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Fantasy Paradise


Juicy and tender
Human: (You can delete parenthesis. Actually, please delete the parenthesis. That includes this one too)

Name: (Huh? I wonder what goes here?)

Sex: (yes)

Sexuality: (For those interested in romances)

Physical description: (Pictures and text are both acceptable.)

Personality: (Optional.)

Lineage: (Optional. Really just to keep track of whose the parent of who or child of who. Type N/A if it doesn't apply.)

Baggage: (What you brought with you on your emigration out of your home land. Type N/A if it doesn't apply.)

Background: (He did this, she did that, died, born, all that stuff here.)

Special Features: (Optional. Any unique traits like heirlooms or something? Weapons?)

There will be more character sheets for other races, but they must be discovered first.
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Current members and their Character Sheets:

IAmTheBurger: THE GM

Name: Samuel Etcher

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 35

Physical description:
https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=646714 His features are aged due to his lifestyle, hair grayed and blind right eye. His beard is scraggly and hair receding. Though despite this, he still is able bodied and perhaps even capable of passing younger people on a running track, as long as that track isn't too long.

Personality: A jolly old lad, still keeping on to his childish humor.

Lineage: N/A

Baggage: His falconry eagle, Ferra, the clothes on his back and his good ol' lantern.

Background: Sam's family has always had this fascination with unconventional hunting methods. In this case, this method was falconry. As a child, it's fair to say, Sam was quite used to having giant birds of prey going back and forth in his house, would it not? Well in Sam's case, no. He was never very confident around the large birds. He was never successful with hunting, catching only small mice, if anything at all. The birds always seemed to throw dangerous tantrums when returning, seeming to not want to give him the mice. It was as if they didn't respect him. His family simply assumed this is due to the fact that he was just a child, smaller and not someone to see as master. As he grew older, this pattern with the birds remained the same. Every hunting session gave him cuts, bruises, nearly causing infections. Sam gave up. He no longer cared for the birds as they hadn't seemed to care for him. That was until he met Tora, a wild Golden Eagle. This eagle would always perch itself on the roof of Sam's house. It was the only bird that ever interested Sam and was he glad of it. He would always spare a leg of meat, no matter the size, for it every night and of all the birds to live with, this wild eagle was the friendliest. It finally gave him something to look forward to every day. Adult life came, parents died due to age and sickness along with the rest of their birds, and Tora had found a mate, Kalo. A tremendous nest was placed on the top of what is now his own house, filled with new born birds. A few more years pass, these birds grow and Sam has his own army of birds that actually respect him. This respect was only truly tested when the rebellion came. Rain was pouring, yet smoke and perhaps even fire could be seen in the distance. Another bar brawl, Sam assumed. Oh how wrong he was. It only took an hour before marching could be heard. Thorok came quickly, breaking down his door and stomping in. Tora and Kalo with their offspring attacked the Thorok, cutting and slashing at their eyes and skin. Despite their efforts, the Thorok just continued walking in. Sam exited through the bird window as quickly as he could and climbed to the roof. Their was one remaining eagle: Ferra. With this eagle, he climbed back down, grabbed a lantern and fled for his life. Ferra wasn't exactly a pleasant travel companion as she flailed around when Sam ran. Her flailing had caused a wing to fly into his eye, scratching and scarring his eye to the point of blindness. Sam still remained strong, though, found the fleeing ships and join one as quickly as possible.

Special Features: Ferra, the two year old female Golden Eagle. Untrained in hunting and still feral. It only trusts Sam. Other people are -foreign- to her.

Hazeron: GREEN

Name: Steven E. Lee

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 24

Physical description:

Personality: Very inquisitive and intelligent. Generally a kind person; however, he is hard when it comes to defending the innocent and his own species. Does not tolerate stupidity.

Lineage: Born of the commoners Marsha Enwhein and Marshal Lee

Baggage: Officers uniform (shown in picture), flintlock handgun, 50 rounds, enough gunpowder to fire 50 rounds, bullet smithing kit, officer's saber (also in picture)

Background: Born to a common family, Lee was an energetic boy. He learned to read at a very young age, and his intelligence landed him as an apprentice to a local gunsmith. Several weeks before "graduating", however, he was drafted into the military to fight the rebelling Thorok. Several months into the fightning, he was promoted to an officer, due to his ability to inspire his men and his intelligence (and pretty much the entire officer corps of the army was destroyed). However, he was still untested in battle, and in his first battle his men took heavy casualties. He was only able to gain some experience in command before the government was over-run, forcing him to escape to Paradise.

Special Features: -foreign-

Noivian: GREEN

Name: Nova Smith

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Physical description: Nova is a small girl, standing about 5' and weighing only 100 lbs. She has rather tanned skin, blue eyes, and wavy light brown hair that goes down just past her shoulders. She wears a simple linen dress with a leather belt around her waist for her sword. She has knee high leather boots that protect her feet and legs, her dress stopping just below her knees.

Personality: Benevolent, but takes no crap. Tries to be fair and equal to everyone she meets.

Lineage: N/A

Baggage: Nova's sword is of her own design, and is best described as a flat, thin rapier, double edged and wicked sharp. Drawing one's skin lightly over either cutting edge would draw blood. The flat of the blade is engraved with archaic runes that may or may not actually do things. The hilt is rather plain, and the scabbard is a rather crudely and quickly fashioned leather sheath. There are places where the sword as rubbed the leather and is starting to tear the scabbard.

Background: Nova was born to a metalworker, her father, and a swordswoman, her mother. As an only child, Nova received much doting and praise, learning both her father's craft and her mother's techniques with the products. She spent much of her young life learning the basics of both, and thus doesn't have many friends, or easy ways to make friends. Eventually, she started experimenting with metals and sword designs, wanting something that was light and elegant like a rapier, but potent and deadly like a broadsword. She ended up making the sword she has now. In her teenage years, Nova became in the arcane arts and the practice of witchcraft, via a chance encounter with an orphan girl in a back alleyway one night. The girl taught Nova symbols and spells, and though initially believing they didn't do anything, Nova decided to engrave her sword with protective runes. She has yet to see if they work or not. Her mother was killed in battle with the Thorok and her father was trapped under burning rubble, forcing Nova to flee with only the clothes on her back and the sword on her hip.

Special Features: -foreign-

teddiekuma: GREEN

Name: For now, he's settled with being the unnamed chap in the crowd, going with Mister.

Nickname: He delights on calling himself Missy or Sterling.

Sex: Male.

Physical Age: Aged around eighteen or nineteen.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Orientation: Demiromatic

Physical description: This fellow, if you take the time to look past his drab fashion sense and slob-y attire, is actually quite the looker himself. His ashen skin, the result of not getting much time out in the sunlight, might be what unnerves and repulses most people, but his rather colorful features tend to shift away the attention from there to his face. Virile and strong shades of leaves for his droopy down-turned oculars, with an all-too-golden mop of messy blonde hair that reaches up to his neck makes it easy to disregard his sickly and lanky stature. Although his facial features are a bit too delicate to exude the same allure that a mature and grown veteran such as Steven E. Lee's does, he has his own charm of youth and vibrancy, looking like he's still enjoying the short-lived feeling of immortality during the golden ages of his lifetime. For his special features, he's got a birthmark around his left knee, and a beauty mark right under his right eye. Now, if only he fixed his sense of aesthetic and changed the style of his spectacles, maybe he could shine. (By the way, his glasses aren't there to place him under any stereotype. He actually needs them, as he is near-sighted and often reads during the nighttime.)

Personality: While he's generally amicable, he's very adamant about defending the Thorok's name, all the while slandering the humans. Aside from his constant siding with the Thoroks, he is often into conspiracies, always trying to find out the truth of everything, most especially the Thorok Rebellion.

Lineage: He was born to Kaitlyn Adelaide and Giuseppe, however, their deaths came early, so he was orphaned, eventually turning up under the care of Star and Alpha, a Thorok couple.

Baggage: Unlike the rest of the passengers who were well-prepared with their belongings, Mister had barely packed his stuff. Instead, he had done all of the preparations last minute, so he had simply stuffed whatever he could find unto his knapsack. Items include yarn, a sewing kit, his unmentionables, some books that he thought would keep him occupied, quills, numerous bottles of ink, and his trusty journal, an item he could never possibly forget.

Background: Most of the other passengers of the boat had bad blood with the Thoroks, but Mister could only remember fond memories of the species that had exiled them into the sea. Taken in from the orphanage by a Thorok family, he had enjoyed love and warmth under their care. Most of his life, he lived it around Thorok's, and living that far out from the cities made it so that little of the influence of the mainland really affected his life. Despite its small control in his life, however, he was very interested in it and often investigated and theorized as much as he could from back there. It was only a matter of time until he would be taken, though, and although it was a betrayal, in their letting go of him so easily, he doesn't think of it that way.

Special Features: He's quite -foreign- to the cruelties of the Thorok.

WonderFry: GREEN

WonderFry said:

Analise Wayland

Female | 19 | Heterosexual

Physical description


She reaches a height of 5'6 and weighs 125 lbs


Ana is a very caring girl, having been raised to care all her life. She easily takes charge in chaotic situations and works best under pressure, a good trait to have when practicing medicine. Analise is a responsible and reliable person. She has always been a person one can confide it, but has never had another shoulder to cry on.

Ana tends to shoulder all her responsibilities and problems on her own, including the secrets and predicaments of others. She rarely asks for help, which can sometimes lead to dire consequences.




Her father's books on medicinal herbs and procedures, a first aid kit, some extra clothes, and a few loafs of bread


Analise comes from a medical background. Her father was a surgeon and her mother, a nurse. She grew up exposed to different types of sicknesses and gruesome sights, training for her future succession of the clinic.

Her memories of the day of the Thorok rebellion were all just a messed up jumble of fire and screaming. Her home had gone up in flames, and she barely made it out in time with her younger brother before the roof caved in. Her parents had been at the clinic, but she is unsure of whether or not they had survived. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

Special Features

She wears a small locket around her neck at all times--the family heirloom.

Her mother claims it once belonged to a princess from a -foreign- country

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Hazeron said:
What is the tech level of this setting? Do we have flintlocks, or is it pure sword and steel?
I would say flintlocks are allowed, but are rare. On the the actual land of Paradise, the highest tech it would have is swords and bows (near primitive); however, human tech had reached flintlocks and muskets. If you wish to have a gun, it must be able to be easily carried around or traveled with as you start as a refugee.

So in other words, black-powder and guns, yes, but under the conditions stated above.

Another way to think about it is something like Pirates of the Caribbean tech. Pistols are used, but sword fighting is still prominent.
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Name: Steven E. Lee

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 24

Physical description:

Personality: Very inquisitive and intelligent. Generally a kind person; however, he is hard when it comes to defending the innocent and his own species. Does not tolerate stupidity.

Lineage: Born of the commoners Marsha Enwhein and Marshal Lee

Baggage: Officers uniform (shown in picture), flintlock handgun, 50 rounds, enough gunpowder to fire 50 rounds, bullet smithing kit, officer's saber (also in picture)

Background: Born to a common family, Lee was an energetic boy. He learned to read at a very young age, and his intelligence landed him as an apprentice to a local gunsmith. Several weeks before "graduating", however, he was drafted into the military to fight the rebelling Thorok. Several months into the fightning, he was promoted to an officer, due to his ability to inspire his men and his intelligence (and pretty much the entire officer corps of the army was destroyed). However, he was still untested in battle, and in his first battle his men took heavy casualties. He was only able to gain some experience in command before the government was over-run, forcing him to escape to Paradise.

Special Features: -foreign-
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Hazeron said:

Name: Steven E. Lee

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 24

Physical description:

Personality: Very inquisitive and intelligent. Generally a kind person; however, he is hard when it comes to defending the innocent and his own species. Does not tolerate stupidity.

Lineage: Born of the commoners Marsha Enwhein and Marshal Lee

Baggage: Officers uniform (shown in picture), flintlock handgun, 50 rounds, enough gunpowder to fire 50 rounds, bullet smithing kit, officer's saber (also in picture)

Background: Born to a common family, Lee was an energetic boy. He learned to read at a very young age, and his intelligence landed him as an apprentice to a local gunsmith. Several weeks before "graduating", however, he was drafted into the military to fight the rebelling Thorok. Several months into the fightning, he was promoted to an officer, due to his ability to inspire his men and his intelligence (and pretty much the entire officer corps of the army was destroyed). However, he was still untested in battle, and in his first battle his men took heavy casualties. He was only able to gain some experience in command before the government was over-run, forcing him to escape to Paradise.

Special Features: None
I was hoping someone would do a commander of sorts. Good... hehe.

This would otherwise be accepted, except it's missing something. Look at the rules in the OOC tab, near the bottom.
@Hazeron There we go! Accepted.

And it's just to make sure people at least know there are rules. (I'm not super strict, it's just a safety cushion kind of thing.)

Now just for a few more people to join.
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Name: Nova Smith

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Physical description: Nova is a small girl, standing about 5' and weighing only 100 lbs. She has rather tanned skin, blue eyes, and wavy light brown hair that goes down just past her shoulders. She wears a simple linen dress with a leather belt around her waist for her sword. She has knee high leather boots that protect her feet and legs, her dress stopping just below her knees.

Personality: Benevolent, but takes no crap. Tries to be fair and equal to everyone she meets.

Lineage: N/A

Baggage: Nova's sword is of her own design, and is best described as a flat, thin rapier, double edged and wicked sharp. Drawing one's skin lightly over either cutting edge would draw blood. The flat of the blade is engraved with archaic runes that may or may not actually do things. The hilt is rather plain, and the scabbard is a rather crudely and quickly fashioned leather sheath. There are places where the sword as rubbed the leather and is starting to tear the scabbard.

Background: Nova was born to a metalworker, her father, and a swordswoman, her mother. As an only child, Nova received much doting and praise, learning both her father's craft and her mother's techniques with the products. She spent much of her young life learning the basics of both, and thus doesn't have many friends, or easy ways to make friends. Eventually, she started experimenting with metals and sword designs, wanting something that was light and elegant like a rapier, but potent and deadly like a broadsword. She ended up making the sword she has now. In her teenage years, Nova became in the arcane arts and the practice of witchcraft, via a chance encounter with an orphan girl in a back alleyway one night. The girl taught Nova symbols and spells, and though initially believing they didn't do anything, Nova decided to engrave her sword with protective runes. She has yet to see if they work or not. Her mother was killed in battle with the Thorok and her father was trapped under burning rubble, forcing Nova to flee with only the clothes on her back and the sword on her hip.

Special Features: -foreign-

Name: For now, he's settled with being the unnamed chap in the crowd, going with Mister.

Nickname: He delights on calling himself Missy or Sterling.

Sex: Male.

Physical Age: Aged around eighteen or nineteen.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Orientation: Demiromatic

Physical description: This fellow, if you take the time to look past his drab fashion sense and slob-y attire, is actually quite the looker himself. His ashen skin, the result of not getting much time out in the sunlight, might be what unnerves and repulses most people, but his rather colorful features tend to shift away the attention from there to his face. Virile and strong shades of leaves for his droopy down-turned oculars, with an all-too-golden mop of messy blonde hair that reaches up to his neck makes it easy to disregard his sickly and lanky stature. Although his facial features are a bit too delicate to exude the same allure that a mature and grown veteran such as Steven E. Lee's does, he has his own charm of youth and vibrancy, looking like he's still enjoying the short-lived feeling of immortality during the golden ages of his lifetime. For his special features, he's got a birthmark around his left knee, and a beauty mark right under his right eye. Now, if only he fixed his sense of aesthetic and changed the style of his spectacles, maybe he could shine. (By the way, his glasses aren't there to place him under any stereotype. He actually needs them, as he is near-sighted and often reads during the nighttime.)

Personality: While he's generally amicable, he's very adamant about defending the Thorok's name, all the while slandering the humans. Aside from his constant siding with the Thoroks, he is often into conspiracies, always trying to find out the truth of everything, most especially the Thorok Rebellion.

Lineage: He was born to Kaitlyn Adelaide and Giuseppe, however, their deaths came early, so he was orphaned, eventually turning up under the care of Star and Alpha, a Thorok couple.

Baggage: Unlike the rest of the passengers who were well-prepared with their belongings, Mister had barely packed his stuff. Instead, he had done all of the preparations last minute, so he had simply stuffed whatever he could find unto his knapsack. Items include yarn, a sewing kit, his unmentionables, some books that he thought would keep him occupied, quills, numerous bottles of ink, and his trusty journal, an item he could never possibly forget.

Background: Most of the other passengers of the boat had bad blood with the Thoroks, but Mister could only remember fond memories of the species that had exiled them into the sea. Taken in from the orphanage by a Thorok family, he had enjoyed love and warmth under their care. Most of his life, he lived it around Thorok's, and living that far out from the cities made it so that little of the influence of the mainland really affected his life. Despite its small control in his life, however, he was very interested in it and often investigated and theorized as much as he could from back there. It was only a matter of time until he would be taken, though, and although it was a betrayal, in their letting go of him so easily, he doesn't think of it that way.

Special Features: He's quite -foreign- to the cruelties of the Thorok.
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Just got off work, so time to see what's happenin' here.

@Noivian I thought your name said noivern at first.

And as for your character sheet: it's good; however, be careful with the magic part of it. Magic in this RP is nothing but a myth as for right now. I don't have a real system for it yet. You can keep the witch and witchy things in the background of your character (as witches have historically happened), but have it be nothing more than a placebo to help her for now. Do note that witchcraft has also been seen as evil. If this is ok with you, you're accepted.

@teddiekuma Interesting little twist there for the backstory. Don't be surprised if I invoke that aspect for a little... drama. I see it's a work in progress so if you run into any questions about your character fitting with the world, let me know. I won't really judge it until you're happy with it first.

@SirDerpingtonIV If you are still interested in this RP, we are getting a heck of a lot more interest than before.
i was wondering why no one was using the thorok friend relations card yet, so i decided to go ahead and use it myself. but, anyway, i really just imagine him being the one to record and speculate about everything on Paradise. When they get there. IF they get there. I'm hoping to have him be the one to write down their discoveries and map out the region. as much as possible. unless, the world of paradise shifts around or something???
It's good to see a variety of skills and backgrounds. So far we have a commander, not very tested in actual warfare; a swordswoman who delves into witchcraft, an art considered evil (condition still pending, though); what seems to be a journalist or writer who sees things a little differently than others; and whatever other characters are going to be accepted. Speaking of which, I have one to make myself.

A good trait and bad trait for each character is really all I need as no one is good at everything. And trust me... I will make sure every character gets their chance to shine. Or fall. Which ever comes first.
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IAmTheBurger said:
@Noivian I thought your name said noivern at first.
And as for your character sheet: it's good; however, be careful with the magic part of it. Magic in this RP is nothing but a myth as for right now. I don't have a real system for it yet. You can keep the witch and witchy things in the background of your character (as witches have historically happened), but have it be nothing more than a placebo to help her for now. Do note that witchcraft has also been seen as evil. If this is ok with you, you're accepted.
Well, my name, when pronounced correctly, sounds like some odd way of saying Noivern... so you're on the right track there!

As for the magic on the blade, here's what I intended:

- The runes don't actually do anything as of right now. It was mostly intended as placebo and as a thing to make the sword look pretty.

- The runes were self-made by the witch girl, so they look more like decorative engravings than witchcraft.

- Nova isn't technically a witch, so the witchy stuff was never intended to play a major part.
Noivian said:
Well, my name, when pronounced correctly, sounds like some odd way of saying Noivern... so you're on the right track there!
As for the magic on the blade, here's what I intended:

- The runes don't actually do anything as of right now. It was mostly intended as placebo and as a thing to make the sword look pretty.

- The runes were self-made by the witch girl, so they look more like decorative engravings than witchcraft.

- Nova isn't technically a witch, so the witchy stuff was never intended to play a major part.
Ah. ok. In that case, it's accepted.
heyo, i'm done diddly doo. is there a limit to how many characters to be made?
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@teddiekuma Officially accepted, and as for the amount of characters, you can makes as many as you can efficiently control. Like don't make so much you lose track of them. I do have 3 or 4 other playable races that only become playable after you fully discover them. I would actually encourage multiple characters if that's what you want.

Analise Wayland

Female | 19 | Heterosexual

Physical description


She reaches a height of 5'6 and weighs 125 lbs


Ana is a very caring girl, having been raised to care all her life. She easily takes charge in chaotic situations and works best under pressure, a good trait to have when practicing medicine. Analise is a responsible and reliable person. She has always been a person one can confide it, but has never had another shoulder to cry on.

Ana tends to shoulder all her responsibilities and problems on her own, including the secrets and predicaments of others. She rarely asks for help, which can sometimes lead to dire consequences.




Her father's books on medicinal herbs and procedures, a first aid kit, some extra clothes, and a few loafs of bread


Analise comes from a medical background. Her father was a surgeon and her mother, a nurse. She grew up exposed to different types of sicknesses and gruesome sights, training for her future succession of the clinic.

Her memories of the day of the Thorok rebellion were all just a messed up jumble of fire and screaming. Her home had gone up in flames, and she barely made it out in time with her younger brother before the roof caved in. Her parents had been at the clinic, but she is unsure of whether or not they had survived. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

Special Features

She wears a small locket around her neck at all times--the family heirloom.

Her mother claims it once belonged to a princess from a -foreign- country


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