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Fandom Death Note: Relics of Shangri-La


Running, always running and never stopping.....
There are legends of the Reapers that are told far and wide, their dark natures...their power....their unrivaled decrepit hatred for the weak and longing for the unknown. Were they Gods or Hellions? This was a question best left to the wind. Many have sought answers and all have failed. Those that grew close to discovering the secret of the Reapers and their ancestral kingdom have had their eyes burned out of their sockets and hearts ripped from their chests without mercy and a second thought. They cannot be found unless they wish to be, they cannot be undone unless they desire to destroy themselves from existence, which has crossed their twisted minds a couple times....sacrifice was certainly not unheard of with their kind. And pain was quite fun to them.

After Light Yagami was killed everything changed forever in the Shinigami realm. The mortal boy now deceased after his tirade with the Death Note had caused quite the ruckus in Gohn's presence. Ryuk, the boy's reaper was tortured and imprisoned for his incompetence and the rest of the Reapers were warned that such treason would never be acceptable and was a betrayal to the code of the Shinigami Reapers. Now Gohn had no choice in such matters but to forge more chaos and continue Light's imbalanced actions with more destruction and disarray. The natural order of life and cause and effect was tarnished forever because of one mere mortal's delusions. Gohn was not going to leave life on Earth the same after Yagami's insolence, he had to correct it with more pain and suffering. The world was used to this lifestyle now. Strange deaths of young souls in sudden fashions, public broadcasts of scared patrons and cowering families worried for their lives and if they'll be next. Oh yes it had to be fixed. The magic of the Death Note seemed to have not left the Earth, as many still died without a cause. After being used so heavily by Light it had left a deadly residue in the air, creating much more unplanned deaths and leaving many terrified.

Lately the Shinigami realm has found a sudden increase in mortal deaths due to the now out of whack life cycles of human beings. Souls of children were starting to come in dying without proper reason, fit young men and women sent to the realm confused as to how or why they died. The chi of the world was divided, and it had to be fixed....an order had to be returned. Gohn's only solution was to allow even more mortals access to additional Reaper magic. Killing had to continue...murder was the only way for things to go back to a steady pace. Deaths had to be planned and no longer random happenings that have been overworking the Reapers to the bone as of late. It was all thanks to the boy with the Death Note.

The Realm of the Shinigami, Present Day

"But I...I've locked it away. The note has been sealed off in a protected tomb underneath our realm's catacombs, yet many are still dropping like the carcasses of gorged flies. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE KAITO!"

Reapers looked pretty similar in appearance, but there was something about Gohn that made him more intimidating. His eyes spoke tales of woe and slaughter, his gaunt suggested many battles and struggles of when he was among the living long, long ago, and his skin was putrid with sweat and blood. So when he spoke, all surely listened.


Gohn had to vent to someone, his countless lonely days sitting atop his flesh covered throne suffocated him so. He hired a Reaper servant, Kaito, to help him oversee things; but ofcourse that still didn't suppress Gohn's rage at all.

"Sire, if I may, I assure you there are no additional Death Notes on the Earth. Many of your Reaper kin have scanned its perimeters numerous times, we found nothing and no trace of magic except for a faint chaotic energy in the air leftover from Light's use of the note no doubt. We aren't quite sure why the humans continue to die so quickly, the residue left over from the Death Note's demonic aura is not powerful enough to keep killing others at random."

Gohn slammed a fist into the arm of his fleshy throne as blood squirted out onto the cavernous floor below and a moan was heard by a talking severed head imbedded into the bottom end of the chair. The throne room was so dark and humid that nobody would really notice the strangely crafted chair of death Gohn had encompassed.

"Are you positive...Kaito...that others will find the relics I have sent down into the Earth? It took a great deal out of me to make so many to...fix...a mortal's mistakes. This new chaos I am creating had best consume whatever magic is left from my Death Note and fix the balance of things down there. Light had opened a door he should have never attempted to, and now we have to let even more lesser beings open it wider until this mess is fixed."


Kaito was a skinny, malnourished Reaper with a great brain for tactics and planning. His hair burned with fire and his charm was something special. He was one of the most intelligent Reapers Gohn had ever known, and this was why he was chosen to do Gohn's highest of bidding. Kaito bowed his head gracefully to Gohn acknowledging his demands and respectfully accepting the challenge of a solution.

"All will be well sire. We have chosen quite capable Reapers to protect the relics and ensure only the most worthy of humans find them to their needs. The only worry you will have is how long it will take to wait until the relics outlive their use."

Gohn snickered at Kaito's ambitious yearning to please him. There seemed to be truth in Kaito's voice, but it was not enough to rouse Gohn's troubles. Still, Kaito was not someone to go back on his word or let down his Lord. For now, the great Shinigami king Gohn would trust him. The snickering ceased and turned into a grin.

"Oh dearest Kaito....I leave this task in your hands with high hopes...do not disgrace me like so many others. Or you will surely have the same fate as Ryuk."

Kaito nods once more accepting his fate and leaving Gohn's presence with a calming exit as if nothing said phased him, but instead made him more confident in his servitude and adept at his purpose to serve his Lord.


The Realm of the Living, Tokyo, Japan, Present Day

Being a librarian was far more exciting than Kenshi initially thought. He had recently obtained his job at the local library as a temporary settling until he had graduated with a degree. His blue hair was riddled with daily fluff from working and added stress already drying out the gel he had put into it this morning. His leisurely suit and tie combo was beginning to form wrinkles as his black vest started to agitate him throughout the day the more he worked. He felt confined and littered with dust after just a few hours in the historical context section. Regardless of how hard the work was or wasn't, the library was slow today with very few people sticking around to read, with the traffic being mainly just quick checkouts for school and studying from the nearby college preps. It was unfortunate for business but fortunate however for this meant Kenshi may be able to go home early. He mainly worked independently because his boss was never around, he was usually on some business trip or simply didn't care enough to hang around books all day.

"Hmm, now where is it?" Kenshi was always curious about the philosophy of books, he loved what mystic words lie beyond every page of a fresh selection, but there was one book in particular he was looking for this day, a book on the theories of evolution and how it pertains to spiritual beliefs versus scientific facts. He had an essay due in just a few days and he was already far behind on his study work. He looked fervently for the specific title and had no luck. Just before giving up his search and going back to search the data banks, one book from several selections over fell quickly off the shelf in a thud.

"Huh? Did I do that? Oh my." Kenshi was a polite kind of person with a knack for being clumsy. But this time he was sure his clumsiness did not get the best of him. He surely felt the book did that on its own. He looked around and saw no one else nearby, it had to have fallen at its own will. The young librarian headed towards the fallen book and picked it up dusting it off. It had no title to it at all. It was just a blank and black hardcover book. "That's strange." He opened it to reveal its contents and a flash of red light shined across his eyes, this knocked him to his back. Helping himself up clearly confused and slightly blinded he was at a loss for words as to what just happened. he looked at the book as if it was cursed, but something compelled him to pick it up again. When he did, this time it had a title. "Demon Note? What's the meaning of th-" before he could continue speaking a looming figure appeared before him from thin air. Instantly Kenshi froze more scared than he has ever been before. It was a towering monster with wings. Covered in red and black skin and bearing sharp fangs, this would surely terrify any man in no time flat.


"Well don't just stand there...let us formally meet. I'm Shinji....I am pleased to meet you...Kenshi."

Chilled by the presence of the foul demon Kenshi was fighting his thoughts to correctly determine what words he should say next. His mind was in a battle of reality and imagination, trying desperately to find some logic for this occurrence but coming up with nothing. The smart, kind, and well educated Kenshi was for once...truly stumped.

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