

Rule the World... with this Rock I will
What's Paradise without a little Gunners:



Paradise. The earth-sized planet roughly 100 light years from the birthplace of humanity truly deserves its name. With luscious forests, sandy beaches with crystal clear water, and typical tropical temperatures (people have been known to spontaneously faint from the sheer beauty of the planet) it only stands to reason humanity has made it the #1 tourist destination in the universe.

It’s not a cheap holiday though. Celebrities use it freely as their “summer” vacation and sports stars travel there yearly for surfing contents, while the military often pay the costs for its ‘heroes’ as a reward for service. Regular people, however, often save their entire lives for just 1 week in Paradise.

The experience is worth every cent. The only city on Paradise, and its Spaceport, is very much like a cross between Las Vegas and Ibiza with casinos and clubs filled to the brim 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – while away from the city, 5 star hotels litter the many coasts for those that just want to relax.

And You? You just happen to be one of the lucky people currently on-route to Paradise from life on Earth – whether you’re a soldier on down-time, a celebrity ready to party, or just an ordinary person living a long-held dream, one thing is for sure; you’re in for the trip of a lifetime.


Paradise is a Sci-Fi Survival/Horror Freeform RP and character creation will be relatively simple. The rules will be your usual Freeform RP type rules – and will be posted if the game goes ahead of course – and there won’t be much information you’ll need to know from the outset. The most important thing you need to know though:

Be prepared - Bad things are going to happen (Bet you didn’t see that coming huh? ‘But Grem, it’s Paradise, what could possibly happen!” Well, I’m evil, so HA). Due to the nature of the RP many details will be kept secret and only released during game play and often details about the world and other characters will be disseminated through private messages. You won’t know who you can trust – not me, not other characters or even yourself.

Each character is a tourist about to visit the planet for their own holiday. There are a maximum of 8 places (though I’m willing to start with just 4) on board the shuttle traveling to the planet and after the game starts no one will be able to join for a certain period of time. If there’s spaces available people can run a 2nd character if they’d like.

So now you know what you're in for and your blood is pumping from one of the greatest bands of all time (hopefully you listened to the song while reading this ;) ) – who wants to go to Paradise?
Ehh, i have mixed feeling's about this because It's an interesting idea, but you don't give us anyhting to really wet our palet or tease us with what's in store. All you tell us is that were on the planet paradise in avegas like city and that things are going to turn terribly wrong. Well, i could easilly write an RP and post that for my initial post. What is it we are going to be in danger of, why are we scared, where did they come from, why should i want to RP in this when i know so little about it? Those are all the question's running through my head as i read this. Overall, i think you need to do some more writing and give us a sample or something of what is to come. Such as what is going to be the most common threat we will be facing, and don't say death, or give us some background on what caused the event's to where we will start or something to let us know how it will play out for us. But great song choice. ^__^
Thanks for the feedback Emilly. I do understand your concern and I did consider how much and what I wanted to reveal when I made the teaser. The lack of information about the threat the characters will be facing was intentional (and not just laziness) - it's designed to be akin to concepts like the original Cube (where the villain is never really revealed. If people haven't seen it, go watch it - now - it's that good), the original Alien and the like - the reveal of the villain is just as essential to the storyline here as the character's development. There will be many threats the characters will be facing, and it will be up to the characters to figure out what is happening, why, and stop it. But mostly the journey is one big test of sanity and trust (which is far worse than just 'death') in yourself, your "teammates", and the people/things you'll be meeting along the way. What you won't be facing is hordes of zombies, sparkling vampires, or dysfunctional AI's wanting to wipe out humanity. What I will say, though, is that the cause of the "events" hasn't happened yet, and the players will be starting in the shuttle on route to Paradise, which I stated in the OP.

One thing I've learned from RPing is that not all great RPs need to have reams of information given to everyone from the beginning to be successful. I've had the pleasure of participating in a truly great RP that had a single sentence as its teaser - it went on for 2 years and was one of the few that I've seen played out to conclusion. I've also seen more potentially fantastic RPs than I can count (some mine as well) where a LOT of information and hardwork has been put in before it even started and the RP has fizzled out within a dozen posts. What it comes down to is what sort of challenge you want from your RPs. If you just want to relax, have fun and know what to expect every minute, this probably isn't an appropriate game, no (and I won't be offended if you don't. If you want a challenge, like thinking on your feet, and trust your GM to through any and everything at you, then I have some awesome stuff in store for you all. All I can assure you of, is that the basic 'plot' (because things never go as expected), NPCs, and threats (internal and external) you'll be facing have all been written already and will be revealed at the appropriate times in the story.

I hope that answers your concerns :)
Like I said, i'll join. I like the fact that we have no idea what we will be facing. In my opinion, the suprise is what makes it a great roleplay. Over the couse of my Roleplaying expirience, I have found that I usually enjoy a Roleplay that does not tell you what is coming. The anticipation and mistery is what I feel makes a Roleplay like this good. In my opinion, when playing horror type Roleplays like this, not knowing is better than knowing.
Thanks VR, I look forward to having you on board :) We'll need 3 more people to officially start - though I'd like maybe 4-5 more.

I'll post the CS requirements now for you if you want to get started on a character. It's fairly basic, at least for the stuff everyone else will see. I'd suggest thinking up a basic history for your character though. Once the game's started I'll be asking people to PM me a few facts about their past - for my own evil intentions :) . You don't have to be born/work on Earth, but I've not created much of the Universe outside of Paradise so you're free to pretty much create whatever you want (though I will say that at this point in human history we haven't made contact with any intelligent lifeforms expect for native animals on inhabited planets)

Character Sheet-




Appearance: (can be a pic or description)

Personality: (How the character thinks and acts)
I'm in! This sounds like a lot of fun and I'm very interested to know what's going to happen. I'll be thinking about my character and hoping that we get a few more people soon!
Welcome aboard Snarl :) (Ok, between your name and avatar all I can think off is Snarf from Thundercats -.-)

We now have 2 people, so if we can torment.... I mean, plead.... with a few more to join we can get started :)
I really like the idea of this RP, but I am not sure if I have time to play it. I do endorse it though.

If push comes to shove it could be an Intermission RP.
I think this is a great idea and would very much like to join. I am new (just joining yesterday) and hope that is allrite. I am fairly competent as far as writing goes, as long as you are Overly picky when it comes to spelling ^_^ . This sounds like something I could really enjoy so if you would have me on board that would be very cool "nod" "nod"
I would also like to express interest in this idea...The initial premise seems quite promising, and hey, it's good to get a little horror flowing in the bloodstream.
Hi, I'm new here and would love to join your roleplay, if there are any room for me. My only question is do I post my character here or... How do I officially sign up? I'll go look on the forums for an answer to my own question, but please tell me if you feel like a nice person today.
This seems like a fairly interesting idea. Back from hiatus and with summer quickly coming up, I think I will have time to roleplay. The story sounds fascinating and I think that not revealing who or what the characters are going to face is good. It gives room for imagination. :)
The Rock Master, Grem, author of this RPG has been away for nearly a month now. To my knowledge this is quite unlike him, and I'm guessing he'll be back soon. Just wanted to let you guys know so you're not completely in the dark.
This has been set to Archived because of Grem's disappearance, if Grem returns or someone would like to revive this pending game, you are free to post.

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