Running, always running and never stopping.....
N A M E:
B I R T H D A T E:
G E N D E R:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
A F F I N I T YAre you a keeper of a relic, an ordinary human, or an investigator of the paranormal whose sole purpose is to destroy the relics and defeat the Shinigami's plans of continued chaos.)
R E L I C T Y P EOnly if you are a Relic Keeper. The relic can have any power, as long as it effects OTHER mortals and cannot effect or buff you in any way. Typically it would be something that inflicts extreme pain and suffering mentally or physically. Be creative, that is always welcome.)
A P P E A R E N C E:
B I ODoesn't need to be super long.)
U L T I M A T E G O A LWhat is your character's true goal in this roleplay? Think beyond the affinity type.)
R E A P E R O U T L I N E(Relic Keepers ONLY)
N A M E:
A P P E A R E N C E:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
R E L E V A N C E T O G O H N ? This basically means, what title or position do you serve under Gohn? Are you important? A servant? A slave forced to work under a human? Are you maybe a higher calling in Gohn's court? Etc. Also be creative here too. It's the goal of your reaper.)
H U M A N B O N D L E V E LHow bonded are you with your human. Do you two get along? Etc.)
R E L I C B O N D L E V E LHow attached are you to your relic. You are the sworn protector of it and your human. Are you more possessive of your relic or your human? How were you assigned this relic? Why? Etc.)
P E R S O N A L B I OOPTIONAL. If you want, a bio of your Reaper that does not pertain to Gohn.)
N A M E:
B I R T H D A T E:
G E N D E R:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
A F F I N I T YAre you a keeper of a relic, an ordinary human, or an investigator of the paranormal whose sole purpose is to destroy the relics and defeat the Shinigami's plans of continued chaos.)
R E L I C T Y P EOnly if you are a Relic Keeper. The relic can have any power, as long as it effects OTHER mortals and cannot effect or buff you in any way. Typically it would be something that inflicts extreme pain and suffering mentally or physically. Be creative, that is always welcome.)
A P P E A R E N C E:
B I ODoesn't need to be super long.)
U L T I M A T E G O A LWhat is your character's true goal in this roleplay? Think beyond the affinity type.)
R E A P E R O U T L I N E(Relic Keepers ONLY)
N A M E:
A P P E A R E N C E:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
R E L E V A N C E T O G O H N ? This basically means, what title or position do you serve under Gohn? Are you important? A servant? A slave forced to work under a human? Are you maybe a higher calling in Gohn's court? Etc. Also be creative here too. It's the goal of your reaper.)
H U M A N B O N D L E V E LHow bonded are you with your human. Do you two get along? Etc.)
R E L I C B O N D L E V E LHow attached are you to your relic. You are the sworn protector of it and your human. Are you more possessive of your relic or your human? How were you assigned this relic? Why? Etc.)
P E R S O N A L B I OOPTIONAL. If you want, a bio of your Reaper that does not pertain to Gohn.)
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