• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Paradise


Juicy and tender

There are four different playable races.

- Human is the first playable race. Others will be playable eventually and the GM will announce when they become playable.

No cheating in any way.

- This include godmodding, metagaming, etc. Just don't. It's bad writing and makes a roleplay boring.

Romance is allowed.

- If things become hot and steamy, fade to black.

Explore the world!

- A roleplay's world is only as vast as the players imagination. So make the world huge!

- (this is also how you unlock the different races hinthint)

You don't have to stay in a group.

- Feel free to separate yourself and start your own plotline.

You don't have to be alone.

- If you need help getting involved with people, just let the people know.

Don't bite other people.

- Be nice. Play fair. Have fun.

Seriously, don't bite other people.

- Really.

- Don't bite.

- That's just weird and you might have rabies.

Death is allowed.

- If you are attempting to kill a different player's character, ask permission.

When attempting to make an action on another player, make it consensual.

- When posting actions with or against other players, allow them to give their character individual input.

The Overview tab is similar to a diary.

- Any serious events will go there.

- This includes romances, injuries, plot events, death, blah. All those things.

OOC goes in OOC tab.

- If there is any reason to use OOC in IC, at least include some IC.

- Also make it noticeable that it is OOC. Brackets, parenthesis, whatever.

If there are any questions to ANYTHING, feel free to ask. The GM is happy to answer.

- The GM's real job includes customer service. He's pretty good at bs'ing answers.

Any and all RpNation members are welcome.

- All Rp's the GM makes welcomes people with all types and skills of roleplaying.

- Experienced Rpers, please be patient with the newer ones. Remember, you were there once.

- Simple, casual, detailed, it doesn't matter. All Rp's will be set as detailed, but all players, skilled or new, are welcome to join.

- The reason it will always be set to detailed is because it helps grabbing the attention of people who actually want to move an RP forward and indirectly weeds out some people who don't care.

Any size post is allowed

- As long as it continues either the player controlled part of the plot or GM controlled.

- Simply giving one lined posts of dialogue and calling it done will not suffice as it doesn't really do anything to move the RP. At least give a little detail or action.

The GM has work and a life.

- The GM will most likely be unable to be online from 4 AM to 12 PM PST, Tuesday-Saturday.

- The GM will look back at all missed messages. Please be patient.

Other people have lives too.

- Don't be rude. Again, please be patient.

The GM reserves the right to deny applications for any reason.

- The GM will attempt a discussion on any discrepancies and try to make a compromise.

- If the "discussion" becomes an argument and you are proven to be wrong, you will not be accepted.

- There will be a message required on the "Special Features" portion of the character sheet. All roleplay's messages vary. This RP's is: "-foreign-". Add this message in any way you wish, but do keep the "-" on the word.

- Failure to add the message will result in a referral to the rules. A second failure will result in denial.

The GM reserves the right to remove any current applications for any reason.

- The GM will give warnings before this happens. Three strike rule. Above the "Member's" portion of the Character Sign-up tab, the GM will have placed one of four status messages before the name: Green, no strikes; yellow, one strike; orange, two strikes; red, three strikes.

- If you receive a red status, you will be told to no longer post and all characters will be removed. (Previous messages will stay for plot reasons)

- Strikes will fade back to green, no matter the amount of strikes, after some time of no additional problems. Their will be a poll that decides the time ranging from one day to a week. Additional strikes add on to the remaining duration.

Have fun!

- Please?
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Alright, cool.

Anyways, I hope this doesn't devolve into some sort of edgy circlejerk about how humans are "'DA TRU MONSTERS" and are pieces of shit.
Well considering the humans were genocided against, I'd say the humans weren't evil here.

Anyways, I am interested
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well considering the humans were genocided against, I'd say the humans weren't evil here.
Anyways, I am interested
Trust me, you'll be surprised. I've seen some shit from furries, lemme tell 'ya...
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Really? Do tell me then. This sounds pretty funny.
Ok. If you want, I can share skype with you to expedite the telling process. Also, when I refer to furries, I mean the furries that ignore any good humans have done and ridiculously over-exaggerate the bad things (am furry myself, can confirm that community has misanthropes).

Alright; basically, transformation fetish story. Due to a nuclear war, most of humanity is wiped out, so bullshit scientists create a bullshit genocide disease that targets humans because "we're worthy of being destroyed" or some edgy shit like that. Basically, scientist discovers only cure is to turn into anthros. At one point, there is some really edgy bullshit about how the guy has no arguments to someone saying humans should be destroyed, and there's a ton of spiritual shit about how humans used to have magic and superstrength but our "un-natural technology" made us lose our connection to nature.

If you REALLY want cringy, i can tell you about War of the Fallen Race, from the Brony community (which I am also a member of).
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Well I would have been online a little sooner if the milk in my fridge hadn't turned out to be two weeks old. How that happened? I have no idea.

@Hazeron And as for the edgy circle-jerk thing, I personally don't like the cliche of good vs evil dilemma (nor using cheap philosophy in writing). I like George RR Martin's way of using "grey" characters. Basically nobody is truly a bad guy and nobody is really fighting for the wrong cause in their minds.

Edit: My grammar sucks holy...
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well considering the humans were genocided against, I'd say the humans weren't evil here.
Anyways, I am interested
I appreciate your interest and hope to see a character sheet soon!
IAmTheBurger said:
Well I would have been online a little sooner if the milk in my fridge hadn't turned out to be two weeks old. How that happened? I have no idea.
@Hazeron And as for the edgy circle-jerk thing, I personally don't like the cliche of good vs evil dilemma (nor using cheap philosophy in writing). I like George RR Martin's way of using "grey" characters. Basically nobody is truly a bad guy and nobody is really fighting for the wrong cause in their minds.

Edit: My grammar sucks holy...

Hazeron said:
Ok. If you want, I can share skype with you to expedite the telling process. Also, when I refer to furries, I mean the furries that ignore any good humans have done and ridiculously over-exaggerate the bad things (am furry myself, can confirm that community has misanthropes).
Alright; basically, transformation fetish story. Due to a nuclear war, most of humanity is wiped out, so bullshit scientists create a bullshit genocide disease that targets humans because "we're worthy of being destroyed" or some edgy shit like that. Basically, scientist discovers only cure is to turn into anthros. At one point, there is some really edgy bullshit about how the guy has no arguments to someone saying humans should be destroyed, and there's a ton of spiritual shit about how humans used to have magic and superstrength but our "un-natural technology" made us lose our connection to nature.

If you REALLY want cringy, i can tell you about War of the Fallen Race, from the Brony community (which I am also a member of).
SirDerpingtonIV said:
'Ere we go...

Alright, I haven't read it for a while, so my description might be a bit off.

Anyways, suddenly one day magical burst fucks with non-optic cable communications tech. Also, before this humanity destroyed all nuclear weaponry. Suddenly, ponies become sapient, magical creatures appear, and weird shit happens. The ponies (who are always portrayed as being in the right) START SLAUGHTERING HUMANS FOR NO FUCKING REASON. Scientist guy who is main character tries to find a way to fight them (because apparently automatic rifles, armored vehicles, and napalm is no match for fantasy creatures). He eventually makes this anti-magic ray, but when they assault this fuck-off huge tree, MOTHER FUCKING EARTH (who apparantly wants to cleanse humanity from Earth for being 'evil') spawns in Celestia and Luna from the show, who curbstomp the entire army (granted, they control the celestial bodies in their universe, but evidence shows that said celestial bodies are nowhere near the size or power of stars in real life) through their bullshit overpowered magic, before the MC shoots them with the magic ray (they survive, because the author goes with the headcanon that they're literal gods, which I fucking loathe). However, this causes Luna to eventually become Nightmare Moon in canon (BECAUSE HUMANS ONLY DESTROY AND ALWAYS FUCK STUFF UP, M'ARIGHT? *sarcasm*). MC and the remnants of the US military go into cryo stasis, while the ponies completely erase all traces of humanity (artwork, architecture, etc.) from Earth. Years later, the MC wakes up, and goes on this adventure to 'fill the hole in humanity's soul' (yes, that is why humans are 'evil'.) He succeeds, prevents the US military from curb stomping the ponies with their new anti-magic tech, and the ponies get off scot-fucking-free for genocide.

Also, the ponies are still portrayed in the right the entire time.
Hazeron said:
'Ere we go...
Alright, I haven't read it for a while, so my description might be a bit off.

Anyways, suddenly one day magical burst fucks with non-optic cable communications tech. Also, before this humanity destroyed all nuclear weaponry. Suddenly, ponies become sapient, magical creatures appear, and weird shit happens. The ponies (who are always portrayed as being in the right) START SLAUGHTERING HUMANS FOR NO FUCKING REASON. Scientist guy who is main character tries to find a way to fight them (because apparently automatic rifles, armored vehicles, and napalm is no match for fantasy creatures). He eventually makes this anti-magic ray, but when they assault this fuck-off huge tree, MOTHER FUCKING EARTH (who apparantly wants to cleanse humanity from Earth for being 'evil') spawns in Celestia and Luna from the show, who curbstomp the entire army (granted, they control the celestial bodies in their universe, but evidence shows that said celestial bodies are nowhere near the size or power of stars in real life) through their bullshit overpowered magic, before the MC shoots them with the magic ray (they survive, because the author goes with the headcanon that they're literal gods, which I fucking loathe). However, this causes Luna to eventually become Nightmare Moon in canon (BECAUSE HUMANS ONLY DESTROY AND ALWAYS FUCK STUFF UP, M'ARIGHT? *sarcasm*). MC and the remnants of the US military go into cryo stasis, while the ponies completely erase all traces of humanity (artwork, architecture, etc.) from Earth. Years later, the MC wakes up, and goes on this adventure to 'fill the hole in humanity's soul' (yes, that is why humans are 'evil'.) He succeeds, prevents the US military from curb stomping the ponies with their new anti-magic tech, and the ponies get off scot-fucking-free for genocide.

Also, the ponies are still portrayed in the right the entire time.
What the actual fuck. I bet whoever came up with that cancer of an idea was a neo-nazi or something. Literally the only reason that they could somehow find genocide excusable. I feel dumber from just reading that shit.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
What the actual fuck. I bet whoever came up with that cancer of an idea was a neo-nazi or something. Literally the only reason that they could somehow find genocide excusable. I feel dumber from just reading that shit.
I think she actually feels really embarrassed about it now.

(From the description) "I'm not proud of this fic by any means, it was my first, and by far my least favorite. Go ahead and hate it, I have to partially agree with you."

Still, there's plenty more where that came from. If you want, we can share Discord or skype names, and I can tell 'ya about Chatanoyance. Words alone cannot describe the Chatty one.
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No, I am good. That last one was more than enough. I do enjoy some evil humans every once in a while, but only if it is handled correctly.
Hm.... Should I bump the IC, so the main thread goes to the top again and leave a me a reserve post I can edit, or bump the interest post? People aren't exactly coming in quickly.
IAmTheBurger said:
Hm.... Should I bump the IC, so the main thread goes to the top again and leave a me a reserve post I can edit, or bump the interest post? People aren't exactly coming in quickly.

do it!

Don't let this RP be dreams!
I think I have figured out the problem to why people aren't coming in. The reason this RP is extremely slow in getting new people is because we are talking in the OOC tab of the main thread, which doesn't move either the main thread nor interest thread up on the forum. It just gets buried too quickly. That and people just see me bumping both threads and that doesn't give a good vibe.

Eh, I guess I figured putting up the main thread and interest post would give it twice the notice. I just failed to realize that would mean I would have two posts buried underneath the pile of other RPs.

So new tactic! Any further conversation should go in the interest post to naturally bump up the thread, unless it just absolutely has nothing to do with anything. From what I've noticed, the interest post only stays up for literally one day, then hides for a few more until I bump it again. It's getting more views than the majority of the other threads, it's just no one is saying anything in it. People might think it's dead or already started and not accepting or something I dunno. I didn't want to sound like I was just putting the thread up for my own personal attention by adding "Accepting" or "Needs members" in the title, because that's the opposite of what I wanted. Well, okay, I described that poorly, but hopefully you get the point. I would only make roleplays I think I would want to roleplay in for a long time.

An example of the kind of roleplay I hope to eventually have is something like another fantasy roleplay I was in on a different forum. Let's just say, there was enough characters and their character's children to make an entire "family tree" book out of. There was a trilogy on just that one roleplay alone (actual sequels, not reboots.) Each of the one of the threads in the trilogy reached 3000 pages of posts, similar to the size of the pages on this forum. I sunk almost a year and a half on that RP alone. It was great.

You two don't have to say anything in it if you don't want to or aren't that interested in roleplaying it. Just an idea. If this plot fails to grab people, I can always make a new plot and try again.

Detailed - Paradise
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