Paragon (Mystery RP)

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Image goes up here. Please use humans with realistic hair/eye colour unless they have have modifications done.






Body Modifications: (If applicable)


Place of birth:

Current residence:


Brief History:

Anything Else?: 

Name: Kit Lysander

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5ft 6"

Weight: 95lbs

Body Modifications:Crimson hair and eyes.

Occupation:Works for Paragon (Actual job details are classified.)

Place of birth: Westacre. (Claims)

Current residence:Wolf Lake.

Personality:Kit is an overly cheery, friendly young man who is more often than not seen with his nose in a book when he's not working. (More will be added as I play him more.)

Brief History:Not a lot is known about Kit, he claims to be born in Westacre; yet no one there recalls him or his name. He works with Paragon, but isn't allowed to give any information on what he does. He always seems to be at Paragon, sometimes doing other jobs. He often gives tours.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-2-24.jpeg.3e5b6926a42e53d0d1f8733f15f1810d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-2-24.jpeg.3e5b6926a42e53d0d1f8733f15f1810d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Miku Hatsune

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 102 Pounds

Body Modifications: Crystal eyes and teal hair.

Occupation: Pop star

Place of birth: Falconvale

Current residence: Falconvale

Personality: Sweet and loving to her crowd, she is the polar opposite in person. She hates men and it's easy to get on her nerves. But on the inside she is sweet and honest.

Brief History: She grew up in the big city and was fairly well known from a young age. Her voice is a beautiful sound to hear and soon she was signing a record deal with a company. She lives close to the Paragon and often preforms there.

Anything Else?: She's a secret nerd and loves wearing large glasses and beanies.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-0-22.jpeg.73f213d3da1753668b636aecd86de79c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_19-0-22.jpeg.73f213d3da1753668b636aecd86de79c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I like this game of life. It's the only one I haven't beat yet."

| Name |

Her name is Elise Lierent.

| Age |

She just recently turned 19 years old.

| Gender |

She's obviously a female.

| Height |

She towers a steady 5'9".

| Weight |

She weighs 115 pounds.

| Body Modifications |

None; everything's completely natural, though some won't believe it.

| Occupation |

She's a very well-known game designer/ programmer.

She'd show her potential model at times, too.

| Place of birth |

She was born and raised (as a child) in Aranval.

| Current residence |

She currently resides in one of the costliest apartments in Rosecliff.

| Personality |

As most know, Elise is one carefree and light person. And that's pretty much true. She never chooses to follow anyone but herself, and even though that would get her into trouble most of the time, she still goes on as self-reliant like that. She never takes anything (especially insults from haters as much as her fans) too seriously, and just goes on with life as independently as she could and would.
Because of this personality of hers though, she rarely recognizes the benefits of having a friend or companion. Well, she still can put others before her, but when it comes to the personal bits of herself, it's off-limits to others -- every single one of them. To sum it up, she can be a talkative and silent one at the same time. And she can keep as much secrets as everyone in the whole world could. Not that she'd have any too interesting to hide.

| Brief History |

A free child was what she was, not too spoiled by her family which was one of the wealthiest around), but treated and cared for well. At a very young age, she discovered the fun and her interest in technology -- specifically, how they worked, and games.
Game; that word was enough to get her systems running. She was one of the greatest and youngest gamers who ever existed. Her own legacy continued on as she became older.

Nobody in the history of the herself had ever beat her in any kind of game possible, and her knack for technology and fixing things had companies and organizations from all around wanting and needing her. But of course, she declined every single one. It was just that she preferred working for her own (if that makes any sense), but even though she worked for nobody exactly, her name still roamed all over the place, and she became famous just like that.

| Anything Else? |

She has her own set of blogs and spaces in the internet. She reigns all kinds of fandoms there, too.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401879027.269857.jpg.1a2a4b12b2ef9560179aab9be28e9a21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401879027.269857.jpg.1a2a4b12b2ef9560179aab9be28e9a21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Annaliese Faircrest









Body Modifications:

None, and she wants to keep it that way.


A simple secretary to a simple boss in Valmont

Place of birth:

Born and raised in Valmont

Current residence:

She has never left Valmont since she was born


Annaliese has always kept to herself. She's shy, albeit a little too shy. But get to know her and you'll find her to be quite the hyperactive and friendly person she really is.

Brief History:

Being brought up, Annaliese was taught to never talk back, which hasn't worked out for her in the past 19 years of her life. Born into one of the richest families in Valmont, she's used to living the lavish life style she has now.

The top of her class, Annaliese was always being sought after by the best companies and corporates after she left college, yet she works in a simple office, much to their chagrin. She's been living happily ever since.

Anything Else?:

She has a pet dog named Xanthe.



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Appearance - Dirty blonde hair, honey-toned eyes, shorter height and average build. Dani typically wears very little make-up and prefers a more vintage style (typically jeans and a flannel shirt).

Name: Ariadne “Dani” Sage

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 130

Body Modifications: Nada

Occupation: Nursing student

Place of birth: Westacre – Dani lived in Westacre, on a family farm until her seventh birthday. Having lost his previous wife two years prior, Dani’s father met and married Crete Williams, a native of Falconvale, and uprooted his family to the city shortly after the wedding.

Current residence: Falconvale

Personality/History: Dani is as ordinary as they come, these days. She prides herself on her disdain for Modding and makes it a point to keep herself as untainted as possible by society’s projection of beauty through modifications. And with a stepmother like Crete, it’s little wonder why. Crete spent a fortune in Mods, resulting in more plastic than woman, but none of these changes could alter her abject lack of a personality. Growing up in the same home as the woman was difficult enough, but when Dani’s father passed away, leaving Dani alone with Crete the only option was escape and the only avenue was school. It was there, studying for nursing that Dani received her “golden ticket” to an adventure in Paragon, an opportunity she was assured was too good to pass up…

Name: Alder Tennet

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Body Modifications: A new left leg.

Occupation: Scientist

Place of birth: Silverley

Current residence: Silverley

Personality: Alder is a rather shy boy, finding it hard to speak to people and would much rather spend time on his own with his books, not too happy to be in a big crowd. He likes to read a lot better that running around and do things, he was raised in a very calm environment and is easily scared by loud noises. He tends to get nervous around females, having read that one needs to be careful not to offend them and thus, doesn't dare to say much at all.

Still, he is curious and sometimes gets himself into trouble for it, although it's never his intention.

Brief History: Alder was born without a left leg, he wasn't able to run around and play with the other children and turned to books instead of people. It was easier and he loved to visit the library, he could spend hours there, reading on his own before he jumped home. His parents were a little worried that he might grown up to be lonely all his life and used their money to buy him a new leg at a backstreet shop. Alder had never felt such pain before and the leg still pains him today, making him want to sit rather than walking. He's limping somewhat and his leg has large scars from the operation.

Anything Else?: He's got a pet mouse called Ivory that usually lives in his pocket.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/e7043960623eb6fb716330d541a38341.jpg.5426777d9ccbde6dafe88acfb53ff067.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/e7043960623eb6fb716330d541a38341.jpg.5426777d9ccbde6dafe88acfb53ff067.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Nathan Caffrey, PhD

Age: 20

Gender: Isn't it obvious.

Height: 6'0

Weight:71 kg

Body Modifications: None whatsoever.

Occupation: Ex-Insurance Inspector. Now a con-man

Place of birth:

Central Aranval

Current residence:

Nowhere permanent. Travels everywhere looking for clients.


A understanding but mean person, he looks for clients at every city/town nearby Paragon, helping them ruin the lives of the people who ruined his client's. Nate is a serious and calm person, he never panics because he plans everything out with his mind. He is mature and generous, stealing large amounts of money for their clients large to pay for their retirement 5-8 times.

Brief History:

Used to work for the PIC, the Paragon Insurance Company. The same company that didn't save his mother from dying, because they denied to pay for her situation. Now he's taking his revenge, taking down every corrupt man/woman for the sake of others.

Anything Else?:

Has a team working for him that lives at Southern Aranval. A con-man for the good. He's also the mastermind of the group.

The rich and powerful they take what they want, we steal it back for you"



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Trevor Hallows

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7

Weight: 136

Body Modifications: Nothing at all and proud of it.

Occupation: Computer programmer

Place of birth: Belmead

Current residence: Falconvale

Personality: Trevor tends to keep to himself and not initiate conversations, but when he is talked to he is very lighthearted and jokes around a lot. He rarely takes things seriously and prefers to just have fun, joking whenever things start to get tense. At times, he can get serious when he trying to figure something out or beat something. He has very few people he is close to due to his unwillingness to start most conversations, and therefore has learned to rely on himself more than anything. He also tends to be very truthful on most subjects, sometimes being overly blunt. However, he is also very competitive, and will accept any challenge issued on him for a game. Trevor is also seen as quiet by his friends, but that is because he is usually so lost in thought he misses his chance to talk and just waits. Another thing about him is that his friends say that he seems kind of 'psychotic', not really having any emotion towards others deaths and having no qualms about using another in order to stay safe.

Brief History: Trevor grew up in a very Lax, sheltered home, with his parents trying there best to not expose him to anything bad. Because of this, he developed a very serious form of anxiety, bursting into tears at even the slightest hint of something bad happening. Despite this, he lived a rather normal, peaceful life until the age of 13, where he began to be bullied by a group of girls. His friends abandoning him, Trevor had no idea what to do, so he stopped talking to other people. Having so much free time,he began to do nothing but play video games and practice computer programming, as he always had a deep interest in computers.

At the age of 15, he began to better control his anxiety, making a few friends in his programming class. He was the best in the school, creating multiple games and two AI's with semi-working human emotions. Living in a small town and the fact that he preferred to stay unnoticed, he managed to avoid the public eye looking for his talent. Upon graduating high school, he went to college for computer programming, hoping to get a job in the field and further eliminate his anxiety. Upon arriving he realized he didn't need the schooling, so he dropped out and started working. Since then he has made 2 hit games, further developed his AI and got a job at a big computer company programming. Now he is a much bigger name than he was before, with many companies wanting him to create an AI for them.

Anything Else?: He always carries around his Tablet and I phone, both of which he has modified with a variety of features, including creating two virtual AI with human characteristics, making his devices waterproof, and equipping a solar charger and extended battery to them.


The two AI he made.

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Name: Fauna Flora (Not original name; she changed it when she moved to Rosecliff)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 123

Body Modifications: Hair, eyes, ears, antlers.

Occupation: Currently employed at an exotic pet store

Place of birth: Blackmeadow

Current residence: Rosecliff

Personality: Usually fairly quiet and shy; Fauna has a deep love for all animals and very specifically deer and other ungulates which were the greatest influence on her body modifications. Very intelligent she enjoys talking about her passion, but won't unless someone inquires first. Its not uncommon to find her leafing through books; she is a dreamer at heart and often gets lost in her mind.

Ever since her modifications she has noted a minor change in her personality; she now finds herself as a more anxious person, wary of strangers and with a heightened flight response. She notes with humor how she now behaves much like the animals that she so loves, she wonders if its a side effect of the heavy modifying, but at the same time tries to ignore it.

Brief History: Born in Blackmeadow; Fauna lived there with her parents until the city burned down. Her parents worked in the city and while their suburban home wasn't included in the casualties the buildings that her parent's worked it were. She had been a student a student at the time; working towards her Master's degree in animal conservation focusing on ungulates. After her parents' deaths she strayed from her studies and did not finish.

Shortly after their death she found an extremely large amount of money hidden in her parents' belongings with her name on it; she assumed it had been intended for her to use to move to a larger city where her studies could be put to use and she could live a more successful life. She had also mentioned in passing to her parents her perfect plan for body modifications when she was wealthy enough to afford them and her parents who also sported a few of their own never objectified.

With money in tow she moved to Rosecliff, had her modifications done and with almost no money left used her new animalistic status symbols to nail a good job at a pet store that specialized in offering very exotic pets.

Her dream is to work for Paragon in the Petting Zoo; she had hoped that her furry parts would benefit her there as they had here.

Anything Else?: Uhhhhh I dont think so!

Name: Lucian Nereald

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 132

Body Modifications:

Attempted to get his hair color changed at a..Ahem. Backyard Modification shop, Sadly his failed and left only the bottom strip of his hair a garish green color that is seemingly permanent.

Nothing beyond that.

Occupation: Currently in education.

Place of birth: Aranval.

Current residence: Aranval.

Personality: Logical. Does everything based off of the consequences and effect of what he does. If it makes sense logically to make a friend or be outgoing and friendly He will, if it's logical to let someone die or to jump off a cliff, he will, regardless of his personal feelings.

Not to say he doesn't have emotions. Just that his emotions are governed by logical outcomes.

This leads to him being good in keeping himself alive. And when it's logical to be friendly to be seen as a very friendly person who's simply cheerful and selfless. And then if it's logical he will push you off a cliff. Not because he's evil. Or any of that sort. But simply because it's logical.

Brief History: Growing up in a rather wealthy family. Son of the head of a large unnamed corporation, he was raised a bit..Spoiled from the ages of 1-7.

And Then. As he was getting old enough and starting to learn for himself. The head of this corporation decided he didn't have time to care for a child and sent him to boarding school. Where he learned general studies until he was 17. And then, with a steady supply of income from his father and a rather large logical capacity. He decided to attend a rather luxurious college. Where he's been studying and living for the last 3 years to become..Well, he's still not sure.

As his logic fails him on what the best job to get would be, a flaw in his Logical conclusions, might I add, is he cannot logically make decisions that are solely for himself.

Anything Else?:
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-29_18-25-24.png.bd7d62bf8ffc59ff0b712cad90ff5593.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-29_18-25-24.png.bd7d62bf8ffc59ff0b712cad90ff5593.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Picture: )

Name: Halcylon Bridges (Hal for short)

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Body Modifications: Elf ears, various tattoos that shine like crystals, silver/blue hair and eyes

Occupation: Unemployed

Place of birth: Whitecrest

Current residence: Whitecrest still


Hal is spoilt to put it gently. She's never wanted for anything, and doesn't expect to. She got her first mod when she was just 15. Even with her sense of entitlement she's still felt lacking. She's by no means independent, it was always assumed she would marry rich so she never pursued a career or education to a higher level, now she feels trapped by her own inadequacies, which makes her frustrated and angry, most of the time she is on the offence. Although she feels she has created the perfect aura of I-don't-care to throw people off, and make them believe she is nothing but happy with her life, a lie she has had to tell again and again to keep her family and future husband happy.

Brief History:

All her life Hal has never had to lift a finger for herself. Living off of her father's money with a dozen maids working around her, her life is all luxury and past time. Her mother is overly doting and couldn't be happier that Hal is already engaged to a rich young man. Although Hal knows her mother means well, she's not so sure she wants to follow in her footsteps, that is moving from her father's house into her fiancé’s house and never being independent.

Eric proposed to her when she turned 19 a few weeks ago. He's 26 himself, and allthough Hal is fond of him, she's not so sure she's ready for the commitment. But for so many reasons she feels she has to marry him.

Anything Else?:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-29_18-25-0.png.49674d2e2db9dda5ae3a18316ce3ac55.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-29_18-25-0.png.49674d2e2db9dda5ae3a18316ce3ac55.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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