the SUV and chewed on her lip as she stared out the window. Sighing, rested her head against the window and closed her eyes. A headache was blooming in her temples. They generally accompanied her premonitions. She sat cross-legged in the seat, picking her head up and looking at Tripp.

Tripp raised his eyebrows at Andi. "Will you go get her, please?" Andi asked, tying her wavy hair up in a ponytail. It was her ritual. Before she expected something that needed her focus to happen, she tied her hair up. Tripp glared at Andi, but grudgingly slid out of the car, walking over to Gigi. He held his hand out for her, wanting to avoid getting punched again. He led her to the SUV and opened the door for her. He crawled back into the SUV and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the spot where the disappearances were centered.

Tripp pulled the car off to the side of the road and killed the engine. They were parked in front of an old home. It was a grey color with paint peeling from the wall. There were bare spots on the roof where shingles had fallen off. It was an all around creepy place which meant it was exactly the place that they needed to be. Andi jumped, catching sight of a shadow in a window on the bottom floor. It was gone in a flash.

"There's something in there," Andi said suddenly, jumping out of the car. She grabbed her bag off the floor. It was filled with all types of weapons to deal with supernatural entities: bronze and iron daggers, a handgun with silver bullets, and a bit of holy water. Andi usually knew what she was walking into. Tripp, however, liked to run into situations without thinking. There wasn't much planning they could do at this point, though. Andi flung her bag over her shoulder and carefully walked to the house, Tripp following close behind. "Any weird things, Gigi?" she asked, looking back at her sister as she pressed her back against the front wall of the house.
Gigi was barely able to hold herself together at this point. The spirits, or phantoms in this case, were still teasing and taunting her. Her body shook even as she got up and followed her comrades into the SUV. She resumed her previous position in the back seat during the entirety of the drive to the old house, her knees tucked under her chin and her arms wrapped tightly around them. She didn't make another sound until they had stopped.

She looked out the window and her eyes went wide at what she was seeing. The visions were so much worse now. Her eyes darted over the decrepit landscape, looking at what seemed to be a graveyard. Bodies were strewn across the lawn, their parts severed and tossed about carelessly like some sort of abstract art. She covered her ears as she heard the screaming of people being slaughtered. She didn't like this place. She didn't like it at all.

Her eyes darted to the exact window Andi had seen the shadow in, eyes narrowing. Her face had become drained of all color at this point, making her seem like a ghost. She stepped out of the SUV, held her stomach, doubled over, and vomited violently. There was nothing at all in her stomach at this point, but she was still overwhelmed enough to go into the motions of regurgitation.

When her bout of illness finally subsided, she looked over at Andi. "It's covered in death. This place is evil." Her voice was so dark, so filled with trepidation and fear.

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