Paradoxial questions


Junior Member
two small conflicts that I thought of.

1: What would happen is someone was looking at a Sidereal as s/he dons or shucks a Resplendent Destiny? Idea being like he used it to get close to someone and shucks it just before a kill to avoid paradox or something.

2: Earth aspects can use their anima to add Essence to all Stamina rolls while standing on earth. Would they be allowed to do this if falling to the earth, adding soak against the ground?
1. There's a minor glitch in the Loom and then no one remembers the guy the Sidereal was. Kinda like an Agent from The Matrix possessing someone.

2. Dunno. It's a knotty one.

Captain Hesperus
1. I'm pretty sure there is a rule that says you gain paradox if you switch in front of someone, but I'm away from my books.

2. I'd probably say as as an ST, it really is a personal call IMO.
1: What would happen is someone was looking at a Sidereal as s/he dons or shucks a Resplendent Destiny? Idea being like he used it to get close to someone and shucks it just before a kill to avoid paradox or something.
Resplendent destinies aren't the same thing as disguises. You're not taking off a mask, you're taking off an impression. The impression can aid in disguise, but it doesn't replace it. Someone assaulted by "Fred the gardener who totally worked here for years, I swear" is likely enough to disbelieve it's actually Fred when Fred whips out two wind-fire wheels and starts going to town. Whether he gives the impression of being Fred while he's doing lends weight one way or the other, but does not dictate others' perceptions.

2: Earth aspects can use their anima to add Essence to all Stamina rolls while standing on earth. Would they be allowed to do this if falling to the earth, adding soak against the ground?
That sounds like technicality-fishing for moar biggar numbers.
With regards to the Earth anima question, I would permit it for a PC, and not for an NPC. If a player is clever enough to invoke his anima to avoid damage from his own element, I won't penalise him for doing so (especially with a stunt). OTOH an NPC would be subject to my "DBs do not get the benefit of the doubt" rule.
So the earth anima one is ST choice until errata comes out (if it comes out).

And the Sidereal issue, the Destiny takes on some paradox anyway, and anyone looking no longer realizes their looking at the same person who could very well have been trying to kill them a second ago, or whatever the Sidereal is doing.
I don't think you can "instadisguise" like that to bail. Things you have done remain done, so beating someone to a pulp and switching destinies would instead associate the deed to the new destiny instead of making people go "whuh, wasn't he here like a moment ago?"
Ok, bump and ask something else....

One: for the above question, what about if the Sid shucks a destiny while the observer already has figured out he's a sidereal. Kinda in an "Oh, you got me" sort of thing.

Also, an example for the question as I first put it, what if he shucks the destiny before a kill. Using Plague of Hats example, someone stuttering "But Fred, why?", followed by "I'm not Fred the Gardener"

Lastly... Would you still need to gain Paradox when your anima flares if your destiny is supposed to be that of a Sidereal (to avoid Arcane Fate or whatever)?

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